Xiling Empire

Chapter 430: Insider

Chapter 430 Insider

I ca n’t think of killing, Pandora will use this method to “catch” the enemy alive.

Three thousand hammers whose hardness is hundreds of times higher than that of titanium alloy, close to hundred times, and using space jumping to keep track of all the time, have stunned the famous Queen of Blades ...

I admit that the Queen of the Blade is powerful. Her head is harder than the armor plate of the battleship, but she was hit 10,000 times in a continuous frontal by 3,000 hammers of this BT ... Your sister, think about it for me She was so anxious that if it wasn't for Pandora's attention, I guess now Tavel can only slowly rebuild Kerrigan's body from the cellular level ...

This is the overwhelming victory that can be produced under the absolute strength advantage. Nonsense. What did you think of Pandora then?

Of course, the Queen of the Blades first fought back. When faced with such a nonsense tactic, she only started for a short while after a second, and the powerful psionic storm shattered the first attacks on her. Ten reshaped turrets, and her own amazing maneuverability also caused many hammers to lose sight.However, under the command of such an amazing base of three thousand and Pandora's almost sinister fire control system, she was still the first hammer After hitting his head, then Ping-Pong-Pong hit a symphony.Pandora obviously regarded this as a game with great gusto. Every hitting "hammer" will immediately make a space jump after completing the impact. In Pandora's portable space, to make room for the next "hammer", it is with this continuous method of impact, Pandora successfully "caught" the Queen of the Blade.

And the Queen of the Blades was still under the eyelids of the billions of coalition forces of the three races, and was directly stunned by a little loli who was 1.2 meters tall and resisted flying back on her shoulders ...

要 If I am Kerrigan, when I wake up, I will immediately be turned into a Niqing Lantern Buddha--I ca n’t afford to lose this person.

\ "Strange, they retired."

He watched silently through the surveillance equipment on the bridge and watched Pandora bring the Queen of Blades, who had fallen into a serious coma, back to the general flagship. His elder sister looked up at the holographic projection on the edge of the battlefield, and cried out in surprise.

\ "Retire?" I was taken aback, then looked up.

It's true, they retired-they don't need to look at the holographic projection showing the edge of the battlefield. It is in the inner ring of the battlefield, where the most intense battle with our assault fleet, the enemy has begun a large-scale retreat.

By reversing the entire battlefield video, my retreat first started with the Zerg.After the Blade Queen was knocked out by Pandora, all Zerg started a large-scale retreat. That was a real retreat without any command. As with the overall plan, all Zerg units turned around and ran away from the battlefield at the same time. When they turned away, they did not even care about the Schilling battleship that was bombarded behind them, even if they were attacked, they did not know to dodge. It's as if there was no thinking, only primitive creatures that can respond to stress under the influence of instinct.

The retreat of the other two ethnic coalition forces was completely passive.After the large-scale retreat of the Zerg army serving as cannon fodder and meat shield, the human and Protos fleet was completely exposed to the superior artillery fire of the Schilling battleship, even the craziest. The combat enthusiast also knows what will happen to his army in this situation.It is no longer necessary to continue the resistance. The combined fleet of humans and Protos has begun a planned breakout, through the chaotic zerg and the suicide attackers. Viking fighters made cover, they quickly moved away from our attack range, and Veska originally planned to pursue-we were almost 100% sure that we could siege at least half of those defeats in the pursuit, but Sandora stopped The little guy's bold move, the former's war keenness seemed to feel some inconsistencies, so he decisively chose to let go of the tribal coalition forces that had been maimed.

\ "Sandora, what's wrong?"

看着 I looked at Sandora curiously, and she frowned ever since the capture of Queen Blade.

\ "Zerg retreat-will they retreat so easily?"

The golden girl's face did not have the slightest relief after victory, but was full of doubts.

\ "This should be very easy to think of," I hesitated, \ "Queen Blade is the only mental brain of the Zerg, and her loss of consciousness will naturally lead to the Zerg's overall loss of control, and only the instinctual bugs that survive [Eternal Life] are in us It's natural to choose to flee under the attack. "

\ "It would be abnormal if they would escape like this," Sandora explained with open hands, "" As a dangerous race that can cross the planets, would their social systems be so fragile? Just because Queen Blade's coma is all over Race degenerates into ordinary bugs? Smashing their dominator with a bunch of hammers can get the entire Zerg race, and the process is too ... "

Sandora said, with a strange look on his face. Obviously, Pandora's tactics made our calm and wise Queen feel the black line for a while.

\ "Also, as a race leader, you are in danger to challenge the entire Empire fleet alone—" Sister Master has also switched to think tank mode, "" I think the Queen of the Blade was sent to death. "

\ "Where is she now?" I turned to ask Sivis.

\ "In a zero cage, the triple independent space barrier divided her in another dimension, and she could not escape until she evolved the ability to smash the law with the biceps."

Uhhhhhhhhhhh was that calm and stereotyped female officer who learned these unscrupulous tone particles?

The Queen of Blades, or Kerrigan, as Sivis said, was imprisoned alone in a cell with the highest level of confidentiality.She was in a position that did not belong to any space, not even the gap between the spaces. There is the staggered position of the \ "Imperial Admiral \" heterospace psychic well and the main material plane. Due to its proximity to the void, it is at the intersection of matter, energy, time, space, and concepts. There are eleven dimensions there Being completely negated, the existence of matter in that place is more like a series of data on the hard disk. It looks vivid on the screen, but it is essentially just a series of abstract descriptions.

This kind of "space" will only appear under one condition except for the prison of the Spirit. The moment when the universe is born, it cannot be one femtosecond in advance, nor can it be one femtosecond later. That is a theoretical The origin of infinite time can only be reproduced in such a BT cage after the Spirits have stolen the concepts of time and space on the edge of the void.

It is impossible for a normal life to survive in such a **** of a "place", even an ordinary apostle of the spirit ca n’t, so you must go through a phase change in and out of this cell, only in the other and the current world. In different phase states, you can stay in the "zero-point cage" in peace, and the reverse phase frequency of each cage is different and changes from time to time. The entrance and exit of it is only when you find this. The frequency will not appear until later.

The prison with such BT and egg pain is even tighter than the space cage we have seen before.The most dangerous creatures in the universe have been held by the Spirit Warden prisoners.The Queen of the Blade can enjoy this with a carbon-based life \ "Supreme honor", also counted her fortunate for three lives ...

I and Sandorah, as well as Uncle Renault who was forced to come to the verification space of the "zero-point cage", just like the ordinary space cage, here is full of confused white mist, in our After the authority authentication was completed, the white mist suddenly dispersed and became a huge circular hall.

A dazzling white ball of light hovered quietly in the middle of the hall. Looking at the familiar scene in this hall, I suddenly remembered the prison-controlled computer in Azeroth's egg pain.

\"Hi everybody, I'm……"

\ "You dare to say that you are the Lord God, now I will tear you down"

As soon as I heard the other party's opening remarks, I was absolutely sure, that is, the word of the computer that watched the infinite stream novel at first was almost used as a idiom.

I was robbed by me, and the white light ball in the center of the hall seemed to flash awkwardly, then calmed down and said slowly: \ "Hello everyone, I am the main **** ..."

"\" Bang "\" Bang "

It's exactly the same scene. The front side of Pandora Fei decisively cut down the egg pain ball, but unlike the time of Azeroth, this time a very different There is a tacit visca ...

Then, when the prison warden came to check the condition of the host after we left, a thriller appeared, and a gourd floated in the center of the hall ...

Kerrigan is still in a coma and is bound in space by several energy chains.I have seen these chains more than double the chains that dealt with Varimathras at the beginning. I don't know if these prisons have been idle forever. To what extent does the prison officer here end up hurting ...

我 Under my advice, a strong signal was sent directly to the Spirit Sea of ​​the Queen of Blades. Anyway, the other party ’s mental power is very strong, and we are not worried about how this rough awakening will hurt her.

\ "Kerigan, this should be our first meeting."

When the Queen of Blades gradually woke up, I said so leisurely.

Shane, while seriously studying the crustacean on her body, I really want to know how much the taste of Renault and everyone else can accept a girl who covers the cuticles ...

\ "But for me, but more than once I saw you, the prestigious aggressor emperor," the blade queen didn't seem to care about her current situation, but said with a sneer, her voice with a strange resonance It feels as if the sound is not simulated through the vocal cords, but through a series of tubular organs, \ "Your legion has destroyed my countless planets ... well, sure enough, just as I thought, here, that This abominable thing has finally disappeared from my mind. "

珊 Sandora and I looked at each other, and an idea emerged from our minds at the same time.

\ "What revelation do you say?"

\ "Well, it seems that you know everything, Zeratul finally did a good thing," said the queen of the blade slightly twisted her body. Although the energy chains have no quality, they are always psychologically uncomfortable. Yes, "" that thing has been lingering in my mind for a long time, and here, that annoying thing has finally quieted down ... No wonder it has the power that can control the minds of the three races, 'It will be so afraid of you . "

Because the semi-ambiguous words of the opening of Queen Blade made me suspicious, but my sister was the first to question: \ "If you say that you are also trapped by the revelation ... a Proto The Sri Lankan can get rid of this mentality after only one deep meditation. Is it possible that your mental strength is not as good as the ordinary dark templar? "

It is true that according to Zerathu, a mentally powerful race such as Protos can get rid of the interference of "revelation" with only one meditation, and as the most powerful individual in the entire region, the Queen of Blades How could it be affected, even so severely, that it was controlled under complete self-knowledge?

\ "In the beginning I thought I had gotten rid of it," said the resentful look on Queen Blade's face, but "I didn't expect that ghost thing would be so cunning, it bypassed my will through the ordinary Zerg mind line, By the time I am now, my mind is no longer my own ... and even worse, it seems to be targeting me. I am not being deceived, but I am in control, but it seems to be very afraid of you. Now, My adventure is right. "

\ "In order to get rid of the thinking that has penetrated your mind, you have chosen to take the risk of yourself-knowing that our original goal here is to destroy the Zerg," Sandora looked coldly at the Queen of Blades, The latter gave a blunt gaze unabashedly, "Do you think we are all fools?"

Sandora's questioning did not cause the Queen of the Blade to show any slight panic, and her voice remained calm: \ "Your purpose here is indeed to destroy the Zerg, but now, perhaps we have a common enemy-the one who controls the three races To deal with your existence, it is undoubtedly our common enemy now. I know you are very powerful. No one can stop the power of the Star Warship, but ... if the only goal of the black hand behind the scene is to weaken or transfer you. Its attention will definitely achieve its purpose-before that, what can't you and I cooperate with? "

\ "Do you think it is right to cooperate with us?" I shook my head unwillingly, \ "Compared with the Spirit Empire to destroy the Zerg, the other one uses you, but at least it seems to help you destroy the enemy's power Right for alliance? "

\ "No, that power didn't mean anything to help us. I once fortunately got a glimpse of its essence, but what I saw was the destruction of the entire Keplu star area. In the face of such a weird thing, I still think you guys Reachable 'people are more reliable.'

In fact, if things move in the other direction, we will destroy this star area.

We did not immediately answer the words of the Queen of Blades, but there has been a heated discussion in the spiritual connection.

\ "Is she credible?"

This is Sandora's voice. She has limited knowledge of the so-called "original" plot, and she is not very interested in understanding it, so she evaluates Kerrigan completely from an unfamiliar perspective.

\ "When she was the Queen of Blades, she couldn't be trusted." The older sister replied, "The Queen is best at betrayal. Any choice she makes is for her sole purpose, and as long as she is the Zerg That is our enemy, but now it is the best choice to cooperate with her. She obviously knows a lot of things that can keep us from being trapped in the war quagmire of this star area. If there really is a black hand who wants to deal with us behind the scenes To get out of this designed war as soon as possible is something we must consider ... As for the betrayal of the Queen of Blades, we should not find a way to make her human again, and now she is only part of the Zerg race. It ’s a change in temperament that affects one's thinking. "

\ "Okay, I decided to trust you for the time being, but you have to make one thing clear: this is not cooperation or alliance, you are only able to temporarily survive as a valuable source of information [eternal life], I hope you will bring The news comes to us to find the value of pardoning you. Of course, just pardoning you one, we will still destroy the Zerg. This dangerous species is quite harmful to other life in the universe. Regarding this, you don't need to Work harder. "

In the end, I chose this relatively compromised, or rather unfavorable, solution.I could not give much trust to Kerrigan, who is still in the queen of the blade, but some of the secrets she has may be relieved Now the key to these mysteries is that before Tavel transformed the Beatles into a human, I can only keep the latter in this awkward position-fortunately, I believe that with Tavel's ability, find a way to reverse It shouldn't take long.

To put forward such harsh conditions to me, the Queen of Blades unexpectedly did not have any objection, but nodded calmly: \ "This is indeed the best choice at the moment, you do not trust me, to be honest, I do not trust you The Emperor who suddenly appeared ... So, let us keep this distrust between each other, which is good for us ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Lina has always maintained a cold-shouldered attitude from the beginning, This has always been her role and task: as a professional in psychology, she needs to use her own methods to reveal the loopholes in the language of everyone who talks to us. Now when our conversation is nearing its end, the pseudo-lady officer said I came up with my biggest doubt at the moment: \ "There is only one problem you need to explain clearly: Are the Zergs still under your control now? "

Li Lina's words reminded me suddenly: According to the social structure of the Zerg, all Zerg units, including commanders such as Cerebrates, should be under the spiritual control of the Queen of Blades. Can the Queen of Blades still control them now?

Look at the dreadful security measures around you. If it is conventional mental strength, how strong are you to connect what you think in your mind to the outside?

If the entire Zerg race is completely out of control, then the blade queen's use of the Spirit Apostles will be very limited-of course, this should be Kerrigan's own idea.

\ "They are still under my control," it is not the first time that the Queen of Blades has said something unexpected, \ "the first time that thing appeared in the cosmic void and began to invade the entire Keprus region. I have already started this project in the mind of a smart creature ... "


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