Xiling Empire

Chapter 1527: Handover

Sheila looked at her ancestors with an interested look on her face, and I was curious: "What's wrong?"

"It feels like ... he's a bit strange, not quite right," Sheila was the first time to see the old ancestor of the Spirit, and I don't know how much she knew about the latter, but it looked like she looked like It ’s completely ignorant. "I just heard you raised your ancestors. I didn't expect to see them so soon ... They are? Why is the information entanglement on them seem so strange? It seems like there is a pause in some places, A part of the information was solidified, but it was not completely frozen. "

It really deserves to be one of the most profound two in the void, and at a glance, Sheila can see the strange "immortal state" on the spirit ancestors.

"We didn't figure it out," I shrugged. "The ancestors were in a strangely immortal state when they were discovered. Time seemed to disappear on them. The ancestors' bodies were maintained a long time ago. State. Thanks to this state, we can resurrect them. In fact, the condition you see now is different from the original. After the resurrection, the ancestors ’bodies have been reactivated, so the original immortal state has also loosened. , The sense of 'stagnation' at the beginning is more obvious than now. "

"Oh," Sheila frowned, and she seemed to have heard a lot of things related to her ancestors from Xingchen, and now she seemed very concerned, "Strange immortality, I have never heard of such things, Regardless of the secular material or the extraordinary things, even the immortal gods have not entered this immortal state like passive stasis. According to my observations, he is not so immortal but rather no longer responds to the change ". Time is a one-sided and abstract thing, and sometimes even loses its meaning. Only the 'change' it brings is the key, and this change seems to show signs of 'partial failure' in the spirit ancestors."

Well, it's the unclear theoretical science. Fortunately, this time the science is not long. Sheila didn't seem to be wasting her lips on this topic. She finally looked at her ancestors deeply. Then she suddenly realized that her gaze was so rude, so she quickly spit out her tongue: "Oh sorry, this will happen to me when I'm interested, no offense."

Anthers didn't care much about being looked at this way. Instead, he did not expect that King Huron would apologize so happily. The old man waved generously: "It's all right, we all know that we belong to a" special phenomenon. "We often cooperate with research often , They are almost alive. "

Gilapo gave me a reproachful look: "You are really rude to your ancestors."

I reluctantly rolled my eyes at the sky: Although there was nothing wrong with this accusation, it was strange that I was a "apostle" who was a half-way monk, and Anthus could not be regarded as my own ancestor. Does the void creature have the concept of "elder"?

"By the way, why are you interested in coming to the temple?" At this time I remembered my doubts at the beginning, so I looked curiously at the old ancestors: they had no religious pamphlets on their hands, and no strangeness was hanging on their necks. The strange opening of the cross and the rosary was obviously not brought by the gang of hawkers and scepters around the temple area. And they themselves are not usually used to turning around, after all, the deep diving project is being carried out intensively. They are also the most important deep-submersible crew members in the project. They usually have less rest time. Occasionally, they return to the Shadow City for vacations. They are based on collating information at the research institute side to study things.

"We're on vacation," said a middle-aged man behind Anthes. I remember he should be one of the spacecraft's internal equipment operators. "I heard that a new generation of spacecraft is being built recently, and the current deep-submersible ship is about to retire. .Technical personnel intend to check all the equipment on it before collecting the spacecraft, collect data and the like. Before the new spacecraft is put into use, we have two to three deep dive missions, and we will take a long vacation during each deep dive. Let ’s take the whole ship apart for inspection ... Oh, unfortunately I do n’t understand this deep thing. This time, the temple was proposed by Anna: she felt that the atmosphere around the temple could maintain the skin, and then pulled us all Come together. "

Anna is also one of the ancestors, and is also a young and energetic lady. She is very sensitive to her appearance and "stunning age problems", so I can understand her thoughts, but the Ding Dong halo really has little effect on beauty. I put my whole person on my face with a "snap" after a short period of time. Do you think I'm still so frustrated now?

I also knew it when I heard the explanation from the ancestors, knowing that this is that Tavel has already begun to prepare for the next stage of the large-scale deep dive plan, regardless of the technology provided by the Abyss Spirit and the resources that the Divine Realm can provide Before the final version of the deep submersible ship is finalized, it will definitely take a few transitional ship types, and it is also necessary to prepare for the new ship earlier. Except for the first deep dive ship with or without return, as long as each ship can return to the sea completely, it is a valuable experimental material, and of course the empire technicians who are passionate about science will not let go.

At this time, Sheila and Xingchen ran aside and mumbled and discussed. I know that this is the curiosity. King Huron is learning more about the ancestors of Hilling. This can't blame the other party for being too gossip. After all, such a special existence like the ancestors I have n’t even seen a void creature, not to mention that these ancestors have also experienced those weird things, and have created the current spirit **** system in one hand: Although they are mortals, the marks they leave in the void are absolutely No less than any god.

I took this opportunity to chat with Anthers. Basically, I learned about the living conditions of the old ancestors and the situation of the deep diving test. These things can be seen in various reports themselves, but I talked with the parties. I feel definitely not the same as reading a report. After all, I do n’t understand most reports ...

Ding-Dang bounced around my head in a boring way. Little things didn't like to listen to those complicated things. Her life was composed of selling cute and sweets, so Little Bounced on my head for a while and started to ask to fill herself. Life vacancies: "Ajun, Ding Dong wants to eat sugar ... you unbutton the button, Ding Dong is hungry ..."

In order to prevent this little guy from overeating, sometimes I would buckle my pocket, so the three enemies of Dingdang's life became buttons for exams, studies, and my jacket pockets ...

After Sheila and Xing Chen muttered, and Ding Dong also temporarily settled in his pocket, I found Xing Chen and asked the old ancestors what they are most concerned about at the moment: "What happened to the" hometown world "thing? That database should already be Have you been to the **** world for some time? "

Upon hearing this topic, several ancestors came forward immediately. Everyone had an ardent expression on his face.

"Much progress has been made. After processing it with various cracking and data repairing techniques, everything in that memory has been read out, and the clear coordinates of Hilling's 'Hometown World' have been raised."

The old ancestors suddenly showed a happy look, and looked at each other with joy, and I cautiously asked, "With the eyebrows, I haven't found the meaning clearly yet, what else?"

"The problem is not big. It is mainly a long time, even if there is a regular world drift, there will be deviations. In addition, the" Hometown World "of the Spirit people has suffered a major disaster. Its drift law may have changed, so It is not at the 'initial position' recorded in the original coordinates. But it doesn't matter, the world drift can be calculated, and the information leakage caused by the end of the world is also an error that can be corrected. The children have now calculated more than one hundred possibilities. For the drift of the Spirit, the 'Hometown World' of the Spirit people must be in one of the coordinates. However, these coordinates are quite remote, and most of them are in relatively dangerous and unknown areas. It will take some days to investigate even a dozen. "

Finally, in order to reassure the spirit ancestors, Xing Chen added: "In short, you do n’t have to worry about it. I will notify you as soon as there is news. Although the Protoss concept of time is not good, as long as the action has been started, it will definitely not be delayed. . "

Well, this big man also knows that the concept of time of the protoss is a problem.

"Speaking of using Empire's side to help?" I asked a little embarrassingly. Originally, it should be the Empire's own solution. But the protoss has been tossing up and down for so long, and now even sending people to investigate the facts are protoss reimbursement for travel expenses. The empire seems a bit too innocent to watch the whole process. "We have a high-speed void shuttle. No slower than you."

"Of course, it would be better if you have extra staff," Xing Chen smiled cheerfully. In this regard, he would not be polite to anyone, "but I do not recommend actions that are too risky. Those suspected coordinates are in extremely dangerous places, and some areas have been identified as highly polluted zones in the abyss, even like the abyss. It ’s sinister, so the high-speed shuttles are not good, and they need a large-scale escort, otherwise they may not be able to come back. If you really want to help, it is best to discuss with Sandora. "

The other party tried to make things as easy as possible, but I saw a trace of seriousness in his gentle eyes, even the appearance of the father and god, and the danger of "suspected coordinates" in his mouth can be imagined. I thought about it, and showed a cautious expression: "Well, then you can give us a copy of the situation in those areas where the coordinates are located, and I will discuss with Sandora how many people to send."

After speaking, I looked up and looked at the high star Gaia slightly exhaled: another big thing seems to be settled, find the homeland world, the wish of the Apostles of the Spirit is probably half done.

Xingchen and Sheila spent three days in the empire's capital, and then set off to return to the star domain. From there they had to go through a few very old jump points and set out on the long road to the realm of Huron. Sheila's statement is that there are too many things to be transported here, so there must be other void creatures to help carry it. Of course, we all know that this is an important part of her childbirth plan, but who would open it without opening your eyes? Anyway, I do n’t dare, after all, I ca n’t beat her ...

Other things related to bridge building have not been delayed in the past three days. The first is the Star Harbor reconstruction plan: Tavel has led her expert team and a large number of engineering teams to transform the deep-dive port. Currently, three rail bases have just been built. . It is the largest port in the Empire, and it is also a "newer" port. Due to the special nature of the Abyss Gate, it will not be stable after bearing a certain amount of information overflow, so the life of any deep-dive port is not long. Now, the port we have chosen as the first phase of the joint test base has only been in operation for a few months. Under the control of the new suppression tower system, this port should still be able to be used for the first half to a year, theoretically. Well, this last sentence was added by Tavel.

We have several similar ports like this. Even if one of the ports collapses, we can immediately transfer the deep-submersible ship to other ports to continue testing to prevent delays: the pace of the Void Catastrophe is pressing. There is not much time left for us.

Harlan and I arrived at the empire border a few days later: the people and supplies promised by Abyss Spirit were coming.

Sandora was still presiding in Shadow City, and Harlan was dragged in to attend the handover event because of her "former fallen apostle emperor". The expression of the latter has been embarrassing from early to the present, standing with me in the Starport Hall His face was still like a playing card.

"Relax, even if you meet an acquaintance, it won't be so embarrassing," I stunned the uncle next to me, and Harlan was usually a serious and old-fashioned person. It was interesting to see him in distress occasionally, Ling did not meet you so solemnly when he met. "

Harlan tidy up his clothes, his face still shows the playing card expression: "That's different. As a fallen apostle, I have never seen the true face of Abyss Hei Ling, she is always a telegraph machine to me, but Others are different ... if someone who has been sent to hand in is a familiar person, I don't know how to speak. "

I shrugged. This is a consideration that others ca n’t share and it ’s hard to empathize. I ’m still waiting for the “good things” promised by Abyss.

This world is the fortress universe that was defeated when the empire attacked the abyss area a few days ago. Now it has been repaired and became part of the "new frontier" after rebuilding the sovereign hub and becoming more solid. It has two sets of worlds Door. Although both are under the jurisdiction of the same sovereign hub, the two sets of world gates lead to very different directions: one leads to the land of the Empire and the other leads to the Abyss.

This is due to caution, despite Sandora's decision to have the Empire and Abyss areas directly border. But after all, we have to consider the pollution of the opposite side. It is necessary to keep a buffer structure between the Empire Transport Network and the Abyss Transport Network. Of course, another reason is to be wary of the Abyss Spirit: we can't let her take the initiative to send things to the Empire, and the right to open the port must be on the Empire's side.

We are now in the newly established sovereign hub, which is located twenty astronomical units next to the old sovereign hub. Sandora had the Celestial Fleet leave a Star Warship here as a fortress star. A series of functional sites have been built in the fortress star orbit, including the orbital observation station and the World Gate generator, as well as a larger set of World Gates that are several light years away, but this time it is not used. Now, Harlan and I are standing on the upper platform of the orbital station, watching the deep dark outer space: there, a large-scale dim vortex has been formed, its diameter is almost the size of the moon, and a circle around the vortex has already begun World Gate Generator. The generator glowed with a mysterious pale blue light, whose brightness and flicker frequency indicated that the gates were connected.

The Abyss Spirit stood behind me and Harlan, his eyes were quiet and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Our wait did not last long. When the agreed time came, all generators around the gate of the world produced a violent flash at the same time, like the same halo suddenly illuminated the deep dark space, and the chaotic vortex in the center of the halo. It also turned from illusory to real, and we saw some black shadows slowly emerging from the gate: it was a transport ship.

Since the abyss spirit has shown so much sincerity, of course, the empire must also show sufficient trust, so these "special supplies" from the abyss region came to the empire for the first time without facing the forest of guns. Rule the universe.

Three black and red starships that are tens of kilometers long and look like three layers of stacked plates slowly break away from the gates of the world. The light around them flickered for a while, and these ships immediately stabilized from the final unreal state to the solid state. Behind them are a large number of small ships, and the detection equipment returns the scan results of those small ships. I found that they are all star ships that are hundreds of meters in size and only a few kilometers in size. "Spirit is beautiful" is considered pocket-sized.

And the shapes of those small ships are quite weird: they do n’t look like any kind of main battle ship. I ca n’t find even a similar design in the empire ’s arsenal. At the same time, their respective shapes are not the same. The "Tobe leaf design" also has a thick and thick benzene appearance, but a "classic Mohs" shape with a rough aesthetics, of course, there are more popular coffin board spaceships. The shape of each small ship is different, and the facilities outside look strange, and none of them are the characteristics of a combat ship.

Seeing those weird things, I couldn't help but tilt my head and looked at Abyss Spirit: "You say there are some extra 'gifts', are these things?"

Abyss's spirit wore a smile on his face: "This is the door we use to detect the abyss. Of course, it is not a deep-submersible ship, but a model that cruises in the shallows of the abyss ~ www.readwn.com ~ You should be very impressed with these things? I almost used them as military airships at the beginning ... Unfortunately, today I have not been able to complete the modification of the combat model: fighting in the abyss environment is second only to firing in the void environment. "

I opened my mouth suddenly: it was these things! No wonder it looks weird and familiar!

Abyss looked at my expression with a smile, and his tone seemed a little pleasant: "Probably Void will always take care of my son, these things will eventually be cheaper for you."

I was stunned by the word "pro-son", but still couldn't help asking: "Is it really okay to give such a secret thing to the new empire?"

"Confidential?" Abyss Spirit did not care much, "but it can still be called confidential now, and wait for the Quartet to conduct joint research. Primary airships like this will soon be manufactured by you. And to be honest, I am also very cooperative and sincere. In front of the Great Cataclysm, I still think of intrigue and concealment techniques, which is purely death. "

I nodded, then walked toward the transmitter with a smile: "Then say hello to your men." To be continued ...

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