Xiling Empire

Chapter 316: let's move

Second, what could be more dramatic than suddenly learning that an evil organization is secretly conspiring to conquer the evil?

That's when you suddenly know that this organization has started to work on Hilling Technology. www ..

An Weina showed a pile of Schilling equipment in the underground base, which made me scared, and later I thought of what Olympus was looking for.

So, the other person ’s technology, which has the limit of human beings, is deeply open to the power of different powers.

Things, it's really a bit big,

At noon the next day, Lin Xue, who was originally on a mission in another city, was summoned by me urgently. As soon as I entered the living room, Miss Lin, who had been off the plane for less than half an hour, explained to me in fifteen minutes. How important the tasks you are performing, how lofty your mission is, and then in fifteen minutes, you declare that you have to come with me in a busy schedule to accompany me this boring dead house I would rather sacrifice my precious monthly attendance award but also satisfy someone who may be purely whimsical. How unselfish this behavior is, and it took me a full half hour to condemn me such a disregard for the benefit of all humankind and interfere with a great What a shameless and self-serving behavior the warrior ’s behavior of violent and virtuous is very shameful and self-defeating. For a whole hour, this girl spent half of her time unilaterally lingering on me.

Then, it took me five minutes to tell a great prophet who was upset because of the monthly attendance award but actually had more money than the six billion people on earth. What did we find?

Therefore, Lin Xue's expression was as thrilling as when I just saw the almost brand-new Schilling device. It can make Lin Xue, a great prophet known as omnipotent and almighty, show this kind of expression. One of the things that made me feel successful was that I was nine years old when I successfully ended the brutal rule of the front seat Erya with two caterpillars in the wrong pen box.

\ "The guys at Olympus are studying Hilling Technology, and there is a 83% chance that they bought from the Tower of Babel. They are also the relics of the Hilling Empire" I am full of my enemies of life Successfully cracked down on the revenge of happiness but with a true serious expression on his face, retelling the information analyzed by the men, \ "In addition, Olympus has mastered some possibilities of Hilling Technology. Ninety-seven percent, they have at least one 91% chance of having at least one Spirit relic in their hands.This is the result of unanimous analysis by 33 computers in the bubble and shadow cities. Reliability is 100%. [M]


She Linxue shouted and threw herself on the sand, and she spit out the orange juice originally prepared for me by An Weina, and spit it out: \ "It's not good to be with your dangerous guys

Me: \ "The trouble is the illegal human organization, okay? The Schillings accidentally dropped something on the earth and shot them?"

Lin Xue: \ "You have finally excluded yourself from humans \" In short, many things have been raised this time. "The older sister came out of the kitchen and put a plate of snacks on the coffee table, \" in different Just when Nogumi started to study the remains of the spirit on the earth, Olympus has already made practical research results on it. No matter what their purpose is, this is too dangerous.

Lin Xue said vaguely while shameless and Sandora rushed for snacks: "Of course, the situation is bad. We have had several head-to-head confrontations with Olympus. As long as they are cadres at or above the regional level, they have the level of strength, and the strength of the head of the country and region is probably stronger than that of my father. Si has long been against the sky, and the old man is already thinking about whether to notify the overseas power organizations and unite against those monsters, but in this way, the face of the Chinese power group will probably be damaged. Now that it is certain that their rise is related to Hilling Technology, I can finally give this ghost errand "the glorious mission to you, these great elements.

Sitting in my sand eating my snack and grabbing snacks with my girlfriend without interruption, can't you say this a little more politely? Dead girl! !!

\ "阿俊". When Sandola threw the last piece of snack into her mouth with satisfaction, the girl finally lifted her head. "I said, no matter how successful the human research of Hilling technology is, it won't be the climate, will they? Can threaten our real army? So don't worry about them. "

\ "Of course they can't compete with the real Spirit army, but

However, if the research of Hilling Technology is not good, it will explode! And they are harming ordinary humans. For the nations of the world, whether it is the genuine Schilling Legion or the fake and shoddy products copied by Olympus, it is all the same thing.

I can't blame Sandora, she always thinks of the problem from the perspective of the spirit apostles, it is really difficult for a spirit emperor to consider things from the perspective of human safety. Some time ago, Huesca was begging me to flatten Eastern Europe and build a playground.

After a brief explanation of the possible harm caused to human society by a terrorist organization that is studying Hilling Technology, it will be explained again and again that if human society collapses, we will lose tons of snack supplies and lose 99% The candy brand, 100% of the game industry will be wiped out, and the entertainment business of all humanity will be slackened.The empire leaders who were in the semi-watching state at home have finally succeeded in filling indignation under my care, unanimously expressing their arrogance like Olympus Dangerous and unjust reading of the Spiritual Civilization must be subject to the harshest sanctions of the empire. From this incident, we can see that the reasons behind many horrible events in history are likely to be extremely frivolous, as if The reason why the Olympus organization that nearly subverted the entire human world was killed in the future is just a few girls suspecting that they might affect their usual eating, drinking, and fun

After that, things went quite smoothly, and Lin Xue and I reached a consensus within a second: the well-established intellective team of the intelligence network was responsible for finding out all the clues of Olympus, and then the gang in the shadow city had almost broken out of depression. The imperial officers and soldiers of the disease will destroy all the Olympus forces they have with the thunder.

\ "But I need to discuss with the old man" Lin Xue said, although he already knows that the mysterious and highly respected old man in the power group is his own grandfather, when he called it, Lin Xue could not help but call the other old man, \ " Do n’t forget what you said at the beginning that you are a family-style club organization. Now such a strong appearance may make the elderly doubtful. Do n’t show that kind of look, okay? If you are also the leader of a large organization, anyway, you I have to understand the responsibility of my grandpa? "

Okay, I understand, but did you have something very subtle that you wanted to say without saying it?

Lin Linxue's words are indeed worth thinking about. If we really start to act, this will be the first time that we have really used the power of the Spirit Army to level things on the earth. The previous actions were just a few of us's idlers' petty troubles, due to some powerful differences. The caring actions of the able can also be justified. But now if we are determined to completely destroy the entire Olympus, the power we will show will definitely surprise the power group's chin. So how to explain it is a problem, not to mention that it is not incompatible. It is the sudden rise of a strong mysterious organization that is enough to make the dark world turbulent. This is clearly contrary to my life goal of eating and waiting for death. Lao Tzu saved the world and returned to the earth for a vacation!

It seems that we will have to wipe out the entire Olympus before everyone can respond. In other words, it is naturally self-evident that it is difficult to smash the roots of this terrorist organization, which may be the largest human group ever established since drilling wood for fire. Especially when I was under the control of a group of heavy firepower that can only be bombed by the group.

And even choosing the covert action screen to minimize the power exposed by the Spirit Apostle ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is essential to have contact and some negotiation with the high-level team of the power group, which is exactly what caused me a lot of headaches thing.

I said a long time ago that I was not a political activist. Didn't I say it? That said now, so let me understand that this kind of mediation between the two organizations is no less difficult than letting Xiao Pao and Guo Degang face the street, and facing such a fundamentally unsolvable problem, I made The easiest and right choice: let Lin Xue worry about it!

In addition, Xiao Ling, who was rescued by us, has gradually recovered, and she has not suffered any substantial harm.She is only weak due to hunger and lack of health. If it is not for confidentiality, I am thinking about it. Preparing her for a rehabilitation warehouse can solve everything in ten minutes.

Because I don't know if Medusa, who fled that day, will suddenly return and then kill Xiao Ling and Liu Fan by the way, these two unstable factors are protected by us. The people who occupy the top three places in the world [Zhetian] live together. In theory, there should be no safer place in the world than us, even if someone wants to harm them. It is also impossible to form more than ten army units.

随着 With Xiao Ling's move in, a bad-looking fake loli finally began to get anxious,

According to the general rules, Lilian's habit is to go out on time every morning at seven o'clock. I wandered outside to go home for dinner at four or five o'clock in the afternoon, and since Xiao Ling they moved in, this girl hasn't been out shopping for two days


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