Xiling Empire

Chapter 1535: Good guess

All channels are quiet.

The deep-submersible ship has completely disappeared in the relay range of all transfer stations. The communication antenna automatically increases the power to the maximum, but only a piece of silence responds to the control center. There is a no-signal warning sign on the communicator and another record next to it. The device showed the data packet received from the deep submersible. The last data packet failed to be transmitted successfully, but 90% of the data arrived completely.

The hall was exceptionally quiet, and many eyes focused on our side. I knew they were waiting for orders, but Sandora was always silent next to her, so she could only take a step forward by herself: "Fix the data of this deep dive, Including the tracking record of the state of the deep submersible ship and the changing rules of the gate of the abyss must be collected. Upload these last data packets to the general network, and use the computing power of the general network to break the discontinuity as soon as possible. You analyze the accident based on the track record of the deep submersible ... Anyway, give a conclusion. "

I can only dispatch to such a degree: no professional thing can be understood by myself.

Sandora took a deep breath at this time, her expression calm as usual: "Before the final conclusion comes to an accident for the time being. Tavel, step up to build a new deep-submersible ship, this time to show the discontinuity of the new Take into account the factors of variation. "

"Yes, your will." Tavel's body appeared in front of us, paying tribute solemnly, the sight under plain glasses was indifferent like water, but if you look closely, you will find that her eyes seem to be burning with a flame : This is the top person in charge of a scientific research project. After encountering this evil, it can produce the annoyance, self-blame, and the burning motivation.

"That's it, the rest is based on the worst plan, and they have been drilled on weekdays," Sandora waved to the hall. "Continue to work, and hand over the remaining shallow detection projects to the automatic observation station today. . "

After commanding these, we left the experimental base.

Tavel organized the meeting that day. According to the data collected last time to determine the accident situation encountered by the deep submersible ship, those data packets before the complete loss of contact have a complete spacecraft self-examination record. The meeting lasted for several hours, and everyone came to the conclusion: we didn't know enough about the discontinuity zone, its movement was irregular, and the deep submerged ship encountered its most irregular wave, which was unexpected.

I sat in a daze on the sofa in the living room, and my sister watched the blue sky and white clouds dreamily outside the window. The family was very quiet. Although the bear children did not follow the experimental base, they could know from the atmosphere at home that there was a big problem in the experimental base, so they behaved extraordinarily well and quietly. And most of them stayed in their respective rooms on the second floor. Even the second-goods fox was no different at this time. She lay on one side tenderly, rolled up a glass of water with her tail, and handed it to me: ,Drink water."

I took the water cup and saw pet biscuits inside, so I put it on the coffee table again: "Forget it, not hungry."

Then went into a daze.

I don't know how long it has been, I feel a figure walking up and down from the side. In the sight, a tender white foot wearing slippers gently kicked on my leg: "In other words, don't you let this sink you down to death?"

As soon as I looked up, I saw Lin Xue, followed by the bear child Wang Xiaoxue. So he beckoned them to sit next to him: "How many lives have I seen before I die, how can I be so fragile, I'm just thinking about a question ... well, a very important question."

"Problem?" Lin Xue said as she pulled her daughter down to the left of the sofa. But Xiaoxue cleverly clambered to the other side and wrapped her around with her mother, "I thought you were depressed."

"It's a bit depressed. After all, they have known each other for so long," I nodded, rubbing Xiaoxue's hair involuntarily. "But the accident has already occurred, and now it is time to consider the follow-up work and preventive measures. It ’s a big delay. And to be honest, the ancestors may not have survived at all. I was thinking about it just now. "

"You mean to cross the critical layer in the middle?" Lin Xue saw that I did not look depressed, but was actively looking for ideas and inspiration, and his face was relieved. "Indeed, according to the abyss of the Spirit's conjecture." After crossing the critical layer, it is equivalent to half stepping into the "onshore", the nature of order and abyss will slowly mutate, and the abyss of the "onshore" is not so harmful to the products of the "onshore". There is no way for deep diving vessels to charge The discontinuities across the shore, but if you go all the way ... it is not impossible to live in despair. "

"Yes, as long as it can pass through the critical layer, the survival rate of the deep submersible ship is very high. It has more than a dozen layers of protection, and it can move as long as the core area has not completely 'fired out.' "The only question now is: how to determine if the deep dive ship has successfully reached the opposite shore? Even if the chance is only one percent, we must find a way to confirm it."

Lin Xue pinched her chin into thinking, with a serious expression on her face. I noticed a flash of white light under her eyes, but she shook her head in the end: "I may not be able to help, there is no way to predict. As far as the other side is concerned, no trace of information can be seen. "

Of course, I did not expect Lin Xue to rely on the prophecy to determine this matter, but I just mentioned her thoughts, and at this time I suddenly remembered the thing: "Yes, did you not vaguely predict once before diving? ? The result of the prediction is a deep dive 'success'? "

"Yes, I'm thinking about what this prophecy represents," Lin Xue's eyes narrowed slightly. "My prophecy will only be vague or misunderstood because of the problem of understanding the scene of the prophecy, but it will never make a mistake. So the facts will not be contrary to the predictions. The goal of today ’s deep dive is to collect the data of the discontinuity zone, and the premise is the survival of the deep dive ship. Now the data of the discontinuity zone has been collected in excess, and the rest is the deep dive ship. Survive ... I made predictions on this basis and concluded that 'experimental success'. "

"That is to say, the deep dive boat is still alive?" I used a cautious tone, after all, it was related to "the opposite shore", everything seemed less certain.

"It can only be said that it should be alive before it crosses the critical layer. The validity of the prophecy lasts until the moment it touches the critical layer. One step further is a matter across the shore, beyond my 'field of vision'," Lin Xue exhaled. "So hope that the model of the Abyss Hellion makes no mistakes. And even if her model is right. The abyss of the 'onshore' is less harmful to things on the 'anshore', and it cannot be said to be completely safe: no less harmful Hazardous. With the broken state of the deep submersible, it will be challenging to sail that long. "

"If they really live across the shore, how can we be sure?"

"So I have ordered a large number of communicators to be placed at the gate of the abyss, and continue to launch the relay station in the depths," Sandora's voice suddenly heard from the side. "In addition, the protoss and the abyss spirit have already said, They will launch their own detectors under each abyss door within their sphere of influence, as long as there is news from the opposite bank. They will be received immediately. "

"Even if the deep-submersible ship is alive to the opposite bank, it will not be able to send a signal here?" I was a little puzzled. "The antenna of the spacecraft is not so high-powered, and it is almost broken."

"What we want to receive is the signal of the civilization on the other side, not the deep-submersible ship," Sandora laughed. "Deep-submersible ships have a high chance of appearing within the sphere of influence of the other civilization. Based on their current understanding, they Should help the ancestors. As to whether the spacecraft will fall into the barren void far away from the civilized area ... it is no longer considered. I just discussed it with the abyss Schilling. She judged the two sides based on the signals received from the other side and the drifting objects. The mapping relationship should be 'fuzzy correspondence'. Although the void is infinite, it is very likely that a deep dive device launched by a super civilization to the gate of the abyss emerges from the super civilization territory on the other side, which seems to be related to the information mapping. However, the specific mapping formula is still being calculated. In addition, the opposite shore and the shore have had a certain degree of information exchange. Although intermittent, it has also strengthened the information correlation between the two. This mapping may be strengthened as a result. The chance of a submarine appearing in a barren area is very small. "

As I listened to the conclusion brought by Sandora, I also agreed with it: indeed. Infinite void is infinite in the true sense. Even if the empire and the protoss power are vast, compared to the entire void, it is about zero. Then, what is the probability that the detectors launched by the "onshore" civilization to the "shore" will be found by the empire or the protoss? ?

This is as if there is a needle on both the front and the back of an extremely wide piece of cardboard. These two needles pierce the cardboard at the same time. Under pure circumstances of luck, what is the probability that they will meet halfway?

If there is no "fuzzy correspondence" mapping relationship, purely from a probabilistic point of view, the probability that the detector emitted by the other side will be infinitely reduced to zero by the empire, even if later the opposite side is launching the detection with roughly the coordinates of the old empire. Device, they initially established a relationship with the empire but they were lucky. So no matter what, I believe that this "fuzzy correspondence" relationship exists. It is with this connection that "the opposite shore" can be "on shore". Super civilization touched.

Neither Sandora nor I had thought about the situation where the deep dive ship had been completely destroyed or wandered into a no man's land, because in that case all efforts would be meaningless. Rather than give up, we would rather use the existing theory To catch even a little hope. Looking at the quiet blue eyes of Sandora, I thought of one thing: "It is still very difficult to establish communication with the opposite shore. The probability of receiving the opposite shore signal by relying on the enhanced antenna and the transfer station is still too low. If this works, then we I have successfully contacted the other side. "

"So I asked them to set up a relay station when they crossed the critical layer," Sandora said of the last thing she told Ansels at the time, "I don't know if the relay station carried by the deep-submersible ship is enough, but that It is already the most advanced equipment that the Empire can manufacture. If it is used only for information transmission, it is more powerful than the deep submersible's own antenna. In theory, through signal enhancement and layer-by-layer transfer here, we can receive it here. The relay station information from the critical layer, and if the abyss communication technology on the other side is sufficient, they should also be able to contact the relay station ... through its transit, we may be able to contact the other side. "

I nodded: This is one of the important goals of the deep dive plan to set up a relay station on the critical layer that can be used for cross-strait communication. It's just that we plan to try this goal for at least six months.

"If it succeeds, it would be a blessing because of misfortune," Xiao Xue said without a word, and then suddenly arched in my arms, muttered in a muffled voice. "The project that would start after half a year can be advanced today. Done. After contacting the other side, we are ready to build a bridge. Anyway, we are ready on the other side, and the other side started earlier. It should have been prepared earlier. "

Three elements of bridge building: start-up, stable void environment, and synchronous communication between the two sides of the strait. Now that the two elements are ready, it is the last one.

I suddenly remembered one thing. Before the official cooperation with Abyss Spirit, the empire observed that the frequency of abyss activity in the void was significantly reduced, and the void in a large area entered a quiet period. At the beginning, we still engaged in I do n’t understand what ’s going on, and now when I think about it, I understand: From then on, it was the end of the “Great Cause” of Abyss.

"Okay. At least you can relax now," I stood up and stomped briskly, as if shaking the dull atmosphere that had been pressed on my body before, "It's not that bad, waiting for the good news from the other side" Right. "

Lin Xue lay down on the sofa, her voice lightened: "Miss has a hunch, there will be good news."

At this moment I suddenly felt that someone was dragging their own pants: "Homeowner."

Looking down, she really was the second fox: she lay down quietly now. At this time it felt like we were finally talking about the matter before we looked up. The first time I met this guy was so honest, I naturally treated her and Yan Yue, "What's wrong?"

"Is the business talk over?"

"Um, it's basically over."

"Can I comment?"

"Uh ... you said."

The adult Fox Fairy immediately shouted, "Homeowner, you just stepped on my tail. It hurts."

A ball of golden wool dazzling like a small sun jumped up and down the entire living room, yelling while running. A few of us were stunned and looked at the second man's crazy behavior. The expressions on his faces were collectively sunny and cloudy ...

But when I was about to hold that guy for education, Lin Xue softened: "Forget it, maybe she just thinks the atmosphere is too dull and wants to make you happy."

Me: "..." It really belongs to the style of this two goods.

The accident with the deep submerged ship caused a considerable blow to the entire bridging plan. In a more straightforward way, we also revealed the irregular and unpredictable side of the abyss. Even the experts and scholars of the Protoss are confused and frustrated, but anyway. Everything still has to continue, as long as the great cataclysm in the void is still suspended above all the world of order, no sacrifice can stop us from building the bridge.

Enhance the interception of signals to the shore, improve the structure of deep submersibles, analyze the specific strength of the discontinuity zone and formulate corresponding solutions. The work after the accident has been carried out in an orderly manner, although there is still no news from the ancestors, everyone They still cheer up and meet those challenges again with a more vigorous spirit.

Just before the new deep-submersible ship was assembled, all "dive" projects had to be postponed for half a month to a month.

On this day, I settled in a small group at home and led Pandora and Huesca to the institute.

The two one-two-two reasonably said they were not interested in scientific research and other things. At this time, they would rather have the trouble of carrying guns to find the "new army" at the empire's border, but the recent war that required them to go out was gone: the new army was The abyss spirit is firmly suppressed, and all the worlds that have contact with the empire have surrendered, and due to the "feat" of the abyss spirit, there is almost no too much abyss activity in the entire void range that the empire can observe. Naturally, it was nothing to do with a purification expedition, so the two-meter-two were completely idle. These two little guys are prone to problems when they are idle for a long time, so taking them to the institute is purely to lead their sister to relax.

At least they should be interested in the new weapon of the institute?

The two little girls really quickly attracted the attention of the new design of the weapon design department, and disappeared as soon as they slipped away, and I found Tavel who was busy working in the deep dive project department and was here unexpectedly. See the abyss spirit.

What was unexpected was that Sheila was here.

"We are studying the Void Model of the Abyss Spirit, and by the way, compare it with the discontinuous zone data collected before," Sheila said as soon as I saw it, and then reached out to point to the Abyss Spirit. "Her model is perfect, This time, the size of the discontinuity zone has been determined, and the approximate energy consumption of the bridge should be estimated. "

Previously, because it was not clear how "wide" the void structure that divides the two sides of the strait was, we did n’t even know how much energy was needed to build the bridge. We could only imagine that the energy part was piled up to the upper limit, and the starting end could withstand how much energy input was prepared. How much energy input.

I said hello to Tavel and Abyss, and asked Sheila: "Why aren't you staring today?"

"He? Your messy little Ding-Dong has completely killed the world tree ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xing Chen personally went to the rescue site. Well, that little thing is so big."

"This deep diving accident reminded us," Tavel said straightforwardly after I sat down and talked about professional issues. "The confusion of the abyss is reflected in all aspects, including the aspect where we think we have mastered its laws. Its only law is that there is no law, even if the discontinuous zone is constantly approaching the real world as a whole, its irregularity will be reflected in this process. It is no longer possible to use any descriptive and repeatable mathematical language to describe the discontinuous zone. Now. "

"Meaning is not to think about using discontinuity through tricks or catching the law," Sheila explained next. "The only way is to resist, like United I, with a strong enough shield to resist the past. .Besides, it is not advisable to bypass the danger according to the operation law of the discontinuity zone. "

"So I thought about a new type of deep submersible ship structure," Abyss Spirit came over. "I found inspiration from a 'black shuttle' you captured."

So I went up and started to work with two and a half experts, Sheila, to research a new deep dive ship in half ... to be continued ...

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