Xiling Empire

Chapter 1410: North fortress

I calmly approached Bettis, and then suddenly remembered that it seemed unnecessary to do so with a mental connection, so I opened the public channel in my head and talked to her: "? What?"

"It looks like it's an ancient book left over before the First Darkmoon War," Bingtis replied in a spiritual connection while pretending to watch the roadside scenery, "keep the body focused on the first batch of lice who arrived in the capital. Searching for churches and palaces, one of them accidentally found a library under the city. It seems that the church people have not completely destroyed the ancient books before the first war, and they do not know what the mentality is, anyway It ’s a big help for us. Literature. Wxba "

"Maybe it is to protect the intangible cultural heritage," I laughed on the sky, thankfully this action was not seen by the Iron Knight trio, otherwise this smirking and silent gesture would definitely be regarded as a neurosis, What clue? "

"It's being screened. The valuables should be the local people's sentiment, history, and cultural books before the first war. The rest about agronomy and physical geography can be put aside," Bingtis' blood-red The golden light in the eyes was slowly moving. Obviously she was keeping pace with those lice. I was curious to see what the world looked like from the perspective of a flying lice, but Bingtis himself would definitely not answer this question. "Oh, find some useful things, and let the lice essence copy those things and send them here. When we have time, let's put together a piece of research and research: the pre-war history is more wonderful than we imagined, and it didn't seem so harmonious at first. "

I snorted and looked at the sky: basically, one third of the sun had gone down, but the teleportation station mentioned by the Iron Knight trio had not seen it, and I was too lazy to let go of my energy to scan for surroundings. The space collapsed, and followed anyway. In the end, I still focused on the lice essence released by Bingtis: "What about the other two? Are there any secrets between the Earth and Moon Bridge and the North Fortress?"

"Well. The Earth-Moon Connection Bridge can be determined to be a large-scale portal, very clever, but not protoss technology. There are 10 interstellar exploration facilities left by the last season of civilization in this world, but its core is temporarily closed. The lice can't get in, we can go and see for ourselves, "Bingtis nodded." The North Fortress itself is not much worth noting. There is a military stronghold, but the North Fortress has been continuously established. More than a dozen new bases, it seems that the Gondor Empire is really out of the way, and their knights and generals are not encouraging. The most interesting thing is ... I saw the pope of the goddess in the North Fortress. "

Me: "... Pope?"

Bingtis showed a playful expression: "Well, I didn't expect this character to come to the front line in person. At first, Gushen guessed this human from a conspiracy point of view, so he felt that he should stay in a safe place in this situation and watch The world desperately resisted the war, and then waited for the goddess to consolidate his church rule, but he came directly to the north fortress, and now lives in the fortress as the front commander of the church army. If this is not a scene. Say ... maybe our speculations on the goddess are still ignored. "

I did not continue, but I thought of a more bizarre guess: there is another possibility, that is, the Dark Moon War is really a drama controlled by the church, so the Pope naturally knows that he will not be in danger. He led a church army to the fortress in the north and it would naturally make sense. Of course, this speculation is also based on the conspiracy theory of the church, and I guess Bingtis can think of this.

No wonder we put church conspiracy theory in our minds, mainly because there are too many doubts about the Dark Moon War and the Goddess. I now increasingly feel that Dark Moon and the Goddess have some kind of ambiguous "matching" in rhythm. In this case, no one can control himself to associate the people of the church with the scheme of conspiracy. That ’s how it comes. When you meet a pope who rules the world over human rights in the name of theocracy, you have to guard him like Anli ...

If only Liliana was brought, I have full confidence in that girl, she can break into the church within a few days ...

"Oh there, the teleportation station ahead!"

Joseph's loud voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up and found that there was indeed a stone building that looked like a sentry tower beside the official road in the distance. At this point, the sky was getting dark, but a huge ball of light was suspended above the "outpost", which made the surroundings of the outpost look like daylight like a little sun, and made the tower look as eye-catching as a lighthouse on land. .

The stupid man was silent all the way, he was a little depressed after leaving the village, and now he saw the tower with a bit of mystery, and he finally smiled: "Oh, I've seen that when I wandered outside before This kind of thing sent people far away at once! I know that the light ball above is used to disperse the beast! "

"Not only disperse the beasts," Joseph waved his hand to signal our speed, because his emotions seemed to rise as he saw the teleportation station. "It can also dispel the dark moon people. The light ball on the tower is made of church relics. Come out, there is the power of the goddess. This power controls the teleportation array on the base of the high tower, so that the dark moon people can't use the earth's teleportation station. Otherwise, isn't it bad that they use these small stations to directly attack the fortress? "

During the conversation, we soon reached the tower, and I found out that the stone building was quite large. It was piled with gray-white rocks, like a swollen arrow tower, about 20 meters high. There is a crown-like metal structure on the top, which I guess is the so-called "church relic", because it is releasing a soft halo, which provides energy for the light ball at the top of the tower. The base under the tower was carefully leveled, and there were a series of deep circular notches on the ground, which should be the teleportation array mentioned by Joseph: Originally these things were arranged outside the tower. However, I did n’t know anything about magic, so I looked at it fresh, but I observed those nicks for a while and then nodded like an expert: "Well, it's quite round."

At this time, a small door under the tower opened, and two Cavalier soldiers dressed in the same clothes as Joseph three came out from the inside. One of them beckoned to the visitor: "Go to the fortress Ah? The horses can't teleport. The control period is at noon. "

Anna heard that she took the silly big bag from her warhorse and gave it to her original owner. Pandora and Huesca also jumped off the ground smartly, and then the Iron Knight trio carried his arms and weapons to On himself, Joe inquired as he hung his dagger on his belt: "Why did you suddenly enter control? Didn't you say you have to wait a few days?"

"A group of monks were temporarily added to the front to increase the number of monks on the front line. These two days have been temporarily controlled. The transfer stations in various places are only allowed to pass now, and animals such as horses and horses are allowed to leave," the soldiers at the transfer station checked. Joseph handed the roster and passport-like things and nodded as he looked. "Oh, these are free mercenaries, do you vouch for it? Okay, there is no one in front."

Joseph retrieved a pass that had been marked in some way and patted his warhorse's neck to say goodbye to the old man. Before the soldiers at the station started the magic formation, he suddenly remembered something and said to the two soldiers: "Yes, the horse hasn't been fed for more than half a day. Please help add 30 copper eagle coins to each forage zero. , Brush those red horses, there are moon cards around the horse's neck. Just check the two brothers. "

The two transfer station soldiers waved their hands and took the horse out of the transfer array: "I know, I know, the price of forage No. 0 has risen recently. It just rose at 1:30 in the afternoon. Brushing the horse is still free."

Joseph just opened his mouth to say something. The ring-shaped array under our feet brightened quickly, and his half words disappeared into the light.

A second later the teleportation was completed, and the half of Joseph's involuntary words rang out in my ear: "... how did this just rise last month and this month rise again ... oh, we're here."

I came back from that moment of weightlessness. After a little positioning, I confirmed that this transmission distance is not too far. It seems that the distance between the north fortress and Songlin Village is forty or fifty miles. However, the surrounding scenery has changed a lot: we have completely left the forest area and are now on a gravel beach. In front of it is the majestic Longqiao Mountain Range with scarce vegetation. The boulder-shaped mountain body cuts the sky like a barrier. The North Fortress spreads in front of us along the mountain. It is a gray military fortress, not Built on flat ground, it is distributed vertically along the entire mountain. Almost all rock buildings are half-buried in the rock. It looks as if the mountain is carved out of the stone city fortress. Although it can't be compared with the imperial facilities that cover the sun, but as long as it is a feudal indigenous civilization that relies on manpower and wisdom to transform nature, it still makes me feel a bit sighed. In the direction facing the North Fortress, there is the Great Plain of Imapingchuan. You can't see much relief in the line of sight, and even the mountains and forests stop abruptly.

Judging only by the terrain, the North Fortress is in an easy-to-defend position-at least for the indigenous army of this world, but it is not known that this geographical convenience is to the legendary Dark Moon demons who can fly into the sky. It doesn't work.

The landing point we teleported is also a "transportation station" similar to the previous one: the main body is a stone tower. The tower is an "artificial little sun" used to disperse the dark moon people. The tower is covered with magic lines. Rock base, it looks like this kind of tower-like transfer station belongs to "standard facilities". Bingtis looked up at the tower and suddenly thought: "The energy operation of these transfer stations does not seem to be smooth. How long has it not been maintained?"

Joseph is teaching a stupid big man to take a deep breath to relieve teleportation dizziness. He heard the words and looked up at it: "It is indeed a spellcaster. You are also interested in the transfer station? It is said that this site has not been repaired for 25 years. Well, the transfer stations in all places are the relics left before the Third Darkmoon War, and the construction technology is also before that. After the three wars, no one knows how to build a new transfer station. After the fifth war, simply Even the core of the magic stone has become a rarity. It is said that the transport stations around the world can only be maintained by the core left before the five wars. It can be counted for one day, but not for use ... Running on the ground to fight the seventh war. "

I silently remembered another new situation: the technology of the people on the ground is gradually being phased out!

When I saw the teleport station just now, I was still curious. Why do people on the ground have this kind of overtime air force station, but they do n’t understand the nature of the sky bridge. The result is this: the portal does exist, but it ’s all three times. Old antiques left before the war, with the dark moon wars again and again. These technologies are gradually being lost, and the transmission towers that are still operating on the earth today are all running at an overage, such as this one in front of us-Bingtis can see at a glance that its energy circuit is in a state of worry, and the locals Even ordinary soldiers know this, but they just don't have new parts to repair the tower.

Neither Qian Qian nor Lin Xue expressed any opinions. This kind of thing is common to us. Long wars do not always bring technological progress. Many times it will destroy the foundation of a civilization, especially the dark moon. War is a periodic world war. No civilization can thrive for five times and still continue. Now people on the ground can still use weapons and armor as well as magic to confront the Darkmooners, and they can also use ancient facilities such as the teleportation station. In fact, it is already good: if we do n’t come, sooner or later they will use a stick to rush to the Darkmoon Demon. Men.

"The camps over there don't look like regular troops, do you?" Looking shallowly at the foot of the Long Bridge Mountains, in the night. You can see the lights on both sides of the north fortress. If you look closely, you can see that they are temporary camps. I remembered the information I had learned before, and I couldn't help but blurt out: "That's a free mercenary?"

"Not all free mercenaries," Joseph waved us to follow, explaining in front, "because only the National Knights and the Imperial Order are stationed in the fortress. In addition to this, the second corps is also armed by churches in various places They also set up camps outside the fortresses. Those planned regular camps are generally of these two types. Free mercenary camps are around these regular camps, because they are not under the control of anyone, and are almost a loose sand except they can issue free missions to them. ... So camp freely, as long as it does not affect the regular army operations. You can follow us to register inside the fortress and then find a camping place outside, do you have a superior mercenary regiment? Or you have a team name , I can register you according to the size of the team. By then you can receive more supplies. "

"We have ..." I leaked a few words casually, and then hesitantly looked at Bettis. "Still not?"

No way, the lice essence is controlled by Bingtis. This female hooligan is the one who knows the local situation best. With the pervasive ability of those lice, I suspect Bingtis is already half a local ...

"Okay," Bingtis waved to Joseph. "I know how to register a free mercenary. Just report a name to indicate that you have been here. The rest of the self-destruction does not need to bother you. How can we say that? Travel around the world and take care of yourself-just report as a team. "

Joseph nodded, and handed over a small oval metal sign: "Oh, then register as a team-type free mercenary, you camp out yourself, remember to put this sign in your own account, I know where you are, and I'll see you again tomorrow morning. Besides, your team has a name, right? I have to report it. "

Bingtis took the magic gps tracker and rolled her eyes for a while thinking. She saw the Pandora sisters who rounded the fireball who was playing round. She also rubbed out a big fireball by herself. It seemed to suddenly make up her mind. : "I and these two are rubbing fireballs. We collectively call the Doomsday Big Red Lotus Flame Judgment Spell Regiment. We believe that you can call me referee ..."


Joseph was dizzy listening to Bingtis popping out a bunch of strange nouns, but after all he noticed some details, so he reached out to me and Shallow and Lin Xue: "Then the three of them are talking to you? Not together? "

"It's together, but they betrayed my Doomsday Big Red Lotus Flame Judgment Spell Regiment, so they are responsible for the heresy being judged. You have to ridicule the old lady with a big fireball to lift your face."

Joseph Anna and Joe shrank their necks at the same time, and finally decided that Bettis was a middle-second girl, and then Joe dragged a silent silly big man: "Big man, follow us, you are the recruit recruited by the Cavaliers. Go to the fort to report. "

The stupid man followed a few steps subconsciously, only to notice that none of us followed, and he pointed at us unresponsively and asked the Iron Knight trio: "Why are these friends spending the night outside? "

Joseph explained patiently and stupidly again: "They are free mercenaries, camp directly outside, and find the mercenary resident in charge tomorrow to register."

Together with Qian Qian, I waved my hands to the stupid big man and let him leave at ease ~ www.readwn.com ~ Qian Qian also promised very seriously: "Stupid big man, please rest assured, tomorrow we will go to the fortress to find you."

The shoddy left in three steps.

Watching that group of four and a cat disappear into the huge fortress of the North Fortress, Bingtis breathed a long sigh of relief: "Okay, now we are alone, Chen Chen chooses a geomantic treasure. Let's camp. "

I looked around this huge gravel plain, looking for the tents of free mercenaries who were far away from the regular military camps in the large open space outside the fortress, and then I easily found a relatively large group of them.

According to Joseph's suggestion, although the location of free mercenaries is arbitrary, there are also requirements. That is, they cannot cross the regular military activity area (this is to prevent affecting the order). The place where the free mercenaries gather must meet the requirements.

It looks like I'm going to spend the night there tonight, but it's quite exciting: the girl seems to be interested in camping in the wild!

(I'm going to Guangzhou on the 13th ... you said that I should take a few days off or why ...)

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