Xiling Empire

Chapter 408: Purification

Chapter 401 Purification

The white flame at the back of the space-time engine gradually subsided, and the Empire fleet finally approached the planet that Renault had marked for us. As he introduced, here is a sun that is on the verge of death. Its light is not dim, but that is just It's just the back light of the nuclear fuel that is about to run out.In our detection, the core of this star, which is unstable to release light and heat, is filled with liquid high-temperature iron. Their content is so amazing that it has almost reached a star. The tolerable limit, I am afraid that it will not take hundreds of years.The nuclear fuel, hydrogen and helium contained in it will be exhausted. In a series of reactions, all these metal elements that completely release no nuclear energy will be produced. The star will collapse due to the loss of internal power, and eventually burst into a red giant star due to the sharply increasing internal pressure and temperature. This small galaxy will also ash with it and return to its mother's belly-theory In terms of this, I have no vulgar meaning at all.

There are only three planets in total, which is less than the famous cosmic poor solar system.Its first planet and second planet are all too close to the sun, and the surface temperature is often as high as hundreds of degrees. My sister thinks that such direct sunlight will seriously damage her skin. Therefore, they were thrown out of our consideration for the first time, and the all-star earthquakes that averaged once every thirty seconds did not conform to the building code of 1 li if this thing exists). From this point, Renault It did not lie to us, its third planet is much better in comparison.

Even though the purple-black planet looked really unattractive.

We have arrived at the bridge of the flagship at this moment. The huge holographic projection here looks much more powerful than the star map in the combat research room.

\ "Children, dad, I have some life reactions on the surface of the target planet."

When I was preparing to issue an order for the fleet to park orbit, the sound of bubbles suddenly sounded on the bridge, and almost made me fall from this spot.

Renault, who was always standing next to me as a passerby, turned his head curiously, with the aftertaste of just waking up from the alcohol on his bearded face: \ "I may have heard it wrong, but ... was that your wife just now? Really? Strange way of speaking ... "

I haven't answered yet, the bubble has taken over the giant holographic projection under the bridge, and an image of a little girl suspended in a crystal prism immediately appeared in front of us, and behind this little girl were several identical crystals Prisms, each with a loli in it, blinking innocently and looking at this side.

\ "Hello, human, I am the core computer here," the voice of the bubble echoed. \ "In addition, if you have any questions about the relationship between me and my mouth, I will throw you into the reactor go with."

I patted on Renault's shoulders with a startled expression, whispering comfort: \ "Don't think blindly, she is absolutely serious."

After successfully making Renault's expression more frightening, I looked up and asked the child whose mother had been enlarged to a height of more than seven meters: \ "Life response? What is it?"

I have said that the universe is desolate, and human scientists have not found other creatures in space for so long. How dare they all get together in this star area?

\ "Zerg," As the speech of the bubble dropped, the entire projected image was enlarged immediately, revealing the scene on the surface of the planet, and it turned out that disgusting bugs were everywhere like their peristaltic organs. \ "Buildings", \ "They have covered almost two-thirds of the planet. The sticky insect moss makes the surface of the entire planet appear purple and black. It is best to empty these things before landing, but fortunately, Those are low-level bugs, and conventional genocide weapons can kill them. "

We haven't responded yet, but Renault has taken a breath of cold air, and his fists squeezed the friction of the joints.

\ "Why do these bugs appear here?" The uncle who has been dealing with the Zerg for half a lifetime is very serious. \ "This planet doesn't have much resources at all, and it doesn't have the value of occupation at all."

\ "The other party may come by accident," the bubble constantly switches the picture on the holographic projection, showing me those disgusting guys from all angles, \ "The swarm covered by this planet is basically low-level units, only A brain worm is leading them, and the astral incendiary bomb can instantly destroy all lower-level zergs, and that brain worm will not have any resistance after the deflagration. "

\ "Get ready for p-o3," Sandora made the decision without thinking much, \ "No tactics needed for this kind of goal."

Just as we pushed the deadly asteroid incendiary projectile into the platform and was about to ignite, a warning sound suddenly rang through the bridge, and the mechanically synthesized electronic female voice was continuously broadcasted: \ "Warning warning detected gravitational abnormal explosion, unknown The unit is about to jump through time and space. An unknown unit is about to jump through time and space. The identity of the opponent is unknown. The current interception time is the best. "

Pandora, who had been silent for a long time, was immediately resurrected at this time, and rushed to take my arm and shook it: \ "Brother, if you suddenly start the gravitational trap at this time, you can definitely bury the other party in an out of control space storm. inner"

Can you not say such chilling words with this coquettish attitude?

I decisively stopped the "Admiral of the Empire" interception and led a strong crowd of tens of thousands of warships to watch another much smaller fleet jumping out of our side.

It is a group of spaceships that are completely different from human spaceships, and even less likely to resemble the Schilling spacecraft.They all have a streamlined overall design, and the halo of energy shields travels upstream of the hull, and crystal-like functional structures are also everywhere. ——This is a bit similar to our spacecraft. From a first impression, these new spacecraft are far more advanced than Renault's fleet, at least the energy shield that sweeps the entire body at any time. Not the layers of bulky armor of Renault's Hubrian could be compared.

The size of this new fleet is not large. Except for drones that fly around the mother ship like moths, there are only about a hundred large-scale warships. The extraordinarily large spaceship is as if several oval capsules are combined. Of course, the hugeness here is compared with Renault's Hubellian-a dozen-kilometer-long battleship is amazing to humans, but Compared with the hundreds of kilometers of "Admiral", it is only a frigate level.

\ "Protoss?" Renault murmured in amazement, \ "They even appeared here. It seems that as long as there are insects in the protoss, protoss can easily smell the wind-these two races have apparently not appeared for several years It's in this star area. "

\ "An energy form of approximately phantom energy was detected, the target energy sample is being analyzed ..."

While Mess and Me were talking about the beauty of each other's ships, the automatic scanning radar of the "Admiral of the Empire" suddenly issued such a prompt, which quieted the entire bridge for a moment.

Everyone, including Huesca, who can't always be quiet, and Sandora, who's always calm and calm, have taken hold.

\ "Excuse me ... what happened?"

Renault naturally did not know the reason why we suddenly became quiet. He just felt that the atmosphere around him was strange all of a sudden. Anyone around him was a cowboy who could dismantle Gundam empty-handed. At this moment, the powerful force field we inadvertently leaked made him instinctively feel. Danger.

连 Even Tex, who has always shown a dangling appearance, looks at the cigar and can't ignite a cigar, can't help but touch his head: it is full of glittering sweat beads.

\ "Children, dad, the other side has a contact request. Do you accept it?"

The sound of bang bubbles broke the solidified atmosphere on the bridge. Despite the same shock, the pure logic module of the host of Ling Ling let her continue her work instinctively.

In other words, did tearing things like "children dad" become one of her instincts?

While instructing the relevant personnel to start scanning the energy patterns on the opponent's spacecraft, I sorted out the clothes and the expression on my face, so that the bubble connected the pan-frequency connection.

An eT immediately appeared on the holographic projection in front of us ... Keke, it is the Protos, and the strange shape of the other party inevitably caused my curiosity and several other native species of the planet, such as shallow and blue, slightly blue Rough skin, tall body, eyes with blue and white light, and compared to the "faceless man" made by Blizzard, the real Protos is obviously more beautiful, at least except for the overall elongated face shape Apart from the tentacles on the other's chin, this alien is roughly in line with human features.

I really miss the Draenei in World of Warcraft-this is my conclusion.

This should be a man ... well, probably a man.


看到 After seeing my features, the Protos commander first made such a doubt, \ "But humans cannot have such a fleet."

You said I should 咋 answer?

I shrugged: \ "In fact, it was quite surprising to find a race like us in this star area-we are from the Hilling Empire."

The commander of Protos had a surprised expression on his face, and it was clear that he had never heard of such a race in this star area. It was really tearful ...), but soon, convenient Restored indifference, nodded to me: \ "I'm glad to meet my counterparts in the vast universe. I am the commander from Ayr, Du Han."

The other very politely greeted me, and in accordance with the practice of interstellar show his identity and did not feel I imagined Protoss \ "Protoss" the kind of superior, of course, also possible that a single face when the arm length is equivalent to the entire fleet themselves together and casually scanning which place we are all high-energy reactions huge starship, he is not a little proud of it.

I and the other with a faint smile nodded: \ "I am delighted to meet fellow travelers in the vast universe, commander Doohan, I hope the spirit of the emperor from Star Empire of another district, Chen Jun, come here in order to purify dangerous Zerg here. "

\ "You are the Zerg to come?"

Delaney ...... Keke, Protoss commander Doohan transform his face, but I can understand simple expressions, such a complex muscle movement in my eyes it is just a bunch of tentacles dance the waltz round.

I nodded aside stars incendiary access to radio presets, while for Doohan said with a smile: \ "According to my friend beside the aborigines say, your purpose seems to destroy the Zerg on the planet, but now you can save your ammunition - the release of p-o3 ".

With my order, well into the long-shot status stars incendiary immediately lift the safety lock, a huge cross near the bottom of the lower end of the Starship opened a door to two kilometers wide, stuck catapult a rectangular channel, a mass of flame shining bright in the channel, eventually condensed into a semi-solid alienation bomb, then under the action of force field adder, into a silver muddy flood rushed into the thick atmosphere below.

p-o3, one of a series of no lower limit weapons Greek spirit who created this special dedicated to genocide \ "bomb" Most of the structures are not physical, but to use Psi alienation as a crystal core by means of a series of stable crystal force field will be released from **** to a vast psionic semi-physical form, while adding a number of health benefits for the planet Calcium Iron zinc and tin vitamin ...... Well, actually I do not know those things What are, in short, the bomb after unlock, once exposed to sufficient material will have a dramatic release energy, psionic energy in approaching the abyss portion will produce a chain reaction, assimilation and activate the crust of the planet, so These things produce pure high temperature, and the instant heat release and strong radiation are often enough to kill all the creatures on the planet, and this high temperature comes and goes fast, and its "deflagration" effect will only last less than one Hours, in addition to completely melting the earth's crust, does not have much impact on the stability of the planet itself, it is really a good thing to kill more people, grab money, grab food, and grab the land.

Although p-o3 cost very hurt liver, but at least it will give us leave intact colonial star, than that all of a sudden the whole planet disassembled into single atoms spy satellite shot more cost-effective.

The activated star incendiary dragged the gorgeous light band and hit the planet's surface severely.In the first two seconds, nothing happened, but then, the unprecedented flash blinded every pair of golden dogs present. eye.

A series of gray shock waves spread rapidly, blowing the atmosphere of the planet and wrinkling its solid crust. These things began to burn while floating, causing the next few layers of shock waves to become more dazzling. The redness of these shock waves is dozens of times farther than the sound, and the more lethal psionic radiation swept the surface of the planet with matt light. Within a few minutes, the entire unknown planet has turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Red and hot, like the second sun, this light and shadow effect is really strong.

\ "Children, dad, get it."

The sound of the bubble interrupted the admiration in my heart. I calmly shaken the stiff facial features quickly at 30 times per second, soothing a poker face temporarily solidified by surprise, and then gently Take a picture of Renault who has completely transformed into a wooden man: \ "Hey, wake up, it's done."

Reynolds was full of excitement like a ghost, and then his eyes finally rounded and moved from the unknown planet that has become a sea of ​​fire to my face.

\ "Bubble, release the host of the Spirit," I briefly checked the scanned planetary energy remnants, \ "In addition, I sent two senior apostles to lead the elite army to protect the host, and by the way, killed the vitality enough to be in the magma Who wants to go to the brain worm in the hot spring? "

刚 As soon as my voice fell, I felt a strong wind blowing around me. Then I turned my head again. The two little guys Pandora and Huesca who had been dying for a long time were gone.

You really have to hold such a degree yet?

\ "His Majesty the Emperor spirit of the Greek people, since the planet Zerg flames have been purified, then I think I should leave."

After carrying the three hosts of the Greek spirit heavy assault ship out of the \ under the personal **** Pandora and Wei Sika's "Empire on the" landing platform into the unknown of the planet's atmosphere, Protoss that the commander was out the sound of its intent to leave.

Sure enough, and I have the impression, like most of the Protoss who lives outside of their own race, there is an attitude of indifference and spectator, not arrogant, but inherently insensitive - they rarely bother addition to their something beyond belief.

\ "After the course, I'm sorry to let you Baipaoyitang that we have the chance to meet, willing to victory and freedom with you often."

With my voice down, vast empire fleet also symbolically slightly receded half a kilometer radius from such a battle and Space Battleship than it may even negligible, but leave some nerves already frayed Duhan Li engraved exposed a relaxed expression, then kick soy sauce Protoss fleet will disappear in our line of sight.

Xi Ling hosts' work efficiency is amazing, but the past few hours, the raging lava planet's surface has three bright silver plaque gradually taking shape, but also quickly expand with than build complex military bases, using nanotechnology mechanical cluster to shape alloy of the ground fast simply outrageous.

On the crimson flame star, the silver bright spots spread at an amazing degree, just like the rapidly deteriorating psoriasis ... Uh, anyway, that means that the entire planet seems to be infected with something, and is gradually being covered Layer armor ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Empire Fleet is ready to land, and the general flagship issues navigation instructions. "

The sound of bubble was mixed with the mechanically synthesized electronic female voice. A part of the pre-set landing warships including the huge "Admiral" slowly detached from the array, and then landed towards the ground.

\ "Oh, oh, I swear, when those‘ protoss ’leave, their calves must be cramping.”

Looking at the silver-white alloy ground rapidly expanding in the field of vision, Tex made such a sigh to hide the fact that his legs and stomach were twisted.

Renault tilted the old friend for a moment, and made no comment on his statement. Then he continued to observe the fast-growing alloy ground surface on the ground with a curious expression. This construction method is obviously different from the three major areas of this star area. Any kind of race, even if not a scientist, his curiosity was fully aroused.

\ "Imperial Admiral" finally landed on the largest of the three silver bright spots. When we landed, this piece of land had expanded into a metal body with a length of one thousand kilometers on one side. It also isolates the crust that is still in a semi-melted state below. With the rapid expansion of this metal ground, there is also a huge energy shield, which perfectly simulates the ecological environment on the earth: although the body has been strengthened to physically travel into space To the extent that I still do not like to do aerobic exercise in a highly toxic atmosphere that is as high as 300 degrees Celsius and full of rocky steam.

Well, while there are still two days, continue to ask for votes for support ...)


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