Xiling Empire

Chapter 410: Pandora and Huesca violence negotiations law

Chapter 410 Violent Negotiation Law of Pandora and Huesca

In all fairness, I feel like a pacifist.

Grace, it would be more appropriate if you said I'm a good old man.

Even this time I came to this star zone with the purpose of fighting war, my original intention was to have a good relationship with the local residents, but now it seems that I obviously underestimated someone who relied on unscrupulous means to seize great power. With that vigilance and arrogant attitude, he even sent a battle cruiser formation to say "Welcome" to me?

妹 Your sister really wants me to grab money and grab food and land?

Of course, it is also possible that the officer named Denton messed things up by himself, because the imperial regiment was invisible, he mistakenly judged our strength, and I bet if \ "the admiral of the empire" would stand up right now In front of him, this guy must be another attitude.

This situation makes me feel very surprised. According to my understanding, the human beings in StarCraft have always been in a weak position. They do not have powerful power or advanced technology that is enough to esteem the universe. The status of their entire race in the tribal hegemony is even It can be described as struggling. It is reasonable to say that the race that survives [eternal life] in this situation should develop extreme caution, especially when facing a group of unknown aliens, but now it seems that— — The other person's attitude is very strong.

The only explanation is that we are now exposed to too little fighting power on the bright side, and the opponent has obviously no concept of the fighting power of the Spirit apostle.

\ "If possible, I might consider meeting your Monsque Emperor," I also have no sincerity to speak with each other, "" But our sole purpose here is to destroy the Zerg, not for gain or other purposes. Something, you and your Mengsk Emperor can rest assured. "

Denton had an unexpected expression on his face, and then smiled stiffly because of the impoliteness in my tone: \ "It seems that I should report the good news to my emperor. If you really want to destroy the Zerg, then be independent The Federation will be happy to accept allies like you. "

I was slightly surprised, so it seems that the officer named Denton should not be low in the independent federation.Some words can not be said by anyone, and from his mouth I also got a message. : The worms in this star area have flooded to a fairly serious extent.

But I have no interest in what he calls alliances and the like.

I am familiar with the plot.I am clear that Mengsk is a person who can do whatever he can for his own interests.When he was the leader of the sons of Khar, he repeatedly attracted the Zerg to human territory in order to crack down on the federal government at the time. Even the agricultural planet of the federal government has not let go.The current Queen of Blades, the former ghost agent Kerrigan, has also been sacrificed under his conspiracy and cruelty, and unites with such a guy who is always ready to stab you in the back. Unless the mind is trampled by a mammoth

Even if I don't know the plot, I also know what virtues those politicians are.They are always chasing greater rights and interests. Any ally is a chip of varying weight in their eyes. If we are weak, we may still need one. Criticizing such "allies", but for the spirit empire who has never been worried about strength, such guys who don't have much value but need to be constantly watchful are totally meaningless-I might as well join those with them. The stubborn Protoss do a good job in diplomacy, but the pseudo-phantom power they possess has made me quite interested.

I groaned for a few seconds, and I looked up and shrugged with each other: \ "If it comes to allies in this star area, I think I have found one-I don't know if you know this."

I said, I leaned slightly to reveal Renault to the front desk.

Danton's attention had been focused on me. At this moment it turned out that there was still a person standing in the shadow beside me. After looking at the other person's appearance, his expression suddenly changed.

Hey, Uncle Renault, it looks like your looks are really impressive in the military department of the Independent Confederation.

\ "Her Majesty the Emperor of the Spirit," Denton had a rather serious expression on his face, \ "Do you know the human standing next to you? Maybe he has deceived your trust by some bad means, but I To say, this man named Renault is definitely not a good man. "

\ "Oh?" I pretended to look at Renault blankly, the expression on the latter's face is now very gloomy, and Tex, who is not far away, has already tightened his muscles, \ "To be honest, I It is true that this human named Renault is not well understood, but I saved his life and that's it. "

\ "Saved his life?" Denton narrowed his eyes slightly, \ "Our Monsque King has saved the man's life countless times, but now this guy named James Reynolds is the most notorious terrorist in the independent federation. The leader, the most dangerous star pirate, recently he even formed his own army, taking advantage of those thugs who have killed some soldiers and civilians who have heroically dedicated themselves to federal peace.He can betray his fellow countrymen and betray anyone- — Of course, this is just my side, the choice is yours, your emperor. "

家伙 This guy must have been the chairman of the student union before joining the army. If you look at this eloquence, I don't know the plot. It's time to trust him.

But then again, is this Renault in this interstellar world so powerful? Are all the miscellaneous troops he has formed enough for the ranks of the army? Does even the projection of information in this world produce the same plot breakdown as the world of Azeroth?

I still say ... An unscrupulous author intends to kill the original work again ... hehe, when I didn't say ...

The words of the Federal Commander on the holographic projection also changed the expression on Renault's face [Dzi Bead] suddenly. He suddenly turned back and said to me, "Emperor Chen Jun, this is just his ..."

\ "I understand," I waved and interrupted Renault, and then faced Denton, \ "I have heard your words, but that doesn't make sense to me, I have no interest in your independent federation, and regardless of James ? Renault has any grudges with your emperor, so now you can go back and talk to your sir and let him not disturb us. "

Danton's expression darkened: \ "That is, you will help the enemies of the Independent Confederation-unfortunately, we could have communicated in a better way."

As the voice of the other party fell, the communication between the two sides was cut off unilaterally. In our monitoring, the federal fleet in low-earth orbit slowly unfolded and formed an attack posture.

I was underestimated ... Do you think we are new here and have no room for resistance? It seems that humans have not learned enough lessons in the battle against Protos.

I frowned, and turned my head to order in a low tone: \ "Temporarily suspend the Bill of Rights on the Independent Confederation, unlock the space, and put Pandora ... Hehe, I mean, let Pandora and Huesca talk to them talk."

The two little guys have been broken for a long time, and finally got my permission at this time, immediately excited and impatient. Pandora was better, and Huesca jumped up and cheered-Renault looked silly.

With the speechless sound of breaking through the air, two little war madmen broke through the sound barrier directly in the command room and disappeared before us with afterimages.

"Wait a moment, Emperor Chen Jun", Renault reacted at this time, \ "Let those two little girls meet the enemy? You ..."

\ "Rest assured, I will let them keep their hands." I waved indifferently.

\ "No, I mean ..."

\ "This is a good opportunity for you to get to know us," I pointed at the holographic projection in front of me with a smile, "" We are the most different from humans. "

On the holographic projection, the two little girls have completed a series of short-range jumps, entered space, and faced each other's fleet far away.

I knew that they would definitely choose this kind of brainless close attack-your guard fleet is crying silly

Denton never expected that the enemy he met would be two little loli who did not seem to be high in shells. Denton was slightly concerned by the two little girls who survived in the space environment [Eternal Life], but what he felt next second was the contempt of anger.

However, before he responded, the two little girls in front of him suddenly disappeared from the place, and then, a harsh alarm sounded through the bridge: \ "Severe warning severe warning The ceiling psionic energy reflects that all energy-sensing radars are burned. All energy-sensing radars are burned. "

Just when the federal fleet was messed up by this sudden alert and abnormal situation, the disappearing two little girls have reappeared, each of them chose a seemingly mighty battle cruiser, hovering far behind Less than two kilometers in front of the subjects-this distance allows the latter's observation equipment to clearly see the movement of each of their heads.

\ "Pandora millimeter anti-ship gun."

\ "Viska mm abyss cannon."

The two little girls spoke the above words at almost the same second, and then huge weapons appeared in front of people.

Pandora's right arm was instantly dismembered into countless complicated energy pipelines, and combined with complex mechanical parts emerging from the void to form a rectangular cannon that was more than four meters long and half a person tall.The little girl's entire right half was with this The huge weapon with the energy flow floating through the door fused together, and the energy in the various pipes extending from her back even showed a near-substantial texture.

The weapon summoned by Veska seems to be close to Pandora, but it obviously withstands some external force change, just like the organism mutated by radiation, showing a sickly twisted sense, and the black metal shell There are a lot of black-red light flickering on it, and they resonate with each other like a red crystal-like core behind Viskar. The former red cat's pupil has now become turbid, and the energy of the abyss continues to hit the ruby. Hitomi, spurting out.

Locked by two bizarre weapons, the captains of the two battle cruisers instinctively gave the most sensible evasion and counterattack orders, but the charge of the apostles of the ranks turned their decision into delusion, almost in In the breath, the light ball floating in front of the ship's Pyro Cannon / Abyss Cannon has turned into a lethal beam, sharply piercing the heavily armored front armor of the two warships.

At this moment, somehow I felt the sigh from Pandora's heart: Great, the cannon can finally be used to fight the warship ...

And when I made such a boring sigh, the human battleship penetrated by the powerful energy beam has begun a series of explosions, and the energy beam that is completely unable to be resisted by the conventional human protection means penetrated the layers of armor without hindrance. Everything inside the battleship has become high-temperature steam and melt, and various materials have reached their own combustion points, and then they rush to produce a series of explosions. The long hull of the battle cruiser explodes continuously from beginning to end. The flash of light is like a firecracker wrapped in a rotten cloth. A 1000 mm diameter laser beam may not be as large as the light emitted by the main gun of some caliber human warship. If two thousand years, one meter and two can grow a little taller, I think they will be happy to dress up a millimeter reshaped wave energy gun that the Imperial soldiers affectionately called the 3k Party), but this bright beam of light produced The effect of this has undoubtedly shaken the commanders on every human warship, strategic cruisers, human beings can create the most terrifying war weapons, and the Yamato cannons they carry can even bomb Protos's The small spacecraft's armor can cause a headache for the Zerg's flying dragon sea. As a result, in just ten seconds, it turned into a brilliant firework in the universe in front of two little girls sent by this mysterious spirit empire. .

They didn't even have a dying struggle that could be called a counterattack.

After completing the blow of this electro-optic flint, Pandora and Huesca seemed to instantly regain their feelings of being war madmen. In the continuous short-range space jump, the two little girls turned into a series of imagination in space. Shadows, using their own high mobility to place huge floating guns throughout the space. As sisters, they have exactly the same preference for such good things as floating guns. In almost every battle, the death canopy composed of floating guns will Become their reserved track.

Suddenly, the floating guns that have emerged from space are types I have never seen.They are like blue or crimson eyeballs with a radius of at least five meters. The pupils of these mechanical "eyeballs" are sunken. The bowl shape is obviously some kind of energy-gathering device. Based on my feelings, I am sure that these things are more powerful than any type of floating gun I have ever seen.

With a proud expression on his face, he said to me like an invitation: \ "That's an improved pan-energy cannon of Sarduera, a directional weapon with amazing penetrating power, which is the most effective thing when fighting against warships. However, due to the extremely strong energy pollution generated by its attack, it will produce a series of bad chain reactions in the atmosphere, which can easily damage the nearby ecosystem and even cause the entire atmosphere to be completely paralyzed, because this violates the `` lower life of the empire '' Protection law, we have never used this thing before, but when I'm idle, I still help Pandora to improve the computing link of this high-level turret, and the maximum number of licenses that can appear on the battlefield is 200. Ascended to three hundred doors "

After listening to these words, I decided to leave Xiao Bubble's childhood education to me alone.

Following the theory of maximizing violence, Pandora and Huesca laid out a full 600 high-level floating artillery directly on the battlefield without any accident. With the help of their space jumps, these powerful killers were not used. In five seconds, they were scattered into a space with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, intertwined into an extremely dangerous web of death.Although they were much smaller than the scene where they controlled a thousand conventional floating guns at the same time, these things seemed to be More than a thousand conventional turrets is not moral to say ...

From the attack on two enemy battlecruisers to the formation of this siege net, it took less than twenty seconds in total. The human battleship has only reacted until now and has started a chaotic counterattack.

It has to be said that as elite troops of the independent federation, although these warships are far inferior to the leader of the spirit apostles, their fighting consciousness is still reasonable. After a moment of panic, the messy counterattack fire gradually became regular, small The fighters and assault ships of the aircraft slammed their power to the extreme, rushing up in an almost suicidal way to interfere with the mechanical eyeballs that are harvesting allies with a gray energy beam. The description of the bubbles is indeed exaggerated. The pan-energy rays emitted by these things have With amazing penetration and energy pollution, the small fighters directly hit by them were without exception broken into two sections from the middle, and even those large warships were penetrated through them without resistance, even if such a hole was facing a ship A large battleship with a length of nearly a kilometer is not fatal, and the latter will lose its combat power in an instant: the crew inside it has died of various types of strong radiation under the turbulent energy pollution.

From the enemy communications we listened to came a noisy screams and hoarse exhausted command sound.The direct exposure of the human body to uncontrollable psychic energy is definitely more painful than naked body swimming in the cooling tank of the nuclear reactor. At this moment, I finally understood what Sandola told me \ "Only after leaving the **** of the ground can the Apostles of the Spirit be called absolute weapons" ~ www.readwn.com ~ Dare to refer to leaving humanitarianism Constraints, you can use all kinds of discordant weapons ...

\ "The cover of the Viking fighter dragged all the warships of those mechanical eyes into full fire and attacked those two enemies to cover the flagship breakout."

Among the enemy channels intercepted, Denton, despite his haste, still gave orders calmly.From this point of view, he is indeed a good commander, and his choice can be said to be a fragile spacecraft The most effective means of resistance against two legion-level apostles-although such resistance can only delay their collapse.

Under the fire of Pandora and Huesca, thousands of warships brought by Denton have been damaged by nearly half.The fighters responsible for suicide charge are almost completely annihilated, and their only victory is that they destroyed two people. Number of floating guns-for Pandora and Huesca, how much is that thing.

玩 Play a space battle with the spirit people, your girl's death star flashes and glitters

At this time, our induction equipment suddenly issued a high-energy response alert. The two farthest battle cruisers secretly turned the ship to Pandora's position. The energy pipeline running through the entire battleship was orange. The red light was getting brighter, but the targeted Pandora seemed to be showing nothing, and was still cheerfully commanding the matrix of the anti-aircraft guns to bombard the enemy's fleet.

Yamato Cannon


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