Xiling Empire

Chapter 1555: Wake up

Seeing the picture transmitted by the probe from the deep space, I and Alaya almost glared at the spot, the latter even stretched their wings straight, the shape was similar to the kite about to rise into the air.

I thought I was wrong, so I asked the probe to carefully check the situation, and the result was more clear: more than 80 kilometers of long axis, silver armor, blue decorative coating, thick and oppressive overall outline, and How can it look like the front face of a flying coffin when it is far away, what can this be besides the eternal giant ship produced by Hei Ling? At least I haven't seen the second civilization designing its mothership like a coffin ...

But after careful observation, I did find that this spacecraft is somewhat different from the Empire-made Eternal class battleship. It has a large set of cabins in the second half of the spaceship, and it has a lot of clusters installed. It looks like a raven's crow's nest facility Or a general-purpose amplified antenna, but apart from this, it is no different from an ordinary eternal class battleship, and soon the probe finds the huge crusader emblem on the side of the spacecraft. The blue crystal emblem will never be wrong. This The battleship's Spirit pedigree is unquestionable.

"Imperial spaceship!" Araiye shouted and stood up, then practiced countless times and stepped down to the side with his left foot and right foot, lying on the ground and stunned, "Brother Monarch, is an imperial spaceship! Is the master Did they find it here? "

I also thought for the first time whether it would be shallow and Lin Xue led the "search and rescue team", so I used the probe as a relay and issued a communication application to the eternal class that suddenly appeared, but ... Information such as mud cows entered the sea without receiving a slight response.

Instead of not responding, a moment later the holographic projection in front of us went out hissingly: the probe was destroyed.

"What's the matter?" The stupid angel didn't stay at this time. "That spaceship is not an empire?"

"I don't know, the spaceship is weird, it seems that there is no communication signal," I frowned and closed the device in front of me. "The probe seems to have been hit by an automatic alert drone. Let's go and see the situation."

"Well," Araiye patted the dust on his body, his wings spread and he disappeared. I waited patiently for a few seconds, and the girl suddenly appeared in front of her, "Monarch brother, where is the spaceship?"

… If you have an abnormal blood pressure with Alaya, how many times must you rescue in three days?

The distance of more than 20 light-years was short-lived. After a while, I was led by the idiot Meng Alaiye in a vast space, which was transmitted according to the coordinates left before the probe was destroyed. In front of our eyes, the wreckage of the two civil war troops that were just destroyed are still floating in space, and fortunately the mysterious imperial battleship has not gone far-in fact it has not left at all, and the spaceship is now on the battlefield The fringe was patrolling, as if waiting for me and Alaya.

We did n’t make a disguise, so we just teleported to the target in such a big way. Alaya was as brilliant as a personal light bulb. The angel sister with a wingspan of about three meters and constant light has always been a battlefield mockery, so that The eternal battleship of unknown origin immediately found two unexpected guests. I felt that at least seven or eighty sets of radar and other things were shining towards me at this moment, and I don't know if it was an illusion. I also felt the energy flow when the weapon was activated ... Does this spaceship identify us as an enemy?

But just when Alaya had opened his shield of light, and I was ready to fight. The spaceship "stopped" all of a sudden, the feeling of being locked by the enemy system disappeared, and the latter's weapon did not really start, it just quietly observed the two uninvited guests in front of it-a theoretical one. The spacecraft has no sight. But I just felt that the 80-kilometer-long coffin was staring at me.

"Brother of the monarch, someone else is here." Allay suddenly dragged my sleeve and said with a spiritual connection.

Someone is on the gray-green planet below us. And ten minutes ago they were busy fighting civil war with their compatriots living in the space city. The eternal giant ship that suddenly emerged bombarded all the troops on both sides of the war, and they could think of it with their toes. What kind of confusion and madness these locals are in now, it's as if Germany was flying with the dogs of Europe all over the World War II. As a result, a group of Zenith stars suddenly flattened the entire Europe. For a moment The whole world is cold and hot.

Of course, someone will come to see the situation after the flanks: the eternal class giant ship of unknown origin only fired one shot, and then it stayed on the high track of others, and there was no second in ten minutes. Quietly, since the natives of the gray-green planet below are capable of fighting space wars with their own people, even if you send two young soldiers up at this time, you need to see what the situation means.

"They should be coming for that eternal class. We don't have to hold on to these locals right now." As soon as I pulled Alaya's wings, I moved closer to the mysterious spacecraft more than a hundred kilometers away. "Go first Look at the situation on that ship, I think it's strange. "

I was dragged by Araye and flew forward, while flying, dancing and dancing: "Why does the monarch brother grab the wings! You can grab the arms ..."

I turned my head and smiled: "The target is easy to aim at ..." Of course, the real reason is not the case.

I guess many people ’s minds are traveling with an angel in romantic scenes: holding the girl ’s slender and soft walking in the sky, the angel ’s wings are gently fanned behind the girl, and these scenes can be taken from any angle. Throwing it on the computer as a desktop for ten years, so I'm sure I'm dragging Araye's wings like this and dragging forward will definitely break the romantic dreams of countless people, but in fact, only with this girl is it normal: she Do you know three meters wingspan? Do you know how strong her wings are? This nerd often forgets that people around him do you know? When you are driving with her, you must either be one meter away from her or grab her wings and not be allowed to shoot randomly, otherwise you will be covered in black. Do you know? At that time, when my physical fitness was not high, I was snapped into the medical cabin by her several times.

We quickly circled to the side of the unknown eternal starship, and the indigenous spacecraft flying out from the gray-green planet below to check the situation stopped a few hundred kilometers from the giant ship to see them. The cautious look around is obviously not dare to easily approach this terrible thing that is huge and can save the world with one shot. That's fine, so that someone doesn't bother.

I and Araiye looked for the entrance on the Eternal Starship. This spaceship was really not the same as the Imperial battleship. They didn't even know where the entrance was, so they could only find it slowly. During this period, I issued several communication applications to this spacecraft. But in front of my eyes, it was like a dead steel grave, let alone the echo, I didn't even receive its own internal communication signal.

Before firing the gun again and destroying the probe, it must be more active and active, but now it is quiet like a ghost ship.

"Brother of the monarch, it seems that the entire spaceship has no entrance, and there is no material passage." Araiye looked for a while elsewhere and floated back with nothing, and a white light condensed in her hands, this light extended to Spacecraft shell. And covered the entire starship with the incomprehensible brightness, saying that she has such a clever detection technique, why would it take me a long time to work?

"No entrance?" I raised an eyebrow. "Is such a large ship an unmanned model? Um ... it seems that the eternal class can really be unmanned, but did the old empire make the unmanned eternal class?"

Excluding the possibility that it came from the new empire, I have now assumed that this spacecraft is a relic of the old empire. Anyway, there are quite a lot of "legacy products of history" I have encountered in the past two years. normal.

"Shouldn't ..." Araiye shook her head uncertainly. She didn't know much about the equipment on the technology side ... that is, she didn't know anything. "I seem to have heard Pandora said. The eternal level only has combat power when carrying people. It's guaranteed, and people can't experience the joy of Xinghe firing when they are not on the spacecraft ... Grand Overseer they are a special case. "

The joy when Xinghe fired ... It really was Pandora's speech.

I looked up at the vast warship armor like the earth, and found the way to enter the spacecraft: "Isn't that a carrier-based aircraft ejection channel? Let's go in from there."

The carrier-based aircraft ejection channel is closed, unless the eternal **** formation strikes. Otherwise, this channel is covered with a layer of charged armor throughout the year, but it is obviously better to deal with the plate on the ejection channel than the thicker main armor around it, and it is not easy to cause the excessive chain of the warship position system: After all, we have no plans to dismantle the entire ship.

At this point, Arayer finally had some effect, and she drew her wings sharply on the door of the passage. The whole person revolved like a compass, and the Holy Light ablated a large hole with a diameter of two meters. We entered the spacecraft through this large hole.

Then I found that this place really is unmanned.

The carrier-based ejection channel is a wide corridor with no atmospheric environment. Its width reaches hundreds of meters, the interior lights are bright, and self-discipline machinery flying around for maintenance of ships can be seen everywhere. You can see the rays of light and instructions on the floor and two walls of the corridor, but in addition to these Outside of the frosty automatic equipment, half figures are not seen here.

And a normal eternal class starship must have sentinels in places that are vulnerable to invasion such as carrier-based aircraft ejection channels-although these sentinels are not effective in the face of invaders like scorpion soldiers, But still essential.

Allay and I quickly flew through this deadly corridor. At the beginning, they were also worried about being attacked by the spacecraft defense system (we cut off its shell with violence after all), but after a few minutes, we did not see the sentry gun. From which armor plate rose, even though the two of us didn't open the camouflage at all, Arayer was like a searchlight from the beginning to the end, and the ship did not mean to clear the invaders. We even passed over a dozen self-regulatory machines along the way, and these maintenance workers turned a blind eye to the "intruders."

"It's not right," even a nerd like Alaya knew that the situation was wrong. "Did the ship break our probe before? Why doesn't it look hostile now?"

I am also curious about this problem: it is said that we have identified our identity. The ship did not respond to any calls. It said that it still refused to contact. The security system on the ship did not respond to "damage" and "invasion." And the host of the spacecraft did not seem to be paralyzed ... This place is really strange. However, I couldn't answer Araiye's question either, and I could only pull her deep into the spacecraft.

At the end of the ejection channel is a transparent energy shield. This shield should have a function of "identifying filtering". However, the two "invaders", Alaya and I, easily penetrated the shield and entered the middle layer of the spacecraft. Area.

A normal artificial atmosphere appeared around, the gravity system was more stable, the corridor in front of it was also brightly lit, and the data equipment on both sides of the corridor was also operating as usual. Various indications indicate that the spacecraft is indeed operating normally, and the ship's main engine is also online.

It just kept abnormally silent.

"Inquiry, ship number, place of origin, navigation target, whether or not to carry a mission." I found a public data terminal in the internal corridor that was making a slight buzzing sound, and issued a series of query instructions and got the expected answer. That is ... no answer.

It's as if the ship's mainframe has been dumb.

"Brother Monarch, I feel that someone is watching us ..." Just then the angelic sister suddenly raised her wings to high altitude, and her wings shed a little white light. A ray of holiness spread out in all directions, but soon she fell again, "as if it were an illusion."

"It's not an illusion. I just felt it just now." I frowned and looked around, but the sense of peeping at that moment had disappeared. No one was in the range of sight or in the range of mental perception. This ship ... is stranger than a ghost ship. "

The angelic sister pulled out her spar of light. Make a stance to prepare for battle, at the same time a larger amount of halo spread out from her, these rays condensed into a series of mini angel figures within a range of more than ten meters, and quickly disappeared into our sight along the corridor.

"The search for holy avatars is fast. And once I find them, I can swap places with them, or force things in the sight of the holy avatars in front of myself," Arayer explained that he hadn't used this much. "Someone in this boat must have ... I just felt that someone was looking over here."

I was a little surprised by the little angels that Alaya put out: "Why do you look so strange in shape? Fatty ..."

"I watched a lot of TV dramas recently. If you eat too much spiritual food, your soul will become fat."

Me: "..." What an amazing physique this guy is!

The outer area to the middle area of ​​the spaceship are empty. No matter whether it is a self-regulatory machine, a sentry gun, or a guard machine gun sentry sent along the way, the "invader" is regarded as nothing, but the feeling of occasional peeping is always from time to time Just a moment. Alaya and I came to the inner ecological zone of the spacecraft slowly and startled out of the misty water. What appeared to us was a small forest.

And a ... pastry house hidden in the woods? !!

Pastry house? !!诶 I go to this pastry shop! Really a house made of various pastries!

Alaya and I were stunned and looked at the pastry house as if coming out of a fairy tale: its outer wall is a chocolate plate, the door is hard bread, the glass is sugar crystals, the roof is a cake tile, the entire house is separated I can smell a scent of sweetness from twenty meters away. I can't explain how these soft materials have built such a big house and it hasn't collapsed yet, but it obviously shouldn't be here ... unless The owner of this spaceship is a performance artist.

"It looks delicious," the cat angel didn't seem to feel anything wrong with the scene in front of him, just curiously went up and sniffed it, and then plucked a piece of chocolate from the wall, "Brother Monarch, really It's chocolate! "

Me: "... don't just pick up and eat ..."

Before I finished speaking, the fairy tale cake house in front of me suddenly disappeared, and the vibrant groves around it also faded quickly. Flowers and trees, small rivers and rocks, all the scenery faded away like water, and soon there were only four left. A pale ground, and the vaguely visible alloy bulkheads. The scene is as if a mass-quality projection is shutting down, or a dream is about to wake up.

A voice came from behind him: "Ajun? Araiye? Did you really come in from the outside?"

I was startled, and then I turned my head, and it turned out that there was a blond girl in a blue dress standing behind herself, and those sea-blue eyes were full of surprise, wasn't this Sandora!

"Sandora ?!" I was even more surprised than the other party, and in my head flashed a brilliant image of the Emperor Jurassian, "Aren't you asleep ?! At least twenty light years away from here ..."

"Sleeping ..." Sandora frowned, her eyes changed from confused to clear and clear several times ~ www.readwn.com ~ I noticed that the surrounding scenes also fluttered rapidly between her changes of look, some weird colors out of thin air Appears and disappears quickly, and the ground becomes transparent and soft. It seems that everything is slowly dissolving. "I'm sure of my state ... well, it's really asleep, but it seems that there is a leak of power, you seem to break in by mistake. coming."

Speaking, Sandora stretched her waist and gently stretched her waist, and she showed her graceful posture in an instant: "Although I haven't got enough sleep, but the business matters, wake up first."

When Sandora's voice fell, the scenery in all directions that had shown signs of loosening trembled at an unprecedented frequency, and a large stream of wild and distorted colors of light came from the eyes and passed by like water, but I And Alaya were at the center of this storm without feeling a bit of real sense, in fact it was all over before we could react.

The stars disappeared, replaced by another starry sky, and the entire universe before it collapsed silently within two seconds.

Big dream woke up.

(The first is to continue to ask for monthly tickets, and vote quickly while it is hot!

Secondly ... How easy is my manuscript to guess! ) (To be continued ...)

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