Xiling Empire

Chapter 492: Come naturally

Chapter 492 The Water Comes to Water

After the existence of the hostile British army was confirmed, Tosaka 未能 failed to calm down for a full three minutes.

This is ridiculous, is it a ridiculous ridiculous army of heroes? Hundreds of thousands of heroes? how can that be?

The emergence of seven heroes in a Holy Grail war is already a miracle that can only occur after drilling into the air of the world. It is the highest mystery that human beings can access and control, and these seven heroes alone are enough to be called " The "war" confrontation shows that the heroes are powerful and infers to what extent they can impact the real world.

What about five thousand heroes?

That is no longer a holy grail war that can be carried by a winter city, but a disaster that is enough to subvert the entire country, and even to exhaust all the power of the mysterious system of human beings. Human weapons and equipment are useless.Even a heavy tank cannot defeat a saber with a holy sword. If such a combat force participates in the Holy Grail war ...

\ "It's so unfair ... how could this happen ..."

Moo sitting on the sand in the living room, unconsciously talking to himself in his mouth.

\ "It's impossible, I have tried so far, and I can't even compare it to ... Uncle Alien, did you really lie to me?"

I shrugged again and pointed to the guardian palace next to me: \ "At least this silly boy will not lie, and saber will not lie."

It is a fact.Although I have always wanted to deny it all, Tosaka Aya knows that everything is an undeniable fact.The last survivor of Einzbelen is now living in his own home, the powerful demigod hero, Haigrid. Stewart failed to prevent the immediate fall, and the forces were deeply entrenched. Einzbelen, who had countless excellent magicians, was destroyed in one day. What can she do?

\ "Hey, won't you lose your fighting spirit?"

Seeing Tosaka's blank eyes, I know that this girl who has shouldered the burden of the entire family is really overwhelmed, and can persist to this day, she has done a good job, but once she spoke, um, it was habitually amused she was.

\ "No." Contrary to what I expected, Tosaka even immediately retorted, \ "I just suddenly knew that the other party was so strong and nervous that I had to give up, it was too early."

\ "Ah?" I didn't know it was me this time, even Sandora, who was next to me, showed surprise and playfulness, and there was nothing unexpected about the red a face that had been standing behind Tosaka as the background and the fully automatic teapot. The expression was as if he had expected Tosaka to have such an answer.

\ "No matter how you think, it is impossible to summon thousands of heroic troops with human power," Tosaka raised his eyebrow with his index finger, showing an expression of thinking, \ "It is not only a limitation of magic power, but also It is important that the world itself does not allow such a dangerous situation to invade reality with 'foreign objects' that should not be present in reality, which will have a very serious burden, even if the Jiantong family really summoned thousands of heroes It must also be the result of speculation.It looks powerful on the surface, but this foul must have a weakness that is many times more dangerous than its powerful appearance, as long as we can figure out which hole in the Holy Grail system they have drilled. There is hope for victory, and the more important point is that according to the information you bring, those mass-produced heroes are not strong, and they should have only one-fourth or five-quarters of the fighting power of normal heroes, and now we count here There are already four powerful heroes on the Berserker and the der that just came, that is, as long as you can avoid facing them and use the superior force to attack the Matsuri family, thoroughly Comeback is possible. "

Listening to Tosaka's methodical analysis and that confident tone, a smile gradually appeared on my face. It seems that the girl was really underestimated at the beginning, and she can support the family's burden from the urinary alone. Treat as an ordinary girl.

Alas, why does this girl never include us in the analysis?

\ "Ahaha ~~ Because I feel that you are all uncontrollable factors," Tosaka smiled, obviously the reason is not very outsider, \ "More importantly, I think that once you participate, you will have a disaster ... "

\ "How can you say that old ... keke, so say Brother Chen" "Sakura on the side immediately refuted without giving in, and almost shouted out the word" "boss", "and if I want to say, I And der is not the fighting power of Sister Tosaka. We are currently working under Brother Chen. "

\ "Sakura ..." Yuan Saka looked at the serious purple girl in front of her eyes, and she stopped talking. In fact, when we suddenly brought the latter back, she almost exclaimed, and listening to the Wei Gong flashed its After lyrically speaking about how Sakura and der \ "Heli" repelled Jiantong Shinji, she showed an even more complex look beyond belief.I can clearly see that when looking at Sakura, Tosaka's very unnatural expression was originally a biological sister. The two people who used to be closest would have evolved into a state where they would feel embarrassed just sitting face to face, and had to sigh fate.

If the owner of the Tosaka family did not inherit his daughter as a bargaining chip to the Kiri family, Sakura will definitely not experience all the darkness afterwards, and they will definitely have a happier time. Unfortunately, everything in the past Nothing can be undone, but if everything can change from now on, it seems not bad.

Yuan Yuansaka looked at Sakura awkwardly for a long time, and then said abruptly: "Aha, work."

\ "In order to pay for the medical expenses," Tosaka didn't seem to show up, Sakura's face had a sincere smile she hadn't seen for a long time, and she didn't even notice the ease and ridicule in the other party's tone, but that didn't affect The impeachment of a Crystal Madonna against her boss, \ "The aliens are very picky."

Do you think your sister should work well as one of the parts of the garden of the dead?

Tosaka looked at the girl in front of her in amazement.The relaxed and small naughty expression on Sakura's face made her feel like she had hallucinations. She didn't know what exactly Sakura had experienced, and she could suddenly become cheerful, but because of those It's all about us, and she was embarrassed to ask, but no matter what the reason, at least the cherry blossom now made her suddenly feel relieved.

Alas, in fact, I'm also curious how Sakura's personality has achieved such a huge change. It should not only have the role of Avalon's magical power, but also the credit of a psychological LeVeL6 goddess, right?

\ "... You just have to live happily from now on. All troubles are left to us. Even if you don't like living in this world, we have countless other worlds for you to choose ..." This is not Just kidding, but a tangible promise, this guarantee made by Li Lina may also be one of the reasons that let Sakura relieve her burden.

\ "It has such a powerful power, if you can participate, it would be really good," Although there is a headache such as Miss Tosaka, there is still a serious element on the scene who can think about the overall situation, The Wool King nodded and looked at us with a searching look. \ "After all, the number of enemies is quite large. Even if you are careful, you cannot completely avoid falling into the situation of the other person's sea tactics, so I hope I can use your help. Powerful forces to suppress the heroic soldiers on a large scale, let us as a surprise soldier break into the Madong headquarters. "

\ "In fact, I have a better plan."

She Sandora put down the black tea in her hand and smiled at everyone, "You find a sunny beach for a leisurely holiday, we are responsible for hitting the gophers here."

\ "You underestimate the strength of the spirit," Tosaka shook his head immediately. "Although you are strong, five thousand spirits is definitely a disaster, even for you."

Sandola narrowed her eyes slightly, but shook her head without talking, but the corner of the side of the cherry blossoms twitched immediately, she remembered the huge star that had been seen in Avalon at the time. Several videos of the Battle of Keplu seen in the ship and the laboratory knew that these big aliens were watching the show, and she felt it necessary to mourn for the unlucky Jiantong family.

While Tosaka and Wei Gong are still seriously discussing how to crack the huge number advantage formed by the five thousand spirits of the Jiantong family, and when Sandora and I are already a little bored, a spiritual connection suddenly sounds in my mind, letting All of a sudden I got up: \ "Wood wood emergency call wood"

\ "Xue girl, what's wrong?" Although Lin Xue was startled at first, I immediately realized that if she suddenly called, it must be something extraordinary.

\ "I see something, what do you guess?"

\ "You have no attendance award next month."

\ "... Once you are cruel" Lin Xue replied angrily, then said proudly, "" At 9:30 tomorrow night, Liudong Temple will have a second abnormal change, which I have seen. It is not that the caster can fully control it, and prepare the deceased garden one minute in advance.When the mutation begins, the entire Liudong Temple area will be cut directly from the normal space. You will see good things. I wish you a good night's sleep, harem wood "

怎么 How can I provoke this girl?

Lin Xue's last sentence left my second husband, Monk, scratching my head, but the news she brought was indeed something we desperately needed.Because we didn't know the laws of this world's mutation, we could only passively let the dying garden sighting system scan the willow continuously. Dongsi, this is the stupidest defense method, and if the mutation is too fast, this monitoring is not meaningful. In contrast, Lin Xue's predictions accurate to the second are really too timely. .

\ "Sleep to sleep" stood up shouting, I announced loudly that the rest time had arrived, "" There will be action tomorrow morning, and that's it for today, uh ... what is your expression?

\ "You can speak easily" Miss suddenly burst into huge grievances, and this grievance seems to have started to accumulate since we came back, and has finally been completely released until now, \ "Because of your good sisters, now Not enough rooms "

Ok? room?

I took a moment, then took out the calculator and started adding.

Tosaka Hiroshi, Red A, Shigeru, Altoria, Sandora, Pandora, Huesca, Sorrow Tears, Little Bubbles, Vega, Ilya, Berserker, Mataki Sakura, der, Zai Counting myself, there is also a jingle that you can just find a horned owl and stuff it in. It is ...

Okay, young lady, it seems that there are a lot of tenants who I brought in ... But it shouldn't be a problem if there are two more tenants suddenly in such a big house? And speaking of my good sisters, does this have anything to do with the room now?

As if seeing the confusion on my face, Tosaka twitched slightly, and suddenly pointed his finger at the stairs on the second floor.

\ "Pandora and Huesca, why didn't you remind me in advance that they would fight together?"

Immediately I felt that things were going to be worse.

\ "Since you left, Little Veska has begun to make troubles, restless as if the end of the world is coming, and then Pandora said something to her, and then they got into a fight."

\ "This ... how to say it, it's the norm, it's a common way for their sisters to exchange feelings."

I wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist, and already vaguely guessed what happened.

\ "But rolling on the ground is just fine, the two little girls with great strength smashed through three walls in a row."

I'm finished, I forgot to remind the two girls, Tosaka House is not home, and the walls here are not reinforced with interstellar alloy.

\ "In short, you must be responsible for all repairs and compensations." At this moment, Yuan Ban finally revealed the true appearance of the little devil, \ "In order to show punishment, the entire house must be renovated."

I knew it……

\ "Now, it seems that we have nowhere to live today," Sakura touched her cheek, and tilted her head and said to der, "" I would never go back to that ‘home?”

\ "No" is almost subconscious. Tosaka interrupted her biological sister's words aloud, but in the face of the other person's staring eyes, she just gaped, \ "I ... I mean ... ... Will you first ... to squeeze with me tonight, it's all this alien uncle is bad, but anyway we ... "

There was a warm arc in the corner of Ying Ying's mouth, suddenly stood up, leaned over and said: "Anyway, I have slept together before, sister, I will sleep in this time."

\ "Ajun," Sandora touched my arm, \ "I suddenly felt that human feelings are so complicated, and there is a sense of frustration."

It's okay, I also have a sense of frustration, let us both be indifferent and always happy to see the wonderful life of others ...

The night is late, and the time may be close to two in the morning. The heroes or masters who have been tossing in the middle of the night are already exhausted and return to their rooms to rest after the discussion. Although the situation is severe, today some people feel enough to be called Fortunately, Sakura returned safely to the palace, and seemed to be more cheerful than before, nothing more to please him, and to Tosaka, today she gave birth to countless ideas but did not Expect things to come true.

Sakura is back, and it seems that she has completely broken with the Matsune family. To her, the biggest significance of all this is that she finally does not need to stand in the opposite camp with her sister, and does not need to hurt the one she once attached the most attention to. Sakura, who once looked like a stranger, showed her so close to herself today, which surprised her even more.

Everything else is not important at this moment.

In the other room, two people were hugging each other gently in a tense and ambiguous [very pure and ambiguous] atmosphere.

\ "I'll be with Ajun." This was what Sandola said to Tosaka who had a headache because of the room allocation. To be honest, I didn't think too much at first-because of and It's not the first time for Sandora to be in the same room, but this time, it seems that the situation has changed [the dzi changes].

Maybe it was intended by Tosaka.There were only me and Sandora in the room. There were no messy bubbles, no house girl forcibly inserted under the banner of her mother, no ghostly Pandora or Victoria. Scar, this is the first time. There are only two of us in the room.

The atmosphere that was originally not ambiguous [very pure, very ambiguous], also became ambiguous [very pure, very ambiguous] with the sudden silence of the two and a look at each other at a certain moment.

\ "Ajun ..." The golden girl who was always calm and decisive in front of me showed a contorted look very rarely, but still firmly nestled in my arms, \ "This seems to be the first time together."

I felt the soft body in my arms trembling slightly, listening a little funny to Her Majesty's savvy queen's speechless and incoherent words, I gently brushed away the other person's golden forehead, "" Stupid girl. "

Everything is silent, then ...

\ "Wow, Ah Jun's table lamp is smaller than the one in the house. Ding Dang is asleep inside. Ding Dang wants A Jun to replace this lampshade."

The call suddenly sounded like a lightning falling from the sky.Sandora and I suddenly separated, looked at each other embarrassingly for two seconds, and turned their heads at the same time with incomparable tacit understanding, staring at the newly emerged from the lamp, barely curious. Looking up at our little things.

\ "Forget to clean up the scene in advance." At this moment, Sandora returned decisively again, but her face was a little bit redder than before, Xiaodou Ding looked at the owner who was suddenly black and leaned on herself. On the 2nd, he asked in a suspicious voice.

Then was thrown out.

\ "Nah, Ajun, according to human beings, starting today, I am completely yours ~~"

The young girl with a blush that had not faded away said slightly.

\ "嘁, you belonged to me before"

\ "Okay, I know you, so far, and at all times in the future, I belong to A Jun," Sandora suddenly whispered in such a tone as if chanting, then looked up. With firmness in tenderness in his eyes, \ "Then you know me, and now, and every moment of the future, will also belong to me, and our souls will be fused like eternity."

What came from the touch was the slight coolness of the red skin and the amazing softness. The obsessed girl did everything she could to bring her body and lover close, and her innocent and incredible eyes were close at hand.

Sandola's eyes were the place that made me sink the most. Just looking at it from such a close distance, I will have the illusion that I will always be trapped in it. Maybe there is something hidden in those deep eyes. Many things, the wisdom accumulated over time, the determination of the leader, the majesty of the king, but those things have never been presented to me. For me, it is just a Wang Qingquan, filled with the purest feelings of a girl, and so on.

\ "Of course, my silly girl."

怎么 How did things get here? In retrospect, it seems that everything is logical and unbelievable, and it may feel awkward, but seriously think about it, everything is natural, you should have been born long ago, and you should not be surprised after birth. There is no opportunity-if you happen to be assigned to a room, it is an opportunity, there is no premise, just return to the room, and then naturally embrace and kiss, just like the most normal thing between husband and wife. It was not until now that I suddenly realized that my unconscious relationship with Sandora had reached such a point. When the relationship was so strong that the two sides could not perceive any distance from each other, everything was born with such an incredible nature. Feeling ~ www.readwn.com ~ When we return to God, everything comes naturally.

\ "Ajun, I really love you," Sandora gently brought her face over, leaving such soft words in her ears, and then opened her mouth and bite gently on my shoulder, \ "cover a Poke, you will not be allowed to grab it later. "

This is really Sandola's "silly".

\ "Well, this is a complete win for Qianchan once," hugging each other quietly, and the missing rhyme just now has not passed, but Sandora suddenly laughed silly, saying so in a low voice, \ "A Jun, treat us well in the future. "

I looked at the girl in front of me in amazement, and she would even mention another girl at this time, which made me feel a little incredible, of course, it also caused a contradiction in my heart, yes, she accepted it long ago The existence of Sandora naturally thought of everything today, but I really couldn't calm down-I would be calm at this time, I'm afraid it's no different from scum.

Maybe the confusion in the eyes is too obvious. Sandora just looked up at me and laughed out: \ "Ajun, you should be lucky, I am a spirit person ... Ha, Ajun, you believe Did you discuss it with me before, Ajun, which one of us will you eat first? "

\ "...... Thank you," I was silent for a long time, and I hugged the girl in my arms tightly again, "" and ... I'm sorry. "

(I want to see everyone in Lifan go to the wall)


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