Xiling Empire

Chapter 500: Sorrow

Chapter 500—Evil Sorrow

\ "Legion, against legion"

The command sound of the might of the superior and the steel will of the conqueror was small, but it spread throughout the battlefield in an instant.Even the brave Roman warrior was caught in the smoke of the seemingly delicate girl in front of him. And surprised by the smell of iron and blood.

As soldiers of the Roman Emperor throughout the year, these soldiers are familiar with this feeling. It is the momentum of the true emperor. It is a style that can be possessed by a powerful person who can determine the survival of the whole country in a sentence. Can not imitate the metallic taste.

\ "Ka Ka, Ka Ka ..."

The sound of metal impact rang neatly and out of thin air. Numerous portals emerged around us, and even in every empty area of ​​the entire Roman Legion's matrix, exuding a faint white light. From the air, it looked like a thick Hundreds of thousands of fireflies suddenly shone in the iron sands of the city.Even if they didn't know what happened, the Roman soldiers instinctively felt the threat.They grabbed the javelin in their hands and threw or punctured the portals, but This is meaningless. The portal is like a reflection in the water. In the face of swarming attacks, there is no damage at all except for a few waves that are painless and itchy.

Neat war declaration sounded like a thunder.

\ "Power is the power of justice to bring freedom to maintain peace and the edge of the sword is to conquer all the frontiers of the empire"

Listening to this powerful declaration of war, I was even moved to tears.

How long has it been, how long has it been for Nima? How long have I never heard such a sense of the Empire ’s course of action? Once the commander of the trump army let me give you a sorrow, but now these silly soldiers who have no brains are still reliable.

\ "Ajun, what's wrong?"

I noticed that a bunch of egg pain expressions on my face were broadcast in the same cycle as the screen brushing. Sandora immediately asked with concern, and I returned with a faint smile:

\ "It's okay, baby, I'm just a little bit sad ..."

Stepping out of the portal, there were hundreds and thousands of sturdy men wearing black alloy battle armors. The high-tech battle armor full of hard lines and the frosty zombie face were writhing under the red moon. The smell of salty rust, the javelins and swords from the Roman soldiers greeted them at the moment when these soldiers appeared, and then a large number of energy sparks were sparked on the countless phantom shields shining at the same time. ——Although the complete spirit may be able to contend with the soldiers of the Spirit, but after all here are some avatars, their attacks cannot break the defense of the soldiers at all.

To be honest, although the relationship is close, sometimes I really can't understand some of Sandora's ideas. For example, now it is very easy to solve this Roman general. I just throw a few satellite cannons and he can't resist it. Live, but Sandora actually wants to call her army to fight legion with these backward heroes. I don't think I can understand this concept in my own life, taking into account \ "serviceman honor".

However, since Sandora is so persistent, I will naturally support it. Moreover, she is not pedantic. Now she has made such a choice under the absolute advantage of combat power. If she fights the fallen apostle, I am afraid this girl can think The insidious tactics came out no less than me ...

\ "Light infantry, each withdraws, scattered into the reserve spearmen attack"

\ "Phantom weapons of each unit fire at will"

The roar of Roman soldiers and the roar of psionic guns rang through the battlefield at the same time. The black magic javelin and blue psionic sparks burst out simultaneously in every corner of the Roman legion.

Airdrop siege.Sandora uses a typical airdrop siege tactic.As the Princess of Warsong in the past, Sandora has used various commonly used tactics as her instinct.This kind of use of high-level Spirit apostles rushes directly into the enemy line. Then the way to call grass-roots soldiers on a large scale is as well-known as the crushing of the Imperial Heavy Ships. In the melee of the two legions, a senior apostle who suddenly rushed to your base camp and then recruited unlimitedly and was equally powerful in combat was definitely enough to terminate The deadly threat of war, although this has sacrificed the range advantage of the Spirit soldiers to a certain extent, the suddenness and undefendability of the time and space soldiers are enough to make up for this small shortcoming: we do not need range to deal with ordinary Army, because the enemy's command team will die in the next second.

He was as insignificant as placing the barracks exit next to the enemy commander's chair.

In fact, the results are really good.Although almost all of the Spirit soldiers were attacked by the recent Roman soldiers at the beginning, the psionic shields on them successfully resolved the first round of damage, and there were only less than ten bad luck. The guy was seriously wounded by siege by nearly a hundred people and had to return to a different space to wait for maintenance. The remaining Spirit soldiers had activated the psionic weapon in their hands and began harvesting the enemy's life in large quantities.

With my reminder, Sandora has given these soldiers \ "only psionic weapons are allowed" .Although in the atmosphere environment, energy weapons are not as good as physical weapons, they are constantly being dealt with under the Red Moon. For the reborn guy, the former is the only effective method, and the so-called energy attenuation is only relatively speaking. At such a short distance, no Roman soldier can bear the power of the psionic beam, and the enemy The soldiers were battered by the fiery line of fire everywhere, and fell heavily to the ground, and this time, they could no longer be resurrected.

However, even in the face of the death and wounds of his soldiers visible to the naked eye, the unknown Roman general still stood firmly on the chariot, not even blinking his eyelids, but commanding calmly: \ "Do light infantry continue to attack from the flank and there are alive reserve troops? I will not retreat when all are in combat, neither will you retreat"

Courage is commendable, but unfortunately, the outcome has been decided.

In fact, when Sandorla and I rushed to the front of the Spirit Corps, they were defeated.

As the last pikeman was intercepted by a bright blue light, there was no more living on the battlefield, and the Roman Legion was completely destroyed, and a few kilometers away, the glory of the Madonna Crystal was gradually dimming: It is not that the energy is exhausted, but that there are no more enemies to kill.

\ "Rome wins"

Leading the few remaining pro-guards, the unknown general lifted the broad sword from the chariot and rushed towards us fearlessly, a blue beam of light whistling from Sandora with sharp air whistling The laser beam was fired from the side and the front hit the opponent's heart position, but the unfavorable beam failed to kill his target for the first time.The opponent actually used magic to resist this attack, with a large bowl on the chest. Mark, the unknown general rushed straight in front of me, and held up the broad sword in his hand and chopped it down vigorously.

Raising his hand and holding the opponent's blade, I had to be slightly surprised by the strength of the opponent. In the next second, the brave general instantly exploded into a sky of light.

\ "嗤嗤嗤", several rapid beam attacks hit the remaining infantry infantry, turning the final enemy into scattered energy in the air.

\ "Excellent soldier." Sandora exhaled a long breath and sighed with sorrow.

\ "Anyway, we will soon be ours."

\ "Do you really want to take all the spirits away?" Sandora glanced at me, "but I really admire such soldiers ..."

The only regret is that none of these Roman soldiers belonged to real spirits. The power of Sakura cannot directly transform them. I can only deal with the idea of ​​the origin of the world. Otherwise, if we fight today, we can directly swindle to one. Thousands of undead heroes fought.

\ "By the way, Sandora," I suddenly remembered something and asked curiously, "" The general mentioned Gauss or something just now, it should be the real spirit summoned by the family of Tong. Do you know who it is? "

Sandola blinked: \ "I remember like Rome ’s most famous founding emperor? Full name Gaius? Julius? Caesar? Octavianus, ruled the Roman Empire for 43 years. Later generations bear the name of Augustus ... Well? What happened to Jun?

I look up at the sky with tears in my eyes.

\ "Nothing, just feel that letting an alien teach himself the history of the earth, there is a kind of sadness haunting my heart ..."

说 You said that if I was going to middle school, I would be able to listen to a few history lessons, wouldn't I have to lose the face of the earth?

Although the whole battle was tragic and abnormal, it actually lasted for less than an hour.The attack force of the violent armed empire group based on Pandora was really cruel. Hanging under the gunfire of the little lunatic sisters), the firepower originally used for bombers in space was suppressed several times after switching to the intra-atmospheric mode, and its power is still not ordinary heroic resistance, ten thousand heroes Although the army is not a real hero), and it has been resurrected several times under the Red Moon, the number may be about twice that number, and it is so utterly extinguished. To be honest, it really feels a bit unreal.

Although I am an enemy now, I also have to admire such an army. As the unknown general said, the Roman warrior never retreated until the last soldier was sieved, and there was no deserter in the army of 10,000 people. They fought to the last person, and even when there were only three infantry soldiers, they were still attacking us without any hassle. Such brave soldiers, even Sandora, could not help praise.

I was more convinced of my faith in abducting the army of the spirit ...

A few minutes later, we reunited with Tosaka and others.

\ "Altoria? Injured?"

注意到 I noticed that the stupid young girl had been pressing her ribs with her hands, and there was a little blood leaking between her fingers, she couldn't help but care.

\ "Sneak attack, but no big deal, if there is a brilliant aura, it will be restored soon." Saber replied earnestly, looking at the full-spirited look, it should really be a skin trauma.

After all, Ying Ling is not a monster like the Spirit Apostle. A psionic shield can make the enemy soft. Perhaps the full state of saber combat power can fight against the lower level Spirit officer, but now she is only summoned by the Holy Grail system. Incomplete body in this battle, injuries are inevitable, and it is not only her, but also Sasaki, who also belongs to the melee unit, also has several scars on her body, but the swordsman who is good at fighting and footwork has obvious control over the damage. Even more adept, though he has more wounds, he looks twice as spirited as Saber.

\ "Oh boss, I got hurt too"

When I saw that I was concerned about a "non-staff", Sasaki was of course unbalanced, pointing at a white mark on his arm, exaggerating the injury, and the other der came to me silently, showing his shoulder. A faint blood stain, murmured in his mouth: \ "Boss, raise"

In other words, as long as you join the Spirit camp, will you decisively conduct -86?

\ "Are you all right?"

I looked around for a while, Pandora Viscavija's spirits of them now can be ignored, and Little Bubble is looking up to chat with the red moon in the sky. This is ignored, Ding Dong just got into my pocket, Now I can feel that the small things are tumbling inside, the tears are holding the command knife and posing joyfully by themselves. In short, the spirit side has experienced some fighting, and the state is extremely good.

Tosaka, they seem to be much more embarrassed.Although not much injured, they fought an intensive battle with 10,000 spirits for an hour, the physical exertion is huge, and more importantly, the mental exhaustion, especially Tosaka, it looks like he can't even stand up now.

\ "Hoo——" The young lady took a long breath and dragged my clothes up politely. \ "She was still alive. I thought I was going to die today ... Uncle Alien, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. To be honest, I was almost scared at first. "

Almost scared? I think you were really stupid at the time?

The first to be stunned when the void explosion appeared, and the first to be exclaimed when Pandora and Huesca began to saturate bombing, but it was you

Of course, these words can't be said, or the young lady who will die or lose face will definitely go crazy.

\ "Speaking of which, since you are so powerful, should all the battles be handed to you in the future?

Miss, what about your martial arts?

\ "But anyway, this battle ... is too exaggerated."

There is still a little bit of embarrassment on the face of the Aegean Palace.It is not only the scene where thousands of horses are charging towards themselves just now. The scene of Pandora carrying a giant artillery gun to sweep the battlefield is even more astounding. For ordinary students who are honestly going to school, they are suddenly thrown on the battlefield where the war is raging, and this shock is indeed a bit bigger.

\ "Young man, you know, the universe is very dangerous," I patted the shoulder of the palace, and I spoke with a long heart. \ "Little monsters and QB in space can be seen everywhere, even large colliding targets like Ultraman are The annoyance of space navigation, if there is not enough firepower to arm yourself, the vast starry sky will not welcome you. "

\ "Ajun," Sandora touched my arm, \ "I think you just ruined this child's universe dream for a lifetime."

I'm fine, anyway, astronaut Wei Gong is not a reliable thing.

After the Yingling Legion was eliminated, the anomalies of the inner world and the outer world gradually calmed down. The deceased garden began to trace back the spatial coordinates and was ready to put the "" refrigerated "Winter Wood City back into place, and we began to discuss the next action .

The Matsuri family summoned the Spirit Corps, or in other words, they called a spirit called Augustus in later generations.This is already a matter of course, and this Spirit Corps has a great relationship with the Red Moon in the world. From these clues, we can infer many things.

\ "First of all, the false priest is absolutely inseparable from all this."

Wu Yuansaka was very thoughtful, and she can now be sure that Yanfeng Qili played a role in helping the whole incident.

\ "Caster You can enter the inner world, and Sasaki who is summoned by you can use the light of the red moon to enhance strength. The origin of all this is because the false priest gave you a black crystal dagger?"

Amedia nodded silently: "Indeed, everything is his plan."

\ "The Roman Legion can also enter the inner world, and even according to your uncle alien, they must rely on the inner world if they want to appear on a large scale, and they can continue to resurrect under the red moon. These are similar to the situation of Sasaki, so I think the false priest should also help the Jiantong family cheat. "

This idea is very likely, but the point is, what does it mean?

Let the two participants in the Holy Grail get a huge cheating advantage, is it to allow one of them to securely win the war? Does this have any value for Yan Feng?

\ "Only find a false priest in person and ask for an understanding, but he should not tell the truth," Tosaka yawned for a long time, \ "In addition, the side of the Jian Tong family, although it looks like a chess piece, But they should know a little bit more than caster: the fake priest gave them even more powerful cheats. "

\ "But now I think it's best to go back to sleep ..."

Aya added a long yawn again, and Tosaka said with a stunned expression.

Also, today, everyone, er, except the spirited people who are still very spiritual, are already very tired. Anyway, the Tong family and the Yanfeng Church can't run there anyway, and presumably after completing this attack The old man of Tong Tong will be waiting for us at home to find trouble. At this time, if we go home to sleep without any injuries, I don't know what the other person's feelings of depression are.

It's interesting to think about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ The surrounding space is constantly twisted and oscillated. After a few seconds, the big house of the Tosaka family reappears in front of our eyes. This time it is the normal version. I saw my house intact. Despite knowing it from the beginning, Tosaka sighed involuntarily.

Wu Chengtian is so worried that the young lady whose house has been demolished has been working hard for you these days.

\ "唔 ... Ding Dang will be thrown out today?"

I said good night to everyone and returned to my room. I was about to step on the door. The little thing suddenly pierced my head out of my pocket and said aggrievedly.

珊 Sandora and I were stunned. Suddenly, the same thoughts came into being: what was the trouble of this kind of young couple like gelatinous headaches coaxing their children to sleep next door?

\ "Ajun hates jingle?"

Xiao Xiaodian still said pitifully, Mengdu destroyed my guilt with five plus signs.

\ "Okay ... I'll prepare a bigger lampshade for you." In the end, I looked at Sandora helplessly. I pressed the little head with my fingertips and chose to surrender.

\ "Yeah, cheer up on the spot, \" You can be with A Jun again today "

Feeding you like this will probably make Sandora repent and throw you out again


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