Xiling Empire

Chapter 46: Holiday is coming

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He must always remember one thing: unless you are a Spirit Emperor, don't mess with Sandora anyway.

The huge hat lifted by our Royal Highness made everyone unexpected. Ding Bai, who was lying on the ground, seemed to be stuck in his throat. The moan came to an abrupt end, and then he made an unclear "quack" sound. Now in his heart I can imagine one or two. I was just trying to take advantage of the princess to get in touch with the princess, and by the way, let the guy who didn't know where to come out quickly get away, but never thought that the princess would favor the humble poor guy, let alone What he didn't expect was that the princess was so cunning and black-faced that he pushed himself into the terrible situation of political spies. Although he was protected by the family, Ding Bai firmly believed that he would not be sanctioned for this, but he was Planted.

Although Sandora is not an important member of the government, and she is away here, the princess of an imperial country is not an ordinary person. The pressure on her to receive Ding Bai is definitely not small. In addition, Sandora has been from the beginning. So strong and constantly exerting weak psychological interference on the people around him, now Ding Bai has no idea what to do.

The people around me also looked at each other. They all saw clearly what happened just now. This Ding Bai had no so-called political espionage at all. This was just that Princess Sandora was deliberately making things difficult, but they were not good at explaining it at all. Dora's words are true-despite some modification ...

At this time, the soldier's temperamental man was almost sweating on his forehead. He accompanied the smiling face and said, "This ... Her Royal Highness, I think you have some kind of misunderstanding. I can guarantee that Mr. Ding will have nothing. Bad motivation, he just ... "

"Just for my safety, right?" Sandora responded coldly. The other side was in a huff in her momentum, but she courageously argued: "If Mr. Ding treats you Or your friend is offended, I can apologize on his behalf, and hope you ... "

Sandola waved his hand impatiently, and looked at Ding Bai on the ground dismissively and said, "I don't like trouble, and I don't want to have any unpleasant things with you. Since you can guarantee the motivation of this person, I am willing to believe Your attitude-I apologize for the riots that have just occurred. "

I saw Sandora finally let out, and the other side was relieved, and then quickly let Ding Bai go.

These things happened, and the atmosphere of the whole banquet also cooled down a lot. No one dared to step forward and talk with Sandora easily. They were afraid that an evil human princess would be charged with anti-human charges by the malicious princess, so the final banquet Still hastily ended.

As for dancing ... I didn't think I would, but it would be nice if I could take a chance to get close to Shallow, but Sandora showed absolute resistance to this. Similarly, Shallow didn't budge. Preventing Sandola from being with me, the end result ... the two of them even became partners, and I had to accompany Pandora to eat snacks, but I could hug Loli and watch the two beautiful women in front of me. Dancing is also a good treat, although the eyes between them are a bit fierce ...

the next day.

A short day's vacation is over. The students are still a little bit unwilling, but the winter vacation is coming soon, and everyone is looking forward to it. Even if the senior year is tight, the Chinese New Year is not a holiday.

一 As soon as I entered the classroom today, I felt the atmosphere was unusual, as if everyone's eyes were staring at me, which made me baffled.

"What's wrong?" I asked Zhao Fatty in my back seat curiously.

Zhao Fatty stared at me with the expression of seeing aliens with a face, and said, "Your boy is still pretending to be stupid? Princess! Sandola is a princess! My God, am I not dreaming?"

I finally understood why the classmates reacted so much. After yesterday ’s welcome ceremony, Sandora ’s identity has been made public. With this well-informed Zhao Fatty in, the students must now know that Sandora is Riska The matter of Princess Kingdom, and if Zhao Fat's connections can go deep into the noble area in the center of the square, maybe they know even what Princess Sandora stood up for me at the banquet-even if they do n’t know, nothing, On the first day when Sandora came to this class, she made a feat that caught me in my arms. What I saw as true was probably more effective than what Zhao Fatty advertised.

"Student Chen Jun," Zhao Fatty suddenly said to me in a very serious tone, "Is this the earth?"

"Go back to your Mars!" I said angrily.

"No kidding, this time really, how did you become a friend with the princess? God is on top, that's the princess! I thought there were only characters who could be seen on TV, and it turned out to be so alive, With your kid ... "

"Don't talk nonsense!" I interrupted in a hurry, and it was very difficult for Qiandan to coexist peacefully with Sandora. Now it is not a good idea to let this fat man talk nonsense. "I and Sandora are just ordinary friends. Say be careful, I will destroy you humanely ... "

普通 "Ordinary friend?" Sun Yang, who was sitting in my front seat, turned his head, looking sad and indignant, "Ordinary friends can come into your arms as soon as they come up? Beasts ... you are really the enemy of our broad bachelor party!"

At this time, a girl came together and said in a melodious tone: "It seems that the reason why the princess came down to our ordinary school also has, and I will say that even if a princess wants to study in China, she must go to the national level or Aristocratic schools like Cang Lan are right. How come to our ordinary school, it turns out ... "

I said, your imagination is too powerful, right?

At this moment, some noisy classes suddenly quieted down. I was curious to let my eyes cross the vicissitudes of Sun Yang's bachelor's face, and I was seeing Sandorah and Shallow holding hands into the classroom.

I really do n’t understand the two of them. Sometimes they are like a fire and water. When they meet, sometimes they are just like sisters. Do women's words in the seabed not only apply to the earth people?

Thanks to my suggestion, Sandora has gone to school without bodyguards, and all the Spirit members who she brought to China this time are taken care of by the commanders of the Pandora Heavy Legion. After all, in this place, 300 They are still relatively familiar, um, as long as Sandora's subordinates are not trained by the 300 to become the next batch of unlicensed hawkers ...

The shock caused by the appearance of two big beauties at the same time is huge, and one of them is a legendary creature like a princess. The shock to everyone is even more exaggerated. The students held their breath one by one, and Sandora ’s identity made them Feeling extremely depressed.

"Hello everyone!" Sandora walked into the classroom, suddenly raised her hand, and said with a gentle smile.

For a moment, it seemed as if the warm sunlight was scattered into the classroom, and the students' nervousness relaxed immediately.

Sandra's voice sounded in my mind: "I went back and thought about it and decided to listen to you and get along with these carbon-based creatures."

It seems that my persuasion still played a role, Sandora finally decided to truly integrate into this class instead of holding a playful mentality to quarrel with these carbon-based creatures, and I was relieved-for the students ~ www. readwn.com ~ Facing a beauty with aristocratic temperament is much better than facing a arrogant male.

She Shandora said hello to everyone to relax and greeted her one after another. A few brave ones also joked with her: "Good morning, our Highness Princess!"

With a noble and gentle smile, Yan Sandora walked over with Qian Qian, and then sat down beside me.

"Ajun," Qian Qian leaned over, "How do I feel that Sandora has changed a lot and suddenly got along well."

I found a good reason: "She was a very good person, but she has always lived in the palace before and I don't know how to communicate with outsiders like normal people."

"By the way, Jun," Qian Qian suddenly remembered something, with an excited smile, "There is still half a month to take the winter vacation, do you want to go somewhere?"

"Where can I go?" I shrugged. "It's a senior year. Although it's a holiday, it's only a half-month holiday. There's nothing to play at all. I'll stay with my sister again."

"That's only what you think!" Qian Qiang pursed her lips and said cutely, "Sister Chen Qian also told me a few days ago that I would like to take Lily to travel with me this New Year's Day! I think—" Speaking of this, Qian Qian suddenly I lowered my voice and put it in my ear and said, "How about you and Lin Xue to let their organization arrange a good place for us to travel? This is the last vacation of high school, I don't want to waste it."

Do you travel? I groan. I used to spend my winter vacation with my sister at home, but we do n’t have any relatives to visit, and traveling seems to be a good choice.

"Okay!" I nodded, "Let's go traveling together this winter vacation!"

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