Xiling Empire

Chapter 483: Night detective

Chapter 483 Night Quest, Night Talk

The mysterious heroic spirit visits the palace house at night, if the half-barrel of water in the tears is not found, but if Pandora is not present, it will not be possible. Therefore, when I knew with the sber the spy who never appeared, I also passed the spirit Connected and asked Pandora who was still in the room. Sure enough, the little guy even appeared that mysterious guy earlier than sber. The enemy hero obviously did not have sufficient anti-reconnaissance skills, and he almost ran into the guard palace directly. Radar barriers placed outside the house.

However, Pandora, who has always upheld the aesthetics of violence, did not take action, because according to radar detection, the energy intensity on the opponent's body was even less than one-fifth of the average spirit, which is almost the level of a high-level envoy. If Hercules is like that, If the level of heroic spirits is a bit powerful for ordinary lower level spirit apostles, an energy intensity is only one-fifth of that of ordinary spirits, and even the demon who dares not even show his face may be killed by spikes. Pandora Of course, he was disdainful of the shot, and the little girl said that the space folds near the Wei Gong Mansion were full of space thunder that would start at night. If the hostile hero really wanted to break through here, he would have to let at least the equivalent of The fire of a group of hundreds of tanks bombarded for a while, and it was not too late to take another shot by then.

In other words, if any unlucky child gets drunk and gets lost in Wei Gong's house in the middle of the night, this street will be gone in five seconds.

I can't relax my guard against Pandora.

Strictly ordered Pandora to quickly retrieve the surrounding thunderbolt. Only after leaving the conventional stealth sentry cannon, I refocused my attention on sber. According to her, what came to spy was close to the spirit of the spirit, but The magic is very mixed, and the way of action is not compatible with any heroic ranks. In addition, the der who is good at surprise attacks and stealth operations has been successfully abducted by me, which can rule out the possibility that the opponent is a mobile hero. Under abnormal circumstances, the identity of the other party becomes confused.

What's more interesting is the method of the enemy when retreating. In sber's words, when the other party feels that their whereabouts are exposed, they instantly become scattered wandering magic and dissipate directly into the air. If this skill is used by Ying Ling come out……

It is simply suicide. That is an impossible technique. At least, in the FaTe world, no energy creature can resurrect itself without dissipating all its energy. Even with the title of army god, it has gone through countless times. Having seen countless strange opponents of sber in battle, they said they did not know what ability it was.

"It's really troublesome." I thought for a long time that I couldn't think of any big man in the two-dimensional element that I had seen. He could sit in the seat of the heroic identity in the FaTe world. I couldn't help but sigh with a headache. If the little girl was still hanging around her neck, it would be an extravagant picture.

"In fact, these things were not related to you."

Sber looked at me for a while, then said quietly suddenly, completely in a tone of statement of facts, not even a turn.

"This is a battle between human beings, for the sake of righteousness, and for the sake of selfishness. Do you just need to stand by and watch?"

"It sounds good," I rolled my eyes, "three forced landings have smashed their houses, and now I just want to turn around and leave people with uneasy conscience."

"That makes sense," sber immediately nodded earnestly. "Although not human, I have always appreciated your conduct."

Again praised by the Knight King sister, but should I cry or laugh at this time?

Because of the sudden arrival of these two live treasures, Xiaobo and Dingdang, both of me and Sandora were drowsy, but as the culprit, the former has been snoring and the latter is also snoring in his pocket. In the case of no sleepiness, Sandora and I decisively switched to the night game mode. The latter happily rolled out a large piece of plastic cloth next to it, and began to mess up the barbecue and the carry-out space. Putting piles of food on top of each other caused sber to look sideways, and I carefully held the small bubble and sat next to Sandora, while greeting the still pretending sber: "Sit down and rest, these things can be all We brought it from somewhere else to make sure you've never seen it before. "

That is, no matter how good the knight king is, she should have never eaten donkey meat, right?

"It is necessary to replenish physical strength." As if to make an excuse for "laziness", sber sat down on the other side after saying this sentence, and then curiously watched how Sandora dealt with those she did not I saw the food and planned to learn how to eat it, but after a few seconds she decisively switched her eyes to my hand: even if it was Ying Ling, if she had to handle food according to Sandora's habit, she would definitely die.

"In fact, we have already installed a lot of alarm devices in this yard, and you don't have to stand guard," I felt the magic flowing around the girl next to me in a small range, and I kindly reminded, "The palace is a half-hanging magic Teacher, even if you have the transformation and training, he can provide you with too little magic power. Shouldn't you take a good rest and save your energy at this time? "

"There are enemy camps, and it's absolutely not possible to go to sleep as a guard," sber resolutely answered. "And ... maybe I'm stubborn. Compared to the alarm device you mentioned, I still feel like myself. It's safer to stand guard in person. "

Oh, you are on the magic side.

Now that the other party is talking about this, I naturally have nothing to say. I just gathered a little energy and started to build a simple energy field based on my recent understanding of the world ’s energy composition.

"This is ..." Sber immediately felt the gathering of nearby magic and exclaimed.

"Improve the concentration of magic power, adjust the frequency of energy and their properties, and then enable the organism to absorb these free alienation energy. There is a scientific name called brilliant aura, and an anthropological technique called Jaina. Ying Ling has the same effect. "

I briefly explained the principle of this quick return to the blue halo. I did not expect that a few simple magic theories that I had asked Jaina for because of curiosity were used now.

sber immediately expressed his admiration: "This is really a great ability. For magicians and spirits, it is something that can reverse the results. You are really powerful."

I smiled indifferently, is this called powerful? Didn't let you look at the scene of "Eastern Kingdom Mage Corps, Three Hundred Brilliant Seconds Back to Blue, Azeroth Shaman Brigade, Two Thousand Totem Mana Springs", those guys who had egg pain to the net tossing various extreme spells got The technical support of the Imperial Raven units was incredible. They were coming over, and the entire Holy Grail war would not have to be fought at all. All the magic wizards of the spirits would be transferred to infinity.

Coddled to help Sandora wipe away the accidental grease on my face, I inadvertently asked, "Sber, you seem to care about the Holy Grail War?"

The other party was silent for a while. When I thought she would not answer this question, the girl's clear voice suddenly sounded.

"Every hero comes for the Holy Grail in response to the call. No matter what great feats he has during his lifetime, no matter how much he is admired or even regarded as a god, he will have the desire to accomplish it. The answer is not available. The Holy Grail is a panacea capable of fulfilling all wishes. Perhaps you still sniff at these things, but at least in our opinion, the Holy Grail can achieve miracles within the scope of human understanding. To make up for the miracle of regret in my life, I responded to Shiro's call, so it is natural to take this war seriously. "

"In order to fulfill my wishes," I nodded. "So, sber, what wishes do you have to achieve with the power of the Holy Grail?"

This question must not be answered. For an English spirit, the wish that he hopes to achieve is not only a very secret thing, but also the wish itself may mean the disclosure of his true identity. I just ask it casually, because after all, true The answer is already very familiar. It is nothing more than hoping that everything can be done again. He took the initiative to become the king of Great Britain, but in the end he was confronted with a country full of ravages and a battlefield of coldness. Therefore, he had doubts about his original choice. I hope everything can come again, and I hope that if the person who pulled out the stone sword is not himself, whether everything will take a better road. Although this desire sounds a little escapist, it is real. I hope that his people will usher in a wiser king than himself. No one has the right to laugh at this kind of ambition with the greatest kindness.

Sure enough, in the face of my abrupt question, sber didn't answer, but whispered: "Sorry, this is a secret, not a distrust of you, but the desire ... there is no value to say."

"Really," I smiled indifferently. "Altolia, if you fail in the end, tell me your wishes may work."

I am afraid that no one except the parties can think of it. Later, the heroes called it the world ’s largest abduction plan. Under this kind of situation, they sat beside a pile of snacks on a cement pile like a demolition site. The background sound of a queen crunching something knocked down the first character in such a joking tone.

But now, in the face of such a word that changed his destiny, the heroine of the real name of Altria was only shocked like never before.

"How did you know ..."

"Not only your real name, we know more about you than even yourself," I smiled mysteriously, and the magic stick skills I learned from Lina hit the crit at this moment. Dreaming of messing with her dad's face, I guess I can still be more clever at this time, "Altolia, maybe letting you pull out that sword was a fate of fate, but at least the elf Our choice makes sense. For the time being, you can act according to your own ideas. We have paid attention to this world for a long time. Now, we should look at what kind of miracle this ordinary world can produce. Well, maybe it can be Understanding: The human priest named Yanfeng Qili was an overseer of the human side sent by the Magicians Association and the Church, and we, as observers on the other side, before this Holy Grail War, Only human monitors were involved in the war, but this time we were also responsible for observing the records. "

"That alien's identity was really made up by mouth," Altria frowned for a few seconds, then said subtly, "but who are you? If it is the manifestation of some power in this world -I can't imagine what mysterious collection in the world beyond the two major restraints would be like you. "

"The aliens didn't lie to you," Sandora finally filled her belly and wiped the metal debris on her mouth gracefully. "In the common sense of the earth, we do come from aliens, but they are advanced in technology. Let's see more things that are close to the essence. To be honest, we should n’t have disturbed your life originally, but some red flags in this world make us quite concerned. Now it seems that perhaps the disturbing thing is It is related to the Holy Grail war. Do n’t be nervous. I know what the Holy Grail means to you, so as A Jun promised, even if the Holy Grail cannot fulfill your wish, we will use our special strength to help you. Before that, Let the Holy Grail War continue, and I also want to see what is lurking deep in the world and driving this ridiculous farce. "

The night passed quickly, and it was no surprise that the mysterious man who came to spy never appeared again, but this time the vigil was not meaningless. The heroic girl named Altolia was half-covered by us. Concealed her "identity" and thought about it all night. By the next morning, she had reached a certain degree of tacit understanding with some photography enthusiasts from other worlds, and could see that because of our mysterious " "The Observer" faintly stood by his side, and Altolia's self-confidence was extremely high.

After tears woke up, the evaluation of this achievement was: The elder brother of the director really had been mixing with Lina for too long.

The appearance of small bubbles and Ding Dong surprised the palace, first shocked that I actually had a daughter who was obviously able to handle the soy sauce bottle, and then shocked that there would be such a magical little creature in the world, and this The price of the two shocks was that two Tribulus terrestris growing under the unlucky Aegean young man's armpit, which had been tossing him for nearly half an hour.

It is still the eternal guardian sister Sister Fujimura who came to call the palace to school in the morning. It can be seen that this rude and speechless woman is really caring about the palace that she lives alone, not just like to come every day. Here is a meal. Well, maybe the opposite is true. She may be interested in the morning camping and barbecue in the ruins of the palace every morning. Maybe we guess with the most malicious intentions.

In accordance with previous commitments, Fujimura has also brought construction teams to help repair the palace house. Of course, the power of the underworld can not be underestimated. Even these construction teams are obviously stubborn and experienced in the "sandfield." Of course, As the leader, Fujimura is more fierce than them.

"You guys have listened to this house, but the old man personally ordered it to be completely repaired. Whoever I supervise personally, as long as there is one less brick, I will sink directly in the Sea of ​​Japan within three hours, and now work for me. go with"

"Can it really take on the responsibility of teaching?"

The whisper of the Aimiya did not escape Fujimura's ears at all, and the stubborn elder sister immediately twisted her head and twisted it tightly on the head of the Aimiya: "If you let you direct, this bunch of lazy people will definitely make the whole house fall. To deal more thoroughly with these disobedient guys, we must use family means ... the one who is there will help me stare. "

After begging for mercy at the Aegean Palace, Fujimura finally let go of the unlucky boy, but immediately remembered what he looked like, and asked seriously: "Speaking of Aegean Palace, do you know where Sakura has gone these two days?"

"Sakura?" Aemiya tightened his expression, and immediately pretended to be inexplicable. "Did she not take a few days off?"

The clumsy leaves of Fujimura did not appear to change in the moment, but said strangely: "But she doesn't seem to be at home, I think you will know the palace."

"Maybe if something unhappy is going out to relax," Wei Gong continued to pretend to be stupid. "But it's definitely not Sakura's style to hide something from her family and run away, and you see, Sakura's family isn't Do you call the police? This means that they should almost know where Sakura is going. It ’s better not to guess wildly about other people ’s affairs. ”

Familiar with the character of this careless guardian, Shigeru Egi temporarily confuses the other party with a few words, and Fujimura reveals his approval, saying to himself: "Well, this is also true."

After Fujimura walked away, the palace was immediately relieved, and then came over and whispered, "When will Sakura finish the treatment?"

"It's almost two days," I thought for a while, and gave a more positive answer, "the physical repair has been completed, but because of long-term energy erosion, we need to make some changes to her to correct these erosion, but you, If you do n’t go to school now, I ’m afraid to be late with Fujimura ~ www.readwn.com ~ Students, from the last sentence, we can analyze two information points: first, the time to go to school in the palace, second, I have long thought that Fujimura can't keep up with the staff hours, but I just didn't say

Because it's so much fun to watch the Fujimura Tiger go all the way every day.

Sakura's "missing" has been going on for two days. Even Fujimura, who is an outsider, feels a bit wrong, but the Jiantong family has not shown any movement. Even according to Wei Gong, the other party was indifferent when he saw Jiantong Shenji in school. I do n’t know what those guys are doing, but even the important chip of this Holy Grail war, the Ying Ling der is missing, and they must have launched a search in secret, but this search is destined to have nothing to gain.

The so-called "treatment" carried out by Sakura was completed as early as midnight yesterday. The news from Avalon was encouraging. The test made amazing progress. Ma Tongying was very qualified as the key, and der was the first to bear it. The recipient of the Sakura attack also completed the transformation smoothly and safely. However, all this requires more experimental data to make the final comprehensive judgment. On the rigorous and serious Tavier site, even I cannot let one return The test subject who did not complete the final test left her institute, so it may take a day or two for Sakura to return.

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