Xiling Empire

Chapter 417: Uncle Z

Chapter 417 Uncle Z

The endless sea of ​​worms rushed towards us like the silt that got life. The purple and black waves rolled up were rising higher and higher, and the ears were filled with the endless roar of the bugs and the friction of the carapace. It looks like a small mammoth like a chewing limb winged worm, mixed with a huge carapace and a thick cockroach, and there are various other zerg species that mutate into strange shapes.They seem completely timid and face thousands of people. The hordes of his fellows have been fearlessly turned into carrion because of some strange and inexplicable power.They are rushing to us with a suicidal charge, and Lina is still pale in my arms and put aside. In that pile of identities, she is just an ordinary girl.Although she has experienced the crossing and the horror of the undead nature in Azeroth, she must have never faced such a Shura field where the internal organs and flesh flew together. So she didn't even realize that she was being held by my princess. Instead, she held my collar tightly like a real little girl, curling her head in my arms as much as possible.

However, fear of returning to fear, the surging life energy around us has not weakened in the slightest, and Lirina has done a pretty good job at this point, even if she feels uncomfortable in her heart, she has not forgotten her mission-although now it seems that in Weijia With the sweeping attack of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves and the shallow and ruthless time, we don't have to worry about injuries and the like.

These zerg are simply too vulnerable to face the leader of the spirit apostles, and sometimes the overwhelming quality theory also requires an upper limit.

\ "Thunder Cut"

Suddenly, Weijia rushed into a storm, and the sword-breaker blade in his hand instantly flew blue and white dazzling electric light, and then the sword-sword with a length of more than two meters suddenly waved into a ghost image. The half-moon-shaped vacuum blade and bright arc suddenly extended. Nearly half a kilometer away, she cut a large worm in front and cut it into two sections.She then leaped high and slammed the two-tonne steel body of the armored scorpion into a thunder that dared to wave her cheeks to her. On the back of the beast, six mechanical arthropods penetrated into the beast of the thunder beast. In the plasma splash, Vega's double knives took less than one millisecond to turn the enemy under him into three neat pieces.

I easily support the energy shield that can protect everyone, and I still have the spare time to admire the bone thorns emitted by the Hydralisks to stir up small concentric circles on the chaos. The power of this attack I I just curiously tried it by hand, and its kinetic energy is about the equivalent of a human anti-tank missile, which can easily penetrate human-made power armor or kill the Protoss plasma shield by quantity, but for us, about Equivalent to a non-threatening target ...

自 I think that my energy shield is strong enough to allow all Hydralisks in the field to be sprayed with calcium deficiency without any damage. As long as there is energy in this world, I am definitely bluer than the Sunwell.

\ "I said, you just go to the theater all the way?"

Suddenly there was such a sullen voice in front of my chest. As soon as I lowered my head, it turned out that Lina had finally reached out of her head. Although her face was still ugly, she seemed to have recovered her vitality.

Hey, this girl doesn't vomit once in my chest, right?

Fortunately, a purely god-made creature like Liliana should not have such a defect. The little girl just looks bitter, but she still stares at me from the bottom with her big eyes open, her face is full of someone. The righteous condemnation of inefficiency.

\ "Anyway, they're enough to get all the bugs here."

I didn't care what to say, I won't say how strong the strength of Vega's melee ability is. Even with the most basic fighting, she can slam the 100,000 jumping worms without any panic and ensure that the type is not chaotic. Now that the Scorpion sister is full of arcs, I have no doubt that she can play n in and n out of this sea of ​​insects.

What's left is shallow ... Do you need to say more than this specification? If she is willing, even as long as she is standing in the realm of time, she can kill the millions of Zergs. I don't believe that the body of carbon-based organisms can evolve to the extent that they can resist time.

Do you still use me?

\ "What a lazy ..." Li Lina nestled in my arms, whispering alone, "" Isn't this the time when your big man smashes a hero to deceive a girl? You are really a freak ... "

\ "What?" Because the movement of the swarm around was too loud, I only heard what Li Lina was muttering, but I didn't know what the other party said.

\ "It's all right ... Harem man ..."

怎么 Why did I mess with her?

The distance of tens of kilometers was easily crossed without much time under our almost sound charge. The fragile Zerg were completely unable to fight back under the attack of the leading apostles. The Protos building that Vega said was already close at hand. I can't see its role, but according to the ornate multi-layered tower shape and the two tall sculptures made of crystal and mysterious alloy at the front of the building, it should be, as Weijia said, the hall of rituals. Kind of stuff.

An extremely strong Arcane Shield surrounds the blue halo of the "Protoss" building, and large arcs of arcs continue to splash out of the shield, burning the nearby Zerg like a spinning blade Ash, this high-end ability that combines two completely different lines of magic into a skill release may take a lifetime to study, but for the Raven, it is a necessary skill: their quantum computing core simultaneously simulates ten Several sets of thinking are stress-free.

But in my opinion, although the worms can't approach this place for half a step due to the existence of arcane shields, it is an indisputable fact that the soldiers stationed here have fallen into a disadvantage. Millions of worms gather here densely. In the almost expansive crypt, every inch of space here was blocked from heaven to underground.Hundreds of soldiers who landed in the army, most of them were ordinary Spirit soldiers and human mages from Azeroth. It may be enough to use the combat power as an exploration force, but it is absolutely impossible to break through under the siege of millions of insects.

I ca n’t say that since they ca n’t break through ... how did they get in?

\ "The spirit of the ancestors has blessed God"

After we rushed into the safe area formed by the arcane shield all the way, a tauren shaman who was busy smashing a titanium totem with a power hammer on the ground immediately pulled up his mask excitedly, and the white gas in the cow's nose was thin and thin-I Fortunately, the oxygen environment of the power armor made by Hilling is bound by the energy barrier near the helmet, or the uncle Tau will be the first Azeroth to suffocate the alien planet.

\ "What the **** is going on? Are all the other fighters here?"

I nodded to Uncle Tauren, and by the way helped him set the power hammer to "gh" mode, and then asked a Schilling commander who was directing soldiers to arrange antiproton turrets.

The unknown commander performed a standard military salute and reported to me with a soldier-specific steel voice: \ "The Third Raven Squad, Seventeenth Marine, and Nineteenth Marines all assembled here. We made mistakes. The teleportation was sent directly to this strange Protos temple.When we arrived here, it was surrounded by layers of Zerg. A small team of Protos fighters was relying on the temple's own energy field to resist. We communicated with the outside world. It was interrupted and it has been fighting for an hour here. The Marine Corps soldiers have sufficient backup energy, and the magic force is slightly fatigued. The Raven 3 chief has set up a stable shield magic array, and can continue to report for more than 24 hours. "

I simply looked around.The building behind us covers an area of ​​several thousand square meters. It is not a large hall.The overall shape is a pentagonal prism divided into three layers. The walls are inlaid with a large amount of halo. The blue crystal, curved lintels and pillars have a fairly obvious Protoss style. The arcane shield arranged by Raven 3 completely envelops the entire building, and it has become safe without a bug within half a kilometer. Area, but the Zerg outside the shield are still making suicide attacks on the temple regardless of their casualties.

\ "What about those Protoss?" I asked curiously, wouldn't she be dead? They do not have the BT-level individual combat power of the Spirit Warrior.

\ "The Protos were severely damaged. When we entered the battle, the opponent had only a dozen people left to stand. Now they are placed in the temple and treated by the Blood Elf Priest, but according to those casters The spiritual energy of the Protoss will interfere with the magic elements, and conventional healing magic has little effect on them. "

I nodded and ordered Vega to lead the scorpion soldiers here to consolidate the line of defense, and then took Qian and Li Lina into the temple of Protos to visit the unlucky gang of "Protoss" soldiers.

The last time I met the Protos commander named Duhan only on the communicator, so this time it can be said that this is my first official contact with the Protos race, and I didn't expect it. We should meet in this situation.

After entering from the gate of the temple, it is a vast hall directly. The walls of the hall are inlaid with numerous oval ice-blue crystals, which continuously emit a faint light, making the entire hall look very bright. There is no space for thousands of square meters. A pillar exists, and only the golden alloy wall that slightly shows an arc "grows" from the solid ground, supporting the dome with mysterious text on our heads, and a very weak energy field wafts throughout the hall. I suspect that it is Protos' spiritual power that is spreading all around-they come from the blue-skinned Drai sitting in the middle of the hall with their eyes closed ... er, the Protos.

No matter how many times I have seen it, the tentacles on the Protos male chin ... The tentacles still make people feel full

Our entry naturally can't hide these soldiers who have hone their combat skills for hundreds of years.I can clearly feel that there are more than a dozen weak spiritual powers concentrated on myself, but in the end, the only ones who stood up and greeted us A tall \ "Protoss \" wearing a dark old cloak, even hiding his face under a mask, exposing only a pair of twinkling eyes.

How does this look so familiar?

\ "So, you are the emperor and ambassador honored by these mysterious and powerful warriors," said the two Pandoras, who stood up, so high that I should use Pandora's height as a common unit of measurement? The Protos said in a low, soft tone, \ "Maybe destiny guides us to meet in this holy place of our ancestors, strange friend, I have heard of your arrival."

\ "Oh," I nodded, \ "So there is no more nonsense, I am the Emperor of the Spirit Empire, Chen Jun, my soldiers have consolidated the defense here, now I want to know what happened --- And your name. "

\ "You can call me Zeratul," the tall Protos in front of him is amazing, he is really the famous Uncle Z. I said why his shape is so familiar

However, Uncle Z, who has always appeared in the image of a lone ranger, will lead his own people to appear in this bird's shit-free Pitstar mine, which makes me curious: What are they doing here?

\ "I heard many days ago that a mysterious civilization similar to humans arrived in this star area and waged war against the Zerg," Zerathu continued to speak slowly in a low tone, \ "为So, I came to find out, but this Protos sanctuary, which has long been forgotten, was killed.I killed the mother worm, and then went deeper into the planet with my followers ... We found this sacred temple However, after activating the temple, the remaining Zerg on the entire planet was almost completely attracted by the energy it radiated.We were trapped by this amount, fighting for days, exhausting, and then those powerful mysterious warriors suddenly appeared in Around the temple, a strong line of defense was built. They saved my people from destruction and declared that the most powerful emperor in the universe would solve the dilemma here. This is what happened. "

Hearing this, I respectfully respected Uncle Z.

With tens of millions of zerg, he actually led so many templars and resisted in this temple for several days.

This combat power is almost comparable to ordinary emperors

What makes me admire him more is that he clearly has a chance to leave-yes, as Protos's most powerful assassin, his permanent hiding and various shadow teleporting skills make this powerful \ "Protoss The soldier could easily escape from this crypt, but he did not leave, just to not abandon his followers

In the next few queries, I finally figured out why our warriors are all concentrated in this place: an ancient \ "artifact" is preserved in this temple of Protos. After the map was accidentally activated, it has been spreading energy fluctuations. Although the technology level of the Protos can not be compared with the Hilling Empire, they have at least the qualification to talk to the Empire in the field of science and technology, especially the technology tree still has Most of the imperfections of the Spirit empire), this mysterious artifact interfered with the spatial positioning system of the three squadrons. When the latter's squadron leader lost contact and planned to temporarily return to the surface through space, he misjudged the coordinates. And was teleported to this ghost place.

Of course, it may also have something to do with the three team captains themselves. They did not expect that the transmitters installed in their bodies from the birth would be disturbed, so there was no slight error in spatial coordinates.

After listening to Zelatu's description, I naturally became very interested in that \ "artifact", but it seems that Zelatu attaches great importance to the treasure belonging to Protos, at least, such a sudden emergence of me The strange \ "Emperor", he still does not have much trust, even if my soldiers are helping him to guard the temple, I understand it.

\ "These soldiers are seriously injured."

我 When I asked about their situation, the latter said in a heavy tone, and then led me to a dozen templars sitting in meditation.

\ "They do n’t have enough medical treatment, they can only use meditation to restrain their hurt. The magical powers of your soldiers known as 'priests' can also greatly relieve the pain eroded by the Zerg poison, but these soldiers , Their souls have returned to Shakuras, and wish them a peaceful journey ... "

Takirazato refers to the remains of more than ten Protos warriors lying quietly at the corner of the temple.

\ "Shakuras is a few light years away from here," Liliana shrugged, and walked forward, "" Even if your Protos's souls are dual-core, they can't run out of that degree. "

Lilina said so, and then slowly raised her hands in Zerato's confused gaze, a serene expression of the Virgin appeared on her face, and the green light gradually filled the hall.

\ "So all the souls who don't want to run away halfway back to me obediently in your body, in the name of the goddess of love, all work for the old lady"

Do you dare to be more aggressive?

However, at this moment Zerathu can't afford to express surprise or protest against Lilin's explosive speech, because some powerful energy that he knows is gradually converging, and then turns into a huge green beam of light, accompanied by a faint soft voice. On those Protos warriors who have been killed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Phantom can resist magic, but no one can refuse the goddess' will. "

Li Lina finished playing handsome, maintaining the attitude of floating in mid-air just before the cast, and proudly invited me to martial arts.

Qiqie, the sorrowful guy floating in the sky half lower than me.

\ "What is Shakurás I am witnessing? The return of life"

Zerato shouted in shock, because those Protos fighters who were still cold bodies a second ago had sat up like nothing, and looked around with a confused expression, and passed through the familiar atmosphere that reappeared. Zeratul can completely rule out the possibility that the bodies of these compatriots are undergoing some control.

\ "Life is precious, so I am grateful to have paid 68,880 yuan for this settlement ~~~"

Li Lina continued to raise her unreliable spirit, and hurriedly approached Zeratu, with a bad smile to make Uncle Z, who had been very calm, show a very awkward expression.

The monthly pass is showing a weak trend, don't let me fall off)


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