Xiling Empire

Chapter 449: Chaos

Chapter 490: Chaos World

The tall commercial buildings blocked the sunlight from the right side of the alley, so that this narrow road with a width of only two or three meters was shrouded in shadow.

We blinked and stared at the tall commercial building's exterior wall. A feeling from unknown things pervaded, not to be afraid: there is no theoretically anything in this world that can scare us, but facing Complete anomalies, even weird unknown conditions, are inevitable.

\ "Now, Sandora, do you remember when we came in ..."

I was not sure and said something, Sandora immediately took it: \ "Ah, remember, the commercial building was on the left side of the alley."

\ "This situation can't be explained with common sense," the elder sister had an unpredictable smile on her face, then took a few steps back.

Originally, she followed the alley where we last entered. Now, my elder sister stepped back a little later, and then broke away from the alley. She stood at that position and glanced inward, then said to us with a spiritual connection: "" Left, yes, in I see here, the commercial building is on the left side of the alley. "

The words of my sister-in-law made me finally convinced that I was involved in some weird event again-why did I say it again? Am I now tragedy to the point where Lin Xue's mobile troublesome polymer is not allowed to connect myself to various troublesome events?

\ "A small area of ​​kink?"

I spoke a hard term that I just learned a short time ago. In the impression, it should be consistent with the current phenomenon, but Xiao Biao immediately drew a swift gesture to me, and the expression seemed to disagree with my guess.

\ "She said you were wrong, but the little girl's description is too abstract. It is estimated that only the master of the spirit can understand," Sandora shook her head, "I contacted the bubble and asked her to come over."

\ "Don't worry," my elder sister walked back and forth over the alley several times, and it seems to be the way it is now. "" If our group of empire leaders are stumped by an inconspicuous alley, it will be too shameful. "

Unfortunately, though, for this strange and mysterious phenomenon, the combat effectiveness is useless at all. Look at the Pandora next to you. This guy has begun to dig out small bombs inside.

I said that your method of solving mysterious events is too curious.

Well, anyway, in the daytime, a space-distorted ghost alley in the modern city is a kind of strange storytelling.

\ "I suspect there is something like hallucinations, or what ... space mirroring?"

Shallow thinking for a while--saying that the girl had some time for thinking--expressing her own conjecture, Xiaobuo again protested, and this proposal was rejected.

\ "Ajun," has been hovering in the alley, from time to time, my elder sister, who was standing on the side of the alley for a while and studying for a while, suddenly said to me with a spiritual connection, "" stretch your left hand "

依 I stretched out my left hand according to the words, and then my elder sister immediately showed such an expression.

\ "Ajun, that's right."

No, I shouldn't be so indistinguishable, right?

I looked at my outstretched hand in amazement. This should be the left hand no matter how I look at it?

But I know that my elder sister will not be joking at this time. With a doubtful attitude, I clenched my left fist according to the elder sister's instructions, and then quickly walked out of the alley.

\ "Look, you clenched your right hand ~~"

My sister-in-law with a victorious smile seemed to prove a great theory, but I was more confused-what's going on?

\ "Can this alley interfere with our perception of left and right?"

Qian Qian and Sandora also experimented back and forth a few times with a novelty. Without exception, they found that their left and right impressions on the alley were wrong. For this situation, I can only think of the alley Something is interfering with our perception.

\ "Impossible," Sandora shook her head immediately, \ "How strong is our mental strength? If there is something in the alley that can interfere with our perception, I am afraid that people in this entire city will become mentally shocked. Idiot. "

\ "That ..." Qian Qian and I stared at each other, and at the same time sought the truth from the scholar Sandor and the wise older sister.

\ "It is very possible that the concept of 'left and' right is reversed in this space. Outside the alley, left and right are normal, but in the space inside the alley, the right and left are opposite. If the two are independent, Then no one can find the abnormality of the switch during this period. A person living in the alley will always think that his left hand is the right hand. "The older sister always with a peaceful smile, told her conjecture, this time, Little Bubble did not refute.

\ "It's like the asymmetric effect of light," said Sandora, "If there is a space in front of you with a light of 1 m / s, and someone inside is moving forward with light, then that person looks to you It's just walking slowly, but for the person on the other side of the space, his own degree is fast enough to look directly at the red and blue shifts. "

虽然 Although this inference is quite difficult to understand, I have come to understand it, but the question is, this low-magic low-energy ordinary ordinary fringe world we live in ... may be so interesting ... cough, weird phenomenon?

\ "Summon Beast-Ding Dong"

Looking no one around, I immediately put my hands on my hips and raised my hands to make a lightning rod-like shape. I was so angry with Dan Tian ... Well, I drank, and my voice was too loud to attract people.

\ "Ding Dong came to respond to A Jun's call"

Sure enough, as soon as my voice fell, I was able to listen to any voice calling my name at any time in the entire world.The Lord God, who can appear in any place in the world instantly, landed on my head with no surprise, and his little hand held his toes high. : \ "Leave everything to Ding Dong, Ding Dong is very good"

Behind me, Sandora and her elder sister covered their faces at the same time, and could not bear to see the interactive performance of two idiots.

I ran the jingle in my hand, strode into the weird alley, and then held the small object and scanned it like a detector.

\ "咦? Ah Jun, what are you doing, let Ding Dong down, Ding Dong dizzy"

\ "Dizziness?" A positive expression appeared on my face. "Sure enough, there is something abnormal in the space here."

女孩 The instability at the feet of the girls who followed me almost all hit the street, my sister cried with a smile on my head: \ "That's Dingdang fainted by you, okay?"

is it? I thought that a creature like God should be used in this way, just like the kind of dragon that is inspected by a dragon cover inspector in his hands to detect flammable gases. When a bad luck child should pick up a lunch box, it will make a rattle. x radar is the same ... Say I was serialized just now?

\ "Ding Dong is not a radar." After listening to my theory, the little thing that was put down immediately immediately protested, "And Ding Dong will not make a dripping sound, only when Pandora is bored. Ringing "

Pandora: \ "... drop"

即使 Even if your girl is bored, don't make a splash at this time ... Ah, don't bite my ears and break them.

Ding Ding deserves to be the manager of this world. After we told her the current situation, this little thing was just sitting cross-legged in the air thinking and thinking, and seeing that when the Empire Soy Sauce Group appeared so many thinking guys pinched? It took less than two or three seconds to conclude that this space might be covered by a mess of information from outside the world.

At this moment, I thought of the anomalies in the shadow city.

I originally thought it was a small bubble when I went out to play, and I found an interesting place. So I wanted to show it off, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. I should say that it is my own daughter, so even this kind of trouble Is his ability retreat?

Although it is just an alley showing abnormal distortions, it is even a place that is ignored by careless people, but it is an important manifestation for Ding Dong. As a manager of the world, even if it does not rely on normal performance, Spectrum, this little thing attaches great importance to its own work.The great turbulence in the world often starts with a small humble trouble, and these small humble troubles are often difficult to be revealed when the clue is just revealed. We happened to see this upside-down alley. I am afraid that it will not be until the entire city of K that there is a large-scale anomaly before the Temple of the World Tree will receive an alarm.

At noon of the day, we released a large number of information probes and started to detect in all directions around this alley. Although the principle of this weird phenomenon is still unclear, it is certain that Hilling The host's information integration capability can effectively show anomalies in the city. Hundreds of thousands of invisible information collectors roam the city. Behind each one is a powerful Schilling host that analyzes these probes at any time. The information returned, the bubble that just solved the abnormality of the shadow city, had to temporarily drop the game at hand and re-enter the new round of work.

The next morning, the preliminary results of the information comparison were sent to us. Unsurprisingly, similar anomalies not only appeared in that alley, but the entire city was almost full of anomalous information points. Backflow ditch, appearing on the exterior of the elevator on the outer wall, unknowingly, it seems that the entire city has changed. Although most of these abnormal points are distributed in inaccessible corners, the situation is strange enough to cause people Value.

Ding Ding-Dang's conclusion is still the same, chaotic information from outside the world has polluted the world, and this pollution range is likely to spread globally.

In other words, it may not only be the k-city where we are, but similar outliers appear on the whole earth.

\ "We have at least one good news." When we had a headache because of this strange phenomenon that even the Spirit Apostle and even Ding Dong hadn't seen, Sandora still had the freedom to take care of a series of events. Seeking relaxation, \ "Now Shadow City can lift the attack alert."

This is indeed good news.

We used to think that the anomalous situation in the shadow city was caused by the "enemy" attack, but now it seems that it is mostly implicated by the distorted outer world: in order to expand space at a low cost, the shadow city construction is used All the information is directly copied from the real city of k and its surrounding areas, which has caused some misinformation to be accidentally mixed in. Now the bubble has established a new filtering mechanism, and similar error information will be directly filtered out. .

In fact, for this bad effect, there is nothing to do without filtering.The shadow city's system is so high that it is so impressive.Even if misinformation is mixed, it will be compressed to a very low level by a series of automatic defense mechanisms. Well, too many spiritual events will affect the childhood of Misaka's sisters ...

Our conjecture was confirmed within a short time. Lin Xue, who habitually came over at noon the next day, voluntarily raised some information collected recently by the organization before we asked her for help.

\ "It is not clear in foreign countries, but there are many similar phenomena in China, things like spiritual events."

Tong Linxue said in a mouthful manner while taking the last two **** from my plate.

\ "The occurrence of such incidents is irregular. Sometimes a large city may only have two or three such incidents a day, and a poor town has more than two hundred anomalies in less than half a day, but it never happens. Ordinary people have witnessed reports. At first we thought that this was because similar incidents would only occur in inaccessible areas, but after the statistics, we now ... even if such things were born in downtown areas, ordinary people would not notice.

Lin Linxue's unclear sentence made me very surprised. Wouldn't I be noticed when I was born in the downtown area? Do you have a legendary natural city? Amazing territory ruled by Sylvia?

我 When I raised this question, Lin Xue politely glanced at me: \ "Don't talk while eating, this is the most basic table etiquette."


Do you dare to say table etiquette in front of me? Did you step on the stool just to grab half an eggplant with me?

\ "These abnormalities will not be noticed by ordinary people," Lin Xue did not let my question last for too long. This girl's ability to speak normally with her mouth full of stuff is a must, \ " Say, if in front of an ordinary person, even if the sky suddenly disintegrates, he will not have any reaction. He will feel that everything is right, and then he will witness himself when he returns to the normal area. The abnormal scene turned his head and forgot. "

I thought of the sideways upside down, and Sandora's light asymmetric scene.

扭曲 In a twisted world, distortion is normal.

\ "Only us, special people with extremely strong mental powers can detect such anomalies. When ordinary people face such anomalies, not only will the laws of the world around him change, but even their own worldview will be distorted. Even when they see the normal world around them, they will not realize what happened in front of them. Even in the power group, there are very few people who can detect abnormalities. Most of the low-level powers need to rely on A large number of assistive measures and teamwork can vaguely detect changes in the environment, so our investigation is progressing slowly. "

No wonder there have been so many anomalies in the city, but there has never been anything like urban strange talk. If it is because it is born in a place rarely visited, it can't be explained, such a high frequency and such a long time. Ordinary people witnesses are too wrong, the only explanation is: ordinary people can't see those.

\ "Now, wood, what should you show up?" Lin Xue saw that we were all thinking, naturally guessing whether our empire leaders who had been doing nothing all day would come across when they came out to play soy sauce. According to your mental strength outside the specifications, once you enter a similar anomalous area, you should be able to detect it on the spot. "

Qi Qie, do you think you are within the specifications?

We told Lin Xue all of our current situation. Anyway, this guy is afraid that there are many ways to know our experience and there is no need to hide it.

\ "Well, sure enough, you can easily detect anomalies, but to analyze the root causes of these anomalies requires the ability of the Spirit host ... It seems that the situation is worse than I expected--and even the source of the world Is it relevant? "

Xu Linxue said, suddenly **** with his right hand, and smashed it gently in his left hand.

\ "Okay, it ’s definitely a difficult task, and the mission of saving the world will be left to you, the savior."

Me: \ "... don't run either"

\ "Cut, the black-hearted boss or something, it really hates it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Is Miss Lin learning to sell cute?

\ "Now we have set up a temporary host link, and analyzed the source of these anomalous information at full power," Sandora interrupted the interaction between the cadre of the most unscrupulous ability in history and the laziest empire in history, \ " Ding Dong is also monitoring the flow of information in the world through the World Tree Temple. It should not take much time to find the source of the mutation, but this time the situation is obviously a bit special. Against this invisible and inaccessible world mutation, powerful personal combat power I am afraid it is not very useful. I propose to put the enhancement of the host of Schilling on the agenda. At least we must have the ability to analyze the abnormal information in real time. Now this way of going to detect after the abnormality appears is too passive. "

I nodded.Sandora's words were not alarmist.What we encountered this time was indeed a trouble that could not be solved with combat power.It was like the side lane that turned upside down. It can really solve the problem of abnormal information there ... Of course, it is estimated that by then, we will not only solve spiritual events.

\ "I see, that is to say, I am going to have children in the next few days, and I want high quality." While sharing the dessert with her daughter, Bubba turned his head and uttered an amazing saying.


Mi Linxue: \ "... Ghost animal guy ..."

就 Can't I have one or two normal girls beside me?


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