Xiling Empire

Chapter 372: Robbed angel

The quiet days were discussed for two days, and the first batch of sisters of Yu Ji was finally sent to the Fuyuzhen Institute.

It was a truck carrying a container, and the pass read \ "Research Equipment Delivery".

Sent it from the back door of the institute. The driver of the car didn't even know what he was transporting, and according to the order he would research the equipment.

After arriving at the destination and confirming that we unloaded the container, we left without a word.

\ "Spoon for living people.

Sister Yun sighed sadly, and then came forward and opened the container door.

Accompanied by \ "squeak.

The metal dumplings moved, and the containers were opened from the outside. Inside, there were hundreds of uniforms with the same exquisite appearance and uniform specifications. They had uniform height and weight, and they were wearing night vision goggles. The girl who was also stuck in exactly the same position.

Hundreds of Yuban sisters, like dolls assembled from the production line, were squeezed into large containers like goods. When the sealed door opened, all the sisters of Yujie neatly shifted their eyes to the bright light. Hundreds of puppets' unemotional eyes were staring at the same time in the direction, and my heart was stunned.

Under the command of Yu Jie Milk, more than 100 Yuban sisters went out of the container and quickly stood in two rows in front of us according to the medical examination number.

\ "Cough, first of all, you are welcome to join" Well.

Join our big family.

It was still the unlucky person who was pushed up to give a speech in accordance with the habit, and thought twice.

还是 I still decided to use \ "family" to describe our relationship.

It is so-called that there are more lice, no itching, and more worry.Since I have received these poor copies of the royal junk, I should treat them as my own sisters. Anyway, a bunch of girls next to me are not worse than 10,000. Many people say that 10,000 people is still too exaggerated. Facing my opening remarks, more than a hundred sisters of Yuban did not respond at all, they just listened quietly, and then waited for my next order.

Stand by, take orders, execute, die. This has become part of their instinct.

Of course, in addition to Yupo milk, who has been living with us for a few days, although the expression is as indifferent as the other sisters.

He Yuban, distilled, still took the lead to applaud, and looked up at me with an expressionless expression: \ "Yuban are waiting for the order, otherwise they will not take any action.

I was so embarrassed when I saw that the elder brother was a little embarrassed and immediately explained that you were so embarrassed.

\ "Well, let's do this first. You need to familiarize yourself with the environment and then adapt to our biorepair warehouse. More of them will be introduced to you by Yupo Siyin, no more, dissolution!" Yuban sisters The formation changed immediately.

I then followed Miyazaki quietly and left here behind. "

压力 It's so stressful to talk to them. "

说道 I said with a sigh of relief.

Lin Xue next to him said: \ "That's why I let you go up to be the head of injustice."

There are more than 10,000 Royal Junk clones, and it is obviously impossible to receive them all at once. To be honest, Atresta even doubted whether our small research institute could accommodate the next one. More than 10,000 clones live in it and are not known to the outside world, but I have told him clearly that we can solve this matter by himself, as long as he uses his own strength to securely send 10,000 Yujie sisters to the concealed \ "Xiling Institute" is enough. Now, more than a hundred people are just the first batch. In addition to being the first transfer attempt, they will also become the experimenters of the latest biorepair warehouse. The next Mikami sister will also be sent in batches.

Then we were transferred to the mouth shadow city.

This cold world has never given my sisters a trace of warmth, and I would rather build a new paradise for them.

Although the current environment of that paradise is a little bit stranger, I have to talk to the bubble, and stop watching the shadow city to play the scene simulation after watching the anime story.

\ "I don't know if the old fox in Yresta will doubt about more than 10,000 people disappearing out of thin air ?.

I watched my younger sisters follow Mikami, disappearing in line behind the research institute's underground entrance, my sister whispered next to me.

\ "Also.

I always think that the cunning guy's reaction seems a bit strange. His behavior does not seem to be a suspicious leader in the face of "foreigners." "

"Who knows?" Uh? Sister, the energy fluctuation just now "" Energy fluctuation? ...

My sister-in-law blinked curiously, \ "I didn't feel it ?.

Wrong posture? Seeing her sister's confusion, I was a little doubtful if I had an illusion, but then, another small wave of energy came again.

He made me feel right.

It seems that the fluctuation is too weak and is not something that my sister and adult are familiar with, so that only me is aware of it? \ "I also noticed" Just when I was thinking about it, Lin Xue said quietly next to me, almost forgotten, in addition to my ability to perceive abnormal energy far away, there is also A teenage prophet who is called a weapon is also a line-of-sight radar. "

It's the smell of magic in this world, not far from here, Lin Xue glanced at me, with curiosity on his face: \ "Oh? Is this the magic of this world? It's a strange way of energy operation, there is no mental power at all Participate in the way that Daohua Er'er said that relying on idolatry or myth and legend to give strength to connect the elements to run, sturdy, do you want to see it? "Near the pedestrian street of the seventh school district, an unmanned In the alley, the ground is covered with scorched black color, and the walls are also covered with criss-crossing high-temperature barbecue traces. Several charred materials on the ground are still slowly emitting blue smoke, and they continue to emit acrid The scorched smell, it is obvious, has just experienced an instant high temperature here.

Although the residual magic wave is already quite weak, it can still be discerned that it is the writing of the magic masters.

And one of them is quite familiar.

\ "Is Steyr's magic power remaining?" After closing my eyes and perceiving for a moment, I easily distinguished the magic wave unique to an old cigarette that can send out thirty miles of cigarettes in the wind. "It seems His opponent pays great attention to the concealed whereabouts, and a certain technique that can greatly limit the dispersion of magical movements is always running in this alley, otherwise, with the strength of Bishop Steele.

It wasn't just that I was fighting. \ "Are there any injuries?" Shallowly fanned the pungent smell with his hand in front of his nose, and frowned as he said to me.

\ "Your husband is a radar, isn't it?" Lin Xue didn't say anything, she just closed her eyes and felt something in the air.

Then said with certainty: "There were no injured people, and the two just touched tentatively. The red priest was chasing a certain target, but the other side was unwilling to fight." "You can now see what happened in the past?" All talents are on? "I noticed the silver halo flowing in Lin Xue's eyes, and I couldn't help wondering.

\ "Do you dare to distort your way of thinking ?.

Lin Xue looked like a nursery, and said, twirling the corners of his mouth, "In addition, seeing a place that had been born in the past not long ago is one of my abilities. Is this much easier than predicting? .

\ "Okay, my prophet, then, did your old man just see who Steyr was chasing? And where are they going now?

\ "You wait," Lin Xue said.

I closed my eyes again.

A few seconds later, he opened his eyes and shook his head. \ "Unseen targets can not be accurately detected, the resolution of the image is too low \" Well, "It should be someone from the Roman Orthodox Church," What people over there? "As shallow and Lin Xue followed my voice and then turned around, and together they saw the silhouette of the lane at the alley, exclaimed in surprise: \" God crack fire weaving? .

\ "Master Angel?" It also seemed that the girl saint who hurried in did not expect that we would appear here, and exclaimed.

The arrival of Divine Break finally ended our delusion of little help.

From the counterparty's mouth, I roughly know what happened.

Stair is chasing.

He really is a Roman Orthodox.

\ "Hand in hand as soon as you meet? Are all your necessary evil churches such single brain cells without a brain?" After hearing the rifting narrative, I could not help but sigh.

I haven't figured out what the other party wants to do. I turned it in as soon as I met, and now let the other party run away. The necessary evil church is indeed the biggest violent institution in British Puritanism. "" "Sorry, Lord Angel .

But the situation at that time may be very urgent. Steyr just gave me a magic communication, and he even attacked without waiting for me. He usually would not be so impulsive.

I know, I know, the old smoke gun is a cool and wise young man. I have informed my followers to follow up, so what did you detect these days? What kind of plane are the Roman Orthodox Churches doing here? "When it comes to business, the cracked expression immediately became serious: \" They may have shown the clue of the lost angel, and they seem to intend to use the power of that angel to deal with the school city, "No, it may be the entire science I looked at each other and Shallowly, and said in unison: \ "They are full! "\" I can't figure out why the Roman Orthodox Church is so targeted at the science side, they really think that science is such a thing.

Can it be removed from the world once it sprouts? "The opposition between science and religion has existed from the beginning." God shook his head.

Although she is a member of the magic side, her judgment is more considerable than that of many religious people. \ "Religion has shaped a lofty idol for the people, and has herds the souls of believers with absolute faith, but the emergence of science Breaking it all, in the eyes of science, everything that religion insists on is ruthlessly denied, even arrogantly trying to reach the height of God with the mortal body, which is certainly something that cannot be tolerated by religion, but despite the religion The foundation of the power is deep and powerful, but science can be integrated into the ordinary people in the fastest and most convenient way. Even now, although the Roman Orthodox Church claims to have two billion believers.

But these two billion believers also enjoy the convenience brought by science. It can be said that the foundation of the religious world has already been shaken by the impact of scientific power.

The actions of the Roman Orthodox Church can be said to be fighting for faith, but it is not necessary to describe it by self-salvation. "Of course, for crazy believers, what reason should be meaningless at the beginning?

I watched the fissure fire weaving full open in philosopher mode.

I sigh sincerely: "I think you should be undercover on the scientific side:" I was just affected by your conversation with the Angel a few days ago. At this moment, I was sent out to track any suspicious target. The special agent team finally came to reply, also; the second and second soldiers saw Steyr's trace out of a piece of concrete ground smashed by some kind of force near the edge of the academic city, and the red priest had fallen unconscious and fell to the ground The pieces of hard paper with runes scattered on the ground, except for the broken cement blocks on the ground.

There are no traces of high temperature burning around the salamander.

That is.

Still didn't even have time to attack, he was killed by the opponent.

\ "Stear!" Seeing that his partner fell to the ground with unknown lives or death, Divine Rush rushed up immediately, only to be relieved after confirming that the other party was not in danger of life.

\ "Escaping the key, just losing consciousness, this old cigarette is really deadly" Lin Xue should professionally check each other's injuries, \ "but at least six bones were broken, and serious He bleeds wood inside, opens the enchantment, and puts Alaya. "

Why do I feel like you have put Angel Sister in a very delicate position just now? No matter how strange Lin Xue's statement is.

还是 I activated the energy barrier immediately.

I disturbed any snooping that might exist, and then released Angel Sister.

Under the impact of the Holy Light energy, even the dead can be resurrected, and Steyr naturally swiftly healed, while the next crack was a little weird: she was the first time she saw the angel actually shot, and The feeling of being deterred by the power of the Holy Light a few times ago is different, this time.

What she feels from this adult is the kind of serene and peaceful power that really belongs to heaven.

Under the action of holy and soft white light, Steyr's scarred body quickly recovered to the naked eye, and even the blood on his body and torn clothes were magically restored.

Aliyah even cured pneumonia of this old smoker by the way "You did something extra idiot!" "Steel, how are you? Xiaodang red priest woke up wandering, Shencha immediately stepped forward, raised the other's body and asked.

The reason for such an unlucky situation, \ "They dared to do such an extraordinary thing in the Academy City. It was beyond my expectations. I handed Araiye who was busy counting his feathers back to the spirit sea, and asked: \ "What is going on? What are the people of the Roman Orthodox Church? .

\ "They took away the angel Steele out amazing.

\ "Well, how many days did you come in before, but now the Roman Orthodox Church was the first to know it?".

I'm very sorry for the angel, "Face to my complaint, Divine Break and Steele immediately bowed their heads and apologized," We are incompetent "\" Forget it. "

当然 Under the false name of "Angel", of course I can't justify the two magicians so confidently. "Unless Aresta has a brain pump, the Roman Orthodox people should not have left the Academy City, Steele.

Describe us the characteristics of each other, maybe my people can find them. "


Steel nodded. \ "The guy I found was a woman, wearing a traditional white monastic suit.

的 The technique he is good at is unknown.

I've been running away, ambushing and sneaking in on me is a tall golden man, wearing a very gorgeous white monastic suit, using a surgical technique that uses air to generate a huge hammer to attack. I do n’t know more. ”I swipe the screen of the two men described by Steele in my mind for a long time, and then asked after no fruit of searching: \” What about angels? Did you see it? \ "Yes" Steele, as always, took out the cigarette and ignited a spark from his fingers. \ "Being carried by that woman is a young girl of silver, but her situation is quite strange, showing It came out like an ordinary person who was frightened.She didn't look like an angel at all. She didn't even feel the slightest strength from her body. Even the nun in the white robe showed no respect for it, right. That angel did exactly what you said about getting lost. She seemed to be slower than the average person. "

The girl with silver? .

Look at Lin Xue.

\ "Ordinary people who have no power at all ?.

Lin Linxue also thoughtfully looked at this side ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then we all spoke in unison: \ "Also a slow half-shot !?".

Huh "Yes".

Still said hesitantly, sweeping curiosity around us.

\ "Is that the angel ?.

\"did not expect".

I was about to say a certain name, and then suddenly realized that the two of them were in a state of being fooled, and immediately changed their mouths. "I didn't expect that guy would be so stupid." Well, it's her, we will hurry to find her Still, you can take a rest first, though the Holy Light can repair your body.

But vitality needs rest to recover.


Still reluctant, Still had to nod in agreement with what I said, "then I will go back to our resting place and rest first.

I am cracking you \ "I will continue to follow them."

He Shencha said with a firm tone.

\ "Then let's split the road.

They shouldn't run far. "

I said, give a small crystal to the **** split, \ "The other party's trail broke it, we rushed immediately."

Gao Shen nodded his head, and quickly left the place after receiving the crystal.

After waiting for Steele to leave, Lin Xue and I sighed at the same time, but shallowly sighed: \ "I didn't expect that the angel turned out to be Sylvia's misfortune.


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