Xiling Empire

Chapter 345: Trouble

All sit casually one by one one by one.

I warmly greet the ambassadors who are a little overwhelmed, so the latter is even more overwhelmed. "

While maintaining a decent smile, Sandora twisted my loin in the back, making the features on my face instantly turned upside down.The ambassadors across the country immediately looked terrified, saying that these bands have always treated us as outsiders. The star guy wouldn't think I was going to transform?

The ambassadors with weird expressions looked at each other, and eventually they took their seats at my beckoning.I have to say that even if you have seen a politician of great popularity, you have to throw him into an alien base at once. Not much.

\ "Don't say nonsense like welcome to the earth

I said before someone spoke, so that the team leader lowered his head.

\ "Then do n’t tell you that you come with a desire for peace

It was awkward for a white man.

\ "And then don't even mention anything out of touch like cultural exchanges. Half of the ambassadors are silent.

\ "Finally, I am not Korean."

Everyone looked at each other.

\ "It's great. It seems that there is no South Korea in this world. I thought they were everywhere."

大使 The ambassadors of various countries immediately listed the country "South Korea" as an extremely dangerous and annoying civilization in the universe. Didn't any alien friend see the cold?

\ "I know you have a lot of problems." I saw a blessed man who was full of military merits and wished to be hung on the front teeth. He raised his hand and wanted to speak. I decisively chose to interrupt, although the other party might have been a soldier, but I have already The sophomore figure smelled the sour taste of politicians. In order to prevent falling asleep on the spot by political rhetoric, it is better not to give the girl a chance to speak, \ "but I am not used to your nonsense, as you see. All here He is an elite emperor, and we believe in the most efficient solution instead of spraying saliva on each other. Therefore, I will not respond to any extra diplomatic rhetoric, and I hope you will understand. "

Huh, hum, I'm high-profile. We watched sci-fi movies all the way, and I didn't believe these guys dared to risk the star wars with me!

Well, I admit that I'm just in awe of the diplomatic rhetoric of the politicians "

The ambassadors looked at each other, and being pressed down several times in a row made these politicians who were accustomed to occupying the home feel very uncomfortable, but before they went out, they were repeatedly instructed by their top bosses, no matter what happened during this contact. May avoid alien conflicts. After all, human beings are going crazy with biochemical viruses, and it ’s terrible to mess up a group of alien tourism groups.

However, I mentioned that "the emperor, the small three words also made these human ambassadors tighten their faces. At such a tense moment, it is not something to be celebrated when a foreign army stationed on the earth listens.

After a little hesitation, the Asian man as the leader still spoke. After experiencing the initial surprise, the other party has recovered his sedation. At this moment, he said in a humble tone: \ "Since this, we are more willing to adopt a simple and direct communication method. As "Well, for the first formal contact between the two races, we are willing to choose an open and honest communication method, and we hope that you will adopt the same attitude. "

I have a depressed expression on my face: \ "We are willing to be frank, but two races and the like" uh, for the friendly atmosphere, I hope we can ignore this problem

In fact, I want to say that I am also a human, and I am afraid he will not believe it.

At this time, the slightly blessed white man sitting across the corner immediately seized the opportunity to speak. Presumably, because we all speak Chinese, they have already regarded it as an interstellar language. Said: "That being the case, the name we want to know first, where do you come from? Why did you come to this planet?"

These two questions can be said to be the most concerned by these ambassadors, and even if they can get the answers to these two questions, then their mission over today has been completed.

Although after seeing the empires and roaring fighters patrolling around the base, they think they have found the answer to the second question.

\ "The first question, this may be out of your current scientific system. You can think that we are from another universe. Of course, parallel space can also be explained. Although it is not accurate, it can also be used as an answer. We come from the ground." The Empire of the Spirit, that is a civilization that cannot be explained by your science. My lover and I are the current rulers of the Empire. As for our purpose here,

I said here, I motioned to Sandola with my eyes, the latter nodded, and then pressed a few times on the table: \ "We received your call for help.

Susan Dora's voice dropped, and there was a noise call in the conference room: Zizi, we are, "Zombies have already been," Someone was bitten ", infected" Zi

The recording is interrupted at this point and can no longer be broadcast. There is background music starting later. 录 I recorded from Resident Evil.

The ambassadors glanced at each other, then the black uncle who had just taken out the lollipop stood up: \ "Did you come after receiving the distress signal from the earth?"

\ "Yes, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Protection of Pan-Civilizations, any civilization that has the power to space navigation has the responsibility and obligation to rescue the evolving intelligent race that is now in crisis, so we have come to your world. "

This is not nonsense, this pan-civilist protectionist that sounds harmoniously pointed out is "real ..." and it has been used as a warehouse in many technological worlds until now. The recognized law has been implemented. As for its original In addition to the Apostles of the Spirit, who has the ability to make laws for the entire universe?

The reply made the ambassadors stupefied for a moment. Naturally, some people questioned it, but it soon turned out to be completely impossible: As an alien civilization that has never communicated with the earth, we have nothing at all. It is necessary to withdraw this lie with them, and it is not good for us to lie to it?

人类 Humans in despair, even if they see a faint light, they will have great hope, compared with the robbers who are looting while the human civilization is in danger. They would rather believe that there are really well-meaning aliens to help others.

Although these two conjectures sound equally nonsense.

As for the so-called distress signal, the ambassadors finally identified it as an extreme coincidence that a radio call that should have been exhausted in the atmosphere was enhanced. Then it spread to the universe and was just received by the aliens passing by nearby, and then we fell from the sky.

As for what happened to that extreme coincidence, let the scientists who have not died die a headache!

One thing worth mentioning is that the defense minister of a country proposed to find the sender of this distress signal, and then considered it as a human hero. The proposal was agreed with the representatives of the congregation.

\ "So, consensus has been reached. First, we want to know, where did this virus first appear? Is it a biochemical graduate student in a certain country?" I said, opening the ring-shaped conference table Fengyang's holographic projection. , Presenting the entire planet to the crowd, \ "In many of our current carbon-based civilizations, it is not uncommon for genocide to occur for this reason

\ "We did have such a conjecture at the beginning of the disaster, but this possibility has been ruled out. The original location of the virus explosion was in a desert," said an ambassador, and then pointed to a location on the holographic projection. "" There is no one here. We can swear that there is no biochemical research base in any country here. In fact, we have some guesses about the source of this virus. They may be aliens. "

\ "Heavenly foreign object?" I raised an eyebrow and felt that things were starting to get interesting, especially when I saw the serious expressions on the faces of the ambassadors across the country. It seems that the word "heavenly foreign object" has been adopted by many governments. Conjecture of approval?

\ "That was about a month ago. An ambassador in a white robe stood up, wiped his forehead and wiped his forehead without sweat after taking off his eyes. \" One "a huge material from outer space fell. On that desert, it is very huge, with an average length of even over 120 kilometers! And it has an amazing mass. Originally, such a large-scale impact of space matter will definitely lead to the extinction of the entire earth ’s ecology, but its fall is far Below the theoretical value, it is like an emergency squad under controlled conditions, "

This time even Sandora was interested: \ "Spaceship urgently landing on the earth? This is a bit interesting

\ "We are only guessing that it is an outer space ship, but the actual situation is still uncertain."

The other side smiled bitterly and said so. I was surprised: \ "No, didn't you guys go over to see ?.

\ "Of course we sent a scientific research team to study the outer space material, but" No one came back alive, and then, the desert as the center, the zombie virus began to spread, and then we also discharged a few scientific research teams, but Apart from the greater sacrifice, nothing is gained. "

"" The source of infection is from outer space "I groaned." This is really a dramatic exhibition, Sandora, do you have any clue?

The latter shook his head: \ "With carbon-based life, it is difficult to survive in outer space. Even a stubborn thing like a virus cannot withstand long-term cosmic radiation, and even a virus that can survive in outer space, I have not I heard that there is such a thing that can transform people into semi-dead.There is isolation between life forms.Even if they are also carbon-based life, their genetic coding rules will be greatly different if they come from two different planets. That is to say, it is almost impossible for a virus from the planet to infect any living thing on the planet, and hasn't Bubble already transmitted the latest research data this morning? There are no foreign gene residues on the zombie samples, and their genes are completely Is a mutation that is born by itself, then the possibility of being infected by the virus can basically be ruled out

\ "So, didn't the thing that infected humans come from the crash?"

The Asian man as the leader was surprised at the analysis of Sandora. He has no doubt that compared with the superficial technology of human beings, these \ "aliens \" are absolutely brilliant and do not know how many times, so all human ambassadors have chosen Believe our judgment can not believe it, anyway, they can not judge anything.

Sandora still shook her head: "I just said that the possibility of the virus was ruled out, but if it was some kind of toxic substance carried by the thing itself, or if the radiant energy would cause mutations in human genes, it would be very likely.

\ "The probability that the thing is the source of infection is over 90%," I said, \ "But even if you haven't been able to find out the secret of the crash, you should have collected some information, right? At least There should be a small picture. With more information, we can work out a response plan as soon as possible.

\ "This is of course" the name ... Bikie replied \ "Although I have not been able to collect practical scientific research materials. But I, and many satellite photos and drone photos, I bring relevant information Body "

Leader said, took a small out of his jacket pocket, and then suddenly embarrassed.

\ "This" leader hesitated to raise his hand, \ "Are you old?"

Fifth type of contact rules: When meeting aliens, it is best to exchange information in the most original and understandable manner by both parties. An old photo is strong.

Obviously, this lovely leader has never thought of this before. He thought that it would be impossible to find a station with a vomiting socket in an alien base!

"It's really troublesome" Sandora sighed and motioned to a Spirit soldier to take it over and put it in a four slot on the table next to her, "" More than one civilization has made such a low-level mistake. "

The mechanically synthesized sound echoed in the conference room with the closing of the four slots: \ "Unknown data carrier" constitutes the "analysis carrier principle" in the analysis, the corresponding technology of the analysis carrier "analytic coding method" is successfully decoded, and the corresponding interface is being generated, and the interface is ready . "

Sandora nodded at me: "It seems we don't have to wrap the little girl in the mother's nest.

Hey. "


The high-tech of the aliens once again surprised four people. The binary data preservation technology that humans have painstakingly studied for decades has been thoroughly studied in ten seconds. Saying that as an apostle of the Earth ’s Spirit, should I cry or laugh at this time? ?

The holographic projection in the center of the conference table was replaced with high-resolution photos taken by humans. As the leader said, satellites, drones, all angles, it seems that the harm of this thing is limited to living things, those automatic machines. After approaching, it was not affected by the energy radiation.

\ "This picture is a picture we took via satellite." The Minister of Defense of a certain country pointed at a picture and said that the latter automatically zoomed in to the entire holographic projection. \ "Its shape is arc-shaped as a whole, and its length is 120. About a few kilometers, the thickness is only a few kilometers, and there are many obvious fracture marks on the edges, which look like fragments falling from a plate or a ring. "Um, how do I exit the full screen? "

I added by hand: \ "There is a small screen in front of you, click the cross

部长 After the Minister of Defense embarrassedly withdrew from the full screen, another young man in a suit stood up. It seems that these pictures are not pictures taken by a country. Maybe this is proof of the great unity of mankind?

\ "This photo was taken by our drone. The distance is very close, we have a very complicated metal structure inside, and there is still a lot of unclear isolation space, which may be things like cabins, But it ’s all empty

\ "This photo is the last picture before our scientific research team lost contact. They have reached the lower part of the alien object and tried to enter, but at that time they have been affected by some kind of radiation. Dr. Feng pressed the shutter and returned to the photo in a state of mental unhappiness. We saw a corridor with many messy pipelines. "

珊 Sandora and I watched the flashing pictures carefully. The expressions were extremely serious and the situation was not good. The mechanical structures are too familiar.

Veska, who had been sleeping in my arms, didn't know when he had woke up, now he was dimly watching the photos of the fragmented wreckage, and then suddenly dragged the clothes on my chest. He whispered a word: "" Brother, brother, "" It seems to be a ring of stars outside the Huesca barrier star, "

I came down on the spot with cold sweat on the spot. ”If the radiant energy of the bulwark star of Visca was released, it would be absolutely stress-free to destroy the ecosystem.

This "looks like the biochemical crisis facing mankind now, or is it Huska's responsibility?"

Er, it can't be said that, after all, it was not intentional of Huesca, or the result of this crazy girl's unawareness, and why her ring of stars fell on Earth, no one knows, It is necessary to put responsibility on Veska, who is completely unemotional from the beginning to the end, and cannot be justified by reason ~ www.readwn.com ~ Is this a litter of garbage and the flowers and grass on the roadside?

\ "Well, we already know the general situation." Looking at the photos of the star ring fragments that were basically taken from various angles at the back, I waved and said, "" Is there any more information? "

\ "If it is about that alien object, this is all the information we have collected, and the rest is the result of our research on the zombie virus, but those things"

\ "We don't need it.

I said straightforwardly, and when I heard this sentence, the representatives of all countries were very calm. ",

\ "The remaining things we need to discuss internally" I put Vizka on the ground and announced the meeting, "you can visit our base a little bit under the leadership of our staff, after which we will decide the best Solution, "well, that's it

After hurriedly ending, I left without saying a word and pulled up, and regardless of the expressions on the faces of the representatives of the countries in the back, Veska was too troublesome! I'll let the ambassadors treat such a practice of hanging guests after the meeting as an alien custom. "


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