Xiling Empire

Chapter 1550: Stand up, we all have shield walls!

The silly bird was restlessly bouncing next to it a second ago, and the next second turned into a ray of light disappearing in the instruction hall. The whole process was so fast that I didn't even react. It should be said that it was indeed the future. God of the messenger?

"Meddie Man!" The older sister screamed back and forth, looking around with some concern, "Where's that girl?"

"I don't seem to run far ..." I was just shocked, but soon I realized that the mental reaction of the little crow was actually still around the empire. I thought that girl was going to rush out to fight with someone, and I was shocked. But it's good to run far. But what the silly bird wants to do?

I think the idea of ​​the little crow is as elusive as the shallow one. She always retains a habit of belonging to wild animals. Her behavior is different from ordinary people, her thinking is detached, her mobility is super strong, and only a few people can manage her. , As it is now: outside is a hostile area threatened by danger, the fleet is about to break through the enemy ’s space blockade, and the shield is fired outside the sky, the silly bird ran out without a word—although she did n’t leave too far , But it's scary enough.

"Little bird, come back quickly," I called the silly bird's name in the spiritual connection, "dangerous outside."

"Ga! I'm helping the master to quack!" The little crow's full voice echoed in my mind, and I could imagine her talking about this while bouncing on the shell of the empire, she and Not afraid of the terrible scenes of gunfire outside.

Sandora immediately took over the picture of the external monitor, and soon we found the figure of that silly bird: she really stopped on the transversal armour belt of the Admiral, and it has now changed In **** form: a storm crow with a length of hundreds of meters. The huge black crow **** landed on the outer shell of the ship, and clasped the metal gap below with her paw to prevent it from being thrown out. She looked up at the flashing flashes on the cricket shield in the distance, and lowered her head to grind her own. Mouth shell, then suddenly opened his mouth and yelled.

Of course, no sound can be heard in the vacuum, but a crow of the crow **** is obviously not a simple "sound wave". I saw that the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out in all directions around the small crow (now called the big crow), and reached the edge of the fleet in a blink of an eye, and then the translucent ripples gathered together to form a structure like a bubble in space. Shattered silently ...

"Space interference has disappeared, and the jump engine has been activated."

The Empire Fleet was suddenly shrouded in a twisted light curtain, and then disappeared directly into the vast space. The enemy's artillery fire suddenly lost its target, and it could only bombard the space oscillating zone that had not yet completely healed. The intense white light accompanied the big explosion. Stars forming a heart. The space here is torn apart even more, and the Emperor is now hundreds of millions of light years away.

"That bird seems to be more and more familiar with its power ..." After the teleportation was completed, I reacted to what was going on just now: there is no doubt that the little crow reshaped the space structure with his own special power, specifically The process is unknown, but the enemy's barrier is broken.

Of course, there are more than one barrier. There are almost hundreds of barriers on the road leading to the white light column. They completely protect the starting end like layers of nested spherical shells. The Empire fleet breaks through a barrier and faces the subsequent ones. Disturbance, the cooling cycle of the transition engine will also become longer. But now nothing seems to be a problem: the little crow once again scratched his mouth shell on the transversal arm of the Admiral, and then sent another silent howl to the surrounding space, accompanied by translucent waves visible to the naked eye The enemy's interference disappeared like this.

"Follow the rhythm. Go at full speed!" Sandora ordered aloud at the edge of the officer's platform, and the entire fleet penetrated the interception net on the periphery of the launcher layer by layer, and the fire from all directions was still emerging. , But now they can not keep up with the footsteps of the Empire Fleet ... Bear children have made great achievements? !!

"But why does the bird grind its shell every time?" Bingtis had time to talk nonsense at this time. She looked at the huge black shadow on the holographic projection, rubbing her chin with her fingers, "She is still pecking on the outer shell of the ship ... Does she think she can plan to eat from under the armor plate?"

"She is a bird, after all." I don't know if I should cry or laugh at this time, but I shrugged helplessly. "Probably similar to the nature of your usual basking wings, although it is not useful but it is used to doing so."

Gladys's eyes seemed to be about to start, but before she spoke, I diverted her attention: "We seem to be close to the starting point ... I can't believe the distance judged by the naked eye."

Yes, the fleet has approached the starting end, but the optical characteristics of that beam of light during the entire process did not meet the normal space-time rules at all-when we were tens of billion light years away from the starting end, it looked Up there is a huge beam of light, and now the fleet is less than a light year away, the thing still looks like a beam of light ... the size has changed a bit, it seems that it seems to be bigger due to the approach, but this is absolutely Does not meet the visual perspective effect brought by the distance of 10 billion light years!

Based on the scale that the startup terminal now looks like, it should look like a thin line when it is about tens of light hours away, but its brightness has been extended beyond 10 billion light years. Seen from afar, its size has not decreased much. I even suspect that this beam of light can be seen at the end of the universe, and that it is almost the same scale and almost the same brightness!

"Its light, like the holy light and the phantom energy, travels at the speed of light, which is equivalent to a substantial information broadcast. This is probably the reason for the strong information disturbance at the initiator," Xingchen saw this at a glance. Part of the nature, but he also seems a bit puzzled, "What will it look like after it is fully activated? These external rays should shrink ... otherwise all its information will 'evaporate' and cause the Nether Bridge to slowly collapse. . "

"I hope we don't see it fully activated today ..." Abyss Xi Ling did not have the same research interest as the Father God at this time, she just said while looking for the shadow of her fleet in space, "should be fast Close to the battle zone, Ivanova was leading the remaining troops to attack the port, but was blocked outside. It stands to reason that the flash of psionic energy can be seen at this distance ... "

At this moment, there was a sudden "stopping" sound next to me, and the little crow fell out of the cracked space door. She turned her head and looked around, then grabbed my arm and raised her head to open her mouth. A stream of white smoke rose from her mouth ...

The girl's slightly tired voice sounded in the spiritual connection: "Ga! I can't call it!"

I quickly took Mai Dewen, who had made great contributions, to take a rest. By the way, I took a root tube from the water intake not far away and let her hold it. At the moment when the water valve was opened, the last space blockade also collapsed. At this opportunity the fleet made its last jump.

The fleet appeared directly on a battlefield where fierce fighting was taking place.

In the space beyond the twelve astronomical units, two armies are fighting to death. They also have the black-red battleship paint and use the same dark red mutant phantom energy, but it looks like a fierce battle to endless. The size of one party is significantly larger than the other, and it is in a completely dominant position. This dominant legion established a huge joint shield line of defense, and was equipped with a surprising number of space artillery and shield broadcast towers inside the line. Those space artillery were propelled by a kilometer-long gun body and the second half of the gun body. The anchoring device is called the Legion Cannon, which is a standard position defense weapon. Obviously, this superior force is the local garrison.

Behind this garrison's joint shield is the magnificent white beam of light. At this distance, it can finally be roughly seen how large it really is: its radius is almost equivalent to two thirds of the sun, and the middle of the beam of light. It was a broken and twisted crack. These cracks are like spheres formed by chaotic space storms. They slowly expand and contract like a breath inside the beam of light. When it reaches the limit, there are even signs of exceeding the boundary of the beam of light. It is obviously at the last moment of full opening. Occasionally a small black round spot can be seen inside the sphere formed by the space crack. The size of the round spot is so small, it looks like a jingle lying on someone's head compared to the white giant ball outside, but I can recognize the true appearance of the black round spot at a glance ... the gate of the abyss.

The starting end made by the abyss spirit is activated on the basis of an abyss gate, but the abyss gate is just an "introduction" to the starting side. As long as the stability level meets the requirements, its size is not important, because after the Void Bridge is established, its entrance and exit must exceed any kind of abyss. Now you can see this: The test port built by Abyss Schilling has been completely swallowed by the swollen starter.

Since this side is the new army, the other fleet that fought with them is naturally the two legions in the mouth of Abyss Hilling.

I think this experimental port built by Abyss Healing was built on a natural star system. The Abyss Gate is now the location of this "starting end" next to the sun. Of course, the sun has been swallowed by that pillar of light, but There is still gravitational attraction around the star (perhaps also related to the weird characteristics of the startup end, which is a challenge to various scientific common sense), and the two legions of Abyss Healing now rely on a huge gaseous planet to fight-this A gaseous planet should be the only celestial body in the stellar system. This planet is gray-blue and has a messy pattern on the surface. The high-speed planetary hurricane sprays out from its upper atmosphere and spreads into space, and Next to this magnificent gray-blue planet are the two trump corps of the "Old Army". They persisted in fighting in this completely occupied world for many days and can still fight today ... I am afraid that only the Royal fleet of the new empire has This kind of combat power.

"Don't directly connect the two data networks, I will transfer the communication," Abyss Schilling glanced at me, and then patted the large box behind him. "The bandwidth of this device is enough if only communication is established."

The temporary channel was quickly established. When the enemy fired intensive firepower on the Empire fleet, the access signals from those two legions were also transferred to the communicator in front of us. The holographic projection flickered a bit fuzzy. The figure is a slightly slender woman with pale skin and purple long straight hair. Although her face is not very clear, she can still see the vigorous look.

"This is Ivanova, I'm so glad to finally see reinforcements."

It turns out that this is Ivanova ... is the faceless Ivan Sister's sister?

A fallen apostle, who fought for several days in the abyss, finally waited for the reinforcements of the new empire, and was followed by a large group of protoss troops fighting foreign aid. This scene was a bit weird in the past, and even now there are many places worth talking about But this is obviously not the time to think about it. Sandora just nodded slightly. The Empire fleet was ordered to move closer to the gray-blue gaseous planet and attack the enemies around the white beam of light. And I looked at Ivanova: "How is your situation?"

"The fleet is intact, but unfortunately it can never break through the enemy's defenses," Ivanova did not look as taciturn as her brother, but did not talk nonsense. She then briefly talked about the status of her troops and the enemy's defense forces. Finally, my eyes fell on me. "I thought about what it would be like to play with you before. Now it seems that this opportunity is no longer. The world is unexpected."

I was ashamed: I am indeed an apostle of Spirit. All day is estimated to think about how to open the mind of man ... It seems that he was really remembered by many fallen apostles before he aligned with the abyss.

Abyss Spirit looked at his subordinates: "These things will be discussed later."

The Empire fleet soon came to Ivanova, and at the same time, the Protoss forces, which always kept a little distance from us, launched a battlefield not far away. They did not participate in the battle during the entire assault and received the best Protection, now this method of preserving strength has finally begun to show its effect: from the splendid and glorious tide, a shocking and huge legion has emerged. This is the group of gods who are good at using late-stage advantages to build the theology group. .

Protoss troops are always on the battlefield like a sea of ​​undulating light, seemingly gentle, but over time, if you fail to weaken them in time. The military force emerging from it will be a big surprise to both the enemy and the friendly forces.

The glorious Divine Legion launched the first wave of charge with a dauntless attitude. This immediately transferred the firepower of the enemy defenders. Although the thick charge was composed of cannon fodder, this moment was even better than the Emperor's round. Shooting is even more powerful-in fact, many guys who fight with the protoss are overwhelmed by this terrible tactic of "doing nothing for a long time. Take away in a wave", so they fight against the protoss You must not delay time, let alone their "boom", because you have no idea when they will be out of your temporary legion, which is several dozens of times ...

of course. The new army as an apostle of the Spirit will not be defeated by this wave of "half-day waves". They were just a little flustered, but soon resisted the protoss' offensive with powerful firepower. Then the Empire Fleet fought head-on.

At this time, a dark red shadow slowly came out from behind the gray-blue gaseous giant planet.

This black-red shadow is obviously a planetary battleship, whose volume is between Earth and Mars. Like most fallen apostle battleships, its black alloy ground is flowing with blood-like red energy veins, but it is like an ordinary planet. Different from warships, in addition to these energy veins, a large number of dark red matrices are floating at a height of tens of thousands of meters from the surface. These arrays are not runes, but are a bit like a phantom network constructed out of nothing. Together with the energy pulses on the planet's surface, the light and dark pulses are like breathing. Every "breath" will produce an information blowout.

"Ivanova's glorious form." Abyss Xi Ling opened his mouth and introduced, as expected, this is the key to the two army groups fighting in the enemy-occupied area so far-Ivanova's glory barrier.

A glory starship can reverse the situation of the entire war. This is because each glory starship has miraculous power. Pandora's glory can easily destroy any target other than glory, and Veska's glory can be maintained for a long time. Absolutely invincible (though the girl has never been used), Sandora's glory can unconditionally dominate everything on the battlefield (even the dead), and Harlan's glory can be infinite s \ l One is an almost unsolvable bug, so what power does Ivanova's glory have that will allow the two legions to persist under the siege of the enemy five times their own?

Soon we knew ... because Ivanova spread her power to the emperor, every imperial warship of medium or larger size immediately found that her shield became ... a damage definition system!

"She can give allied ordinary spacecraft 100% planetary shield effect. There is no limit to the number, as long as the sheltered target has enough shield energy," Abyss smiled. "The only weakness is that her glory can only be It will last for a few days. If you are shallow, you will probably die very badly ... and the effect will be greatly reduced if your army is not large enough, but now we can rest assured ~ www.readwn.com ~ Being approached by enemy cluster bombers, the planetary shield is not so easy to break. "


This is why the glory starships can reverse the war situation: they generally do not play cards according to common sense!

The strength of the glory starship is also strong and weak, and it can also be divided into more powerful and overbearing abilities. In addition to the two general capabilities of industrial glory and "immortal glory and immortality," the glory starship has The additional powers are all different. I know that the number of glory starships is limited, but there is no doubt that the glory of Ivanova ...

Absolutely, it is a super strong one, especially when she has a large fleet, her opponents will simply be disgusted.

Probably only Harlan's infinite s \\ l can match it.

(Oh oh, double monthly pass! Hurry up if you have a monthly pass!

Another thing to say-after this battle, it's time to ... go to the next world, and then it's the end of the line. Who said that the battle will be completed after the battle, I still have to fill in the pits. ) (To be continued ...)

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