Xiling Empire

Chapter 1561: Story, and 1 god

I was led by Sandora's breath, and when I came to the table, I found that it was just some books and manuscripts that didn't seem strange, and there was no technology like the spacecraft design we have been searching for for a long time. There is no scary imperial emblem printed on it (I often encounter the incombustible garbage of the empire, and I am not surprised to see the imperial emblem no matter what corner I go to now), one of these books is delicate The rest of the prints are obviously manuscripts and things that are oil-printed by earth.

"What's weird about this?" I still remember not to disturb other people's things, but turning two pages a little to see it should be fine, but after opening it, I didn't find anything: the text on it didn't know, crooked It's the same as a ghost symbol.

"Pay attention to the printing quality," Sandola landed on the only print, and bounced twice, but found that she was currently out of hand, so she continued to bounce around. "Flip back two pages to see, I can't turn pages ... "

In such a cute ball of blood, there was a majestic sound of Sandorana. Immediately, I was hit by the bullseye, and I could only whisper while holding the soft and warm ball of light: "You can Do n’t be so cute, it ’s more or less a queen, and even if it ’s temporarily turned into a ball, keep a little grace-I do n’t believe you ca n’t turn the page! ”

"Well, the physical spark of the mind will be more troublesome to handle. This was originally a drone used to interfere with the energy body and consciousness. And this one in front of you is still small. Where is it so versatile, why do n’t you let alone The fighter embroidered, "Sandora jumped onto my shoulder dissatisfied, while extending a golden silk thread from the surface of the light ball to open the print:" She really has the ability, "and I do n’t know how to sell Moe, Why are you focusing on such a strange place? "

Sandola's tone was serious, even though her image was just a ball. I can also hear her majestic manner from her tone. It seems that Her Majesty is sincere and doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with her current behavior-even if it is the highest state of selling cuteness, naturally cute ...

"You see here," Sandora pointed at the corners of the page with golden silk threads, and the colored reflective traces hidden under the patterns. "The effects that can be achieved by high-precision printing presses with precise printing, and these colored reflective traces should be related to laser technology. Related, they can also have special reflections on ultraviolet light, perhaps an anti-counterfeiting mark. "

Only then did I realize that the situation was not right--so this book is a high-tech product?

In fact, I am not to blame for my carelessness, mainly because I often see such things as books myself. Although the Apostles of the Spirit are not required to use physical printing products unless necessary, after all, they have been used to posing here for decades, and the lifestyle habits of so many ordinary races in Shadow City are also there. More importantly, the emperor The school system is special. Bubbles and small lamps are dragged all day homework that they do n’t write. They are at home. I ’m really numb to this kind of printed matter. It ’s not strange to see this. See you in a technologically backward place in theory. I didn't expect anything weird in an exquisite printed book. But Sandorah watched very little, and she found out the problem the first time.

"This planet ... at least what we are seeing now does not have this sophisticated technology. It is not certain whether the space stations in the sky were made by their ancestors, but they are not related to high technology anyway now." Sandora said softly, "This book looks relatively new. It should be a product in recent years. And according to the reading of Elro's mother just now, the locals here are no strangers to this precision printed stuff ... What do you think, Ajun? "

"Who knows, I don't have much imagination," I shrugged. "Probably they have all kinds of technological breakdowns. Only the printing technology has been preserved? Or is there high-tech anywhere else on the planet, and this place we stay in is actually a primitive civilization ecological protection area?"

Sandora was surprised: "You have a good imagination-unfortunately there is no reference value."

I scratched my face awkwardly: "Hey. Anyway, it's not an important issue. Let's study it slowly. Let's put it first, can't we be in touch with the Empire?"

"There is no connection. There is strange interference. This interference environment seems to cover the entire universe, even the world barrier and a large area outside the barrier is not normal," Sandora's voice suddenly became serious, "I tried to make the Empire The generals created some spacecraft, but they lost contact shortly after leaving the barrier of the world, and they were not sure whether they were destroyed or simply disrupted. "

"Um ..." I looked down at my hands, and then vanished into an ordinary form again. "Then don't rush out and close the entire universe to such an extent, but it's a big deal. We are now half dead. Be careful, I don't want to succeed in the war, but I am hung back to the void to read the note and wait for the resurrection-and your resurrection coin has just run out. "

"What's so normal makes you say it sounds so weird." Sandora muttered, and then suddenly turned into stealth again, at the same time I heard it coming from the wooden stairs The sound of footsteps, the first one to run down really was the bear child Ailu, and the young girl was particularly happy: "Scholars and scholars! The room is ready! But do you want to eat first? My mother cooks deliciously!"

"That's harassing, madam." I smiled and nodded at the mother who had just come down, trying to make myself look like a scholar (although I don't know what kind of temperament scholars on this planet should have).

"Just call me Celine," Ello's mother nodded politely, then looked at me curiously. "I don't see if you came from the North or the South? If you were from the southern Principalities, you might eat it. Not used to the spicy soup here. "

I really wanted to say that I came from the top, but still vaguely answered in the principle of "Less words are good": "It doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of spicy food. Home-cooked meals are just fine." "I happen to have some dry food from my home. Let's eat together later. You shouldn't have this kind of stuff here."

Celine bowed slightly, her etiquette was impeccable, and then turned to walk to the kitchen. As soon as her mother disappeared, Eluo threw herself excitedly: "This smells good! Eluo wants to taste it! Why didn't you smell it just now With this on you? "

Nonsense, just put it in the portable space!

I sat down at the dining table in the main hall, and curiously looked at El Lui who was walking around with curiosity. "Why do you look so happy? Is it so good for someone to stay?"

"Because the hotel at home is finally going to reopen!" Ai Lu jumped to the chair beside her. "It will be lively again here in the future, there will be many adventurers passing by here, my mother will not be dazed at those books every day, and ... maybe my dad will come back!"

"Dad?" I realized before that I felt like something was missing here. "Yeah, there seems to be only you and your mother here? This is a big house for you two? Your dad is out. ? "

"Well, my mother said that Dad was an adventurer, and he had traveled far away to explore, and it would take many years to return," Ailu twisted on the chair restlessly. "I'm not without my dad, it's just that my dad has gone out. Dad is a very good person. Although he left when he was very young, I still remember that he could wave a very large axe. Others said he used to It's a fighter, a very powerful one. "

It turned out that this is still a family with a story ... But when Celine explained to her daughter the question of "Where is Dad going", my first reaction was that her dad was dead. Does "place" mean anything else?

But Ailu is still carefree and firmly believes that his dad is a heroic adventurer. Sooner or later, I will end my adventure outside and return home. So, is it that her love for adventurers is related to her dad?

Before I had too much time to ask, Celine's voice came from the direction of the kitchen, and Ai Lu jumped out of the chair and ran to help the end plate to deliver the bowl. This little girl who seems to be only about ten years old is running around like the wind. It seemed that I was accustomed to helping with these housework. I felt that it was not embarrassing to sit in a chair and wait for food, so I hurried forward to help, and a table of food was put on the table after a while.

The planet's ecological environment is highly similar to Earth. Although the food is a bit weird, it is also "universal" with the earth. This was confirmed before in the tavern, so don't worry about what weird things need to eat.

The staple of local food looks like a whole piece of fluffy pasta. When you eat, use a long knife to cut them apart, and the side dishes are a variety of vegetable soups. The colors are strange, but the taste is not bad. The scone I brought was Anvena's craftsmanship, which seemed to suit the tastes of the locals, so she was highly praised by Celin and Ailu, and the little girl bite her hand three times to prove it. Because they are not very familiar with each other, I am not in a position to directly ask people's housework. I can only talk about non-nutritive topics first, and looking for any chance to ask the origin of the printed book. At this time, Ai Lu suddenly brought With a happy expression, he asked aloud, "Yes, mom, now there are more and more adventurers. Do you think dad will come back to town with them?"

Immediately, I squinted and looked at Celine. The expression on her face changed slightly, but she concealed it very well and quickly changed into a mild expression and smiled at Elu: "Well, I will definitely come back ... and even if he does n’t come back, he will definitely ask other adventurers to return home with a little correspondence and diary, just like before. He is a very busy man doing important things outside, and Ailu just needs to grow up well, This way your dad doesn't have to worry about being in the house. Well, let's eat soon, and the soup will be cold. "

Ai Lu was quite obedient in front of her mother, and immediately buried her head in a soup bowl and snorted and ate, but I couldn't help but look at Celine again: This looks like an ordinary flat democratic woman, but also the hardship of single women Mother, the performance on the table is very gentle and elegant, although I am not sure what the noble dining etiquette on this planet looks like, but ordinary civilians will definitely not eat meals with a knife and noodles, and then press Dipping vegetable soup in order, no matter which world, only "nobles" who are well-educated to near obsessive-compulsive disorder will tirelessly abuse food at the table-of course, the first family of Hilling belongs to the exotic species and will not be considered.

Sandola rolled up on the table as expected, and no one else could see her, but I could watch her around the circle during each food week, whispering thoughts: "Unhappy ... Unhappy ... unhappy ... "

"Why is the table shaking?" Celine frowned and looked at the soup bowl. "Ai Lu, don't shake your legs while eating, you must understand etiquette."

I hurriedly pulled Sandor's ball over to keep her still, and then pretended to open the topic indifferently: "Yes. Just now Elu said that her dad is also an adventurer? Is he out?"

"... Ah, it's been a long time since I don't know where in the world I am digging antiques now," Celine stunned, and then she seemed to smile as usual. "At that time, Ai Lu was only three or four years old, and you should not remember Too clear about his father's affairs. "

"I remember! Dad is terrific, right," Ai Lu immediately raised his head to refute. "And Dad often makes people believe that he returns to destroy monsters outside. I like to watch the diary written by Dad, in the mountains to the east. There are huge ... "

Ellu once again eloquently talked about the heroic deeds, the battle between the brave and the dragon, the burning sulphur forest, the treasure buried in the ancient city, and so on. These stories sound so familiar, with a little modification. The little girl took the "guide words" I told when I was walking around the town-I think I have come from where these stories come from. It is not a knight novel at all, and the so-called "letter from my father's trust".

"Have a good meal. Hurry up and go back to your room to study," Celine finally interrupted her daughter's story of bursting beans, and then she smiled embarrassedly at this side. "Sorry. This child likes to make trouble ... she I admire my father. "

I showed my understanding: "It's okay, there's a group in my family ... well, it's more uneasy than Ellu."

More than worry! In the first four months, the small lamp smashed a "big firework" with a small bubble. As a result, Shadow City launched three waves of interceptors to blow up the gadget in outer space. In the previous month, the fox led Xiaoxue back to her "native family" to visit relatives. The entire monster town almost immigrated to the Mars sanctuary to live. The first two months Lina had a fight with the small lamp ... Now there are no bullet shells in the World Tree Garden Sweep it up.

By comparison. Just a little whimsical, Ai Lu, who has a whimsical second life and deviates from common sense in life, is as pure as a piece of paper.

The child was easy to eat, and Ailu quickly finished the dinner in front of her. She tidy up her own dishes and ran back to her room, leaving me in the front hall. And Celine.

Of course, there is a light ball that breaks the bond and continues to roll around the table: Sandora has spontaneously sprouted naturally.

"Ilu's dad is really an adventurer?" Now that this topic has begun, it's a little embarrassing when I ask again. "Look at the kid's head, but her story is really not credible. Now, I just ask casually, it doesn't matter if you want to say. "

"Nothing can't be said, Ai Lu's father is indeed an adventurer, but ..." Celine sighed, looking sad, "I haven't heard from him for a long time. I ... hope he can come back."

Sure enough, the "letter from his father" that Erlu received in recent years is actually forged by Celine ... This is a deeply touching story, but when I think of Elro's wild story and strange worldview, I I still can't help but want to say something to Celine: Madam, it's really a curse that you don't write novels!

After all, it is impossible to talk too much to strangers because of her personal affairs. Celine just talked about Ai Lu's father and did n’t continue to talk about it, but I can still organize one through this speech and my brain supplement. The complete story:

Ai Lu's father is indeed an adventurer. He was quite famous when he was young. He and Celine also met after a certain adventure, but it was all Ai Lu's life before. To be precise, Ai Lu's father was After his daughter was born, she gave up the dangerous adventure.

After the daughter was born, the little couple stayed in this quiet town and bought a big house with the money they saved during the adventure. They opened a hotel here. They plan to give her daughter a stable environment for growth. So far so good.

But as many people have already thought, the stories that can be told on such occasions are the ghosts of the family if they can live safely and securely: Ai Lu had a strange illness at the age of four.

Celine did not specifically explain what happened in the year, but even if she took a word, I could think of what was going on. It was nothing more than a child's illness that caused the family to lose money. Therefore, Elu's father regained the adventure of the year. Equipment, followed by a small team passing the town again on the road.

The first two years ~ www.readwn.com ~ and letters and money were sent home. It was also with the money that Ai Lu's illness was cured, but it was just when Ai Lu's father learned that his daughter was cured. The last letter wrote happily mentioning that when he was on his way home ... there was no more news.

"Probably never come back," said Celine lightly. "Fortunately, my life is still going on ... although in the past two years, there have been fewer travelers looking for elves to do business in the town, and they ca n’t even open a store, but There is another way. Hey, I told you a lot of unnecessary things. "

"No, I should apologize, as if I asked a question that should not be asked." I said embarrassingly, in exchange for a free and easy smile: "It doesn't matter, I have been used for so many years, the earliest years are more difficult than now."

Is Elu's father life or death? Now it seems that the story has no clear results, but according to Celine ... the man who went out for his daughter's adventures was not abandoning his wife and abandoning the child, but lost his halfway home happily after hearing that his daughter was cured. Audio, so I'm afraid it won't need to say much.

When I was silently thinking, Celine quietly picked up the tableware on the table, and then suddenly muttered in a low voice: "May the **** of technology bless Ailu, and now I am only her." (To be continued.) )

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