Xiling Empire

Chapter 363: Uh ... heaven

"I'm really sorry to meet the Lord's messenger in this place."

The girl with long blond hair came to me, and then made a textbook-standard cross etiquette on her chest, saying so in a respectful tone.

If any unbelieving cross believer sees this scene and recognizes the maiden identity, I am afraid that he will immediately choose the believer God? The supreme spiritual leader of the British Puritan, Archbishop Rolla, even showed such a respectful gesture to the capable people in a school city, which is even more unacceptable than **** Christ is actually a woman.

But I think of another thing now.

"What, if you can, can you speak English?"

Although I was barely able to understand what Rolla said after a series of language translation mechanisms and screening of a large number of memories, this situation is more difficult than speaking a new language—I Should it be said that the biggest bishop who accidentally went offline really has all kinds of strengths hidden?

Well, the strength in all aspects.

I watched the girl in front of me calmly, all the data in my head quickly gathered, and then uploaded it to a just-used Schilling host.

Its real age is probably equivalent to several laps of me. Although it may be a bit rude to say, this "girl" who looks only 17 or 8 years old is really an "old woman" like I thought before. But I don't know what method to use, the other party even wiped out this age, and even extended his life to ten times that of ordinary humans, and the entire physiological aging process has almost stopped ... Can I reach the level of immortality? Dare to think, but before the next millennium comes, the greatest bishop will definitely be able to continue his youth, why is there suddenly a variety of subtle feelings in his heart? Yaresta is an old monster that uses science and technology to extend his life to thousands of years in theory. The Rolla in front of him is not inferior to this. Does the ruler of this world pass through Qin Shihuang?

However, when she looked at me, Laura didn't care. She was concerned about another thing: "Ah, Lord Angel, what do you mean ... I don't quite understand."

Having said that, but seeing the sudden flush and a little helpless behavior on her face, it seems that the biggest bishop known as the foxwoman did not think nothing at all.

Steyr's expression tightened subtly, as if trying to endure something, and then he coughed and said, "Master Archbishop, I think Lord Angel means that you'd better change to a language that both parties can understand. At least don't use this ... something suspected of Japanese. "

"Eh ?!" Lola exclaimed in a low voice, then covered her lips with embarrassment, and said fluently, "My Japanese ... my Japanese should be all right! The angel must mean something else!"

"Lola, right," I finally felt helpless about the unconscious side of the girl in front of me, "One thing might be said to make it difficult for you to accept, but that's news from heaven ..."


No matter what kind of panic he was in, after hearing the words "from the kingdom of heaven", Rolla immediately got serious, held her hands on her chest, then closed her eyes slightly, and greeted the coming with a solemn expression. "Admonish", even Steer, who had been like a mule, immediately extinguished the cigarette on his hand and made the same action.

"Actually ... Rolla, your Japanese question ... It's been ashamed to heaven, and God knows it ..."

This is a fact, according to the bubble, recently, Ding Dong has also begun to watch the magic forbidden.

"So let's talk in English."


With a terrifying sound, Steele finally couldn't control it, almost spitting out old blood, and Lola opened her eyes suddenly, then a look of despair: "Is this true?"

Well, it's finally changed to English this time.

"Speaking of which, as a senior leader of the Cross, it was a bit of a surprise to actually go deep into a scientific base such as the Academy City," looking at the "girl" creatures who were completely lost because of language problems. I changed the subject awkwardly, "What's the matter? Or just coming over for a pilgrimage?"

Regardless of her dark side, Rolla is an extremely devout crucifix. After learning that the “God's side” is present in the Academy City, it is possible for her to make a special trip for pilgrimage. It is normal for zealous believers to do such irrational things.

"As a servant of the Lord, after hearing the angel's advent on the earth, no matter how dangerous it is, I should come and obey the dispatch. Isn't this normal?"

Laura was very serious when she said this, but there are some truthful but doubtful. With just Steier's words, it is still unknown how much Laura can believe in our "magic" identity, and it is still a group of peace. The legend is completely out of touch, and it can even be described as an "angel tour group" that discredited heaven. A pope-level religious believer, can you believe such a nonsense thing?

But ... It seems that in this complicated world, if you find a group of people who are pleasing to the eye and more obedient, many things will be easy to do, at least for the "angel" who will cause world-scale disaster in Lin Xue's prediction. , I have no small interest.

Compared to Yarysta, who is sly and sly, I still think that this fox girl, who is equally sly but can at least be tamed by faith, is better.

"You should have heard it from an old smoke gun," I said slowly, touching my chin. "Although we have a good relationship with God, the true God and the brain-filled God in your faith are not a concept. , We do n’t care much about your faith, and the God and angels you worship are not us. ”

"Things like this don't make sense," Laura said with a smile. "Faith lies in our heart, faith in God, worship of angels, and the spread of the glory of the Lord. These are all our desires from the heart, even if our Lord-- Ask God to forgive my sins—even if our Lord doesn't exist, what does it matter? "

"As the greatest bishop, your point is strange ..." I sighed, listening to the words that came out of Rolla's mouth, and sighed from my heart, "Are you not undercover?"

In fact, I was more curious: how did Rolla, who had such an alternative idea, mix up in crucified religion and cheated till now?

"The Lord exists, because we believe so, and He exists in our hearts," Rolla explained. "Then, as long as you are the messenger of the Lord, you are the Lord I should worship, but before that, I did n’t know I had Qualify to feel the glory of the Lord? "

Sure enough ... Do you want a letter of introduction from God?

This woman doesn't seem too simple. In a sense, the other party should be the kind of "rational zealot", unconditional faith, and no doubt worship, even if it is clear that the God in his belief is just an artificial creation. The idols will be full of devotion, even if they know that their prayers are not listened to, she will be able to preach tirelessly. She does not believe in the Lord of the scriptures, but the God in her heart. Psychologically, we Calling this phenomenon ... Anyway, it is a very strange psychological phenomenon.

Rolla stared at me with curiosity in her eyes. It seemed that she was not completely skeptical of the news brought back by Steele. After all, she belonged to her own trust. This trust still exists. Now she wants to see it more What about "the glory of the Lord"?

"Araiye, prepare a shadow space."

The apostle's patented technology, the shadow space, although false, has reached the material creation level of the world from nowhere. The principle seems to be to create in parallel space by the clever method of copying existing information from the existing world. The physical effect is a miracle that the Earth people ca n’t touch for 10,000 years, but it is a “tent” like a must-have for home travel. The shadow space created by Pandora duplicates a whole K. City, Alye ’s shadow space partially reproduces her own home on the mother star-should it be used to cover this largest bishop?

"Don't move around for a while, and damage the public property will be fined twice as much as the original price." I said so, and then stretched out his hands flatly like a model.

"Yeah?" Lola and Steele were surprised at the same time, presumably their original idea was just to let the angel show up to "pilgrim" for themselves, without even thinking of my intention.

In my opinion, although Laura's magical accomplishments are not doubted, Arresta is not a fool after all. It is difficult to guarantee that he has any other ways to monitor the movement here. Instead of taking such risks, it is safer to change. Place is better.

Just then, the surrounding space finally began to change.

The near and far scenery shakes slightly like a disturbed water surface, except for the few people standing here, as if everything has become an unreal projection. The information of the main material plane is not affected by the erosion of Alaya's consciousness. Qing reluctantly chose to retreat, and our connection to the world quickly became weak.

"How is this going--"

Steyr spoke in surprise, but the delay caused by the turbulence in space is actually more of a delay caused by the laws of the world. His voice sounded ridiculously long when the recorder was out of power.

Then, everything around was broken like glass, and the white halo suddenly came, covering everything.

The halo dissipated, and we appeared in a dim garden.

Dim, please allow me to use such a word to describe the garden, because there does n’t seem to be a sky here, there is a dark chaotic space above us, without any light source, but it seems that there is no need for light in this space to let us see The things around us are some kind of white jade stone piled at our feet. Next to it there is a fan-shaped flower bed. The flower bed is planted with various flowers and plants that can not be named. At one point, three arcs are formed by Roman-style white stone pillars that surround this piece of garden with a diameter of about 100 meters. Outside the fence of the stone pillars is a large area of ​​chaotic clouds constantly flowing without boundaries, as if in the It is blocking something coming from them. According to Araiye, there is still an uncontrollable area that is connected to the void, because it is a parallel space formed in an instant, the area of ​​the shadow space of this quick version is quite limited, and it seems that a certain stay There was no time to generate a reasonable sky for it.

The golden light gradually emerged from the surrounding air, and then converged into the shape of a young girl. Alaya appeared as gorgeously as ever, and the large wings with a wingspan of three meters waved slightly. Immediately, this dim courtyard was filled with holy White light, those white jade stones obviously have a very strong affinity for the holy light. Under the power of Alaya, they have emitted a milky halo, which finally gave this gray space a taste of heaven.

Use yourself as a light source ... Alaya, you really can make it up.

"This ... this is ..."

Steyr is not a fool. He has long found that he has entered a completely strange space, and even the air is full of energy forms different from the earth. The corresponding affinity is super strong. Under the auspices of the Holy Light, some of the spiritual powers in him and Rolla ’s body due to their beliefs were agitated like never before, and even more active than being baptized in the Great Temple—regardless of their magical form, as long as they worshiped idols. In the form of an angel, it is destined to be inseparable from the inspiration of the power of the Holy Light. This is the general rule of being forcibly injected into every world due to the "existence" of the gods in the astral domain. For that group, only "existence" can make the world The BT defined by the attributes, I am really at ease ...

"Welcome to the kingdom of heaven, um, although it is only a small garden next to the transmission room-you know, mortals can basically not bear any trace of the kingdom of heaven, and only this place can temporarily receive humans like you."

Anyway, no one dismantled and edited it.

"If you can, even give your life to receive that light ..."

Rolla finally lost the kind of indifferentness that started at the beginning. At this moment, she clasped her hands on her chest, with extremely obvious fanaticism in her eyes. As a devout believer, she could have entered the "kingdom of heaven" in this way. She has an excess of adrenal hormones.

"You ca n’t afford it even if you give your life," I have no heavenly light to give her, a large amount of void radiation can be seen everywhere, "that is the truth of the world, something you ca n’t understand and do n’t need to understand, and that The old smoke gun next to you-the Bible says that about one hundred meters from heaven, smoking is forbidden, don't you know? "

"Cough ..." Steele coughed violently, then threw cigarettes on the ground and smashed them. "Is this written in the Bible?"

"From now on." Lola frowned dissatisfied, and the seriousness in her voice made me doubt that the archbishop would add this ban to the Bible.

Suddenly I thought it was so interesting ... Why not play?

"I said," With helpless eyes, I shook my head and looked at some helpless Steyr, and then pointed at the ground with his chin. "You better get this thing back before the city management comes over."

Still stunned: "There is still city management in heaven?"

And Lola almost madly shouted to Steele, "You idiot! Pick up the cigarette butts !!!"

Can make Dan Ding Lola crazy, it seems that Foo is successful.

"Okay, right now."

I sat down on a stone chair next to it, and Alaiye immediately came over and put my wings on my legs. Before taking out the comb, I suddenly thought: If I spread a tablecloth over the wings to make tea Any idea how this stupid angel would react?

"First of all, the purpose of your coming, well, although the advent of angels is a very important event for cross religion, I don't think you have become so crazy that even the greatest bishop's caution has been set aside."

After confirming our "identity", Rolla obviously respected a lot. Although the largest bishop is also the spokesperson of Jehovah, she is still one level lower than the angel who truly stands by God, so she immediately lowered her head. To answer: "The main thing is to verify whether your arrival is a real thing, and listen to Steele said that you hope that the British Puritan can help the kingdom of heaven to find the lost angels. As the largest bishop of the British Puritan, I think I better listen to the order myself. "

It ’s nice to say—in this way, I will elevate an order I spoke to directly to the level of the gods of heaven, and then it is equivalent to the British Puritanism as authentic, the significance is obvious: no Roman Orthodox Church has failed to obtain That ’s why God gave his will to the British Puritans. This fox girl really planned.

Use each other, at least in my opinion ~ www.readwn.com ~ That's right.

"We all know the course of the event, an angel has been separated from everyone, and I have stated in advance that I cannot tell you about the rank, name, ability of this angel, because that is not something that can be said from my mouth." I edited it casually, and immediately, with a disappointed expression on Lola's face, "Your task is to find her as fast as possible, but because the other party is special, do not rush into contact with her after discovering his trace, And you should inform me as soon as possible, do you understand that? "

Rolla nodded: "Although it is not very understandable, if it is the order of heaven, I will obey it."

Really, in keeping with the order of heaven, put British Puritanism in the position of God's faithfulness!

"Well, that's the best. Then you shouldn't have to go to the Roman Orthodox Church."

I nodded decently, and Rolla immediately made a pitiful expression: "Ah, that's a pity, because the Roman Orthodox Church has lost its glory for the Lord."

Believe me or not, change your mind! ? (!)

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