Xiling Empire

Chapter 437: Pollution outbreak

The Royal Admiral has shown us two of its well-known three-axes: Apocalypse and Gospel, the most powerful macro-field control device, and the strongest defensive barriers. Now Genesis is not displayed before our eyes. It is said that the thing can sweep through thousands of stars like machine guns-it sounds like this attack effect is not as powerful as the Gospel against the collapse of the universe, but one thing to be aware of is that the Genesis attack is purely regular. : Material Deletion. From a strength level, Genesis is even half an order of magnitude higher than the Gospel.

If a Genesis attack is faced up front, I am afraid that even the imperial fleet that can be dephased will be damaged by more than half.

But now it seems that the Genesis attack will not come. The huge circle has strengthened all its energy into the Gospels and Apocalypse. Occam's tactics are simple and deadly: Reverse the time and do everything possible to fast. Earth reverses time, allowing the black sun to repeat the scene of the self-explosion of the gods within twelve hours. Compared with the genesis, the power of that self-explosion may be more lethal to us, and more importantly, because of the special nature of the black sun, that The power of the self-exploding field will be all **** near the heliocentric, which will cause our attacks to be increased by dozens of times

When Genesis attacked, its strong interference would temporarily invalidate the Gospels, which gave us the opportunity to fight back, but if the pile of rings reversed time, we would have no way at all.

The imperial fleet's several volleys failed to break the defense of the Gospels. As the ultimate weapon that the Spirits rarely used, it was not easy to destroy the King Admiral once it was fully operated-it's no wonder we didn't watch When Occam deploys defense forces near the King Admiral, those defense forces must have been withdrawn after the Gospel was completed. Compared to the Gospels at the rule level, even more powerful defense forces are just an embellishment, letting them later It was a complete waste to be eliminated in the battle.

As the fleet's attacks were intercepted again and again, our hearts were gradually covered by clouds.

"How much time is left?"

I asked Shallow this time. The apocalypse just reset some of the constants in this space. Now the bubble can no longer measure the collapse time of the black sun. Only Shallow is still watching the timeline flow. The latter is backward. The speed is getting faster and faster.

"Three hours," Shallow's face was not good-looking, but she remained calm. She held my hand, which calmed her a little. "I just tried to disturb the flow of time here, but it was useless. , They are self-contained, not the kind of time I know at all "

"Don't waste your energy," Sandora sighed. "Without destroying the Apocalypse, the reverse time here will never stop. It has nothing to do with real space ... The imperial heritage preserved by the fallen apostles seems to be more than we thought. How much "

I didn't speak, but frowned, thinking hard what I could do now.

Occam is indeed a powerful enemy. His strength is not reflected in his own strength, but in this layer of insidious to outrageous schemes. It seems that from the initial appearance of the bug The star cannon is the beginning of his plan, and every step since then has been part of this conspiracy. As for the situation now, it is a dead end.

The laws of chaos caused by the apocalypse and the nature of the black sun have made it impossible for us to escape here (the talent ability of the Apostles of the Spirit can only be unharmed if the laws are chaotic, but it does not mean that we can completely ignore it Troubles caused), and the defense generated by the Gospel's full operation cannot be penetrated even if the Empire fleet salvos, at least within the three-hour deadline, we ca n’t penetrate this thing and ca n’t evacuate, Nor could we stop the other side from attacking, and each of our roads was blocked.

If the heliocentric really reproduces the energy storm that the gods blew up, how much can the Empire fleet survive?

The whole army was annihilated-there is no doubt that even a Protoss army was wiped out in that explosion, and the Spirit Army could not be harmed instead. Perhaps a few of our chief apostles could barely resist that one. The explosion exploded in an instant, but our army will annihilate the smoke, and Occam is still hiding in the dark. He certainly doesn't mind coming to sit back and collect profits when we are most tired.

Loop by loop, and all relying on clever settings and external forces, it is not easy to be hostile to such a dangerous guy.

Gospel ... Gospel ...

Can it resist any attack below the rule, it really has no weaknesses?

There is no unbreakable shield in the world, and even the paladin's egg shell can be priest ... Damn, serialized ... But I really have a vague idea.

"Sandora, if the pure void can attack, can the Gospels resist it?"

Faced with the question that I suddenly raised, Sandora stunned for a moment, then revealed a thoughtful look: "Theoretically, void energy cannot be blocked by anything. As the original source, it is even more pure than the power of law, but ... "

However, Void Energy cannot be directly applied, and its ability to assimilate and devour everything is extremely powerful. Even the technology of the Spirit Empire can only be used after it decays. The decay module in the Phantom Well requires a series of folded spaces. Isolate the void energy, and the energy can be attenuated without touching the latter at all. Otherwise, even the psionic reaction furnace will be corroded under long-term contact with the void. In addition, only the mothership class Battleships have primary void devices, because they cannot control the released void energy, these devices have very limited effects, and they are used to attack ...

Nothing is possible.

But maybe I can ...

My elder sister faintly guessed my intention as soon as I mentioned Void Energy. She watched me grow up from a young age. She was used to my thinking, and when I took the initiative to propose something that didn't sound a bit When it comes to relationships, it usually means that I already have an idea.

"Ajun, do you intend to ... destroy that thing by yourself?"

Looking at the unbelievable expression on my sister's face, I laughed abruptly: "Sister, are you overestimating me, right?"

"Then you mentioned Void Energy ... here it seems that you can directly use Void Energy alone?"

I hesitated with a smile: "It's not just Occam who can think of the damage"

"Sandora, with an external acceleration field, how much can we accelerate a heavy assault ship?"

Sandora blinked, but she was still confused about my intention: "Do not use the assault ship's engine? With only an external accelerator, it can only reach seventy-seven times the speed of sound, which is the ordinary mothership ejection channel. At normal speeds, we do not have a dedicated force field acceleration device. "

"Well, what if a ball of pure void-energy cannonball hit the core of the King's Class at a speed of seventy-seven times the speed of sound?"

"Well, then we can go home for dinner."

Sandora nodded, then narrowed her eyes, "Ajun, won't you have new features again?"

With a slight smile, I took out a metal rod from the carry-on space that I had forgotten, and tossed it up and down twice, then pinched it in my hand.

Under the cruel and inhuman look of a group of empire leaders, this mediocre metal rod began to be covered by a weird black pattern, starting from where I touched.

After a few seconds, the original silver-white metal turned into some kind of pure black, visually it looked like a two-dimensional plane: it was the visual error caused by the purest darkness, this darkness is different For ordinary color, it looks more like a kind of emptiness. It is not because it cannot reflect light, but because the "light" disappears as soon as it comes into contact with it.

Void, a void with mass and volume, I do n’t know how to define this kind of thing. It is still material, but it has most of the nature of void, but to say that it is void-obviously, it does not meet the definition.

"Voidization is actually continuously injecting void energy into conventional matter, and letting that piece of matter be completely assimilated by the void energy in an orderly control. This is a way of energy use that I suddenly thought of just now. This skill must be contacted. It can only be used, and it should look very unstable. It won't be long before it will decay into the scattered psychic energy, but before that, it will be enough to hit the core of the King's Advent, "I carefully squeezed the" Void " "Material", although I know that this thing is harmless to me, but the strange feeling it reveals makes me feel as dangerous as holding my sister's cursed crystal, "I can make a heavy assault ship up to now. Things vanish, use that as a shell ... "

"Ajun, you are a genius"

Sandola said heartily.

Relevant preparations were soon completed. There were always several heavy heavy assault ship formations on standby in the ejection channel of the "Imperial Empire". The only thing that took time was to void it. This process requires considerable care. Because of the engulfing nature of the void energy, I must let these energy be temporarily restrained as much as possible, which is equivalent to using mental power to form a protective film on the outside of the voided heavy assault ship, otherwise half of the "Admiral of the Empire" crossarm May be devoured by the energy of the void.

The whole process took nearly an hour. I did not expect that the mental energy consumption caused by the quality improvement of the voided target turned out to increase geometrically. However, looking at the assault ship that has been transformed into the most dangerous bomb in the world, I still have achievements in my heart. Explosive

"It really looks like a burning stick."

Li Lina embraced her chest with her hands, and the experts scrutinized her feet.

I almost wanted to launch this girl with the assault ship

"The ejection channel on the 26th is about to open. This ejection is an unconventional ejection. Service personnel please evacuate the channel within 30 seconds. The countdown starts now ..."

The voice of the battleship's main engine echoed in the ejection channel of the transverse arm on the side of the flagship. When the countdown ended, a dazzling blue light burst out from there: it was not the light of the void assault ship itself. It was emitted by the gravity traction device Light.

There was no acceleration at all, and the void assault ship that served as a shell reached 77 times the speed of sound, and hurriedly rushed into the distant King Admiral class dominated ship, which was only the size of a rice grain.

Since the void energy was released at the moment when the ejection was completed, the assault ship could not be observed in any way at this moment. We can only look at the distant front with expectant eyes—circle and circle, you have to cooperate If so, just finish it.

Previously, due to the semi-blind state of the scanning system, the distance between the Empire Fleet and the King Admiral was quite close. At an amazing speed of seventy-seven times the speed of sound, this distance can be broken in a while, and the bubble started all the scanning of the analysis. System, a huge ring with a radius of 2,000 kilometers in the distance is completely in front of us.

"Why haven't you moved yet?" The light and tense voice just dropped, and the picture on the holographic projection suddenly jittered.

One tiny obscure earthquake in three huge rings rotating around the same axis oscillated, and the projection system immediately enlarged a corner above it: there was a very tiny hole there, compared with the whole mechanical ring, it was like Pinholes are as unremarkable.

But this pinhole expanded wildly in the next few seconds.

Void energy begins to erupt

As I expected, the amazing fascination diffused within the Regal Admiral became the best nourishment for the Nether Energy. The small, dust-like energy points expanded hundreds of thousands of times in the next instant of infinite energy replenishment. He even cut that huge metal ring directly in a few seconds.

And this is just the beginning. The real destroyer is the hull of the Void Assault ship, not the energy that escapes on the surface. The mobile battleship that is only two hundred meters long and the black ball at the core of the Admiral are compared with Ding Dong. Lying on Altman's head is equally inconspicuous, but when it hits the black sphere, the macro effect caused is no less than a thousand nuclear bombs exploding at the same time-no, nuclear bombs are used to describe this degree The energy bursts are too mild, that's just like a Genesis flash

The metal ring with a radius of 2,000 kilometers lost the support of energy in an instant, and the core that had been out of control produced a dramatic gravitational fluctuation. The King Admirer was like a bunch of deformed iron wires being pinched by a pair of invisible hands. There were dozens of severe deformations in one minute. In the process, the three rings supporting it gradually broke into hundreds of knots, and then fell to the surface of the black ball that was violently shrinking.

Silent melting, this is how I feel about that scene.

Even a heavy assault ship that has completely turned into a void body has a limited amount of energy that can be released after it bursts out. Compared with the phantom energy gathered by the entire King Admirer, which can distort the laws of the universe, this energy may be one hundred Less than a fraction, but it is equivalent to a vital catalyst for the entire chemical reaction to explode. When the entire King Admirer's entire structure is decomposed in the turbulent gravitational field and all fall into that black sphere After the middle, the critical point was broken.

Then there is a huge explosion. Perhaps this should be the strongest internal flash that the black sun has ushered in. I really ca n’t imagine that a small dot in the distance will explode so violently, even the entire empire. The fleet was reflected in this flash of light. It almost took a pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes from the sprinklers. We even had to start the dephasing of the entire fleet to avoid the damage caused by the shock wave to the fleet: it was just an explosion. Aftermath, its power has reached the level of a fleet of saturated bombing

"Huh ... Ding-Dang is up, almost hung up just now ..." After the overwhelming torrent of light finally faded, Lina patted a small chest like a washboard, and said with a fearful heart, but everyone who knows it knows this girl It was just concealing his own abnormal state just now: less than half a minute ago, a pseudo-loli goddess slipped behind me and screamed for two minutes.

"Time is back to chaos again." She felt a sigh of relief as she felt the fragments of time scattered around.

"Haha, I knew my brother was the best." Huesca also jumped up happily, and then panted into my arms while Pandora wasn't paying attention. "My brother is the best"

Leaving aside everyone who is in joy and General Lori who is ready to fight with his sister, I find that when everyone relaxes, Sandora and her sister still keep their faces dignified-- Even more dignified than when the Adventist first appeared.

"What's wrong? Sister, Sandora, that thing is finished, shouldn't it be celebrated?"

Sandora still thought about it, while her elder sister frowned and said, "Ajun, I always feel wrong ... Do you say such a cunning and thoughtful guy, can the traps be so easily destroyed?"

"This ... shouldn't be a problem, right?" My tone wasn't quite certain, "If I didn't have my special ability, our fleet would definitely be finished today. From this point, Occam's design should be enough Well thought out, is his failure normal? "

In the end, I'm a little so convinced ...

But the moment I spoke, the alarm rang through the fleet.

It was a siren that I had never heard on a Schilling ship ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was like a series of rapid metal tearing sounds, and there was no mechanized female voice broadcast during the usual siren, this strange The alarm must have a very special meaning, because when the tense voice sounded all around, I found Sandola's face filled with shock for a moment.

What can happen to the calm and wise warsong princess?

"The abyss ... is an ultra-large-scale abyss explosion," Sandora said loudly, then turned sharply, and cast her gaze on the holographic projection device, where it was still monitoring the position of the prince's explosion just now. "Abomination ... this is a trap. We are fooled again. Up "

"Oh, it's worthy of being a famous warsong princess. Your Majesty's response is amazing," said Sandorah, again, but hoarse and uncharacteristically sounded, but this time we did not see each other's Where is the quality projection? Perhaps he is not in this universe at all. The conspirators are always more alert than rabbits. "Then, I hope you can enjoy this little gift prepared next ... a completely abyssal universe "

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