Xiling Empire

Chapter 329: Artemis

Where are our ruins hidden by you one by one?

With a popping sound like flames burning and electromagnetic effects, Sandora bowed to the stunned middle-aged man. In words, there is endless majesty and almost cruel disregard for all life. this moment. The Queen of Spirits, who destroyed countless worlds and burned countless lives with war, finally came again.

If this girl don't secretly gesture to me in the back "

Sandora is a majestic queen who is not small but that double-faced personality, which is almost divided, is really huge.

\ "You are not human !!!"

The middle-aged man is not one of the leaders of Olympus. Despite sweating under the threat of Sandora's mental oppression and the flames of the abyss. He calmed down quickly, and then suddenly realized something: \ "You just said," Your ruins! ? "

\ "Useless nonsense."

Sandora grunted coldly. Then politely pierced the sharp claws to the opponent's shoulder. Although it only pierced a small wound such as the epidermis, the latter's face turned pale instantly, and the entire facial features were distorted into a weird pattern.

火焰 The power of the Abyss Flame is not sustainable for ordinary humans.

\ "Okay. Sandora." I took a few steps forward and patted the golden girl's shoulder gently. Preventing the other party's intention to continue to use punishment, in the abyss form, Sandora's character will be somewhat cold-blooded, although she can keep her mind well most of the time. But the fragile human body may not be able to wait until the moment she becomes sane.

站在 I stood in front of a middle-aged man who had been calmed down but his body was soaked with sweat, and a smile letting the other person relax: \ "Okay, I am a human, so you can relax

We greeted each other with the expression "How do you lie to the ghost?"

出现 Appeared with Sandola, I was so clear-cut that my compatriots were excluded from the human category,

I can't blame the other side for showing such a distrustful expression. It was obvious that Sandora's image had been defined by him as a "devil," and I could easily make the "devil" obedient, and to say that I am a human would certainly attract such a skeptical look.

Why can't this uncle think I'm a warlock with a demon talent?

\ "Say, your name is of course your code name in Olympus, and I have no interest in your real name."

I faintly raised my own doubts. I am really curious as if this net loses his last trousers on the Mahjong table and then goes home and is hunted down by his wife with a wand for half a street, what is the identity of Uncle Beard, Olin I have seen a few members of Pease. There are arrogant, idiots, and self-inflated to neurotic, but melancholic uncles like this are really a rare breed.

Next to me, Sandora began to grind her claws with a throat. "Cough. Just now I just used the brain to make up the results. Please ignore them." Sandora's abyss claws are too strong to see. .

Uncle Melancholy laughed a few times and said in a discouraged way: "If you are really interested in that ridiculous name, call me Lais."

I stayed for a while: "Uh, wouldn't you be the supreme leader of Olympus?"

\ "It seems that you have a lot of information."

\ "No, right?" I looked up and down in disbelief in front of the melancholy uncle, the gossip soul was burning, "" How did you do this before we started? This is really good ", cough Well, unfortunate ending. "

So the uncle with the shining title of Zeus in front of me is even more depressed. www ..

\ "I said it because of the rebellion. I didn't expect it. The painstaking effort of more than ten years was torn up like a joke. Smashed, even Poseidon and Hades who thought they could at least retreat. I was easily killed by you, and in the end I still have to face the end of betrayal, how can I forget it? I should know the nature of human beings most clearly. "

I scratched my head awkwardly, and then pointed to Sandola who was rubbing her claws next to me: "" If you want to say rebellion, this girl did it, so you don't have to be melancholy. I am really sore. "

\ "Of course I know that those believers are under the control of external forces." Reiss gave me a blunt look, \ "I was injured by another Olympus god."

I muttered: "" You have a face and put the word "God" in your mouth. It's self-hypnosis to a certain extent. So, do you have dogs biting dogs between your heads? "

Zeus froze for a moment. Shaking his head and grinning: "" I didn't expect us to be defeated by this enemy. "

Me: \ "What do you say!"

\ "Ten years of planning paid such a huge price that it turned out to be the only place to be." Zeus didn't care about my attitude, but fell into some kind of sentiment, \ "Just in Poseidon and Hardy When Si was in charge of blocking you, we finally solved the final mystery of the Great Temple, but now only one person can be qualified to enter the realm of God. My closest comrade in arms shot at me without even a second of hesitation. It's ridiculous. I even fantasized about creating a new era of gods to eliminate human evil, but I forgot the most fatal weakness of human beings. A greedy villain, even if he has gained the power of God. No, they are still villains. More dangerous than villains

\ "Give you a suggestion". I leaned down and patted Uncle's shoulder, just on the wound of the other person who was just burned by the flames of the abyss, and immediately made the latter covered with a fierce slap, \ "After going out, be a good man and fight for slap. The artist at least It has to be a philosopher or something, that's more reliable than being a fairy. In addition, I will confiscate your power first, and I may return it to you in the future. "Su Zeus' face suddenly showed a shocked look, just now With one shot, all his abilities have been permanently blocked by me, but soon he sighed with relief: \ "Maybe this is a good ending, can I know your identity? At least, I want to know who was destroyed by Olympus. Your power is already far away. Human organizations can even say that they do n’t belong to humans.

\ "We said just now" The ego stood up, turned his head away, and uttered the next sentence, "" The remains of the gods you are studying are our construction waste. "

Zeus' expression immediately stiffened, then calmed down instantly, without knowing what was thinking.

I led Sandora to take a step forward, and after walking out of a dozen meters, I suddenly turned back, and asked Zeus, who was far away from the sky, "\ Well, what's up?"


Talking to the people at Olympus is a bit of a hassle, although these guys are talking about things we already know very well. But every time I have to translate in my mind for a long time to understand what the other person said, like this time, I spent several minutes on the road before finally translating what Zeus said into understandable Chinese: dare to love them finally I found a way to start that ancient mother's nest, but it may be because of the lack of energy that the power of the mother's nest crystal can only make a person \ "god." So the dog bites the dog between their heads on the bones event. It was just that the other side said "" Going into the realm of God. I wondered why.

As for the melancholic version of Zeus, I still decided to let him go. From the short conversation, I have almost guessed some truths. This 80% is a poor guy who wants to be a savior under the blood of a beautiful delusion, with good motivation. It's a pity that there isn't enough mentality, but it's not a bad person in terms of nature. Now that the other party has become an ordinary person, I have no intention of killing it. Let him live to atone for it.

Following the route pointed by Lace, we entered a deep underground base of this base from a concealed emergency passageway.Since the base is closely connected with the remains of the Hilling Mother's Nest below it, as we continue to deepen, in fact we have Entered the interior of the ancient mother's nest, but although deep inside the advanced Schilling building, this road clearly has a completely different style from the high-tech corridor we have come all the way, not so much as it is located in a high-tech base The emergency passage is rather a hidden corridor in an ancient temple. Whether it is the surrounding stone walls or the black flare stone bricks with weird patterns under our feet, and the mysterious murals everywhere, there is a style that combines various religious worship and idealism. I can't help but sigh after seeing it. It really deserves to be the base of the cult organization. On these quirky murals, although many legendary patterns of Warcraft or monsters are portrayed, they only lack the image of the gods. Say. This is also Olympus \ "I am God. The embodiment of thought.

Just when the passage was about to end, Pandora suddenly stood still, then turned to point to a mural next to me and reported to me: \ "High energy response."

\"do not"

\ "Boom!"

I'm completely speechless about Pandora's way of opening the door. "This girl is not afraid of collapse!

\ "Strictly calculated the attack output". Pandora withdrew the cannon and continued to say with a mechanized voice, "" The energy spread is zero. "

Well, let me know how important Pandora is.

Behind the wall that was opened by a large hole by Pandora is a huge stone hall. Under the attack of a certain movement that can scare away even a mummy, stealth stealth has no meaning anymore. There is no hidden meaning, so we entered the dark hall where the “evil base camp” leaked everywhere.

\ "From the coordinates, this should be located in the machine room of the mother nest." Sandora whispered to me next to me, "" The core of Olympus is probably only here. "

轰 After blasting the secret door, Huesca and Pandora have switched to combat mode, two 咋. The little girl, dressed in the same silver-white shirt, walked in front of us like a person and her shadow. There were rhythmic gurgling sounds when the alloy boots stepped on the ground, echoing constantly in the empty stone hall.

This dark hall is known in Zeus's mouth as \ "The Council of the Gods". Although it has such a glorious title, it is not touched with the sacred at all. Some are only the red religious reliefs on the walls and carved on the walls. The weird text on the large stone bricks, you can say that this is the test field for summoning demons. I still believe more.

As I was studying the twisted symbols like hieroglyphs on the ground, Veska suddenly greeted in front: "Two people now. They are dead!"

珊 Sandora and I rushed over immediately. Sure enough, two male bodies wearing black robes are now lying next to Visca's feet, one is a skinny "counterman", the face guard is painted with quirky gold boiled symbols, and the other is lanky and fat. European men, as can be seen from the mask fragments scattered around them, these two should also be leaders of Olympus.

According to information provided by Medusa, the top leaders of Olympus are six. And so far we have confirmed five people, except for the inexplicable at the beginning, but it is likely to be ready to pull the wind. As a result, Pandora accidentally shelled out Poseidon, arrogant and self-hypnotic to a little nervous, but As a result, Huskar ’s sister, cough, fantasy killer "cough, in short, is the ability to negate the ability to suppress the death of Hades, who was finally shot by the phantom. And the melancholy just encountered In addition to the sentimental Uncle Version, there are two others who are currently falling here, Dragon Armor and Dragon Armor B. After excluding them, according to the information provided by Zeus. We can already confirm who the ultimate winner is: Al Themis.

This did not surprise me. Although the name "Artemis" was the first time I heard, when Zeus confessed to us, this person was already on my high-risk list.

This guy with the title of Luna can be said to be the most mysterious person in the entire Olympus organization. Even Reis does not know where the other party came from, and is currently the only one known. That is, the gender of the other party is female, as for the age and appearance of this little girl. Ability, origin, and all are unknown mysteries, and according to Zeus's account, this woman was not a member of Olympus at the beginning.She first appeared about two years ago, when Olympus was still It's just an ordinary organization dedicated to studying the remains of ancient Spirit and trying to improve the power of the power. Although the goal was to obtain more human power, Olympus at that time was not whimsical enough to become a god. Until the arrival of that mysterious woman. Olympus gave birth to earth-shaking changes [Dzizhu change].

To be honest, at the beginning, I still felt that Zeus was talking blindly. Would an organization such as Olympus allow a suspicious element of unknown origin or even unknown appearance to become the leader of the organization?

But in the end, many contradictions in Zeus's description have made me dispel doubts.

Because even he himself can't remember exactly what he experienced in the past two years after Artemis arrived, although he feels that there is nothing wrong with his memory itself. But as long as the details are involved, those memory fragments will become blurred and gradually dissipated from their own minds in a way that will not cause people to be alert. Isn't it normal to not get up? Such an absolutely wrong idea, even when explaining these things to us, little Zeus's face has always taken for granted.

Needless to say, this is some kind of spiritual system's ability to blame, so it seems that the entire Olympus is probably also used as a gun, and the one who really wants to gain the Spirit power to become a **** should be the Artemis. difference.

Not far from the two Olympus collars who fell to the ground, we have a silver six-pointed star pattern on the ground. The four sunken lines seem to be filled with some kind of energy-sensing substance. The pulsating white halo, the silvery white light of the stars, and the dots walk on the main lines of the six-pointed star according to a certain rule.I don't know if it has any special meaning. The eleven blanks inside the six-pointed star In the area, the constellation-like pattern is drawn with golden paint. According to my observation, it should be "you don't understand anyway", remove this introduction. Outside of the six-pointed star array of light, there is nothing worthy of note in the entire hall. After killing the last two companions, the Artemis obviously did not stay here ~ www.readwn.com ~ but according to Zeus Case. There should be no other entrances in this place? Where did she go?

Isn't this the legendary murder of a secret room, er, it seems that it can't get involved.

\ "Maybe, there is still a whistle. The exit is this ghost-painted plate?"

Susandora frowned, and raised the six-horse star array that was shining on the ground. How many fantasy legends, human dreams and magical mysteries have mysterious patterns in the western fantasy system that have the same status as the Taichi gossips in the east. In the eyes of our proud Queen Spirit, it turned out to be a plate "

Should I say that Sandora is too obsessed with things like plates and chopsticks?

Sivis, who observes this hall through shared perception, helped me analyze: \ "This pattern itself does not have any spatial energy fluctuations. The lines on the surface do not have a structure connected to an energy loop, except that there is a three-dimensional imaging placed below it. Outside of the system's shafts, there are no hidden passages within the effective range of the radar. Sorry, sir. We cannot analyze the possibility of this pattern becoming a transmission port. "

\ "Brother

I was thinking here whether Artemis would have risen in the daytime, broken into the void, or simply failed, and had been split into high-carbon powder by high-voltage electricity. Wiskar suddenly made a noise, while she gently dragged my horns, pointed at the silver six-pointed star on the ground and said, "These constellations, can you let Sivis find it from the database?


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