Xiling Empire

Chapter 1558: Weird civilization

There was a sudden flash of light in the dark and vast space, and then the space was filled with ripples like water ripples. Hundreds of kilometers of cross starships protruded from the ripples, hovering vigorously on a green Over the planet-Of course, no one can see the momentum again. The Admiral of the Empire is invisible. Until the local situation is unknown, I do not intend to alarm the indigenous people here.

The planet this time is no longer a dream of Sandora, but the original celestial body of the universe after the dream fades away.

Sandora's telepathy was really accurate, and I found that I had accurately arrived at the gravitational balance between this planet and its second satellite. This navigation capability was no less than that of ship-borne radar.

"The jump engine seems to start faster than before, and the jump process is more stable," I sat behind the temporary console of the officer platform, chatting with Sandora while checking the working status of the rebirth spacecraft. Now the spacecraft crew The personnel are not there, Sandora is just a ball, and she can only make a guest appearance for the time being. Fortunately, in the past few years, she has also learned a lot about the control of spacecraft, plus the assistance of a ship-based host, some basic The mission can still be achieved. "It seems that when the spacecraft was reborn, it did not seem to regenerate those carrying equipment that did not belong to the ship's registration equipment, but some of our personal items placed on the officer platform were reborn ... this is strange."

"This is a good thing anyway," a football-sized golden light ball floated by my hand, and Sandora's voice came from it. "This shows that its resurrection is controllable, there must be some law to study. In this way, the spacecraft can still be upgraded and rebuilt, and even if it is sunk in the future, it can be resurrected with the modified parts when it is reborn, so that each rebirth will not return to its original state. "

I took the Sandora ball in my arms and walked towards the transmitter. I motioned for Arayer to keep up and mumbled: "Listening to you, I plan to let the Empire resemble several times, just in case. What if this resurrection is a one-off. "

"Just think about it in a prepared way." Sandola struggled a few times. "I can move by myself now, instead of holding around."

I hehe: "Don't make trouble, feel good."

Sandora: "Well, forget it, it's an old wife and wife anyway. But can you stop it? Isn't this a good toy ..."

Instead of teleporting directly to the vibrant green planet below, we turned on invisibility, and first came to outer space. Sandora said that this is a higher civilization, because she found around this planet. A large number of high-tech facilities: the space station.

The green planet below is slightly larger than the Earth's diameter. It has three natural satellites of different sizes. The smallest satellite is just a large ice rock ball. If it falls on the surface, it may be a giant meteorite. The other two satellites are similar in size to the moon and are located on two On orbits that are acute but not intersecting. In the vast space between the three satellites and the green mother star, thousands of complete space facilities can be found. We have one before us.

These space facilities have a streamlined, round shell, ranging in size from tens of meters to nearly a kilometer, and are basically similar in shape, like a giant seed or some kind of enlarged plant pod bud. The smooth alloy shells are decorated with vines and leaves in green tones. Although they are reminiscent of icy and rigid space equipment, these space stations still have elegant and intricate patterns and craftsmanship everywhere. Decoration-This style makes people think of the elves, and it seems that a group of art-loving locals live on the green planet below? And their aesthetics seem to be quite in line with the mainstream standards of the Empire. At least I think the shape of these space stations is very pleasing to the eye.

However, Sandora was less aware of this style. She rolled around on a space station, inspected a main armor plate, and concluded: "These patterns have no effect at all, and they are not external energy harvesters. Net. It's not a magic rune, it's just a waste of the manufacturing cycle. The patterns on the empire equipment are all useful. Pure decorative things need special applications and have special significance. You look at a space station ... the surface is almost drawn into a gallery, why do you look so beautiful, and who sees it in space? "

"Aren't we just watching," I said in a spiritual connection while catching the Sandora ball floating towards me, "Also don't be too strict with other races, there are elves in the empire family, they can't wait Draw your own family portrait on the bullet head. You have to see it even more terribly. You have not seen the space shuttle made by the tree elf, which is more fancy than the one in front of you-in other words, it looks like a tree elf. Style, but obviously a bit technically inferior. "

As we chat, we study the space station that is more than 400 meters long and looks like a long and thin olive seed. Through its technical level, we can roughly determine how high the indigenous civilization is on the planet below. This can be the next step. Laying the foundation for contact. This space station is certainly inconspicuous compared to the giant made by the empire, but it is not small for most civilizations similar to the figure of the Earth, and it has a rigid shield generating device and a relatively primitive gravitational wave antenna. Basically It can be judged that its maker has the ability to sail in the Milky Way, and maybe some detectors will be released later to find further colonies of this civilization in other galaxies. The outer shell in the space is covered with beautiful patterns, as Sandora said, "beautiful and beautiful but useless", but I still find that these patterns actually divide the space station shell into some areas, such as access openings, reserved slots for external devices The position of the cover plate of the deformable device is surrounded by a special pattern, and Sandola's opinion is even greater: "It is only a matter of marking the location. Is it necessary to draw such a complicated thing?"

I know this is the inexplicable result of Sandora's inability to eat, so she is not at all true to her, but just shakes her head with a smile and then puts her hand on the space station's shell, in order to not pretend that there may be guards on the space station Understand its internal structure, and ... this thing is sleeping? !!

I was a bit surprised. I knocked on the alloy shell of the space station subconsciously, and then I went deeper. I finally determined that 80% of the interior of this thing was closed, and there was only a weak energy response in the core.

The only external equipment that remains operational is the space station's two external devices: a shield generator and a thruster for orbital calibration. These two devices are necessary to ensure that the space station can operate in space for very long periods of time.

Sandora didn't expect this thing to look so brand new, but the interior was dormant. She split a small cluster of golden glitter from the sparks of her mind and penetrated into the space station. He quickly concluded: "No thought reaction, no signs of life, it looks like an unmanned station, and even it has stopped ... if it has."

"Go look elsewhere." I turned to look in the other direction. At the end of the line of sight there was a small green spot in silver and white, which was another space station closest to here.

A few moments later we completed the inspection of the second site, and the result was unexpected: it was also dormant.

Alaya released his avatar of the Holy Spirit, Sandora split up more mini-spiritual sparks, and I expanded my telepathic range. Soon, dozens of man-made facilities in the surrounding space were scanned by us. However, they are all in hibernation without exception, and the hibernation method is exactly the same: the main internal equipment is completely stopped, indicating that the entire site is no longer performing tasks, and the core has a weak energy response, indicating that the site core is idling and the shield generator And the attitude-adjusting thrusters operate normally, ensuring that they can survive in this dormant state for a very long time-and they may have really been dormant for a very long time.

"A station may be dormant for maintenance or other reasons, but all of these space stations are dormant ... the situation is strange," said the spherical Sandora, two meters ahead. A trace of golden lines extended from the spark of the mind, and gradually faded into the depths of space, just like her fighting stance in her personal life, these golden lines are examining the space station in a further range. "Everything is dormant ... and the shield and attitude engine are running, which shows that they are intentionally set to this state: although they don't work, they are on standby in space for a long time. But why do they do this? Their makers Did you give up these things? "

"It looks like I can only go to the planet's surface to find the answer," I looked at the green planet under my feet. "Well, weird and strange worlds are really everywhere. Why am I encountering a civilization that doesn't develop according to common sense ..."

After a while. We have come to the surface of the planet and, in stealth, approached the settlements near the landing site.

Located at the end of a triangular plain, it is the area where the plain meets a large forest. The boundary of the forest area has a straight and wide river that divides the two landforms into two. The west side of the river is a dense jungle and the east side of the river. It is a plain area with towns, open terrain and sparse vegetation.

In front of us is a local town. Its scale does not seem to be large. It is not so much a town as a huge village, but there is a circle of earth and stone structure around the village, so I was classified as "town "Category. Standing at a high altitude, you can see the whole picture of the town. It is built by the river, winding, and "slim". There are hundreds of families along the river. It is gradually becoming scarce, but the scale is gradually increasing. Obviously, facilities such as wealthy households, shops, and government offices are located inside the town far from the river bank. Most of the houses are a mixed structure of civil engineering and masonry. Most of the bungalows and second-floor houses are simple in style, and there are not too many decorative traces. Even those large-scale houses that look like noble houses are not too big. More decorated look.

But simple and simple, all the houses are quite neat and bright. Most of these local houses consist of a square main house and two or three cylindrical auxiliary houses. The exterior wall of the house seems to be white cement or other artificial materials. Made of materials, it looks clean and tidy, while the beveled roof of the main house and the dome of the auxiliary house are paved with blue shingles or fired masonry tiles, blue and white. The whole riverside town basically has only this Two shades.

In the deepest part of the town, there is a special-shaped steeple building. This steeple makes it particularly prominent in other houses. I do n’t know what it is, but look at its special location, stained glass with complex patterns and deduction. The endless stream of people ... maybe some kind of religious facility? Of course, this is only the first impression, and the specific situation is unclear.

As a town, this settlement is not large, but the population is quite prosperous. There is a large area of ​​farmland outside the town, and the flow of people inside the town is like weaving. From the transportation on the street, we can see the technological level of the world: the rich Horseback riding, farm cart. Most pedestrians hurriedly walked on the rough road. The highest technology in the whole town may be the three windmills built against the east wall and the large water wheel upstream of the river. In addition, I did not even see an electrified street lamp ...

"Looks like ... not quite what we expected." I landed from a high altitude to the height of the town wall, holding a warm Sandola ball in my arms, and stretching my neck to observe the locals' dress Say it to yourself.

The locals are also human, so you don't have to think about what weird and strange appearances look like to penetrate, just prepare the locals' clothes. Arayeh was outside for a record-breaking period of time today, and now she is lazily returning to my spiritual world to accompany her daughter to sleep, what about Sandora ... Let her lower the brightness a bit, and let me hold a football myself , Or she can be directly invisible.

Sandora's observations are much more detailed than mine, and she has spread her power farther and deeper. Her light voice came from the light ball in my arms: "It is obvious that their technical level is still in the era of farming with artificial + livestock power, there is no sign of electrification, there is no autogenous mechanical power, and most of the residents are humans. In the middle, we found alien races similar to elves and dwarves, with a small number and getting along well with humans. Expand the search and determine that other settlements within a million square kilometers around are also similar. Comprehensive assessment of the planet is at a low level and uncivilized Civilization ... I made a mistake. "

It's not just her misjudgment. Even I didn't expect that there was such a scene on the surface: a farming civilization that did not develop modern technology at all! Looked even like Europe in the late Middle Ages!

However, this planet has hundreds or even thousands of space stations and satellites in its orbit. Those space facilities are even as clean as new, and can be restarted with a single command!

Obviously this planet also has secrets. But I don't even think that I was just blown up once in a while. I happened to fall into a remote world where the birds didn't shit. I found a living planet at a very low probability, and I encountered such a fun and confusing environment. thing. This great luck is a natural gift-why didn't I try to buy a lottery ticket before I was eighteen? That way, when the three hundred commanders come, I don't need to let them find a job by myself, and I also save the carnival hobby of West Carlo ...

I quickly prepared myself a set of clothes that conformed to the shape of local civilians. In fact, the local clothes were not awkward to wear. Short robes and narrow trousers, grayish white and grayish blue tones, look a bit like the inhabitants of a desert area, much better than some of the world in which the costumes are habitually weird. Sandora was too lazy to cover herself with a camouflage, she became invisible and floated behind me, and the two of us walked into this local town with such a big swing, without causing unnecessary sight.

"The space stations and satellites in space should be sealed under planned circumstances, and there is no sign of rushing to give up, and it is obvious that their standby status is waiting for some future recovery moment," Sandora remained invisible, While observing the surroundings, I continued to chat with me in the spiritual connection. "And on the ground ... these are probably experiencing some kind of technological decline, which is not uncommon. In short, it is not like a special civilization worthy of attention, but Anyway, the two of us are now trapped here, so we can explore for a few days as an outing, and sometimes a higher civilization with a discontinued development and a severe fall also has a high observation value, which can give us some inspiration. "

In conversation, Sandora has characterized this as a "teaching meaningful leisure trip" activity, although it seems that there is something wrong, but always idle and idle, it seems good to relax on this planet.

In this way, while speculating about the connection between the sealed space facilities in space and the backward civilizations on the surface, we wandered aimlessly in this small riverside town.

Although I haven't been to other places, but in this town, it seems that the place is quite peaceful. I also saw the elves and dwarves mentioned by Sandora before. They should belong to the minority residents in the town, but it seems to be the same. Often living in the area, there are no signs of conflict between the three races, which is not common in other worlds.

This town is a typical agricultural and sideline settlement ~ www.readwn.com ~ The farmland outside the town and the adjacent river are probably the source of life for the local residents. There is a small market in the town. You can see sales in the market Wild game and herbal hunters and the like, presumably the nearby forests are also a pillar of survival for the locals.

I find it rare to find a new world. How much should I buy some local specialties and go back as gifts for the group at home, so I wander around this small market. Although I do n’t know the local society, I do n’t know the currency, customs, and daily etiquette. Wait for details, but how to say it is also a senior traversal person, quickly gathering information through observation in an unfamiliar environment is my strength in a short time, after a short while, I probably figured out the currency and trading methods here, then surprised Find……

Not only currency is used here, but also barter transactions are allowed?

It is often seen that some people dressed in dusty travellers use strange things to exchange a lot of food with local residents or other necessities of life. This makes one can't help thinking that they have just come out of some relics and have not had time to Treasures obtained from adventures are replaced by "adventures" of money. This kind of scene has been seen in many other worlds.

Just as I became more and more interested in this planet, my corner of clothing was suddenly pulled. (To be continued ...)

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