Xiling Empire

Chapter 443: The end of the universe

Chapter 443 The End of the Universe

No matter how long the research is, I still cannot understand what the Honor Starship is.

Of course, if only from a superficial point of view, these giant star fortresses are nothing more than combat ships with special construction methods, just like the barrier stars of Huesca. I go there more than once, and it feels like a high-tech ship. Star battleship, but aside from these appearances, it is more like a mystic creation inside.

The physicalization of spiritual power, projecting the soul in the form of a planetary warship, a word of gods and gods has finished the entire construction process of the glory starship. Naturally, this is a popular way to take care of my mortal-level understanding. In theory, if anyone really wants to know how the glory starship came, I have a detailed information about the four g catalogues of the light catalog after high compression. You can see ...

Now is the night on the mother star. Of course, because there are no stars here, the day and night on the mother star are also formed under artificial control. The reason why the surface of the star is set to night is for the convenience of us to observe the situation of the world arbitration agency.

In the clear and deep night sky, three huge moons hang.

That is, the gravitational isolation system has been launched, and the planetary warship is orbiting the distant orbit of the parent star. Due to the fairly close distance, looking at us at this position, the three white discs are like shadowless lights covering half of the sky. The faint glow they emit makes the earth shrouded in a soft halo, a bit of a sense of sacredness.The three planet warships are completely different from what I saw in the dream, and they are no longer the kind The mechanical structure is exposed, covered with rough and vicissitudes, but covered with a layer of smooth silver-white shell.This is the glory starship under normal operation after charging.The silver-white shell is not only for the purpose of Beautiful, its defense ability can even directly approach the Gospel after the arbitration mode is activated-of course, it is slightly inferior to the latter, after all, the original purpose of the glory starship was not to serve as a battle space forward, they are really powerful Lies in its strategic value.

Although it took a long time to prepare, Pandora only needed a moment when they transformed the starship form. Strictly speaking, Pandora just completed the great battle with Little Bubbles just a few minutes ago, and now she Has been transformed into a star battleship in outer space according to the schedule, leaving only a small bubble with half a lollipop in his mouth standing on the ground dumbly looking up at the sky.

\ "I thought that 仨 girl had to be transformed for at least a long time," looking at the three giant moons in the sky, I rubbed my eyes and said to Sandora next to me, "" Why is it done? "

The three moons suddenly appeared in the sky, and the silver light suddenly dropped scared me a little

\ "You forgot the nature of glory?" Sandora glanced at me, \ "How fast is the spread of thought and how quickly does the glory starship unfold? The only time it consumes is the preparation before unfolding At that time, it was necessary for the Apostles of the Spirit to constantly adjust their mental power form, and it took almost a month to switch the huge spiritual power from the closed state to the semi-open state, but to really release these mental powers, it was enough for an instant-- Otherwise, every glory starship has to be built in the dock for many months like an ordinary star battleship, without any defensive capabilities during this period, the value of this ultimate weapon can be greatly reduced. "

Nodded my head, and took Sandor's words seriously, and what seemed more important was another point: If glory takes months to build up bit by bit, will Pandora's impatient little guy be in the mood?

I looked up and looked curiously at the three bright moons in the sky.

The biggest one is Gaia, the next one is Alaya, the youngest is Pandora ... Um, what is going on about this feeling of being god? It is completely impossible to imagine the three adorable girls hanging in the sky to look at all sentient beings, jerk, should I talk about this situation?

\ "Pandora, how's the situation?" Struggling to get rid of my mind \ "Three sisters shine light on all things, big adorable things save people" strange idea, I connected to space through spiritual connection, and my body shape finally expanded billions of times but still tragedy Asked General Lori, the last of the three sisters.

\ "The arbiter has arrived, please guide us ..."

What I responded to was not Pandora's indifferent voice of Furui, but a female voice that seemed to be mixed with several voices, low and soft, but with an incredible sense of solemnity.

\ "The biggest difference between the arbitration agency and the ordinary glory starship is that once activated, the spirits of the three sages will be completely merged into one, while the spirit apostle in ordinary glory form always maintains an independent self-awareness," Sanduo Seeing the weird expression on my face suddenly, do n’t think about why I was surprised. \ "They have now merged into a brand-new mechanized consciousness, although they have retained their original memories, but do n’t expect to Heard one of them respond. "

\ "Uh ... say that they have disappeared for a while now?" My heart suddenly felt weird, and I knew that this was a common thing for the spirit people to eat and drink, but the thought of Pandora had become With such a mechanized ...

\ "It's not right to say that disappeared," Sandora seemed also very distressed. How should I explain the status of the three girls now, "" Well, you can imagine them as a closed three-member council. Now you Every sentence spoken to them will be jointly reviewed by this council, and the results of the review will be announced by an artificial intelligence speaker established by them.In the entire process, you cannot communicate with any member of the council alone, and the members of the council also I can't respond to you with my personal opinion ... that's about it, and that's how the arbitration agency works. "

What about parliament ...

Look up and see, a little lunatic with a militaristic mind, a dumb silly angel, and a dull blue with unknown properties that seem to act mechanically, they form a parliament that can judge the entire world ...

Sandra, let ’s go against the sky [Sinverse]

It is now a month and ten days since we left from the dark sun.

That huge dark celestial body had completely collapsed about a month ago, as we expected.The collapse of the black sun is completely different from the collapse of normal stars.There is no energy release and gravitational shock that destroys the sky.Its demise. It's like a soap bubble bursting silently and silently, the whole process is quiet like a grave-this is also really in line with the nature of the "lawful death" of the Black Sun itself.

When several unmanned outposts arranged near the Black Sun returned the target area at the same time, the abyss energy also arrived on schedule, and the core of their dark stars was strengthened for so long. Out of the cage, it is as energetic as hitting two hundred milliliters of chicken blood.An unmanned outpost that we specially arranged on the black sun shell lost contact after almost two seconds.There is no doubt that it is just the radiation of the abyss energy , Has let that outpost self-destruct.

Fortunately, the barriers laid out by Dingdang and Shallow are still working.The space around the black sun has become a blocking zone.Dingdang deletes the quantum effect of that space, making it impossible for the abyss energy to pass through the quantum radiation. The method instantly polluted the entire universe, and then she set the light in that space to ten meters / second.This degree is already the limit that Ding Dong can do against such a powerful abyss energy. Now the abyss energy near the black sun is using This "cosmic height" penetrates slowly and firmly, but in the face of iron-like cosmic laws, it is still impossible to escape from the cage for the time being.

The shallowness changes the time curvature of the space that is being corrected by Ding Dong. Inside that space, time is still flowing normally, but in our eyes, the time there is a little five times slower than the outside world, which gives Indigenous respite from the indigenous people of Keprus.

One day before \ "hot start".

The Protoss' evacuation is nearing completion, and nearly four-fifths of the entire Protos \ "Protoss" has now arrived or is heading to several temporary shelters around Kepru, where some empires are urgently established It is not easy to complete such a large amount of work in one month. Even with the construction of Hilling hosts, it is impossible to build a shelter for refugees across the galaxy in such a short time. The mission was ultimately that Lina used the sacred seeds given by her "kind and loving goddess" to reluctantly establish an unstable ecosystem on several planets, which was the solution to the urgent need for these refugees to survive [immortal life]. Now Proto The Sri Lankan immigrant ships and the humble ecological planet make up the eastern part of the largest refugee camp in history, and in the west of the camp, the humble colony named by Renault \ "New Eden" is full of humans. Exile.

Although in human society, less than a third of the population was successfully mobilized in the end, in fact, this number is already shocking, and it is not only Uncle Renault's personal charm that has played a huge role in the entire mobilization process. The emperor's "moderate exhortation" to the local government), but the huge population base of human beings compared to Protos still makes the number of these refugees the most troublesome thing. The emperor regiment even adjusted nearly half of the transport ships. Send all these people to the safe zone, at this time I even thank the stupid man of Mengsk, if it was not his suspicion and sensational public opinion offensive, most of the upper citizens of Kepru chose to stay in their homeland and resist \ "aggression "It is absolutely impossible for these poor people in marginal star areas to obtain asylum opportunities.

\ "The arbiter is ready, the will of the empire will dominate everything."

The world arbitration agency has completed all pre-launch and self-inspection work. Although the three Pandora have not conducted arbitration synchronization for hundreds of thousands of years, the cooperation between them is still not unfamiliar. When returning this information, The three star fortresses over the parent star are forming a stable triangle system, which slowly moves around our planet. This orbit that completely violates the laws of the normal universe is obviously driven by the starship's own power, and with the three incarnations As the girl of the Great God gradually starts her own law module, various strange natural phenomena are gradually produced in this universe of space where we live.

The phantom of the planet that suddenly appeared in the void, the shadows of the formations of the spaceships, inexplicable flashes, and the comet that accidentally crossed the starry sky-no comet has existed for a few light years

Those are projections from all corners of the universe.They are not even necessarily the things of the current era. It is like a giant planet phantom that passed slowly from tens of thousands of kilometers above the parent star a few minutes ago. A planet that was destroyed billions of years ago

\ "The last human evacuees have left the blockade," reports from the lower information link, \ "The Empire ’s second to sixth fleets have withdrawn from the Keprus region, and this region can be locked at any time.”

The information link is so reported, but I know that even now, there are still scattered human fugitives who are standing on their own private spacecraft and moving closer to the empire's blockade.

Compared with the highly rationalized Protos, compared with the completely rigid Zerg, human psychology is fragile and changeable, even if it is the place where Mengsk has the strongest influence, humans with an escape mentality are also there, and these Most people are wealthy, or the bosses of private companies, or well-known disciples who are well-informed.It is normal for them to have private interstellar shuttles. These scattered fugitives have not been broken since a month ago, even if they Skene again banned such treason, and these smugglers continued to pass through our posts.

And now I have a communication port waiting for a command. As long as this port is finally confirmed, the entire Keplu star area will be completely locked, and no one can escape, including those who are frantically adding, even if the spacecraft is burning. Ordinary people to escape.

\ "Ajun, there is no time," Sandora leaned over gently, \ "This is a necessary sacrifice, and we are responsible for the entire universe."

\ "I know," I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself from thinking about the people who were still unable to evacuate in this star area and were eager to evacuate, even if there were hundreds of millions of them, we also ...

\ "Attention all empire outposts, I am your emperor, and now I have ordered: Comprehensive blockade of the Keprus region.

It turned out that after really speaking out, it only took so little courage.

Surrounded by nervous but orderly working Empire commanders, the command hall is as quiet as ever, but I know that just a second ago, this star area, the size of two galaxies, had been sentenced to death. Including countless surviving lives here.

The deadlock of the Empire ’s blockade is only the first step, and its purpose is only to prevent frequent mass exchanges from causing unstable cracks in the subsequent "cosmic division". Two hours later, it was located in a cabin temporarily built as a temple. Ding Ding Dong also began her work: transforming the Keplu star area into a closed new universe.

This process is the highest authority possessed by the gods of world management. Even the mythical accomplishments of the Spirits cannot explain the principle of this division of the world. In my perception, everything is instantaneous, and it was originally maintained with the shadow city of the earth at any time. The spiritual connection of the unimpeded connection was suddenly weakened. It was a phenomenon caused by the sudden appearance of a world barrier between the connections. With more advanced observation instruments, the anomaly became more obvious: the volume of the universe has suddenly shrunk from the original vastness. Suddenly reduced to the size of a galaxy, outside the galaxy is an unrecognizable barrier to the world. The detection of gravitational waves from one direction will come from behind in an instant, which is enough to prove that the entire galaxy has been rendered. Out of the closed state, the space here is continuous and closed on the scale of 160,000 light years-there is nothing to escape from here.

Perhaps before the formatting proceeds to the last moment, the scientists of Monsk will show the anomalies of the universe. I wonder if they will regret their decision at that time?

In the eyes of the exiles who have left the Keppel region, the changes in their homes [the dzi changes] are even more thrilling: disappear, disappear in an instant

When the world was cut into two parts, the Keppel star area was excluded from its original coordinates.In the eyes of Kepru's indigenous people, this place that was originally called their hometown disappeared in an instant, and even Even the blank space was not left: the space around the Kepulu star area faithfully fulfilled the law of spatial elasticity, and instantly filled the blank formed by the disappearance of this star area.

\ "The closure of the world has been completed. It is confirmed that the world barrier has been established. The imperial left-behind main fleet has obtained the information cleaning exemption code with the mother star. The hot start process can be carried out at any time."

This report came from the high-level information link, and now there is nothing to hesitate.

No one can escape, the abyss, and the Ming here.

\ "Shallow, stop time warp, jingle, release light and quantum effects"

For a moment, it seemed to me that the insanely violent energy was sweeping the entire command hall, but it must be my hallucination. The mother star's defense barrier was extremely powerful. It could even support the abyss gate for a long time. Now The power of the abyss has been completely released, but it is impossible to infect the blue ball closest to them ~ www.readwn.com ~ the violent negative thoughts have begun to sweep everything, in the form of quantum effects, they are infinitely fast Envelopes anything they can find, but if these abyssal energies have their own consciousness, they will surely emerge in shock: the world they originally wanted to destroy with ambition turned into a narrow one with a radius of only 160,000 light years. The cage, and in this cage, there is a ferocious devourer locked with them

Three hours, just three hours later, the abyss forces evenly covered every inch of the space of this cosmic cage, and the thoughts of destruction were turbulent, spreading the uneasy breath throughout the world. At the point of planting, even the most powerful Protos warrior, the longest time to persist is only three hours?

\ "This is a rare research opportunity ..."

The Tavill mass projection next to me suddenly sighed quietly, referring to the Protos who are turning into monsters under the influence of a large amount of abyss radiation. The process of a new species being eroded by the abyss It's a pretty interesting sample of research-not necessarily valuable, but definitely fun.

I gave this crazy scientist a glance, and then contacted the three sisters of Pizhao: \ "Hot start, start"

Well, unexpectedly two more changes ... just show some points ...)


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