Xiling Empire

Chapter 377: Help and i'm gonna beat him

This ... what a weird thing ... "

Looking at the huge white metal card that was tearing from all angles, Mu Shan Chunsheng's face was distorted, like a collapse.

Zuo Tian's tears touched his chin, and suddenly he got to the sign, looked at the text carefully, and nodded his head: "Well, um, the content has increased again. It seems that these days, Little Visca is in a good mood. Sister Qian Qian may also be involved. "

"The institute undertakes various projects in the fields of anthropology, biology, quantum mechanics, botany, advanced chemistry, religious theory, calculus, Putonghua promotion, afforestation and environmental protection, protection of arms lease and protection, and education topics. Research and help children write homework. On behalf of the parents ’association, they can help people to pay for debts. Aircraft carrier oiled missiles. Retail sales of various types of guns. Design and assembly training. The army assassinates the Yuan and destroys the mafia. CAD drawing manned aerospace rental high-priced collection and sale of used bicycles to help bully female students write anonymous letters on behalf of others, and to undertake special missions to protect world peace, the volume is large and preferential, saving the world's lowest 50% (new and old users can enjoy monthly service) ... Uh, it feels like if you continue to read it, you will always be isolated from this world ... "

"It's quite amazing that Shirai can read it here," Chuchun Shili, who almost fell to the ground at a glance just after seeing that brand, sincerely pays high respect to Shirai Kuroko, "Little Veska is really very Naughty child ... "

"She said several laps older than human civilization."

With a long sigh, Zuo Tian reminded him in a low voice, and at the same time he was extremely sorry that he was working for such a group of unreliable saviors. .

When sniping fantasy beasts yesterday, Tears finally applied for fire support to higher-level armed departments. As a result, the identity of the storm commander could not be kept secret, but fortunately, "saviors from different dimensions" It seems to be many times more lenient and tolerant than expected. With their consent, now a few girls who have a good relationship with her have roughly learned about "other people (do you have to use such words?)" That's why the tears reminded Chunchun of this sentence.

Of course, it is impossible for Haruaki to be aware of all of this. It was only because of her research that she had been brought directly from Yresta by some means. In other words, although she has been sentenced to detention for crimes, Ms. Chunshan's prison life has to go through such a research institute, and the labor education she has to pay is naturally replaced by daily research.

It's a very good statement. In fact, apart from the name of a "suspect", she is acquitted.

With the efforts of several young girls, especially the bombardment of foul fire by a rookie commander, the fantasy beasts produced by the fantasy network runaway were completely destroyed in a quite violent way, and the runaway network was also born in spring. The treatment procedure was provided and it was solved after being broadcasted in the entire campus. Now the whole event can be said to have ended perfectly, and the "Mr. Mountain Teacher" who could not help but sympathize even though he chose the wrong path was brought to the institute , Is the wish of Zuo Tian tears after learning all the truth.

She hopes that "Different Dimensional Techniques" can help this teacher who has gone to extremes to save her students, but now it seems that despite the good idea of ​​Tears, her beneficiaries seem a little rude ...

"I would rather go back to prison if I want to do research here."

Haruyama stared at the suspicious notice board, saying the first thoughts that every normal researcher would have after seeing that thing.

"Although you don't want to admit it, you are quite reasonable."

The sound that suddenly sounded not far away made tears turn back immediately, and then beckoned happily at this side: "Boss brother! Are you arrested to buy food again?"

… I was suddenly Pandora's cuteness. Although she had been thinking about conquering the world, at least the girl wouldn't say such a tearful thing in front of everyone at least before conquering the world.

"Well? Is this the home base of heterodimensional creatures? It looks like a very ordinary research institute. Where are the alien culture tanks? Where can the automatic lead that can make people lose their memory by clicking? Where is this apartment building behind? Is your spaceship deformed? And also, why I haven't seen Iron Armor Altman and Red have three times the angle after so long ... "

You various serial flower pots! !!

Even Zuo Tian's tears could not see it, and pulled his friend's sleeve awkwardly: "That ... early spring, you seem to have a subtle misunderstanding."

"Anyway, you can't even tell us clearly about your own affairs. Zuo Tian is the one who is not candid." The flower pot woman held her chest with her hands, and I looked like a messenger of justice.

The tears cast a hard look on me, and I nodded to her: "It doesn't matter, we are not afraid to leak."

Originally, I meant that as a "different dimension creature that has little to do with this world", even if you leaked a lot, we will not be afraid when we leave, as long as you are not afraid of trouble yourself, but it is obvious that a few girls They all misunderstood my words, not only in the early spring, but also Misaka Misaka and her Lily sister followed suit and waved their hands: "No need to use it, we have no interest in this matter! ! "

I don't know how much dissonance they have made up.

"Now, grown up ... brother," Misaka Mizu suddenly came together, and almost spoke out an infinitely lamentable title, but finally turned into a satisfactory title, "In this case, those younger sisters We ... "

She is not stupid. To this day, she has guessed that the rescue of Misaka's sisters may be hidden. A group of "different dimension creatures", no matter how much they talk about the beauty, are from time to time bombs.

"This world is not suitable for them, nor can they give them any kind of warmth, so I will take my sisters away-don't show that expression, we are out of goodwill, and I will find a way to make them available to them at any time."

After getting such a pleasant response, Misaka Mikata's face turned cloudy and sunny immediately, and I turned my head to the other side and was busy talking with a few little girls who were laughing and laughing (in other words, the most suitable communication target for this girl really was ten) Are you under four?): "Asaku, how is the reception process of Misaka's sisters?"

"It went smoothly. The guy from Yresta still kept his promise and did not make any small moves. Now Shadow City is installing the last batch of adjustment equipment, and the first sisters have begun living there experimentally— —Oh, Bubble has a report suggesting that entertainment projects should be appropriately increased in shadow cities, because the lack of childhood Misaka's sister needs such compensation. "

"Bubble's report is important, but you'd better dismiss her to build a large fan club and once a month

"Oh, Jun, then there is nothing left."


After handing over a few girls to my sister and Qian Qian, a pair of golden children who take care of children, I led Mu Shan Chunsheng to the lower level of the base.

"Where are you taking me?"

Coming out of the elevator and following me deeper and deeper, Haruyama finally couldn't help asking.

Because the surrounding scenes have clearly begun to change, all the equipment of the normal research institute has disappeared, but there are a lot of unheard of things. There is no doubt that this is already a very special area in the research institute, and it may even be a school city It can be called a top secret area.

Is there some kind of dark experiment being carried out here, so the involvement of sinners like me is needed?

The female researcher who has seen more of the dark side of the school city naturally flashed such thoughts.

Although there was no flashing expression on the other side of the book "Shu Hai Ge", I roughly understood her thoughts.

Zuo Tian's tears did not tell this woman, because in her opinion, Mushan Chunsheng is obviously untrustworthy, but I know very well that this seemingly dangerous woman actually makes it quite easy for her to cooperate.

"Should the children be all right?"

After a long walk in the long passage, I suddenly broke the silence.

After a few seconds of silence, Mushan Chunsheng said calmly: "I don't understand what you said. If it refers to the unconscious child in the Fantasy Mage event, they should all be cured now. You should have no doubt about this?"

"Of course, I've been following the Fantasy Mute incident quite a bit, but I'm referring to the other children. What happened to the children who were unconscious in the experiment a few years ago?"

The steady footsteps came to an abrupt halt, and I turned back slightly, and saw the slightly distorted face of Mushan Chunsheng.

"... what the **** do you ...?"

"I? It's just an outsider, because I can't get used to something, and I'm going to step in-alas, Vega, are the little ones in place?"

At this time, Chunshan Mushan only noticed that we had come to the end of this seemingly long and exaggerated corridor, and the surrounding architectural style was quite different from the common buildings in Xueyuan City. She didn't even know this kind of cloth Is the building full of glittering lines and swimming light hanging over the cult, and at the end of the corridor, a serious elder girl wearing a guard uniform and exploding is looking at this side.

"Report to the sir, the commissioning of Units 1 to 3 is completed, and the slot power supply will be completed in one minute. The auxiliary computing module and support module are waiting for your order!"

I nodded and said to Mushan Chunsheng next to him, "Come with me, and stay calm-the children in there travel long distances, and they are easily frightened."

The door at the end of the corridor opens, revealing an extremely wide hall. If Matsuyama's spatial memory and composition ability are strong, she should be able to judge instantly that there is no such a vast area in the underground area of ​​the institute. Underground building-because it happens to be a passage area for urban canals and pipelines under the canals.


Chunshan asked in doubt, and followed me into the hall.

"You need the tree designer's computing power to find a way to treat those children, and for us, it's not a problem, but I think it's better for you to do it yourself," I turned around, back Opening his hands to the huge structure in the middle of the hall, he said loudly, "Here are the most powerful computing centers in the world. They are the ultimate computing machines far from the limits you can understand. This is the gift I give you. Three computers! "

Chunshan Mushan looked at the huge mechanical structure and the three crystal prisms that were obviously the core of the structure in shock. Then his eyes suddenly filled with murderous intentions, and the whole man flew wildly: "You asshole! You are using these children to do what!?"

At this moment, I thought a lot. The figures of Qiu Shaoyun, Huang Jiguang, Dong Cunrui, and Liu Hulan scrolled on my mind, but soon I realized that none of these admirable heroes died in the flutter of Yujie. ...

In the end, what I thought of was-by the way, it really took too long to be with the gang of gods, and I even forgot about the human worldview!

"Don't don't do it! This is a misunderstanding!"

"Asshole! I should have thought long ago that you and them are the same kind of people! What exactly do you want to do with the children !? These children here ... Are they the clone tools you made !?"

by! Isn't it to see three Schilling hosts connected in parallel! Why are you so powerful!

Seeing that the problem could not be solved through regular language communication, I finally reluctantly frozen the motion of Chunshan Mushan, and then faced the opponent's resentful eyes for a long time, but showed a kind smile to the other side.

"Mr. Mushan, you are indeed a person I admire," I said earnestly, "whatever you do, throwing everything away in order to find a way to wake up your students, I am convinced."

"It was my fault that I didn't explain it to you."

In the puzzled eyes of Mu Shan Chunsheng, I took two steps to the side, came to one of the three crystal prisms with the zigzag distribution of the finished product, and then tapped its shell lightly.

The little girl in the crystal prism immediately opened her eyes, glanced around indifferently, then turned to me and bowed.

"Your number, little one, and then let me see it."

"The x1-o28 mass production host reports to you, Your Majesty the Great Emperor." The little man immediately replied crisply, and then in a dazzling halo, the spirit host numbered o28 gradually became scattered from the soles of his feet. The bright white dots gradually disappeared into the air, and the whole scene was as beautiful as the Korean drama-the bubble had scared me by this trick!

After a few seconds, the bright white dots appeared again, and the disappearing little girl reappeared in the crystal prism.

"Great, you worked hard."

I just praised it casually, and then turned my head and said to Mushan Chunsheng, "As you can see, they are not humans, but computer machines bred by information. Massive operations in this mainframe slot are originally their job and The greatest pleasure, of course, is that although species are classified as machines, they are also our partners. "

"I know you're full of doubts, but you don't need to know anything, just take this as an eye-opening God and finally open an eye and send a few live thunder fronts. These powerful computing machines are enough to match the countless tree-graph designers Even if they are carrying other more complicated computing tasks, they have the power to help you deal with anything. When those children wake up, I will consider telling you more, and more situations o28 will tell you, well, the other child is Support us ... "

After returning from the underground information center, I met my elder sister who was sitting quietly in the living room drinking tea, and she seemed to be waiting for me.

"Why do you want to do this? Ah Jun, let a stranger use a Hilling machine, even if there is no risk in doing so because of the high intelligence of the machine, but in all respects, this choice is not very calm. "

I shouted and sat next to my elder sister, and then poured black tea on myself: "Sister, what do you say about this person, Mushan Chunsheng?"

The elder sister leaned her head and smiled slightly, saying: "A crazy and great teacher, although I do n’t think much about the things that come from the bubble, but the general plot is still known. She was once arranged into a special group because of her research work. The student's class tutor, but those students fell asleep in a premeditated ability experiment, and have not been able to wake up yet. In order to awaken them, Haruyuki has exhausted everything and applied for 23 consecutive tree applications. After the graphic designer's license was rejected, she took the risk to choose the most wrong path, but ... I admire her. "

"Me too," I drank the black tea, and narrowed my eyes slightly. "So I just want to help her, anyway, the world has been saved, and it's not bad to help figure out my heart, we are strong!"

My elder sister looked at me for a while, then fluttered a smile, and started rubbing my head desperately: "It's really my brother! It's a good guy at a certain stage."

I scratched my head in depression: "Sister, how old am I!"

The elder sister raised her chest, "I'm still your sister!"

I smiled and looked down for tea.

It's really easy to be beside my sister. This sister is always able to tolerate everything and tolerate all my mischief.

But my elder sister suddenly broke this serenity.

"Ajun, there's news from West Carlo."

My ears trembled suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The day before yesterday, he sent the agents to lead the Roman Orthodox Church to check the situation, but he did not expect that he could send me the news! Does that guy still have use value?

"Since the angel is just an ordinary human, it is very difficult for the agents to show her whereabouts, but Sikaro still noticed that the Romans in Italy have recently changed something, and in radar observation, there have been hidden energy fluctuations around Italy. Believe that Related to the use of magic, he speculated that Sylvia should now have been moved near Italy and could be sent to the Papal City in the near future. "

After listening to it, I smiled and said, "I didn't expect that guy could really play a role, and wait for him to be rewarded."

The elder sister was silent for a moment, and then she said: "The guy dumped his watch at the door of the Vatican Palace and established a supply and marketing network of piracy in the entire European region. As a result, the 37 European countries were jointly expelled. Now they have been repatriated. They are at the meeting. There was Pandora deflated over the room. Would you like to reward him? "

I: "... I passed him off !!!"

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