Xiling Empire

Chapter 4: Okay i served

what? What did you say Sister Shenxian, do you play with me? Anyway, the development of this plot is too exaggerated, right? Even as an unreliable dream, this development is more than necessary?

Although, now I dare not regard this world as an ordinary dream ...

Although my mind was full of doubts and shocks, the unknown luminous body on the opposite side did not give me time to speak and question. She just said to herself: "The World Arbitration Authority has made the most of your identity and corresponding authority. Appropriate judgment, based on the last updated database ... "Having said that, the opposite projection suddenly shakes a bit, and then the sound suddenly becomes abnormally swift:" An exception occurred at the highest authority, the pan-spatial link was disturbed ... recalibration The linking site failed ... I'm sorry, Emperor, the absolute space between us is too far away, and the virtual connection will be interrupted ... we will ... go to ... assistance ... # @ #% …… ¥¥ # ¥ % ... "

I saw that the projection in front of me began to shake violently, as if the TV signal was distorted by severe interference, and at the same time the other party's voice suddenly became a language I could not understand, which surprised me.

喂 "Hello! What's wrong with you? Isn't it broken?"

No one answered me. The projection on the opposite side shook a few times and finally disappeared completely. At the same time, the whole world instantly returned to silence. The only difference was that the world had changed from pure gray to full of various colors. .

"Ajun? What's wrong with you?"

The anxious call from my ear suddenly reminded me. I shook my head and found that I was standing in front of the school. The students around me were panicked because of someone's sudden "self-ignition" phenomenon on the scene. Xu Qianchan was shaking my arm vigorously while calling my name anxiously.

I saw that I woke up and finally relieved and asked, "Ajun, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly stand still? Why didn't you respond?"

"Oh, it's okay, I suddenly lost my mind ..."

"Going? Is walking so serious?" Qian Qian was obviously not convinced by her statement, but she didn't ask much, but pulled me towards the school. "Go away, you will be late again."

I followed obediently, but my mind was thinking quickly.

Obviously, after such a long time in the dream, there is only one instant in reality-this is not surprising, I care more about the content of the dream.

The ancient spirit empire that appeared in the dream, and what the mysterious girl told me, my exploration of that dream seems to have taken a big step forward, but in fact I only got more questions, which have always bothered me What does that dream mean, what is the so-called Schilling Empire, what is that attack today, superpower? Supernatural phenomenon? Everything has turned into a fog, which makes me extremely confused.

To this day, I can no longer see that world as a pure dream.

"Ajun, what's wrong with you? Why are you so absent-minded today?" On the way home, she asked a little worriedly.

"It's nothing," I smiled brightly, "I usually daze, you know."

"Really just in a daze?" A light face wondered, "Are you sure you aren't thinking of any beauty?"

"... change the next topic."

哦 "Oh, on the next topic, what's that beauty's name?"

"Xu Qianchan, all right?"

"Hum, you know it!"

It ’s really weird. This kind of words that are supposed to be flirting between couples can't find what it should be like from our mouth ... Is it really because we are so familiar that we Will this close-to-kindness relationship be maintained forever?

姐 Sister is going to take care of things in the company today. I expect to come back very late. I had dinner by myself and returned to the room to start sorting out what happened today.

After thinking about it for a long time, the mystery remains, and I decided to try to call that "dream" world again.

I seem to be because several successful connections have strengthened my connection with that world. This time it went smoothly, and I felt that kind of subtle connection.

第一 The first thing that connects successfully is to ask about the Spirit Empire immediately.

"Hilling Mother Star has received an external instruction set ... permission confirmation ... entering remote instruction mode ... uploading a summary instruction set."

Strange, what this voice told me seemed a little different ... But think about it too, the world seems to be waking up, and as it gradually wakes up, it is normal for the information I can receive to change, but ... ...

The specific information I received this time is too abnormal, right?

Zenith long-range space strike system, this has, pass.

Spirit Army Teleport System, what is this?

Pasville Phantom Recharge System, what does it mean?

Hilling directed the star to destroy the gun? Hey, what's wrong with this thing that sounds like a foul?

Pandora Army Fortress ... Is this something a good young person with good physical and mental health should study?

The pan-space ethereal shock matrix ... Isn't there anything I can understand? How do these things look like big-headed aliens in third-rate science fiction?

However, as more and more information enters my spiritual world, I gradually lose sight of grotesque and severely discordant nouns.

The huge torrent of information finally no longer flows into my spiritual world like a calm stream. The surge of information has poured in like a dyke, making me feel as if I have fallen into a quagmire and can only gradually be weak. The silt of information is at the top, and it seems to be in the storm, and it is shaken by the * of information. Gradually, my brain has completely abandoned the analysis of the influx of information, but just blindly absorbed a large amount of information. I could still feel tingling from my brain, but soon, my numbness was dominated by my senses. I was teetering in the flood of information, and only one thought remained in my heart: in this way, I will Become an idiot ...

I do n’t know how long it took, the transmission of the data is finally over, and my spirit is on the verge of collapse.

数量 It's an exaggerated amount. I feel my brain has been filled with all sorts of messy things. I'm afraid I don't expect to remember other things in my life ...

I soon discovered that the information that poured into my brain did not exist freely in my mind like normal memory, but was strictly classified and summarized, and kept in my brain without mess, making me They can be called anytime, anywhere, this way of storage is like ... files on your computer hard drive!

Forget it, now my nerves have been refined, no matter what happens, I won't be surprised.

This memory method naturally has its benefits. It is convenient to query, safe and reliable, and it will not be mixed or forgotten, but its disadvantages are also obvious ~ www.readwn.com ~ You must know in advance that a certain data does exist in Only in this database can this material be called. Unlike normal memory, you can think of something through association or "aura of light", that is to say, except for purposeful calls, you cannot know these at all. What is the content of the information!

It seems that I need to conduct a comprehensive search of these materials ... or a full scan? How do you feel my brain has been transformed into a very delicate state?

Fortunately, only this part of the external information is memorized in this way, and my original human memory has not changed. At least, I don't have to worry about becoming a humanoid machine ...

However, the amount of these materials exceeded my expectations. After searching only less than one-third, I lost interest in things that I could not understand, so I directly targeted the information. At the end, the last message came.

"Comprehensive analysis of the above reasons, the unenforceable rate of the currently confirmed instruction set is 99.999999 ..."

A lot of nine!

Trust, isn't this playing with me! After so much effort, so many things came to me that they almost hanged me. In the end, you told me that this thing is actually a list of scrap products? !!

I don't care what your Spirit Empire is, dare to play with me like this, I ...

It looks like I have no tricks ... The only connection between that Spirit Empire and me is the projection in the dream. Apart from the flash of energy at the gate of the school, the Spirit Empire never appeared in the real world ...

Yep? Speaking of that energy attack, it looks like it is also in the list of unavailable instructions just now?

Uh ... well, I served ...

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