Xiling Empire

Chapter 50: Unlucky criminal

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"Arayay, why did you come to Earth suddenly?" After finally recovering from the shock of the other party being an angel, my first question was to ask why the other party came to this world. From Sandora's description, I can It is known that the world arbitration agency is a very important existence for a mother spirit star. Generally, these super consciousness will not leave the mother star.

"Araiye has the ability to remotely control the mother star, so he can leave the mother star at will. Considering that the connection between the monarch and the mother star is very difficult, Araiye decided to come to Earth and use himself as a signal base station to strengthen the monarch and The connection between the parent stars, and the two and three have already agreed to this proposal, so Arayer has the opportunity to come to this world. "

"That's it ..." I nodded, and it seemed that this group of Apostles was making their own claims, but after all, they thought about it for me, and I was embarrassed to blame them, but it was so much headache to come one after another Guy, it's really difficult for me ...

"Araiye," I looked at the huge wings that were slightly swaying, "Can you fold your wings?"

"Close up?" Araiye looked at me in doubt, and didn't seem to understand the meaning of my question, but she didn't think much, but chose to obey my order, and a pair of huge white wings instantly became sky-wide. The feathers of light gradually dissipated in the air, but the next second they returned to Alaya.

"Can't close it ..." Allayer answered honestly.

Sandora pointed her lower lip with her index finger and analyzed: "It seems to be a more special model, but it has no second camouflage function ..."

Why do I feel that Sandora's words sound so strange?

"What then? It's impossible for her to come out to see people like this!" I said with a headache, and took an angel and an unidentified luminous body to the street. Just thinking about it was quite unreliable. .

"Then you won't be able to meet anyone," Sandora shrugged, and said easily, "The Stealth Force Field is a fairly simple thing for the Spirit Apostle. She hid herself in the sync space, and in the future, let her stay invisible. "

"What then!" I immediately objected, "This is so unfair to her!"

Hearing my words, Sandora gave me a surprised look, then nodded in appreciation, and said, "I never thought you were better than I thought, but you can rest assured that this girl is Communicating with carbon-based organisms will never be concerned. For the spirit apostle, only spiritual connection is the real communication. I believe that this girl only cares if she can stay with you, as others know I do n’t know if her presence means anything to her. If you're afraid of her loneliness, it's a big deal to let her talk to you when no one is. "

I turned my head to Alaya and asked tentatively, "Is this okay?"

The latter nodded slightly, and then the body gradually became transparent until it completely disappeared into the air, but I could also clearly feel that the angel girl was now flying close to us.

"Okay!" Sandora stretched out a long stretch. "Recycling was successfully completed. It's not too early to start with a little angel. Let's go back first. By the way, plan where to go in a few days. Good travel ... "

"A hostile target approaches her sister ..." Pandora said suddenly in a very mechanical voice.

I was shocked: "What?"

Pandora still said in a mechanized voice: "EX-35 Schilling Observer reports that there are hostile targets close to Sister Chen Qian, the enemy threat level is zero ... wrong, based on the physical fitness of the protected person, the enemy threat level is re-analyzed. ……very high!"

The sudden news made me pause for a second or two, but fortunately, long-term dealing with various abnormal creatures and abnormal things has increased my nerve tolerance. I immediately calmed down. Since Pandora set it in advance Thanks to the Spirit Watcher to protect her sister's safety, then a few small characters with a zero threat level to Pandora are not at all scary, but I'm curious about who dares to attack her sister's idea. Ordinarily we also Didn't provoke anyone.

"Pandora, who is the Spirit Apostle closest to my sister now?"

Pandora's eyes glowed slightly blue, and then he replied: "Already connected, Commander of the Pandora Regiment Commando Ikma stands by."

立刻 I immediately thought of the unfortunate egg that was teleported into the trunk and was plucked overnight.

让 "Let him bring the enemy over-remember, catch it!"

Walking in a dark alley, Chen Qian was nervously looking at the three suspicious men in front of her.

"Miss, we have already said, we are Chen Jun's friends, why don't you believe it?" The man with the triangular eyes on the left said a smile he thought was very kind. Unfortunately, this false smile did not cover up In the evil and brutality in his eyes, it would be strange if Chen Qian believed him.

"When did Jun have your friends?" Chen Qiangqiang lowered her fear in her own heart, but the slight trembling voice still revealed her inner nervousness. The three people in front of him were obviously not good people. They asked their brother for more It cannot be the so-called narrative of the old, and they must not be allowed to find their brother.

But her own situation is even worse now. It was originally a very remote and dark alley, and it was late at night. It was impossible for anyone to pass here. The management of firecrackers in K City was relatively loose. The sound of firecrackers to welcome the New Year, even if she is crying out for help, is likely to be covered by the surrounding sounds. Thinking of this, Chen Qian could not help feeling a despair.

Just now, she saw from the eyes of the man with a sinister look of a triangular eye that she could not linger, Yu Wang, it was naked and undisguised Yu Wang, as if to penetrate directly Seeing her clothes look inside, this makes Chen Qian more worried about her situation. When compared to these, she is more worried about the safety of another person ...

At this time, the bald-headed man who seemed to have no patience with Chen Qian, he waved his hand suddenly, and said hoarsely: "I'm not talking nonsense with you, Lao Tzu clearly tells you that your baby brother has provoked a man he absolutely does The person who should be provoked, and now that person wants his life, a few of us brothers are here for this matter, if you know, please tell us where he is now, and then let us a few by the way, We will naturally let you go, otherwise, hehe ... we don't mind getting a good one first, and then trying to pry something out of your mouth that works for us ... "

The words of the bald-headed man made Chen Qian suddenly fall into an ice cave, and what she was most worried about finally happened.

Watching three **** laughing men keep coming into herself, Chen Qian felt trembling all over her, she understood that, according to her own strength, she was not an opponent of several people in front of her at this moment. At this moment, she thought of death. Only then, she In order to keep their innocence and prevent them from knowing where their brother is.

Suddenly, Chen Qian closed her eyes and was ready to slam into the cement wall next to him in the next second.

But as she closed her eyes, a terrible horror suddenly sounded, scaring her all over her.

嚎 This misery seems to be from the bald man just now.

Chen Qian opened her eyes carefully ~ www.readwn.com ~ I saw that the bald man who had just been fierce had fallen to the ground in pain, his body twitched violently, as if every inch of his nerves were experiencing a strong electric shock. .

Behind the bald man, a burly man with a beard and a beard was standing, Chen Qian vaguely remembered that the other party seemed to be a security officer of a nearby hotel.

At this moment, two of the bald men's associates finally reacted, they all gave out a rage, and then turned sharply toward the suddenly appearing burly man.

Two squeals sounded, the triangle-eye and the thin-faced man had been held in the mid-air by the neck of each other, their hands dropped weakly. It turned out that at that moment, their arm bones had been completely shattered.

It doesn't seem to be over. The strange man placed the two moaning guys face down on the ground, and smashed the bald man in a circle, and put the three people side by side, then extended his thumb. Pressed on the back of one of them, the latter struggled to get up, but his poor muscles relying on oxidation to provide energy could not escape the suppression of the Apostles of Hell, with a heartbreaking heartbreak Screaming, the burly man flashed a blue light on his thumb at the back of his neck, and then the latter completely lost consciousness.

I walked out of a stunned bald head. The remaining sober person saw this weird sight and was frightened, but did not wait for him to respond, and it was his turn ...

After doing all this, the burly man stood up and bowed respectfully to Chen Qian, who had been frightened. Then, as if he completely ignored the gravity of the earth, he easily dragged the three already unconscious people and put them on his shoulders. Go up, a few meters high roof!

Chen Qian's legs softened, and finally she sat down on the ground.

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