Xiling Empire

Chapter 356: Spy from the magic side

The eyes are bright, the sun is shining, and this summer is not particularly hot with Wen ... This spring has not been so easy to end. In such an island country, the seasons are always more relaxed than inland countries, even if it is Walking on the road will not make you sweat because of heat.

Of course, it may also be the reason that Pandora and Huesca are helping to open the cold wind.

I did not expect that the outer cooling system of the Apostles of the Spirit could still be used in this way. I am a genius!

\ "Pandora, the cold wind is wide."


The little girl agreed, and immediately reduced the amount of air. Wesfon immediately hurriedly taunted when he grasped immediately: \ "Hmm, it really is a fool. It is not comparable to me in precise energy control!"

\ "Just give me some rest, isn't it nice to go for a walk on a peaceful day?"

I knocked lightly on Veska's little head, and the latter immediately hurriedly covered her head and grimaced at Pandora.

The night was getting darker and the lights were brilliant.Now it is almost close to the curfew time of the seventh school district. At this time, most of the students have returned to the dormitory. A few of the bad people who have been abandoned by the city and have chosen to give up themselves will not choose. During the last patrol, the guard team came out to look for mold. Therefore, walking on a busy street in the daytime, and now facing such a quiet scene, it really has a strange feeling.

However, such an atmosphere can really make people feel calm. No wonder Lin Xue always said that he likes to walk on streets without people at night.

It is very dangerous to have such a hobby as a girl, but if it is a girl who can predict everything and has the strength of turning over a small group of special soldiers with an empty hand and there may be a strengthened bodyguard to follow at any time behind him, ah, for the majority That's really a dangerous thing for gangsters.

Although it does not belong to the research institution directly managed by Xueyuan City, even private research institutes with external investment have a little bit of specialness.For example, when the curfew time is approaching, leading Luo Li to press the road, So, being a scientist is a very good thing. In terms of my three views, there should be no deviation?

\ "Brother brother", two consecutive cheerful calls, no doubt is the name of Huesca, \ "Why do we go out for a walk at such a late time?"

\ "That's because" I said, showing a thoughtful look, looking at the bright lights in the distance, in this quiet and peaceful night, the sound echoed far away, \ "That is Because my brother accidentally met a certain prophet who was taking a bath when he went to the bathroom. Then Qian Qian and his sister agreed that he must be awake outside until twelve in the evening to go back. "

\ "My brother's tone is very vicissitudes."

Since so, don't mention that dreadful and tearful thing! !!

Really, I really have a bad time. If I do n’t have the habit of taking a bath at this time, if I can stop carefully before I go in, is there a sound of water in the room, and if I remember to knock on the door first, then I say nothing You'll run into the camera of a shy young lady!

Even though I saw nothing, I was smashed out of a face. "Of course, I have no regrets at all! The crazy girl, no matter how beautiful, can't change my impression of her solidification, Lin Xue retires!

Alas, unfortunately ...

In the final analysis, I can only use mold to describe. There are so many people in the family. Why did n’t both Qianchan and his sister remind me? And even Lin Xue, the prophet known as omnipotent and all-powerful, didn't expect that I would suddenly break in. Wouldn't Lin Xue know? Could it be another conspiracy?

Suddenly I linked the whole thing to the conspiracy. If someone else had returned it, the problem was that the Prophet Lin was involved in this vicious dog blood plot! Could that girl relax my alert?

The answer is that I was put on by that guy again, and this time it seems that she even put herself in for the sake of me. I really don't know how the girl's thinking circuit formed.

\ "Huesca is happy."

Unpredictably, the little Lolita of the cat's eye uttered such a sentence.

I smiled and rubbed my hand against the little girl's head, and the latter narrowed her eyes immediately, revealing a very comfortable look.

Of course, there is no shortage of the other one. Just before Pandora's hammer hit me, I also held a small brain outside my nose.

Thank God, it ’s great to have two hands. In addition, it ’s great to have two people with such awkward sisters.

\ "I have a home, and my brother and many sisters." With a tone that sounds like a nightmare, Cat Eye Loli said with her eyes closed, then as if she felt something, suddenly opened her eyes slightly and glanced aside, \ "Although there is an elder sister"

Hey! Pandora, your head is hot and hot! \ "Why would I suddenly think of this?" I looked at the little girl who had been babbling around like a kitten, puzzled.

\ "Because my brother didn't get angry because of what I used to do, and didn't hate me because of the star ring.


Is he just satisfied because of this? Silly girl, forgive the mistake made by the ignorant sister, it was originally what brothers and sisters should do. At this moment, I remembered the scene of many years ago, the older sister took an apology with her family. When it comes to the crowd

\ "Vezka, speaking, you never seem to mention the fallen apostles to me. In your" well, when you have worked for them, you should have been exposed to some things, if you can. "

I was very hesitant to say these words.Even now that I have gotten rid of that nightmare, the past time is still the darkest moment in the life of Huesca. If I can, I would prefer Huesca to lose the memory of that time forever, but That was impossible, despite the turmoil, that time still really existed in Huesca's memory, and we really need to know who the fallen apostles who were still active after the empire collapsed. What kind of existence.

I had always wanted to postpone this issue as much as possible, and even deliberately forgot the fact that Veska was once a fallen apostle, but the emergence of a barrier star, the truth about the destruction of the Atlantis civilization, and the current star The chain of events, this series of things gradually gave me a sense of urgency. The existence of the fallen apostles is not something you want to ignore. If you really want to make Veska never fall into that mire again, we must at least know ourselves.

Although the order of the world is guarded by gods, but everyone also sees that there is a three-inch goddess who is an example of peace, and it is sure to be in your own hands to be more reliable ...

The opportunity now is perhaps the most suitable scene I can create.

There are no outsiders around, only her closest brother and twin sister of fate are beside her. Don't have any concerns, don't have any worry, just say it, just like a little sister in trouble asking her brother and sister for help Just come out and we will help you.

Viska walked dumbly, I didn't know what she was thinking, but could only feel the little hand on the other side Pandora dragging my corner of clothing slightly shaking.

She can feel the mood of twin sisters.

\ "Brother" Finally, Veska looked up, with a bit of bitter and relieved smile on his face, "If it were you, would you expose your secrets to a lunatic who might be in trouble at any time?"

Was the original Huesca just a good weapon by those guys?

\ "But although I have never touched the core things. Some outer secrets, I still know some." Viskar looked at my uncertain complexion and suddenly showed a cunning snicker, \ "I am crazy though But I'm not stupid. "

\ "The fallen apostles are usually several leading apostles who form groups or act alone. There are rarely large-scale organized battles because they don't dare to attract the protoss's excessive attention. How many fallen people are led by? These are not clear to me, but their goal seems to be more than just destroying the world. "

\ "They look for something in the world, the" key element "common to each world and create disasters in a specific way and order. The world is perished in a ritual-like process, only from where I am The mission performed by the team appears to be a huge plan, and I am afraid that the participants are not just the Hilling rebels. "

I have a toothache expression: \ "This is more than just trouble."

\ "But those gods can't sit idly by and ignore them. \" Veska didn't seem to be so worried, or it might be something that wasn't too important to her, \ "If the dangers of the fallen apostles spread too widely, Even when it reaches the level of abyss power, the protoss will certainly intervene to solve it, and depending on time, the next large-scale expedition of the **** world will soon begin. "


Although there is one, Ding serves as an example, but if it is about strength, the ultimate life as a rule-energy aggregate is not a joke. If the evil deeds of the fallen apostles really moved those gods who were bursting with humanism ...

I wasn't sure if I had a headache.

\ "Brother" walked quietly for a while, Pandora suddenly dragged my corner, \ "front. Anomalous energy field."

After reminding Pandora, I noticed that the surrounding environment was abnormal.

The lights seemed to be dim, no, it was not the lights that were dim, but the artificial light seemed to have reached this area after a great loss, and some strange force field condensed near this, filtering out the lights of the Academy City, And the corresponding ...

I looked up at the sky.

Starlight is brighter than ever.

\ "Araiye, what is this Jixi.

Instinctively, I instinctively felt that this thing should be touched with mysticism. Could it be that the magic side has sneaked in again? Anyway, why should I say it again?

I responded to me with a gentle purring sound from the depths of the spiritual sea.

"Only," Alaya! "

\ "Brother Hafan?"

The off-line and off-line, Arayer finally did not let me down. I just analyzed the situation around me with the help of my senses. The mysterious angel sister came out of the mystery here.

\ "Is a simple ceremonial field. By constructing several specific scenes, \" pure, net world "is to filter out artificial elements, strengthen and restore the natural situation of this world, because the layout is not complete. The function is limited, it can only target a single "object" and the effect is limited. Now this ritual place should be aimed at the "light" ceremony. The corresponding position is the sky, excluding artificial lights and strengthening the stars in the sky. Many branches of the strength of the mysterious system are promoted by the power of the stars. Although the escape field has no offensive and defensive effects, it can greatly stabilize some astrological magic, and according to the weak energy fluctuations around it, the opponent is in It should be divination using the stars. "

\ "Is the function similar to a totem, although the form of expression is different, to Araiye, what would the effect be if the ceremonial field is complete? Can you do it?"

After listening to Araiye ’s explanation, I suddenly became interested in such mysterious things.Although the technology of the Apostles of the Spirit was at its peak, it is undeniable that their accomplishments in mystery and unknown forces have reached a level sufficient to discuss with God. To what extent is such a force fundamentally different from science?

\ "The role of this ritual is classified as" regression "in mysticism. It is to restore the world to civilization." Pollution, the previous state, if fully implemented, can exterminate the entire planet and instantly wipe out all. The traces of civilization make the planet \ "If humans have never been born, it will become like this. The mother is a high degree of completion and tests the practitioner ’s control of the power of the law. It has been used by many schools in the **** world. It is listed as one of the three compulsory exams for the dark protoss in the third grade. I also learned some, but I finally gave up because of the contradiction of power attributes. Well, the monarch brother need not worry. The human beings in this world cannot do such things. And this ceremonial field should also only be a piece of knowledge produced by the projection of Divine Information after this planet. Its effect is not worth mentioning except for making astrology easier to cast. "

Me: Everyone said whether I should spit or should I spit?

Because it is a \ "position" ceremony, the coverage of this force field is quite large, covering almost the entire block, and some techniques to dispel idlers, divert attention and weaken memory are mixed, leaving this area completely empty. Such a big hand, just for a divination in the Academy City, I really don't know what the guy on the magic side is thinking about. "

\ "Front, turn left at thirty meters, three carbon-based life, one of them is 123 times stronger than ordinary humans, and the main weapon system is pre-locked."

\ "Don't take any shots later" I clicked on Pandora's little head that was already moving, \ "For us, the magic side is not a hostile force."

\ "Oh." Pandora nodded reluctantly, then opened the stealth field. The three of us, including a drowsy angel hiding in the sea of ​​spirits, began to snore and quietly moved towards the target point.

As Pandora detected, there were three people on the other side.Since the ordinary people's attention had been shielded, they stood so gracefully on the side of the road.One of them was a tall red man wearing black clothes similar to a priesthood. There was an ignited cigarette in his mouth, and his face was impatient. The most noticeable part of the other person was the barcode-like pattern under one of his eyes that made him want to take a scan However, if you look closely, it will actually be a series of Roman numerals. Standing on the opposite side of the "priest", although wearing a priest's robe, it looks like the street is bad, but it is long and wears a white short shirt. , Wearing a post-modern style single-leg jeans, holding a blue dragon 偃月 "cough long Japanese sword, a beautiful girl, because of the angle problem, I can't see the expression on the other's face clearly, but in the two In the middle, there is a young man whose whole body is wrapped in black priest clothes, with short golden eyes and sharp eyes.

Due to the bombardment of bubbles in the past few days, a lot of knowledge about the forbidden world has been made up, so the identity of the first two people naturally need not be guessed.Steel and the God of War and Fire Weapon, which are full of talents, should be used. As for the third person, but it has not appeared in the data of the bubble, it seems that it is just one. Ren.

Alas, my mind is okay?

My mind turned to such a nonsense thought in a mess, I raised my ears and listened carefully to their whispering conversation ~ www.readwn.com ~ Steyr, you should be a bit patient. "

Clear girl, this is the voice of the **** split fire weaving, and the preached red priest continued to stink a face, smoking cigarettes fiercely.

\ "I was very patient for the first three days."

It sounds like the magic side has been recommended for three days in the school city? This is really a shameful fact, of course, I mean to the big guys in the Academy City.

"\" If you can, I still hope you can get rid of the cigarette when I do divination. "Father Gold frowned slightly," "That will affect the accuracy of divination results."

\ "If you can really get a nose."

Style satirically satirized it, but obediently stubbed out the cigarette and changed it to a new one.

\ "You guy

\ "Let ’s say a few words, okay." Shen Jianjian sighed with a headache, "" You two should work together to set up such a complicated ceremonial field, not only for the sake of no one to make trouble when they fight? "

\ "Yes, yes, since the eldest sister is talking about the head" Fr. King looks like a gentleman, but looks like a character who is not more serious than Steele, \ "Let us continue to look for the fallen angel, Well, the smoke over there is still troublesome to say a little bit farther away. "If you want to know what's going on, please visit Muscle, more chapters, support for writing


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