Xiling Empire

Chapter 1407: Calling?

While everyone was thinking about the goddess and the dark moon war, Bingtis suddenly mentioned something that seemed irrelevant to the current topic: "Now, what do you think of the silly big man?"

"Stupid big?" I was a little bit confused, and then I didn't pay much attention. "A straight guy, compared to the locals, maybe a bit of a genetic mutation, the person is a bit rough, but the spleen is quite appetizing for me. r />

"Is that so?" Bingtis's eyes turned slightly, and there was a flash of light in those blood-red eyes, "Suddenly he was a little curious about him."

I know Bingtis is not the kind of casual student ... not the kind of open-mouthed ... not the kind of random mess ... well, she is indeed an unscrupulous person, but now she should not say anything unscrupulous. Ti: "You don't think that big man can still get involved with conspiracies and tricks? Don't you feel something related to artifacts in him?"

"It's not an artifact, it's a detail," Bingtis reminded everyone. "You still remember the situation when he just put a white ball on a wooden stick when playing billiards? Did you think something was wrong?"

What should I be doing? I shrugged when I heard: "You have a lot of energy, let Lin try it, let alone billiards, she just poke a hole in the earth is a finger. Silly big kills a bear They only use one fist, let alone break a plastic ball. "

"Pure brute force can really do a lot of things," Bingtis smiled inexplicably. "But some details are not brute force. The billiard brought by Lin Xue is a set of earth goods. The cue is a thin wooden stick. If you only have strength, you can let this blunt thin wooden stick pierce a slippery and hard ball? And more importantly: the white ball is pierced It didn't travel much distance at all. It was instantly penetrated by a thin wooden stick, and no slight impact was wasted. "

I reacted. This is equivalent to letting you split a half-centimeter-thick wooden board by hand. I believe that many healthy adults can do it. At most, the hand hurts after the split. But what if I put a piece of tofu under this thin wooden board?

What if I want you to split the thin board, and the tofu underneath is not even cracked or deformed?

What if I ask you not to make even a little sound when you split the board, and even a burr is not allowed to remain on the split board?

I believe that after making so many requests, it is definitely not the plank that you want to hack but me, but we will not discuss this issue for the time being, we are discussing: if there is a person who can easily and even unknowingly do it That's it, at least how many years does he need to learn from those white-bearded grandpas under the cliff ...

In all fairness. It is not difficult for any of us to pierce a plastic ball with a small branch in the same situation. I guess from home to top, even the unassuming fox can pierce any ordinary substance in the world with a noodle: And the noodles can be cooked. But the point of the question is: silly big man can do it! In theory, a sack of goods that has not learned a little bit of control skills other than full strength!

"It can really do the same thing by ordinary human standards, but that requires years of training and accurate grasp of strength. The power of a silly man is more than 100 times that of ordinary people. The training he needs is even more amazing," Bing Tees slowly said, "And even if it does, there are two cases. One is blushing and the neck is rough and transported there for half the weather, and a stick can be successful in fifteen minutes, one is to do it right, to the strength The extreme control and outbreaks of the muscle have reached the point of muscle memory. The silly big man belongs to the latter. "

I thought about it. I felt a bit unclear: "He accidentally pierced the ball, then he must eat a lot of food when he usually eats, and this kind of person easily removes himself when he stretches ..."

Bettis glared at me: "You have to say a few words and no one treats you dumb." Then she analyzed slowly: "The big man should have been in contact with the thing for the first time, and used some skills involuntarily under tension. . This also proves that he does not know what kind of 'skill' he has, because any normal combatant will definitely not rise to a dragon when resisting the gas tank: a silly big man will belong to his shoulders When he threw the gas tank, he hit a dragon fist and made a move without intention, but the move itself was old-fashioned. "

Shallow pondered for a moment while thinking. Suddenly he leaped forward with interest: "Well, do you think this is the case? The stupid man is actually a legendary master with martial arts skills, and there was a wife who accompanied him on the rivers and lakes. The relationship between them is particularly deep. He The daughter-in-law is good at gossip, and the silly big man is good at piercing people with chopsticks. Then one day the enemy killed him and his wife died fighting. After the silly big man repelled the enemy, he cried with his wife and cried. Amnesia, he forgot his time and original name, only knowing that he came from the south, to go to the north to marry his bride. For years, he has traveled so turbulently around the world, only occasionally. Unknowingly revealing the previous peerless chopsticks. His daughter-in-law couldn't pass by in the spirit of heaven, and came into the world to give birth to a little black cat. The silly big man and the black cat saw each other forever, and then they depended on each other, then they went to a place called Songlin Village The silly big man saw a small river in front of the village, and subconsciously remembered the romantic experience of wandering with his wife at the riverside ... Pine forest in the village to a group of strangers, led by Chen Jun told -! Arjun you played eh "

Not only am I stupid, everyone besides is stupid. We looked at Shallow with the eyes of an epic little monster. Bingtis was the first to react. She shook her shallow hand and shook hard: "Admire death You, I have never seen a brain supplement in my life, but I have never seen so many details ... "

"Don't make trouble," I waved to interrupt the two of them. "In short, Bingtis, you mean, the stupid man is hidden-then he should have nothing to do with the Dark Moon War and the goddess?"

Bettis thought for a moment, and nodded vigorously: "Oh yes, let's continue to talk about the goddess."

Everyone: "... Cut."

But even though Bettis has so exposed this topic, the silly big man still leaves a question mark in everyone's mind. How can a reckless man who has wandered from childhood to age without knowing a few big characters get the kind of skills that a well-known teacher can't necessarily obtain for years of hard work? This is probably a difficult mystery-maybe there are two sentences in the pile of things that are shallow and open-minded?

It's just that this is not something everyone cares about at present, probably when we find the whereabouts of the artifact, and we will find a way to reveal this secret when we can stay in the world for a few more days. As for now, the stupid thing can only be set aside.

We put together the Bible and all the things we heard about during the day and studied for a long time. At half-time, Pandora and Huesca went to bed first (biological clock tuned by my sister), leaving us a few to continue the discussion. . Lin Xue summed up something that even Bingtis didn't notice-I'm not sure if she summed it up through the goddess scripture, or used her own ability to directly observe the truth, and then revealed what she could say It sounds reasonable anyway.

"The historical record before the first Darkmoon War is quite suspicious," said Miss, holding her hard-shell cover of the black-skinned barbecued Bible with her hands, her expression very serious. "First of all in this world, it seems that only the goddess scripture is the only authoritative 'historical document'. As long as the church does not recognize it, everything about history is considered a fallacy, or at least it is a crooked history. And in this Bible, about the first There were only a few words about the state of the world before the Dark Moon War: how the goddess created the world. What races were in the world at the time, how did these races live in peace in the first kingdom era, and that they finally fought This is the entire history before the first Darkmoon War. Don't you think there is a lot missing? "

"No details, right?" Bingtis was quick-headed, and she was probably faintly aware of this. "This mentioned the race names and their kingdoms during the Dark Moon War, but did not mention them at the time. Where are they located in the world, and the relationship between them is not mentioned: in this regard, they are all used in the general word "harmony". In addition, there is no mention of how many before the first dark moon war. Races live in this world. This point is omitted even more, only one sentence: many races live on the earth, and some races have died after the war-not even a rough figure. "

"Ron's argument is that war broke history," I fangs. "Of course this is what the church has always said."

Bingtis grinned: "Well, maybe this is not all deceiving. According to the scale of the first war, it is normal for historical periods to appear. But the" abbreviation "above is too obvious, and some of them can be clearly explained. I did n’t mention anything deliberately. It seems that the purpose is to tell the public: your history started from the first war, and everything before that is just a story to listen to, do n’t worry about it. ”

Well, Bingtis summed it up well: purpose. The things recorded in the goddess scriptures have really obvious purpose. Things after the first war are normal, but things before the first war are obviously artificially modified into "story". By shortening those things, it can enhance the truth. The sense of detail led the public not to pursue the history before the war. This method is actually quite easy to understand. If I set the historical background, character, local culture, and even the world map of the time when I told you a story, then you would really think this is a paragraph. Historical facts, and those who have obsessive-compulsive disorder will also investigate the life stories and national geography of each character in this story, but if I give you a brief history, "there was a mountain in the past, there is an old king on the mountain" To the extent that you must have listened to it as a fairy tale, I guess no one in this world really studied the national government and social contradictions of the Snow White era ...

The religious classics issued by the Goddess are doing something like this: compile the world history before the first war by writing fairy tales, and subtly dilute the existence of that history.

But we look at this religious classic from the perspective of an onlooker, so we can see at a glance the problem of the poor connection between the beginning and subsequent chapters, and it may not be obvious to ordinary people in this world. Of course, there is no rule that there are senior obsessive-compulsive disorder and religious reformers in this world. These two fearless creatures can definitely see the catty in the goddess scriptures, and the aliens are not all fools. But I guess these smart people have been heresy The judging panel is buried in various parts of the world, so it will not be discussed.

Qian Qian quickly lost interest in these twists and turns, she yawned on the table: "Just knowing these may not understand the origin of that goddess ..."

"The church may have hidden the truth of the first Darkmoon War, maybe to hide the true condition of the goddess," Bettis snapped his fingers. "Have you noticed: This so-called goddess is bound in action?"

Seeing our curious eyes, Bingtis continued to guide: "She can't completely kill Lord Darkmoon, can't completely destroy Darkmoon people. She can only temporarily close the Tiandi Bridge for hundreds of years, but cannot let the moon and the earth Completely separated. There are two possibilities, or she is intentional: to keep the dark moon people as a threat to maintain the faith of the people on the ground. But this possibility is not high because the controllability of a group of demon army is too It ’s bad. It ’s far from simple and straightforward to come from natural disasters. And for five consecutive dark moon wars, those demons will not be killed, but this will reduce the authority of the goddess. People who bully their bodies have always wanted to kill the enemy directly. Then there is only a second possibility: the 'goddess' cannot deal with the dark moon people at all. The so-called successes are just some kind of illusion. The bodies even suspect that Goddesses need to rely on the Dark Moon War to appear before the world ... "

I looked at Bettis with dreadful eyes.

The female hooligan smiled slightly: "I also just thought of the dead body: The first appearance of the so-called 'goddess' in the recorded history is the Dark Moon War. She only appeared five times in total, which is the end of each war. Combined with the fact that she can only temporarily stop Darkmoon's invasion but not completely repel it every time, and the actions of the goddess deliberately downplaying pre-war history in the classics ... maybe the first war was 'made' This goddess of acting. Then the artifact we are looking for must have been contacted by the locals for the first time in that war! "

She was talking around for a long time, and now she was so sleepy that she rubbed her eyes and looked at Bingtis: "Why do you all say that my brain is big? Your diameter is not small ..."

Sister Bing directly took this as a compliment and accepted it with a smile. Then put away the Bible. The heavy rain was still pouring down. She looked at the rain curtain outside through the straw pane and stretched her waist gently: "Okay, continue tomorrow. The fastest lice essence has found the imperial capital and is now in the major libraries over there If you turn the box over, you will have a clue in a day or two. You will go to bed first. If you are not ashamed, remember to insert the door. You are cold and clean. "

After saying this, the female hooligan stabbed and ran away. Leave me to face each other with Asakusa and Lin Xue ...

Of course I'm not ashamed to say "I'm not ashamed" as Bingtis said-in fact, even if it's embarrassing, I know we don't like it here. In short, there was nothing to say this night. I fell asleep until dawn the next day, and then ...

I was awakened by a loud noise from the outside.

It sounded like another outsider came to the village. Some villagers were calling on the street to invite the village chief and priests. We heard a full-bodied voice whispering outside the courtyard, it seemed to be saying "assemble" What.

I packed up and went to the courtyard, and saw the others woke up long ago. Lin Xue was squatting side by side with the black cat to wash his face. Fedice looked up at the sun in a daze, while Pandora and Veska were side by side on the courtyard Observe the movement outside. I greeted them one by one and found that Qian Qian was not at the scene: "What about Qian Qian?"

"Come here!" The sound of whispering lightly came from outside the courtyard when my voice fell. The first word "come" sounded ten meters away, waiting for the voice to fall The girl is already standing in front of me. The stupid figure came to the courtyard later, and he seemed a little upset: "There were a few horsemen on the outside who said they were looking for the village chief."

"It really made the old village chief guess," Qian Qian bouncing in front of me to attract attention, making me have to put all her eyes on her, "is a recruiter from the northern fortress, asking the village at least One-fifth of the strong men go to the fortress to report and prepare to go to war with An Yue. Ajun, let's watch the fun? "

"I know to watch the fun!" Lin Xue finished washing, grabbed the little black cat next to him and wiped his hands, came over and pointed at the shallow forehead, and then dragged my arm, "Take the wood, let's watch the fun ... ... "

Everyone: "..."

At this time, many villagers have gathered in the village's square ~ www.readwn.com ~ About half of the people have heard about the conscription and ran out to see it lively, and the remaining half did not know about the conscription but still ran Come out to see the lively, old village chief Koto and the priest Ron who seems to be planning to take revenge on society have arrived at the scene and are negotiating with recruiters.

Of course, I also saw the recruiters from the National Knights Regiment. Their team consisted of only three people. Now they have dismounted and stood on the ground. The three are basically dressed in the same way: a half-body armor that looks easy to move, and a shirt with sky blue background and golden red sword coat of arms on the outside. The armor exposed on the chest is bright and bright, obviously carefully maintained: this Explain that they are regular knights supported by the state. All three wore long swords around their waists, and secondary weapons such as shields hung on the warhorses beside them. Because these "recruiters" didn't wear helmets, I could see what they looked like: Standing in front of the old village chief was a thick, thick man with dark skin, but definitely whiter than Ron. To the left of this man is a thin, tall young man. I noticed that the tall ears had pointed ears, and his looks were handsome in the military. He looked like he was of elf blood, but he was born in the army Even if he is a handsome elf, he will not be regarded as a male enemy by him like Ilson. The third person was a little unexpected: it was a woman under 30 years old, with a red shawl and curly hair. Although her military career made her skin look rough, her appearance was not bad.

Overall, the image of this recruiter is a little different from what I expected ...

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