Xiling Empire

Chapter 333: Control center

Ershi class battleship, I remember one by one, I only seem to have heard the curtain ※

The Healing Empire in its heyday was able to build a giant battleship the size of a planet. This is not an unthinkable thing. The things they create are always famous for being big, but as a type of planet-class battleship, \ "glory. But it has unique characteristics, because it was not created, and Yes, imagined.

That is a special ability of the leading apostles, relying on their strong spiritual power and understanding of the world, by evading the correction of the laws of the world, forcibly substantiating a huge astral warship or something in the material world. This kind of thing has been imaginative to unimaginable things. Of course, there is no free lunch under the sky, so the things that are against the sky [xianni] will be more difficult to change than your imagination, even Pandora. The born Spirit Spirit apostle may take more than a month to realize a glory-class starship, but a near-immortal fortress ship that can serve as the mother star, even if it takes a month to build, That's really a bargain.

When they reach the extreme, the boundaries between science and magic will become more blurred, and in their respective ultimate realms, the two will merge into one.The emergence of the glorious battleship is one of the manifestations of this concept.It may be A kind of machine, but it has to be born in a way similar to "summoning magic". At the point where the law originates, it is no longer necessary to distinguish between science and magic.

And although it is called a glory-class battleship, in fact, it can no longer be simply classified as a \ "warship. Such a thing is actually a materialized form of the spiritual power of the leading spirit apostle, and it is also the performance of the peak strength of the individual of the spirit. It is possible to forcefully achieve "nothing out of nothing" under the interference of laws. As far as the gods are concerned, only the apostles of the Spirit can already use science to explain the mystery, and the ultimate civilization that uses science to interpret science can only be achieved.Because it has involved the destruction and re-creation of laws, the glory battleships and Those so-called "fantasy realization" capabilities are fundamentally different. Once they are created, they are a real existence, even if this existence is bizarre, weird, or even possesses properties that are completely incompatible with the current world laws. The glory battleship cannot be erased, it will become a real part of the "world", even if the law of the entire world is modified because of the existence of the glory battleship.

For a simple example, if in a world of pure technology and no magic power, Allay projected his own glorious battleship, then that world will produce magic elements in a flash, and even a perfect magic power. System, this is where the power of the law goes against the sky.

However, although it is powerful, \ "glory, small is not so simple to use, let alone talk about the horrific spiritual requirements and other consumption of building an astral fortress, and it is a risk in itself to confront the laws of the world. Things, even the leading apostles of the spirit, very few people can easily do this, really can create the glory of the star fortress of the spirit apostles throughout. The empire is also a rare character, the second limit is Even more terrible: It is as if everyone's brain waves are unique. The glory-class battleship, which is the physical manifestation of the spirit power of the Spirit Apostle, also has its uniqueness. Each Spirit Apostle who has the ability to create \ "Glory" ships has a lifetime Only one can be created. Astral fortress, but even if it is a ship, it is enough to be against the sky [仙 逆] "

As I see in front of me, the bulwark of Huesca, its interior is almost a high-level military planet! Can such a thing really be called a "ship"?

In the sense of use, "" Glory. A star-level fortress is similar to nuclear weapons for human beings. It can be used as a strategic deterrent. Generally, no one will open a planet to fight casually, but Really need to use it "then it can only be an endless war of extinction.

\ "Our Moon" After Sandora introduced the information about the Honor-class battleship, she twitched with a shallow mouth and said, "Is it an alien spaceship?"

\ "Although this is a bit inaccurate, there is nothing wrong with this understanding.

\ "In other words, does the earth have a satellite with a history of only 770,000 years?" My sister wanted to be more, \ "The earth was not a satellite 770,000 years ago? And the moon is actually Weiss Card? "

\"Do not". Huesca shook his head. \ "Earth had a moon!"

I stared at the stunned shallow, then asked in unison: \ "What about the original moon ?.

\ "I blew it up!"

Renovation card answered cheerfully.

A clear sky thunderbolt I have absolutely no exaggeration, there is really a clear sky thunderbolt, I just don't know which energy pipe has been in disrepair for a long time, and Gu almost exploded to us!

\ "You" blown up? "Even if you are as stable as your elder sister, you now have a look of collapse" \ "You said that you blew up the original satellite of the earth and replaced it with your own planet fortress? Even added a month to the star fort Shell as camouflage? "

Renovation card nodded hard.

For a long time, the batch of Schilling apostles who came to Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago is "Huesca's!"

They also blown up the original satellites of the earth. "

But everyone knows that this history is never as simple as Visca said. Look at the relics of the Spirit that are now everywhere on the entire planet. Think of those psionics who have the blood of "god", and now we Where you stay, the visca wall stars posing as moon, such a big movement is by no means the result of a simple outing, and even the star fortress is used, I can't imagine what the viska was for at the time Shouldn't it really colonize this place?

I do n’t know for a day or two if I want to explain everything ... Sichuan people fart is impossible. Sandora decisively diverted everyone's attention! "Shrimp" We will discuss it later. Now let's talk about the place where Artemis may hide, Wisca. Since this is the planet battleship you created, the structure inside you should be the most clear, that astrolabe. Can you guess the teleport destination? "

Seeing that we didn't delve deeper into it, Vesca was obviously relieved, and then slightly opened his hands to form a small clear three-dimensional projection in the air. Looking at the structure, it was exactly a section view of a star fortress.

\ "Now our position is here

Viska raised his right hand and flicked on the three-dimensional image. Enlarging a part of it, the complex structure that was originally unclear was immediately clear. From the projection, it can be seen that it is a very loose building community, which is completely different from the composition of other areas.

"\" Lavalen isolation section, this is the production area of ​​various small and medium-sized warships and aircraft, because of the special nature of the war vehicle, the building distribution here is quite loose, as we see now. " Huesca said, using his fingers to draw a bright trace on the projection. \ "Going along this road, you can enter the secondary compartment area, which is the production area and storage area for soldiers and weapons. We can also avoid most of the realm towers and mobile units along the way, although they leave before I leave It has been destroyed at the time, but 700,000 years have passed, it is difficult to guarantee whether this fortress has regenerated to produce new defensive forces.Be careful, it is always good.The place where Artemis is most likely to hide is here, Moon Nuclear Nearby. That is the control center and energy adjustment center of the entire astral fortress. We must arrive as soon as possible. Although the fortress is now in a dormant state, it does not lack energy. There is something in the moon core that can wake up the phantom well and the entire fortress. Main console, that human is most likely to start it by coincidence. At that time, I don't know what automatic response the starship will take.

She Sandora nodded and agreed: \ "For the fragile earth creatures, any small changes in the moon's life will cause a devastating blow to the entire ecosystem, not to mention that the entire moon has suddenly become a spacecraft.

As a brittle earth person, I am under a lot of pressure.

\ "Viska, how do you say this is your place? You do n’t have a remote control function or something?" I roughly straightened out a few areas inside the planet fortress, and then suddenly asked curiously, logically speaking "\"glory. Shouldn't this ultimate fortress created by the apostles personally have commanding power? "Huesca," Well, if you think about it, she throws her glory starship to the earth people to chop, but she runs to another world [different world evil lord] world and it is also doubtful to be a demon king


\ "The command of this planetary warship is now blank." Sure enough, Veska only shook his head with a wry smile, \ "Although I have the first overall qualification to seize it, it will wait for me to return to the core of the fortress, um, one more point, If we are going to the control center, it is best to use the aircraft inside the fortress. This should not attract the attention of the patrol unit.

Half a dozen collared Apostles of course want to capture an aircraft, of course, extremely simple, less than three minutes, Huesca and Pandora jointly cracked a \ "Dirge" modified assault ship hovering above us, Greek The quality of the spirit empire is really excellent. I am afraid that this thing has been hovering for more than 700,000 years in the month. Now it is operable. Look at the handbrake, the throttle, the gear, the gear, or the automatic transmission. "

Why can't the little girl whose height is one meter and two can play movies?

I couldn't help tears as I watched Huesca launch the assault ship famous for his difficulty in handling.

The passage of this road was nothing short of frightening.Although huge guard towers and strategic cores floated throughout the fortress during the month, they were like silent sculptures. They had no reaction to the emergence of the assault ship, and we seemed to walk through. A still picture is surrounded by strange and inexplicable towers and warships.

这样 And such a huge empty space is, in fact, just one of the Huesca barrier stars used to hold the spacecraft.

通过 When we passed the door of the compartment, we were shocked again.

That huge, unreasonable mechanical structure, with a radius of at least hundreds of meters of energy \ "pipeline." The airflow discharge like a mountain tunnel \ "hole." And a vast space like a land that can't be seen at a glance. With such a shocking scene rushing into sight together, the psychological pressure produced by the huge mechanical structure even made me breathless.

This is the miracle formed by the fusion of technology and mysterious power.Invincible star battleship in the power of the world.If it wants to destroy a primary civilization like human beings, it does not even need to use any weapons, as long as this ultimate fortress As soon as the propulsion of the propeller starts, the entire Big 6 plate will be torn apart by the gravitational tide, and even the most powerful alien civilization will not be able to compete with any fleet parked here. I really ca n’t imagine this planet. Exactly to what extent the firepower of the class warship itself can be exaggerated.

And this is not the most powerful destruction machine created by the spiritual civilization.It is a manifestation of the individual strength of the spiritual apostles, but after all, the number of individual strengths has its limits, and the real strength of the spiritual empire lies in Their almost paranoid unity and extreme purpose, from this point of view, human beings should indeed be inferior. ",

However, despite such a splendid civilization, it is still declining now. Think about the remaining emperor team that is currently gathering around me. Although they are all elite warriors, I am afraid that their strength is even worse when the equipment and basic technology are not perfect. Not a thousandth of the iron hooves of the former empire.

\ "Route correction, offset three-three degrees to the left". Viskar analyzed the various information collected by the probe while correcting the direction of advance. \ "Here is the starship's No. 3 propeller belly 2nd cover tube, which is the line on the right front bulkhead. It ’s a mountain range, sir. ”Oh, numerically, there seems to be a large radiation leak. It will take some effort to repair it.” Well, in front of it is the 14th energy shield generator and psionic buffer module. It seems that they have all failed, and I am afraid that the maximum output is only 10%. It is really bad. "

I was listening, rolling my eyes desperately: Throwing my own spacecraft in the orbit of the earth caused the meteorite to bombard for more than 700,000 years without being repaired. Now that this thing is basically usable, you should be thankful!

In the end, we safely arrived at the core of the starship, namely the metal control spheres suspended in mid-air in the control center of Vizka, with a radius of several kilometers.

\ "Smooth, not even a door?"

I looked at the silvery white sphere that could be seen, and I was in doubt.

Suviska did not answer, and drove the assault ship directly towards the surface of the metal ball.

A turbulent silver light flashed in front of us, and we are now inside a small Gennaco.

After the assault ship stopped, Veska came back to explain to us: "The conceptual barrier is an illusory reality. For unauthorized intruders, it is a barrier that cannot be broken, but for having access The goal of right, it is just an illusion. "

\ "I said, \" Shen Yao, the component of Starship is not just technology. "Sandora smiled slightly and then opened the hatch.

On the way, I and Qian and my sisters are always in a state of insufficient eyes.The scenery in the Star Warship is far away. We can't help but think of shooting a science fiction film in this place and then giving Hollywood Bollywood something to the sky. The possibility of smashing away ,,

Pandora first scanned the situation nearby and confirmed that there were no ambushers. Then she relaxed her heart, opened her arms, and her eyes and head instantly transformed into a fuchsia combat form. Immediately, countless energy emerged from the surrounding air. Ripples, a team of terminator armed to the rear molars rushed out of it.

Our expressions are calmer than one. For Pandora, she just digs out a sea 6 at any time, which is normal. "

Weskar shared the precise road map of the control center to the thinking circuit of each soldier. Hundreds of experienced elite soldiers disappeared from our eyes in one minute and began to search separately for the core of this complex fortress. Enter the central control room.

Whether or not Artemis can be found. At least it is necessary to ensure that Huesca regains control of the entire starship as soon as possible, so that there will be no doubt about the initiative. The spirit warriors' actions are quite fast, plus Huesca has provided the most detailed road map throughout. The search process went quite smoothly. In the shared information that is constantly refreshing in our minds, the spherical space representing the control center is divided into hundreds of areas. Now they are constantly being marked with a "normal" green mark. Unfortunately, In places where the security level is as high as "class", most radars will be shielded. Including life sensing devices, we can only use this stupid method of carpet-type search.

However, while these efficient war weapons searched the entire control center, we were in one. The information center stopped.

In this vast room, there is only the most central crystal prism, which is constantly walking with numbers and characters. The ground is divided into dozens of trapezoidal areas with a light blue beam. Each one is over the area. There is one: the three-dimensional projection of the size rotates quietly, and these projections are without exception, human beings.

To be precise, they are ancient humans, because they are all wearing broad clothes or eccentric armors that obviously do not belong to the current Earth era, and their faces are slightly different from modern earth people.Most of these holographic projections maintain a quiet standing posture. , Rotating clockwise in the air, but occasionally there are individual projections that make sudden movements, or fireballs are thrown from hands, or lightning is suddenly entangled all over, and then there will be bursts of data flow in the air next to them Fly over, indicating the intensity of the energy explosion and the like. On top of each projection, these people's names are annotated with Schilling text. Although it is still not very proficient in reading, after all, Gaia has given a lot of information to ducks. It is not too difficult to identify these words. I spelled out each name from them: Ares, Apollo, Hera, Hercules "

Legendary gods and demigod heroes, the sublime existence of ancient times with the ability to destroy the world and being revered by ordinary human beings, the experimental mutants born in the Healing Lab, the first-generation powers "

The entire information center is silent, and only occasional data flow will be accompanied by a whispering beep. We who just entered here fell into a short period of silence ~ www.readwn.com ~ It looks strange to look here.


It was shallow that broke the silence. She looked around at the ancient humans on the holographic projections around and the analysis data around them, her frown slightly raised, and at the same time, Sandora's face next to her also showed a slight awkward look.

But we all know that shallow is not a cause of dissatisfaction, just looking at human ancestors like white mice is analyzed in this way, it will always be a little psychologically uncomfortable.

\ "It seems that this is the place where the Apostles of the Spirit studied the human powers." The elder sister's expression was naturally natural. \ "I didn't expect that the generation of modern powers was still Huesca in hundreds of thousands of years. Came to earth results "

\"It's not like this."

Surprisingly, Sandora and Huesca suddenly spoke, the difference was that the former was very calm, while the latter was with a hint of panic and firm determination after the panic. , If you want to know how the future, please board 6 muscles, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!


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