Xiling Empire

Chapter 474: Ah, so high

Chapter 474 is so high

The heavy stone axe—if that thing can really be called an axe—whistled in the air, every swing brought amazing wind pressure, and a giant more than two meters waving such a weapon was like holding a root Feathers are generally relaxed. Under the suppression of absolute power, even if it is as strong as saber, it cannot be matched in simple fighting.

The man in the red windbreaker who was killed by the first hit also knew that he couldn't take advantage of the head-to-head battle. He couldn't help but beat his idea to the silver-haired little girl. Compared with the monster, he seemed to kill the relatively vulnerable magician. Much easier

It's a pity that this plan sounds good, but it is directly dead. Even Berserker's unreasonable war beast still has the instinct to protect his master. Saber has been injured and has not been able to entangle the mighty giant. Otherwise, His own agility has been improved a lot by the commander's reinforcement. I am afraid that Red A will have to lose half his life this time.

As for the amazing appearance of Zuo Tian's tears, he is now introspecting himself: The arms that should have been commanded in the rear rushed up to fight close combat with the blood, and the only result was that he was knocked by his head. After half a day the egg shell ran back and yelled, what else do you do without reflection?

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, Zuotian Tears who are not good at fighting and still half-hanging is obviously not the opponent of the giant, so after giving Saber and Red A several strengthening auras and defenses, the tears also joined me. Entered the ranks of spectators

Now with the aura support of tears, plus the personal strength of ber and red A is not weak, presumably it will not be so easy to lose, just to win, it seems difficult

"Energy ..." Seeing that the giant's offensive showed no signs of weakening, I also began to hesitate if I should shoot in advance, but just when a small-scale energy star was about to erupt under Uncle B's feet, it suddenly passed from high altitude The endless screams of scream came but interrupted everyone's movements

It's as if something is cutting through the air and falling down

Hearing this familiar voice, even brave people like Saber are all excited, and then jump back without hesitation, while the man in the red trench coat is a little stunned, and after seeing the action of Saber, he also reacts, unknown Therefore, the ground was separated from the battle group. There was another person with a little experience at the scene who was Wei Gonglang. He looked up at the sky for the first time, and I could faintly see the cold sweat that suddenly appeared on his forehead.

The action of Shigeru Shigeru seemed to be a signal that interrupted the ongoing battle while attracting everyone's attention to the sky-even Berserker instinctively felt the anomaly, then looked up at the sky and made a sound Angry roar

Then he was smashed into the ground by a big fireball falling from the sky ...

The second landing module, which weighed several tons of interstellar alloy blocks, broke the atmosphere when it was more than 10,000 kilometers, and the accumulated kinetic energy could not resist even a powerful demigod hero such as Hercules. Nearly three The giant-tall giant screamed like a beast, sinking into the concrete ground like a wooden pile hit by a pile driver, and a violent shock wave followed, rolling up countless pieces of reinforced cement, just like a Pentium The tide generally swept around. Saber and Red A, who had already retreated in front of their respective er, immediately raised their weapons and blocked these flying fragments with the blocking ability of far human reaction ability. Don't be afraid with me, there are various energy shields to choose from, and I still have time to choose a chocolate color ...

But there was another person on the scene who was completely unprepared.

The little girl named Ilya seemed to be stunned in the face of the sudden great accident. She could only grow up with a small mouth and watched her follower smashed by a weird cylindrical alloy block. Into the pit, but turned a blind eye to the reinforced concrete "bullet" that was about to drown himself


Under such circumstances, the old man Wei Gonglang responded to it for the first time, then flew out of our defense net, trying to rescue the little girl who was already scared.

"I x you an idiot"

In the face of such a stupid act, even if it is the same good old man, I ca n’t help but yell at it. Being a good man is good, but at least you can use my mind. Anyone in the circle here can save that little girl, just you A guy with 5 combat power, did you take the initiative to jump out, didn't it hit us?

After sending the first arrival, I directly broke through the sound barrier in place, rushed forward and grabbed the collar that held the palace, threw it backward, and threw it behind saber, but I rushed to Yili without any loss. Next to Ya, press his big hand directly on the other's head

With my palm as the center, a translucent spherical energy shield opens instantly, protecting the dull Ilya inside-the shield is chocolate-colored

So why do I think this method of shield the target is so strange? What is the principle of those paladins' remote shield skills?

All this happened in an instant. In less than a second, the spattering fragments excited the layers of ripples on the energy shield. The power of each piece was probably no less than that of a grenade exploding at close range. I just realized how hard the unlucky pikeman's life was at the beginning, and this unrelenting landing capsule fell off to be Cow B.

A few seconds later, when all the dust was gone, Saber waved a strong wind with a sword to diffuse the dust on the scene. What appeared to us was a huge skyhole that had completely destroyed the street and a large area nearby.

Although this is the widest place on the street, it seems that there are still fatal injuries to the houses.

Rest assured, monarch, I will help repair your house

With the light in the corner of my eye, I saw the guardian guard next to Daoli standing with a broken face, looking at the collapsed courtyard and the destroyed half of the courtyard. I couldn't bear to secretly promise, why not say it? How about it?

Because when you say it, you wo n’t be able to regret it.

"The backyard pit has not been filled yet"

The frank king of the blunt character does not know whether it is intentional or unintentional. At this time, it is necessary to expose the scars of the palace. In a word, the half-suspended magician who has been stunned has become pale.

In the center of the tiankeng in front, a high-tech "spaceship" reflecting the silvery white luster is still evaporating heat, although the humans of the Eden Commonwealth have improved the quality of their spaceship materials with the help of Hilling Technology A large section, but after such a rough landing, the landing capsule was undoubtedly deformed, so it is normal to see the sliding door of the landing capsule being politely flying from the inside.

"Pattern" and "Pattern", two soft and clever footsteps sounded back and forth, and from the landing cabin were twin twin girls, with black hair and black pupils, and a frosty face , The latter has a blood-red cat pupil, full of curious and quirky expressions

Pandora and Huesca, it seems Sandora will have to wait for a while

At this moment, everyone was still stunned, and no one noticed that a large group of charcoal-like things were shaking slowly beside the landing capsule, until the roar that belonged to Berserker suddenly sounded, and then everyone came back to God.

It ’s not dead. Of course, even Ler can survive the impact of the landing capsule. Do n’t mention the Berserker who is harder than Xiaoqiang, just like a hill rising slowly. The fallen Berserker stood up again. The scorched earth and sand of his body fell down, and he was less than half a meter away next to him. At the same time, he turned his head at the same time for two thousand years, and his gaze continued to rise as the giant moved.

Looking up ... and looking up ... then looking up ... Pandora and Huesca's necks are almost 90 degrees, and Uncle B is still stretching his muscles, brazenly spreading the equivalent of Pandora multiplied by two to three heads Height

"Hmm--" Berserker yelled from the sky, and the siren of the distant private car rang into a rumor--how come the police haven't come to such a big movement? Could it be the cause of this weird white mist around?

Looking up at the giant like a hill with a 90-degree vertical angle of view, Pandora and Veska suddenly fell into a weird silence. Perhaps the inherent sense of crisis still exists, and the mad warrior without consciousness could not help at this moment. He lowered his head and wanted to see the following situation, so the two conditions were completed in an instant:

Height, looking down

You're a long suspect. Uncle B.

"Ah, so high," Veska mumbled.

"Well, so high" Pandora Ramen nodded expressionlessly.

Then, before everyone responded, the two little girls suddenly hugged the tall Berserker's legs one by one, and then the blue light burst out from behind them, just In an instant, the twin sisters, who were in a state of rage, disappeared before everyone.

There was only a burning afterimage in the retina, just like the V-shape left by lightning. Pandora and Huesca each held half of Berserker's body, separated from each other by nearly a hundred times, and disappeared into the sky.

Formidable legendary heroes such as Hercules were instantly divided into corpses under the power of double the equivalent of the Spirit Cruiser class

I don't know if I die like this ... Uncle B can be resurrected ... Pandora and Huesca seem to be really angry this time

"I said, the two of you are too impulsive this time?" Although it is not impossible to understand the mood of the two sad dwarf melon when facing a giant that is more than twice as tall as himself, the two little guys are not so I still ca n’t help saying it through mental connection

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the silly big man can be resurrected, and he will stop after ten more kills." Vizca's clear voice sounded in his mind. Okay, the foreword retracted. It seems that the two little guys not only moved their brains but also Retrieved relevant information ...

I'm not surprised at such a spike

What is the maximum output of Pandora and Huesca?

Maybe a simple example can explain everything: In the past, when Wiska was in glorious form, he used the power of the ring to launch a gravitational attack, tearing the entire Atlantis continent directly from the continental plate, and then throwing Into the magma, and for a planet-class battleship, such a gravitational weapon is as insignificant as the pistol firing on a tank.

And even the most powerful "Titan" in mythology can only uproot a mountain. What can a mountain compare to the entire continent?

And Hercules is even just a half "god"

Even if Pandora and Veska in the apostolic form cannot be as powerful as Star Warships, they are absolutely capable of tearing apart any so-called hero with their hands-unless the other body has a law or conceptual "unbreakable attribute" , And for these two little ones who can destroy the entire Star Fleet with their own strength, Hercules' body is too fragile

The scene was silent, even the needle was heard. Everyone was in a weird state of rigidity. Everything that happened was really present in front of them. There was no doubt about this fact. On the contrary, it was because It's all too suspenseful, too direct, and put everyone into a state where they can't think.

That extremely powerful monster severely injured two heroic giants, saber and her, even when the absolute advantage was gained in the previous second, the next second was given by two suddenly appearing little loli ...

Torn in half in an instant? ?

Time seemed to stand still for a moment, and a cloud of blood mist belonging to Berserker was still suspended in the air. At this moment, it slowly descended, and then made a hissing sound when it touched the bottom of the pit. There was a large pool of molten metal and Magma, the tail flames that erupted before the two girls rushed into the sky melted part of the shell of the ground and the landing capsule, forming a lava pool with a radius of about two meters. The dazzling bright red slurry reminded everyone that the scene just now Not hallucinations

It was a long time before I felt that the little girl under her hand shivered suddenly, as if she had lost her mind, and started to move forward, murmuring involuntarily in her mouth: "Berserker? How can ... Berse ..."

Oops, over-hitting

The screams of air rang through the sky from near to far, and the two bright spots in the night sky expanded sharply in the field of vision. Then the meteors hit the ground heavily, but they fell in front of me half-kneeling. Little girl, Pandora and Huesca have completed the work of cracking and leaving the car, and now they are back home

The arrival of the two "killers" seemed to awaken Ilya, who was already a little confused, and turned her head towards the little girl who was walking in the big pit. She glanced at Sister Pandora blankly, and a panic flashed in her eyes. Mixed with angry flames

Is she going to get revenge for Uncle B?

Noticing that the little girl who was staring at herself, Pandora and Huesca just tilted their heads slightly, and then strode up in unison.

Already frightened, Ilya immediately took a step back, and when she saw this, I immediately held the two little guys, then walked to Ilya in a few steps.

"You go" and waved to each other, I made a release. Originally, this little girl was not an enemy. Today's conflict, how to say ... If you blame it, blame Uncle B's genetics, it is not Uncle B who is wrong It ’s DNA.

"Hercules has twelve trials, but if you die here, he can't really be resurrected." Seeing what Elias looked like, I immediately took a sentence in her mind.

The other side immediately showed a shocked look. After staring at me with a complex look for a while, he suddenly turned his head and ran out in the same direction-well, he also fell over

When the other person's figure disappeared into the mist under the night, I led Pandora and Huesca to the crowd. At this moment, they also recovered from the impactful spike scene, and saw that the two were harmless. The little girl immediately showed a monster-like expression

Of course, at least it's calm, especially when I saw two little girls who had just killed a powerful hero who listened to me very well, and Tosaka Aya bravely asked: "That ... these two girls Yes……"

Pandora and Huesca looked at each other. The former did not speak, and the latter immediately bowed with the cheerfulness peculiar to the little girl, and said clearly: "We are photography enthusiasts from the Alpha Centauri cluster. When in orbit to avoid an innocent space Ultraman, the maneuver failed and landed here ... "

The guardian Lang froze, then interrupted Huesca's introduction: "Ahem, if I remember correctly, it should be the Alex Star Cluster?"

There was a cold sweat on Tosaka's forehead: "You don't know where they say it is?"

"In short, I'm bothering you a lot these days"

A glance at the wall of the front yard of the Wei Palace mansion that has been turned into ruins, Zuo Tian's tears, with a very sorry expression, said in a very awkward tone.

The little girl who suddenly appeared solved the enemies who came in by amazing means ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then became a guest of the Wei Gong Mansion. When Tosaka farewell left, his face was quite complicated. Obviously, this The young girl, who is far more mature than her age, is weighing the comparison of the strengths of the parties in the Holy Grail. The first thing she must worry about is how we, the inexperienced "aliens", intend to blend in with the entire event.

On the surface, neither tears nor me have any interest in the Holy Grail or anything that interferes with the Holy Grail war, but through today ’s events, Tosaka Hagi suddenly faintly had a premonition: It seems that the entire Holy Grail war has been in After yesterday's "Ship Fall", it ended in another way ...

And another person with a heavy heart, ber

As the king of Great Britain in the past, she had the title of God of War. Despite her frank nature, she was not stubborn, questioning and planning. This is the nature of soldiers. So-called "photographic-loving alien friends" appear one after another, and their strength is still so Exaggeration, I am afraid that she will have any association

Perhaps the only lucky thing is that there is a lack of consciousness about these guardian princes. Otherwise, the happiest person in the world is always a fool. You see that Hilvia ’s lack of mind is usually so happy ...

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