Xiling Empire

Chapter 359: Zuo Tian's Ability

Meet the two Steelers! In the next few days, the days seemed to return to the plainness of Qiao, and Qian Qian still came up with all kinds of weird ideas from time to time and put them into practice in various ways, or was banned by me after showing it in time. My elder sister is immersed in the fun of studying Japanese cuisine every day, and has recently extended her interest to the entire Asian cuisine. I vaguely predict that the spring on our family's table is probably coming, and Veska is Continue to study everything she sees with interest, and from time to time add a variety of quirky things to the dismal white sign at the entrance of the institute.At present, we have expanded our research scope from science to Art, from art to philosophy, and then from philosophy to religion, and it seems that there is a tendency to exhibit in the animation field in the near future. This makes me feel a headache for this younger sister who is completely at two extremes with Pandora. Information interference and the cursing power of my sister are at work, and the gate of the Schilling Institute may have become a tourist attraction near here. "

As for the great Prophet Lin Xue, who almost came down from the sky, let alone. "Ahem, okay, in fact, everyone knows her biggest hobby, yes, that is to use various pranks to trouble me.

Regrettably, I am still at the stage of attempted resistance.

Fortunately, Lin Xue's funny is always harmless. She knows how to score. She knows what kind of prank just makes me have a headache and then only laughs, and what kind of prank makes me really angry, even though my temper is so good that I feel incredible To the point.

It seems that our family is really very talented to eat and die. Even when we come to the world to save the life, we can have a moldy taste.

\ "Director! Zuo Tian tears come to report"

With such a strong call, I have begun to think of infinite deviation. Finally, after focusing on my eyes, it became clear in front of myself that it is the black that will come to the institute every day to conduct capacity testing. Girl, Zuo Tian tears.

What a cheerful girl, even though there has been no progress in the ability test, she has been able to say hello to everyone in the institute so happily, although she has expressed anxiety and loss when she saw her alone more than once But in front of us, Tears never showed such emotions.

Maybe I don't want to increase the pressure on the researchers who have worked so hard, but unfortunately, the scientists of the empire can't understand such complicated emotional thinking. It seems that the group of guys with egg pain has begun to secretly analyze Zuo Tian's tears,

\ "Oh, tears, come here so early today."

让 After letting my thoughts go a little longer, I turned back and greeted the smiling girl in front of me.

\ "Well! The last section of today is a practical lesson for the ability. Because I am a capable person who is carrying out the same project in the research institute, I don't need to do it in school."

\"Oh". I nodded suddenly, \ "It turned out that what is going on in the institute today is capable

Wearing a white researcher's robe, Lin Xue, who was walking behind me, was unstable at the foot of a foot, and thumped to the ground, then jumped up. Shouted angrily at me: "You have at least a lower limit on me if you don't work for your career!"

Zuo Tian's tears maintained a subtle expression, watching the almost everyday mouth-to-mouth confrontation between me and Lin Xue. Although it has been so long, I still can't understand the mode of dealing with this pair of enemies, but, well, should Be an alternative friend.

\ "Ajun!" Just as I and Lin Xue completed the warm-up before the battle, and each of them moved their bones and prepared for Xuya, the shallow voice came over from afar, \ "Ajun, I didn't expect you I can stay in the institute at this time. I thought you were out. "


Well, it seems that I have been a bit too unhappy recently. \ "Shallow? What are you doing?"

看着 I was surprised to see the girl in front of me who was eager to try because of a new idea, and the question mark was in my head.

\ "Of course it is to help the tears to develop the ability." With a shallow face, of course, \ "I want to try a new project today!"

Only you take it for granted? Any thought that comes out of your head is normal, right?

But this is a good idea. ",

I don't know why, the test of Tears' ability has been quite unsuccessful.Even the spirit technology cannot get her ability, which puzzles all the spirit technicians. They even upload these materials to After the bubble, but the calculation ability of the host of the spirit, can not reason why Zuo Tian tears ability is zero.

事实上 But in fact, our efforts have not changed at all [the dzi changes].

Thanks to the large dose of radiation from the mother's nest crystal and the efforts of many spirit technicians, the mental strength of tears has soared to 177 times that of ordinary humans. Already equivalent to the middle-level mystic apostle, but she is stuck in the "transformation of spiritual power into ability, small. Although the bubble can't infer this reason from a technical level, but I have a little Emotional conjecture.

Maybe it has something to do with the "capabilities" of this world.

In this conversation with Zuo Tian's tears, I learned one thing, although the world has "spiritual power". Old mountain. The power of the curse is strong or not. \ "Spiritual power" has nothing to do with the sky. It is difficult to understand the connection between mental power and power in the old noon. In other words, the humans in this world do not rely on the spirit. Power to generate abilities.

Their abilities are based on "personal reality".

According to Schrodinger's famous theory represented by the half-dead-to-mould cat, the world is random at the micro level, and there are countless possible states at the same time, and the result can only be determined at the moment the observer appears Or, in other words, the observer ’s subjective consciousness can determine the \ "fact. \" Trend, and the ability of the person to do is to expand this \ "uncertainty \" from the micro world to the macro world, \ "personal reality" The observer's angle is reset artificially, so that the macro world has various abnormal changes [Sky Bead Changes], such as those in the space department, in their "". In the cognition of "human reality", the position where all objects should be merged should be determined by their own will. All they have to do is to calculate through calculation what kind of path an object needs to move in a higher dimension. In a three-dimensional space, the computing power and the degree of awareness of "personal reality" are the factors that determine the level of the ability, and the mental power is used to write corrections

This is the concept of the ability of this world, and it is clear that it is very special.

Zuotian tears' mental strength is now strong enough, but it is not this that she needs to break through, but her affirmation to establish a logical system that conforms to her inner world. This is a **** set by the world itself. Humans born in this world must break through this point to master their abilities, but Qianchan and her sisters can completely bypass the "" second world view. Such complex steps, so that they can grasp immediately after receiving crystal radiation ability.

However, all this is just my guess.After all, this theory sounds a bit too idealistic. Whether a person has the ability depends on whether he believes it or not. It sounds like there are too many chop ingredients. I still thought that I was ten years old. It ’s Hoshiya, and my sister has n’t turned into Athena. ”

\ "Okay, now the second mental force pulse impact, the experimenter please stand on the yellow platform for a few shock tests.

This is the place where nanomachines were built in one day.It is protected by layers of thirty-three hidden institutions including space shielding.Even if Yresta concentrated all the monitoring power of the entire academy city Now, unlike the conventional equipment used for camouflage on the ground, all the equipment used in the circular hall with a radius of 200 meters is all Schilling artifacts extracted from the bubble, which is specifically used to target the physiological structure of carbon-based organisms. Various enhancements and ability developments were performed. Of course, in order to prevent Zuo Tian's tears from being confused, we still disguised those strange things.

Such a sophisticated and advanced Schilling equipment, such a large group of professional and hardworking Schilling technicians, it stands to reason that this is the entrance from the front door. Otaku and so forth through the back door should be at least an Ultraman.

\ "But", it has no effect. "

On the display, the readings of the controlled fluctuations of mental power are still no suspense.

Lin Linxue shook her head and sighed. It seemed that she had completely devoted herself to the role of a researcher. What did this girl have such a strong research interest? Usually either disassemble the machine or researcher.

\ "If it doesn't work, I have to use a gene enhancer." Shallowly frowned and said, "" Strengthening is also a kind of ability, that is, such a strong mental power is too wasteful. "

\ "And don't you think that a 100,000 horsepower Zuo Tian tears is really contrary?"

\ "Sister? Why are you here?"

I turned around in surprise, and it turned out that my sister and sister had also come to the testing ground.

\ "Come here and see what is going on that makes Spirit Technology helpless

Sister Yun said, looking at the center of the test field, Zuo Tian tears were standing on a small yellow platform, following the instructions on the radio to focus on the red projections floating around.

This is a small test used to analyze how the mental strength of the experimenter changes after the target is locked. In general, the movement of any ability is premised on "target determination", but unfortunately, according to the instrument records, Zuo Tian Tears' mental strength has not changed with any changes [the dzi changes].

\ "Okay, the first batch of test projects is over.

Qi Zuotian tears a long breath, and then came to us lightly.

\"how do you feel?"

\"not bad". Zuo Tian tears smiled indifferently. \ "It still seems to have no effect

Speaking of no effect, the girl in front of him had a clear guilt on his face, and it seemed that he felt "" not working hard "to let so many researchers waste their efforts.

"Don't worry, take your time" I can only be so comforted, \ "Yes, what do you think of these experimental projects today? Is there anything special?

I mean to ask Zuo Tian tears which of these tests can make her have a special feeling, so as to find out the easier way to produce results, but the other party clearly misunderstood my meaning: \ "Special place ah I think it's very special. It is completely different from the ability to conduct courses in school, and I haven't heard of the ability to use this way to develop ability, and there are many things here, nouns,

I smiled awkwardly: \ "This," new technology, haha, "

I chatted for a while, and the announcement of the test continued in the broadcast, Zuo Tian tears again into the next round of tests.

\ "Lin Xue, can you see anything that works?

突然 I suddenly wondered if this adult prophet known as omnipotent and all-powerful was able to know the way to open the tears.

\ "If you really want to know, I can look at it, but I don't recommend it." Lin Xue has a serious expression on his face, \ "Except for the enemy or for the fate that involves life and death, I basically don't Will predict a person's future. The future of people is full of uncertainty. I also think that such a destiny is a complete life, but it is like the principle of uncertainty on a micro level. The future of Zi, then a large part of her destiny will be decided, and I don't think it is appropriate to do so

Don't you bind others with destiny, this girl Lin Xue is really a kind girl, despite her awful personality.

\ "Of course, I think the main thing is that it is fun to try new methods one by one now.

I'm moved too early, asshole!

\ "Experiment suspended!"

At this moment, the elder sister's voice suddenly sounded in the broadcast, interrupting the ongoing experiment.

\ "Tears, now go over the seventh item again, you focus on the blue light ball

With the elder sister's voice falling, dozens of moving red light **** suddenly appeared above the projection area in the test field, and these red light **** were mixed with a few humble blue spheres.These light **** They are moving irregularly, one after another, and one after another "This must be Lin Xue's.

\ "Sister, what's up?"

I took a curious look at the past, but the display in front of my older sister still shows, "The mental force field is controllable."

\ "Not this." My elder sister shook her head, then pointed to a line of inconspicuous data in the corner of the screen, \ "This data is fluctuating."

\ "This is", the energy distribution above the projection area? "

\ "Yes, this is the position of the red light sphere, its energy fluctuation has changed [the dzi change], but this change [the dzi change] is quite irregular, and it does not show any substantial effect And, more importantly, the only reason for the target to change [the dzi changes] is that the tears \ "Note that this light ball has arrived. "

I wonder: \ "That is to say, Zuo Tian's own mental strength does not fluctuate, and she can not produce any ability herself, but she can make this change [天珠 变] reflect on her goal ?.

\ "It's roughly like this." My elder sister is sorting out her thoughts. \ "It's a strange phenomenon. She still hasn't shown any power she has, but you see, everything that \" is concerned by, \ " Unusual energy changes have occurred. "

\ "Isn't this happening before?"

I am curious, with the rigorous attitude of those spirit technicians, don't say so obvious changes, even if Zuo Tian tears sneezes during the experiment, they will definitely be recorded and then carefully analyzed, but Now it seems that it is the older sister.

\ "This thing that monitors the internal energy of the target was just installed today," Lin Xue explained, \ "Everyone's attention was focused on analyzing whether the tears themselves have released energy fluctuations, but no one thought, Her ability to express her form has nothing to do with herself, but to directly express her goals. In the process, her own mental strength has changed a little. [天珠 变] has not changed.

Does not require any media and energy consumption. Called against the target "

突然 Suddenly flashed such thoughts in my mind, and then I couldn't help but say that the ability of tears is not a religious aura? \ "Tear, you try to change your goal [天珠 变]" I took the radio and said ~ www.readwn.com ~ Well, displacement or something else

Zuotian nodded, and then focused as I told, according to my eyes, I was sweating on the door. "

\ "Look at it, look at it, Neng Jian fluctuations have appeared again!" Shallow whispered excitedly.

\ "But in fact, no observable changes have occurred

抬 I looked up at a few light bulbs not far away and shook my head and sighed.

Except for the weak energy changes recorded by the instrument, the few photospheres do not have any changes that can be observed at all.

\ "It seems that it is not just energy that fluctuates." Xiao Linxue focused all the monitoring equipment on those light spheres. \ "There is also a lot of uninterpretable information. It seems that with the attention of tears, the goal came out of nothing A lot of new information, what is this? Nagato tears? "

\ "Don't talk about it" I knocked on Lin Xue's head lightly, \ "Upload all these data to Pao and see what she can analyze.

The relevant data of this experiment was recorded in full detail, and then packaged to the child who was playing a game in a host slot in the barrier star, originally I thought that I needed to wait until the next day to receive an echo, but Unexpectedly, just a few minutes passed, the bubble returned a sentence:

\ "Are you wrong? Isn't this the commander of the Storm Commander?" If you want to know what's going on, please log in to my name, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!


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