Xiling Empire

Chapter 331: Above the moon

Car this. It can be said that the Olympus fundamentals destroyed the door

七 Seventy percent of this fleeting large organization's subbases around the world have been wiped out by our lightning strike. The remaining bases were also placed on the next action schedule by Commanders of the Spirit.As for their headquarters under the Great Gordes Reef, the ancient mother's nest below was completely dissociated by bubbles. For the scattered elementary particles, four of the six so-called \ "Olympus gods" were killed, one was turned into an ordinary person and then closely monitored by the power group. The only Luna Artemis left The whereabouts are unknown. This ending can be said to be an absolute victory. At least the news from Lin Xue is not only the power group side, but the whole dark world has a feeling of relief.

But for us, trouble is about to begin.

The Olympus organization, for a long time, was only a smoke bomb.Even if all their bases were uprooted, it only allowed the real behind-the-scenes black man to achieve the purpose of delaying time. That Artemis let us Guy with a headache.

After returning home, I announced to Qian Qian and my sister the good news that the original goal of the operation had been achieved, and then announced a hidden task that could not help but ask questions.

Attracted, naturally a group of girls marveled in unison.

Ugh ", above the moon ,,

究竟 What a **** unfolding! !! !!

Even if the result of the analysis is that there is no problem with the mexican or Centaur or even the four nebula, even if you tell me that Artemis has failed and was struck by a lightning to the scourge of a different world. Tell me, this **** plate depicts a star map over the moon 770,000 years ago! !!

Do you guys know how much I hate the moon now? !!

Do you know how tearful it is for your angels to get pitifully back for help in a crater on the ear because of their lost track every week?

It's okay, and my tearful memories are still something else: you know that when Anvina's stupid was also brought to the moon by Alaya and was on the back of the moon, the combination of these two levels of stupid people caused me What a terrible trouble?

It was because of An Weina's absence that day that I trusted Li Lina \ "I am very good at cooking". This is obviously a lie made up for deliberate murder. As a result, I almost lost my life under a four happy ball!

Okay, I admit, it was too far away this time, "

In short, now I really have a pretty serious allergic reaction to the moon, and it can even be said that, because Alye has lost his way to that huge satellite more and more recently, I am completely desperate about my angel's head . The moon and Lin Xue have been put in the same collection, and they have all been labeled \ "Huge source of trouble please stay away",

I ca n’t speak without words, after all, this is the data analyzed by the bubble. It is an exaggeration to say that if the results of the bubble simulation are really different from the reality, then the world is wrong.

It seems that this astrolabe has something to do with the moon, and a derivation carried out by Huesca after revising the reference coordinates also proves this conjecture that Olympus's so-called divine realm refers to the moon.

I really don't know how they recommended the relics of the spirits in the past month. Then the luck of this Olympus is too bad [Xian Ni], wouldn't that Artemis be a traverser?

When I think of this, I'm totally embarrassed. No, the traverser is too dangerous. The magical creature that is said to be able to use the brick to dry to the Dragon King simply by virtue of the anti-star [Xian Ni] character It's not a guy like me that the ordinary Empire Yuan can match, but still has to find a way to come from Azeroth to pull some strong men, or let Li Lina go, the passerby should not be a problem for the passerby, Li Lina It also belongs to the kind of clothes that are worn and reborn, and two turns are easy and stress-free for the full class. "

\ "What extreme messy loli do you have in your brain?

I noticed that I suddenly glanced around, Lina finally could not restrain the soul of the poisonous tongue deep in her heart, and jumped out to conduct a routine ginseng rooster for me.

Qan Qian slipped Li Lina aside, and then happily came together: \ "Ajun, are we going to the moon?"

I reluctantly increased by hand: \ "There are no Chang'e and rabbits on it"

\ "But

\ "There is no princess jumping out of the bamboo." \ "It has nothing to do with Sailor Moon."

\ "Click", finally Qian Qian decided to bite **** my arm. Two sharp little tiger teeth also left me a place for the strap.

Li Lina gathered her spirits together: \ "It!"

The news that the enemy may have run to the moon put Qian Qian and her sister into an unprecedented state of excitement. The two Masters of Spirit who, despite their exaggerated identities but still maintaining the attitude of ordinary people, were even smaller by one "" Exploring to the Moon " The plan was so exciting that I couldn't figure it out. How could a character who had been in another world [Xi Xie Jun] world clearly have such a great interest in a stone ball that is so far away from home?

Okay, I admit that I am also very excited. To be more accurate, it should be a new talent. After all, I also listened to it from a young age. \ "This is a small step for me." I grew up with the famous science love youth?

In addition, I can also fully admire the activity capabilities of those older Heroes older than 700,000 years ago. On the moon, "what did they do on earth when they first came to earth? It ’s the research of powers and the establishment of a bunch of bases." of.

At this moment, Sandorah, who had just wiped out in the kitchen and didn't know it was her first meal today, came over full of food, and threw herself onto the sand without an image. Bian still licking his lips endlessly

\ "I'm so full," Sandora murmured, \ "The little pudding cake is really the best in the world.

I was shocked: \ "You wouldn't eat all the twelve pounds of cake?"

Sandora contentedly touched the unbellyed belly and nodded his eyes firmly, \ "Hmm".

What a magical meal! Is this girl's main thinking organ really the stomach?

\ "Are the results of the scan of the moon?"

I cried and smiled lightly on the head of Her Majesty's High Queen, and then turned her eyes to Pandora, who was sitting idly on the sand and wandering out of the sky.

Hearing my question, Pandora immediately turned her grey eyes out of focus, and replied scrupulously: \ "The lunar scan has been completed. The man-made building has not appeared, and the result of the second scan will be at three Upload in minutes

My sister, Mrs. Xie, also said at this time: \ "Ajun, although the building of Healing has always been strong, I also doubt whether the Healing base established on the moon 700,000 years ago can be preserved to this day.

After all, there is no atmospheric protection in that place, right? "

Indeed, I have thought about this problem. Don't say that on the open moon, even the earth protected by the atmosphere and satellites, most of the ancient ruins of the ancient spirit are also seriously damaged. There are even only some remaining broken walls that indicate its existence.A Hilling base that has left meteorites for 700,000 years in outer space is still a matter of great doubt. In the mind of Olympus, \ "God Realm. That is the word of the base of the Spirit Moon, that Artemis,

\ "The absolute tragedy is gone."

Pu Lilin nodded with confidence, indicating that she was extremely convinced of her own judgment.

The joy of becoming a **** is transmitted to the surface of the moon with high radiation and absolute vacuum. If this is the case, then the position of Poseidon's tragic emperor who was accidentally bombed by Pandora will be at stake, and Artemis will absolutely Becoming this century, no, should be the most tragic villain since the primate's enlightenment.

"\" Deep scan completed, data from the third space probe "At this time, Pandora suddenly spoke faintly, and then threw a blockbuster." "Huge holes and high-energy reactions inside the moon

Blockbuster, a bomb that is even heavier than the original ones!

I was talking and laughing in a whisper, and my sister was now surrounded by a sudden silence, and she could not help raising her head curiously, just to see that I was as stiff as a stone sculpture.

\ "It wasn't my job that immediately set aside my responsibilities.

\ "Sister, and shallow". I blinked and said to my confused older sister and adult, "" Tell you something, the moon on our head, it has stuffing in it.

The moon, this planet should have been suspended above us for hundreds of millions of years. It is as old as the earth and carries many planets of human fantasy and mythology. Inside it, there is even a base established by aliens.

My initial reaction was naturally unbelieving, because it was so ridiculous, but it really made me say why I do n’t believe such a fact, but I have no way to talk about it. This is probably the so-called inertia and stubbornness. Persisting in human consciousness for a long time, something that has almost become truth has suddenly been overthrown and felt unacceptable, but as more scan results are uploaded to Pandora, we have to accept that "there is a huge space inside the moon". fact.

\ "In summary, there may be a Schilling Outpost in the Moon, the only natural satellite belonging to the Earth." When Pandora shared all the information to us, Sandora made a concluding remark, \ "If If it is a base built inside the astral body, the durability of the military building of Hilling should not be completely damaged in the past 700,000 years, and according to our habits, this outer space base set up by the main satellite is usually used as the final Most of them exist in the fortress.They are extremely strong and have independent psionic wells.It is not impossible to maintain continuous operation for hundreds of thousands of years, and considering the closeness between the group of Spirit apostles and the ancient earth people 700,000 years ago. It ’s very possible that the base located on the moon will also be transformed into an environment suitable for human existence [eternal life]. The Artemis may be alive now, if she really pressed a button with curiosity " We do n’t have to look at it

\ "In other words, want to explore the moon?

She Qiangyan said with bright eyes, full of interest, for this girl, as long as she had never experienced something new, it would be enough to arouse her enthusiasm for participation.

\ "At present it seems that we really need to look at the moon, and it is still inside the moon." Sandora nodded, and stretched out her hand to draw a large circle. \ "There may be an ancient spirit base there. Although the technology of human civilization cannot be explored yet, I have to be sure of the spreadability of human beings, sooner or later I will master such technology.Now let us clean up the danger for future humans. I don't want such a vibrant race to be destroyed by accidentally digging the empire's garbage dump.

It seems that Sandora has lived with us for so long, but there has been a change [the dzi changes]. If it was a year ago, I am afraid that the 7 billion humans on the planet would have died out overnight. Relationship?

自然 I am naturally interested in such a novel experience, and I ca n’t help but say, “I ’m going to prepare for it. Let ’s see, let ’s build a spacecraft for the moon, then a space suit, etc.

Sandora blinked confusedly: \ "What do you want?"

\ "Wrong?"

\ "Isn't it just going to the moon?" Sandola scratched her head, and seemed to be quite incomprehensible to me. "" If you are too lazy to go by, you can drive your car past, you can hurry back to eat Messiness. Is there any space suit in Xun, should your genetic enhancement reach the level that can "鲫 \" the cosmic radiation and vacuum? The short-term anaerobic environment is not a problem, and Sivis seems to be I am also organizing human research on genetic enhancers that allow carbon-based organisms to directly use their own cells to convert radiant energy, and wear goggles if they feel uncomfortable, but I don't think those are needed. At the base, we should n’t have much opportunity to be exposed to outer space. ”Hey, and the moon is not suitable for picnics.


Empiricalism kills people! Why did I forget that for the Apostles of the Spirit, such short-distance space travel is as easy as freehand on the street?

As for our genetic enhancement has reached the point where it can survive in the universe for a short time [eternal life], this surprised me a little. Although it has been known for a long time that all the empire scientists are monster researchers, they are right Has our genetic enhancement reached this level?

Although it feels self, now it seems that there is no difference except for more strength,

In short, just half an hour later, my little expedition consisting of my grandmother, my elder sister, Sandola and Pandora came to the surface of the moon.

There is no novelty process expected, no countdown, no mess of instruments to help you, no Dongdong called a ground station to surprise you, and no large group of so-called ground staff to come to you With all sorts of ridiculous ideas, we sat on 700 billion, and then "arrived ,,

The process is easier than going to a department store \ "There is no traffic light this way!

This also caused me to die for a long time before getting off the car.

\ "Here it is. I sighed a step and got out of the car right after me. I didn't know if I was disappointed or discouraged at the tone. Maybe both.

However, although the process of "landing the moon" was quite disappointing, this did not dispel the excitement generated by the girl when she first came to the moon. After slightly adapting to the low gravity environment on the moon, she shallowly pulled The older sister began to wander around, researching every stone she saw with unprecedented curiosity. For her, an alien planet carrying many legends and with a very different environment and ground was even better than another world [异 世 邪 君The world is also full of exploration value. If it were not for the dirty moon dust everywhere, I'm afraid this girl would start rolling on the ground.

Wu Qian and her sister are surrounded by a layer of faint blue energy shield, which is a strong barrier formed after the physicalization of spiritual power, although Sandorla said that the genetic strengthening we have experienced can already resist the radiation and Vacuum environment, but Shallow and her sister still think that space radiation will affect the light of the skin.

\ "It's strange to not breathe."

The older sister is carrying on the great cause of \ "Exploring the Moon" with an ambitious tone, while speaking with a weird tone \ "Says" that there is no air in January, and the communication between us can only be carried out through spiritual connection. Already.

But I think this soft low-gravity environment is more uncomfortable than not breathing. There is always an illusion that you can fly to space with a single jump and never return.

\ "This is the first step. Below we are looking for a way to enter the moon." Sandora has no feeling at all about this environment. I guess she can calm down by throwing this girl into the stellar core. \ "Also, don't look directly at the sun. There is no buffer in the atmosphere here, and even after genetic enhancement, you will have dry eyes and astringent eyes."

\ "The moon shell is very thin." Pandora stomped her feet gently and raised a slow-moving moondust. Slowly, an interference layer appeared below 30 kilometers. The thickness of the interference layer was unknown, and she was about to release the detector.

七 700 billion who has been in the cruise mode accepted the order and immediately landed on the ground. After the trunk slowly opened, a honeycomb-shaped shooting device was exposed.

The faint blue light flow circulates around the "hive", the small tube, and then the swift shadows flew silently out of it, disappearing into our field of vision at a level completely uncapable by the naked eye.

"This car is really powerful, even the trunk can be used to shoot satellites."

This kind of one-time detection satellite called "worker bee" is extremely fast, and it has a small space jumping device installed.In less than two minutes, the entire moon is under our temporary satellite network ~ www. readwn.com ~ Pandora indulgently played the role of the temporary satellite network master server. Massive information instantly poured into the little guy with the establishment of the connection between the satellite groups. Although the efficiency is very high, it is basically not used. Even though I was in a vacuum where the sound could not be transmitted, I still vividly heard Pandora's body of "" drops. "

As a result of entering the high data processing mode, Pandora's black and straight eyes and those big gray eyes also instantly turned into a mysterious ice blue.Under the dark universe background, it was like a water elf who was pure and refined, who said Can drive the patched broken car aside!

\ "The entrance of the channel is not present on the moon surface, and a deep scan is performed." There are no obvious weak points on the lunar crust, and the interference layer still exists, uh. "Pandora said, and suddenly a rare short call was made, and the machinery was consistent I ca n’t even speak in a cold way. \ "Brother, I have a very strange phenomenon.

老 My old face blushed: "Relax, no matter what you say, I will feel weird"

"\" The thickness of the lunar crust has been determined to be 30 kilometers, and the interference layer "is spread all over the moon

I blinked my eyes and finally understood: \ "You said, the entire moon, it's hollow?" The old is the mouth ... Yu Shu's body is not orange!


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