Xiling Empire

Chapter 350: Don't be impulsive

A few street lights below us. A seemingly surprised Penguin looked at us.

From the appearance, the other party should look like a junior high school student, with a black, soft, long, cute face, and a beautiful light pink dress on his body. The time difference between this world and ours seems to be quite large.

\ "呦!"

After lingering for a long time, I uttered such a greeting.

\ "Ah, it's so uncreative." Sighed slightly next to.

Seeing me beckoning, the girl across from me froze for a moment, then looked around blankly, and now came around curiously after no one was around. He extended his index finger and pointed to the tip of his nose.

\ "Are you calling me?"

This reaction, how to say, it does not seem to be scared by the scene of a group of people appearing out of thin air, it seems too calm?

Originally ready to greet the other party's panic or even a loud call, even the corresponding response plan has begun to be discussed.We feel a little overwhelmed by the girl's too calm attitude, and it is hard to be in this high-energy world. It's a fairly common natural phenomenon to make people live in the air.

\ "Ah, nothing, sorry, did it scare you?"

Sister Xi showed her signature healing smile and said to the girl in front of her.

\ "Ah, it's okay! It's okay! The little black girl waved her hands in a panic, and the reaction made us all feel a little accustomed. \" It's just that there are few people who can come here, and those who are advanced can feel scared. A jump

It really is a high-energy world, it is a natural phenomenon for those who dare to run around here.

We couldn't help but breathe a sigh of hearing the girl's explanation. At least this way, the two dangerous little guys don't have to think about disharmony such as killing their mouths.

\ "Ahaha" I scratched my head and smiled meaninglessly. "" This classmate, what is this place, eh "Well, when we just tested the ability, there seemed to be something wrong, and it was transmitted to someone we did n’t know. Where is the place

Shallow spiritual connection inserted: \ "You dare to say!"

The black girl in front of me whispered: "Ah, that's too dangerous!"

Aya Asama exclaimed in my mind: \ "She can believe it!"

\ "If the ability is out of control, it is a very serious matter. You should quickly find a teacher. Seeing you look like you are not the students in here, here it is" "Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Zuo Tian Tears, Is a student near here "

\ "I feel the name is quite familiar, I immediately discuss it on a spiritual level, \" Who has any impression? .

\ "Wonderful, won't you wear another world that has established a projection relationship with the earth? Like the last Azeroth?"

\ "I am also impressed with this name, Ajun, why don't you ask bubbles?"

The shallow and shallow proposal made me open. I immediately connected to the bubble in time and space. At the moment of connecting Jianye, it seemed that I heard a lot of such and such suspicious sounds.

\ "Bubble, don't look at the cartoon. Xiao gave me a name in the database, \" Zuo Tian Tears "may be the main character in a world that has recently been active on earth media. Well, it is characterized by long black Straight, year,

Before the words are finished, the sound of bubble excitement resounds through my whole sea of ​​spirits: "" Zuo Tian tears !? That popular character with black and straight? Electromagnetic cannon! Children and her father, you will not be in the forbidden city World? Oh my gosh! All kinds of envy, jealousy, hate! Her father, wait a minute, I'm ready to prepare "No. No preparation! I'll be there! I immediately led the children and the host guards right away! Let the bully sisters bully you! The technical flow from the host of the Spirit is the only truth to save the world. "

\ "Bubble! You calm down, bubble! Listening to the other party's preparations to lead the bubble group army to airborne over me, I was horrified, it seems that this Zuo Tian tears did indeed establish a projection relationship with the earth The important \ "character" in the world and according to the response of a Wannian Xiaolioliao so excited, Bacheng is still an anime character, I know the hobbies of bubbles, the things that make her react like this are most likely It is anime and games, and her favorite games are strategy and shooting. Now that we have stood here for so long, there is no Gangmu and Terminator passing by. It seems that the game world can be ruled out.

My urgent dissuasion finally calmed down the excited little house girl. At least this girl didn't come up with a construction scene of the spirit master descending from the sky. If I remember correctly, now the bubble should be responsible. For the analysis of starring debris research data, at least this girl must not run around in the near future.

\ "Okay, bubble, let you come over after your work is done." My elder sister comforted the little otaku who couldn't come because of work. \ "Anyway, you have recorded the coordinates, and now the world Consolidate the relevant information for us. "


The bubble is still in a low mood. In this listless reply from the spiritual connection, I can almost see the other party's dark mist, and then a detailed and complete information is sent to our minds. In the text, the title of the text is written in bold type, \ "Bubble with tears" is a far-reaching word.

\"That one"

The sudden sound of 旁边 beside me reminded me suddenly. It turned out that just now I was neglecting with the child's mother, and we ignored Zuo Tian's tears in front of me.

Even the spiritual level ... "No matter how fast. The group of people are stuck in a state of stasis for up to ten seconds at the same time."

\ "Please Ran, have you done anything?"

Seeing us come back to God, Zuo Tian tears asked in a strange tone, and it seemed that he was treating the guys in front of him as a group of weirdoes.

I hurriedly waved my hand: \ "Ah, nothing is fine, but we suddenly remembered where we were going and where we went, and I ’m really sorry for delaying your time. Hahaha"

Shallow shallow: \ "Don't say such a bad reason."

Wu Zuotian's tears squeezed out a smile, and she seemed relieved: \ "That's right, that's great. If you get lost here, it will be a bit troublesome."

She Qianchan and her sister were shocked at the same time: "She believed again."

It seems that this young girl named Zuo Tianchao should have a mind, and she could not hesitate to believe that this excuse that I had apparently not processed by more than three neurons did not seem to have her attention. Put it here.

Before we can understand the situation of this world. The longer we have contact with the aboriginal people, the greater the chances of getting out of the basket, so after leaving hurriedly to say goodbye to this full-hearted girl, we left here.

\ "Then, it's time to sort out the information passed by the bubble

After finding a place where nobody is and let Pandora establish a light-distorting force field, the first thing I thought of was to sort out the things in my head. At the very least, I had to figure out where I was.

\ "But I think we should change our clothes first." My sister sighed, and then pointed at us afterwards, \ "Although I don't care about this temperature change [Dianzhu change], but you don't think to wear this in early summer Is it a weird thing to plant early winter clothes? "

I said, why did the girl look so entangled in looking at us just now and forgot the time difference between the two worlds! Seeing me and Qian Qian's expressions finally realized, the elder sister sighed helplessly, and then began to go out one by one from the portable space to Teng clothes. When you ca n’t wonder, you have to bring so many clothes. The elder sister really has enough Attentively, I estimate that she has prepared a full set of clothing, shoes, and hats that may be used in various cultural backgrounds, from ancient times to modern times, at home and abroad, and she should be able to give me to Central Europe hundreds of years ago. Turned out a set of knight armor.

\ "Change these." My sister handed us a few pieces of light clothing suitable for early summer, and then knocked my head "\" You go out. "

"This is really a tragedy, sister, lover, sister, in the words I think it should be okay to look at it, right? The two little guys Pandora and Huesca sometimes slip into my room before going to bed to try to drill my bed. Right?

\ "I don't have any opinion," she said, her face slightly flushed, and said, \ "Isn't it that you don't think it's going to be wiped out by looking at your sister and sister changing clothes in front of your girlfriend?"

Baby, I was wrong, please don't say such terrible words with such a cute expression!

Gakuen City. It can be said to be the most famous and special place in the world. Located in the third new Tokyo city "Keke I'm sorry to look at the serial, located in the Tokyo area, an area equivalent to one-third of the entire city of Tokyo, containing hundreds of schools at all levels and their equivalent Scientific research institutions are carrying out the training of capable people in the name of scientific research. Eighty percent of its internal population are students. These students are without exception all those who have the ability to become capable. Of course, among them The ability to master and apply is still a small part, most of them are just one. \ "Possibility. But it is still no different from ordinary people. Due to various reasons, this academy city has a nearly completely independent management system and even armed forces, coupled with strict entry and exit audits and a completely closed system. It is no exaggeration to say that this is an independent city.

It sounds like a prison, but it is also a sanctuary for those of the world's ability. This is the average conclusion drawn by Bubble after collating all the information about the school city on the earth.

However, Piao's own evaluation of this is: Such a self-contained \ "city in the city. If it is to be placed in the Hilling colony, it belongs to the \" rebellion zone that allows the emperor to bomb more than 20 times a day. "The necessity of its existence and independence is totally unreasonable.

The spirit apostles born under the purely militarized social system are indeed different from the way of thinking of the earth people.

Thanks to the assistance of a class computer called "Tree Designer", coupled with the monster-like scientific research ability of the entire academy. This special city completely composed of schools has advanced technology from the outside world for nearly thirty years. About this point, the bubble was emphasized in the materials sent. According to the calculation of the child's mother, if a copy of the body is used to hope If the spirit host does the same job, then this academy city should have opened at least many branches in low-earth orbit, so the bubble expresses extremely strong contempt for the so-called state-of-the-art computer. Anyway, I can't understand why the little girl would have such a hatred towards a computer.

In addition to these basic materials, Bubble also explained the existence of this world \ "magic side" in simple terms, analyzed the inevitability of magic here from the perspective of the world's structure, and expressed it as a knowledgeable apostle of the Spirit. I am concerned about the confrontation between science and magic in this world, and "

I'm saying that this girl added too much personal subjective content to this material! ? Give me the otaku love deeply in my heart

The information sent by Biao Biao was quite detailed and complicated, not only including official information, but also all kinds of fanfare for no less than two asahi. Naturally, there are quite a lot of "" scenarios. "But we just took a quick glance at these things and set them aside. After the baptism of Azeroth's severely deviated world, I have deeply understood a truth : The so-called plot, that's the excuse used by lazy authors to make the lucky pig feet reasonable and legitimate. "But in the real world of egg pain, if you believe the plot, then wait for being famous. Rolled into dumpling stuffing for the wheel of history,

Okay, I admit that the reason I didn't seriously study the tons of additional information provided by the bubble is entirely because that thing is too complicated, and I look dizzy!

\ "Science is opposed to magic? It looks like a very interesting world."

Sitting on a bench in a park in a school district in the school city, my sister and I couldn't help sighing while watching the high-definition cartoon online. I always felt that after this crossing, the old **** was sitting together and studying the current world profile. His behavior is inexplicably full of various places worth voicing.

And the shallowness that feels full of vitality and nowhere to release is complaining a little bit dissatisfied: \ "It has no meaning at all, it is exactly the same as the earth. There is no high-tech scene that meets the advanced thirty years, anyway, in the shadow city The key to everything more than that of science fiction is that as a world with so much higher energy level than the earth, there is not even a wild Ultraman in the sky. I can't see half of the magical swordmaster in the world except the silly airship. There are only wind turbines scattered all over the head, and it's boring and boring! "

\ "Okay, don't be afraid that the world will not mess up." I said with a smile to the energetic girl who was a bit repressive and violent because there were no messes to blend in. "\" But I finally managed to relax, so I should find a different world [异 世 邪 君] to get a holiday, before the star ring fragments appeared But we can take a good rest for a few days

\ "We'd better find a place to stay before the break." Before I finished speaking, the older sister next to me said, "If Pandora and Viscar are present, there is no need to worry about funding and identity, but let's Where do you live? According to these materials, Xueyuan Metropolis is a place with very strict internal management. It is usually closed to the public at all. After the night, there will be strict traffic control and city monitoring after the ban time. There are not many outsiders in normal times. In the case of resettlement, there should be no facilities such as a business hotel in this place.

Sister Yun said that it makes sense, but \ "Pandora and Wesca are in" so \ "funding and identity issues don't need to worry" Why do I always sound like some people are walking on the verge of crime?

Okay, actually, instead of walking on the verge of crime, but already committing a crime,

Pandora, whose core processing power is equivalent to the sum of all human computers, easily invaded the internal network of the Academy City.In less than ten seconds, we had our identity, tickets, and even the house where my sister was worried. ",

\ "Is this blatant invasion really okay ?.

I walked into an independent apartment that we had stolen, and said to myself with an inappropriate expression on his face. This is located on the edge of the school city.It belongs to the public palace area of ​​a closed research institute. In this city that can be called the sacred place of human science, there are so many small-scale research institutions like this. Compared with large research institutions supported by strong families or forces, such small research institutes are often merely a vassal of the former or temporary facilities set up for a short-term goal. The one we choose is called \ "Zongcheng Institute The place belongs to the latter. Due to the completion of its original objectives, several major investors who invested in it also did not consider it necessary to continue to invest in it. It has recently been included in the abandonment schedule. The entire institute Currently entering the final liquidation stage, various equipment and facilities are almost sold clean, and with the departure of the main staff, even the apartment area originally prepared for them has been abandoned, but the building here has not reached Lifetime and no plans to dismantle "their original owners seem to be looking for a buyer so that the rest here A part of the value is recovered again ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have to say that such a corner that has gradually faded out of people's sight and seems to have attracted little attention originally is indeed suitable for bad-armed alien invaders to use it as the evil base. "

Pandora, who was completely impatient, almost made up an identity for us.

An unscrupulous overseas rich man and his family who have invested heavily in several research institutions in the Academy City and intend to continue to invest in it, I can hardly imagine how such a nonsense setting appeared in Pandora's calculation of trillions of seconds. It ’s in the small brain, but the identity is all puffy clouds. In the face of this little guy's hacker attack, even if we use the cultural exchange banner to come and eat and drink, the identity of Mars friends can be legal in the Academy City Long-term residency,

With such a nonsense identity, a group of empire leaders in the alien world [loose monarch] moved into the third-floor touch room of an apartment, and began to plan in it. Suitable.

Alas, no matter what, let this group of women toss and toss before this ridiculous identity is revealed. ",


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