Xiling Empire

Chapter 433: Black sun

Chapter 443 The Black Sun

What is the most feared of the prestigious blade queen Kerrigan?

告诉 I tell you, it's a little girl who is one meter tall, three years old with IQ, has full teeth and can't even say a word ...

I have to face up to this problem: As a Schilling host, Xiao Pao even has a time of changing teeth during the growth process, of course, maybe for other reasons, anyway, now Xiao Pao is approaching her from some aspect. Sandora's mother moved closer.For example, when she caught everything, she used teeth rather than eyes as the first sensory analysis.Bubble's strong curiosity was mixed with the attributes of children who like to bite things. Finally, a child was born. The existence of fear for the Zerg Masters: Steel Tooth Bubbles

In short, it is a kid who will unknowingly go behind you at any time, and then suddenly rub a bite on your bone wing ...

Little Bubble is curious about the two pairs of bone wings behind the Queen of Blades. The attraction of that thing to her does not seem to be lower than a whole shiny crystal, perhaps because it is finally in this dull place. Something new and interesting has appeared ...

Anyway, in just two or three days, Kerrigan's bone wing has been regenerated no less than four times, and each time she can only anger and dare not speak. As for the culprit, except that she has to be forced to brush her teeth several times a day, she is still currently Each of the horns of the Admiral is suitable for hide and seek.

\ "Okay, okay, now let's take our attention away from your unlucky wings," I laughed, trying to ignore the still hanging behind Kerrigan, being shaken left and right as the opponent's body moved. Akira's little bubble, \ "How much of your re-takeover of the Zerg have been completed?"

\ "Basically completed, but there is still a small part of the Zerg out of my control," said the queen of the blade decisively abandoning the bone wing she had just regenerated at 9:30 a.m., and looked at a little girl with cramped teeth Twisting its kabakaba, \ "That shadow generated self-consciousness through my imagination, maybe because of the surge in the number of zerg caused that level of brain to evolve too fast, although I eventually successfully assimilated that part Originally belonged to my spiritual power, but 'she left me a little trouble-the Zerg in Ilsana were' she became independent, now they are about to produce a new master, and forever Out of my control, maybe I should leave that planet to you to continue to show the power of the empire, throw it into the sun or whatever-that is the best place for them. "

\ "I will destroy the entire Zerg, but not now." I shrugged and recalled Lina's analysis: Kerrigan's mental state was very strange. She seemed to be swinging left and right between humans and Zerg, She uses human logic to think, but uses Zerg values ​​to position her ultimate behavior.Sometimes she puts Zerg's interests first, as if she is really a thorough Zerg, but more It is suitable for her, but she is considering for her own benefit, using the entire Zerg as a bargaining chip for herself.

I hurriedly reply to her human face. There is such a conspirator beside her. Although she can't become a climate, it is too awkward.

\ "The entrance to the Holy Land is in front, please let your fleet stop first."

拉 Zeratu, who had been silent and kept a distance from Kerrigan, suddenly spoke, and at the same time gave a silent glance to the Queen of Blades.

庞大 The large-scale Imperial fleet stopped quickly with its unique coordinate braking method. A detector was released and a space probe was set up nearby.

\ "You can rest assured that I have no interest in your holy place, and I will take on my own sentry duty," Queen Blade gave a contemptuous glance at Zerathu, \ "Strictly speaking, now our two races are equal to both In working for the Spirit Empire, at least you should show a little Protos glory in this regard. "

\ "No, Protos is not a subordinate of the Hilling Empire. I just stand here in my personal name, and you ... on the contrary, should be the most untrustworthy one ..."

Zerato's tone is deep and powerful, although slow, each syllable has an unquestionable strength.

\ "Oh? This is' Is the last dignity of the Protoss blame?" The blade queen turned back, \ "So why did the entire Shakuras go running for a clue from Emperor Spirit? Is this the Not a sign of surrender? "

\ "The Zerg's mind only has orders and obedience, but we are more conscious of justice and conviction. We are acting for justice in the entire star area."

\ "Enough" Sandora interrupted impatiently the conversation that the two had gradually smelled of gunpowder. Whenever these two bitter hatreds got together, Sandora would inevitably use her own coercion Let the two shut up obediently, "Zerato, I have no interest in your dispute, Zerato. Where is the holy land you are talking about? Is this the vast universe?"

That's right, in the direction of \ "Holy Land" mentioned by Zerathu, we haven't seen anything at all. The empty cosmic space has nothing to serve as a visual reference. If this is the so-called holy land, Protos It hurts too much-at least there must be a beacon here?

\ "Yes, holy land, but it is a dark holy land ..." Zerathu's voice was trembling with faintness, \ "Strictly speaking, our holy site has disappeared in front, there was once an ancient Sierna The sacred spaceship built by the Canadians. The giant ship has maintained tens of thousands of years of autonomous movement under the force of a force we do not understand. We regarded it as a moving temple, but not long ago, the holy place was Disappeared here ... the front limit is ahead--your star map is much more accurate than us--there is a limit that blocks everything, the most thorough shadow territory, and its existence cannot be observed by conventional means ... … We paid a great price here, many excellent soldiers rushed in there when they were looking for the disappearing temple, and never returned, while other soldiers were just brainwashed by the sudden revelation of 'exploitation', almost Become madmen who hate anyone ... They are still being guided by sages, but unfortunately, I am afraid they can't get rid of control until the 'revelation is completely eliminated, and until now, we can't To observe this space there is no exception - here we began to speculate that there is a spatial distortion, but then now where the space is very smooth. "

\ "No, it's not impossible to observe, but you haven't mastered the method," Sandora called up the scan results of the battleship, "" A negated place, in the end, is extremely empty, even after the endless void. "

Cosmic space is originally empty, but that spherical space is even more empty: it is not only empty, even the background radiation and various microwaves that exist everywhere in the universe. There is nothing there, even gravitational scanning. Break.

What's worse, this kind of occlusion cannot be observed from the outside.Its surface has a weird layer of superimposed space. Any observation method will be distorted to the other end. Therefore, in the face of a conventional scanning system, this is a normal area. Even if the Protos radar is more advanced, the truth here cannot be seen-so many Protos detection teams are swallowed up by this invisible abyss.

The scanning system of the Schillingship is not afraid of this. It has a legendary third perspective ...

That is to make comprehensive observations in higher dimensions.Our radar sets its own perspective to each coordinate within a half-light year around the battleship, observes from each dimension, and then compares the data to draw the piece. Pictures of weird space.

\ "It looks like a ... ball ..." She curiously looked at the huge object emerging from the holographic projection, but hesitated, and then, as the space became clearer and clearer in the scan, she suddenly wondered Get up, \ "Wait ... Ajun, do you think it looks like ... the sun?"

\ "It's not like, this is simply a sun"

Sandora frowned and affirmed the slight guess.

On the space picture restored by the scanning system, a huge sphere suspends in the universe, which is what weird space called \ "Dark Holy Land" by Zerathu looks like. When we get closer, we can clearly Seeing that the edge of this black sphere is constantly floating and spewing fire-like things, sometimes the huge fireworks that burst out are even thousands of kilometers high. Because this sphere shows an absolute "black", we can't see it welcome Whether this side is burning with flames, but that is almost something that can be determined without thinking.

看 Looking from this direction, it looks like paper-cutting-the sun's paper-cutting.

A burning black fireball, a dark sun, it devoured Protos's expedition, devoured an ancient spaceship of Siernagar, and in ancient times, God knows what else it has devoured. The sun is wide, and a sun in this boundless void is not as good as a soybean.

\ "Black sun ..." Zerathu's voice was low and fearful, \ "I have witnessed the birth of dark stars ... but now, I think I finally faced the ultimate darkness and emptiness in the universe, It's the real dark sun ... "

\ "No, it's not empty," Sandora shook her head, \ "It just can't be described by this world."

\ "Sandora, do you know this phenomenon? How did it happen?"

Although I don't understand what the deities of Sandora and Zeratul are, one thing is clear: Sandora knows that the black sun can be identified now, and that weird space is a Presenting the absolutely unobservable sun) is going on.

Sandora gently opened a drop of gold in front of her forehead and said: "This phenomenon is quite rare, but the Greeks have already come into contact with this thing. The black sun is just a manifestation of this phenomenon. It It could also be a black planet, a black race, or ... a black galaxy. There are many reasons for them. At first we had at least one hundred and seventeen conditions that caused the existence of darkness, and each of them was not a good thing. "

\ "What the **** is it?" This is what Zerathu is eager to know at the moment. This existence, the dark paper-cut in the space, makes him feel uneasy in his soul.

\ "I can only say that they have in common: the dark existence was once normal. This black sun may have been a normal star long ago, full of splendor and enthusiasm, and it may even have bred its own Life, but its laws have been amended, poorly amended. "

\ "Why does matter exist in reality? What do your Protos scientists think about this problem?" Speaking of half, Sandora suddenly changed the subject.

Zerato was a little hesitant, but still replied: \ "Because reality exists around matter."

This is a novel argument. Is the Protos' worldview like this?

\ "It's close," Sandora smiled with approbation, \ "But it is not comprehensive yet. The substance exists in reality. The real reason is that it can be known and defined by reality. Both we and God will This kind of thing is called: the embodiment of the law. "

The existence of the "law" is the sole basis for defining the existence or not. They are used to describe, define, stipulate changes [the bead changes] and concepts. These things are intertwined to form existence, just like a series of parameter definitions in the virtual world. Like a virtual individual, then the question arises: What if some of these parameters are deleted? "

Zeratu has now been deeply attracted by this magical theory.Even the Queen of the Blade who had always kept a distance from him came over. Well, the latter still had a small bubble on it-it seems that she must not The regeneration of another bone wing will not start later.

\ "Disappeared from reality? After it lost its own ... rule?" Zerathu asked tentatively, the light in his eyes flashed like a curious child who was curious about knowledge.

\ "No, it will become something like this before you: black existence."

\ "This star has suffered the biggest disaster that can exist in the world. It may not have any damage in itself, but it has lost its most important thing: the integrity of the law, an existence that cannot be described will be excluded by the world. It seems that an unrecognizable pendant will become a question mark on the information screen of the fighter.The world cannot understand the sun, but it cannot ignore its existence, so the self-protection program is started, and the world divides an accurate data stack area. The bad data that can no longer be described have been expelled here, the star is still burning alone, burning in a way that can no longer be understood by any means, and the black sun we are seeing is not actually the one that has been The star itself cannot be described, but it is used to save the safe partition of the star, but for the convenience of understanding, these two are generally considered to be coincident and equivalent-so you should understand ? "

\ "I should have tested the computer three poles at first ..." I said quite seriously, and then quickly remedied before Sandor opened his teeth, \ "But generally I still understand-then that space is absolutely vacuum?"

Susandora slowly shook her head and smiled at me: \ "Ajun,‘ vacuum is also a concept. There is no concept there. Strictly speaking, it should be called ‘unrecognizable.’

投 I cast my gaze on another holographic projection system, which showed the scene of outer space without any treatment. It was dark and deserted.

The black sun is there, burning quietly, but no one can perceive its existence. In any dimension that can be described, the space is smooth and complete, and no one can see the bottomless abyss hidden beneath it.

\ "What's in the dark sun?"

After a startling shock, Queen Blade asked quietly.

\ "Hell for you, a world that cannot be described by the law, everything is randomly or not born, life is defined as death, molecules are defined as energy, you go backwards in time, or worse: you Designated directly as never existed. But the crew of the Admiral did not fear these, and our spaceship, along with the entire Spirit race, was set to be 'absolutely independent of chaos'. This is our A long time ago. "

She did not finish her words. This is the result of a long time ago, but now we can no longer reproduce the glory of that time.

I don't know how the original Spirit people did it.They have modified their race from the level of the law as a whole, so that the entire race can be transformed into an existence that will never be affected by paradoxes.This may also include the relationship with the Protoss. Some kind of eternal agreement is, of course, more likely that they have developed a self-consistent rule that allows the entire Schilling race to adapt, which is beyond my imagination.

The Empire Admiral slowly began to add, along with its huge fleet, moving in the direction of the Black Sun, a celestial body more than a hundred times larger than the stars surrounded by the earth, at least before it was changed into this. It is a celestial body), but we cannot see its existence, but the spacecraft's detection system uses multi-dimensional common imaging technology to depict the shape of this area. We are now close to its shell. The stars are as small as moths near the wall.

Of course, this moth is much more powerful.

Although our technology is still in a state of incompleteness, the efforts of the Spirit people in ancient times have left amazing wealth.At least, we can easily enter this place where theoretically no order is allowed ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ After confirming the existence of the black sun, the Queen of Blades was more certain of her decision not to enter, not to mention whether Zerato would allow a Zerg queen to approach her holy place, although that holy place might now be wrong The law was shattered), and the consequences of entering the Black Sun will lead him to regain his leadership over the Zerg, enough to make Kerry look timid and timid.

She stayed outside the black sun, next to the icy shell of this dark star (strictly speaking, the safe space used by the world to store this star), volunteered to serve as a sentry, in fact, she returned to the regulated state: An entire expedition-class heavy frigate formation stared at her.

And with her was Renault and his entire class.Although they were also interested in this magical "cosmic celestial body", they still obeyed our arrangements and stayed with the Queen of the Blade outside the Black Sun. It can also be regarded as another monitoring of the latter.

Zerato was walking with us, using a method that sounded incredible: I ordered, in my own name, to temporarily accept Dark Templar Zerato as an honorary citizen of the Spirit Empire.

知道 I know this sounds rather difficult to understand, but it was just this order that Zerathu gained the ability to move in the black sun at this moment: he was immune to the chaos of the black sun.

The power of the rule is so powerful-of course, all we can use now is the power of the iron rice bowl rule left by the old ancestors ...


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