Xiling Empire

Chapter 53: tourism

"Just let them go without problems, right?" I was still a little uneasy.

Sandora replied: "Don't worry, the technology of the Hilling Empire is not so easy to go wrong. The neural controllers implanted in those three people will ensure that they cannot leak a little secret. I intuitively told them that they were not completely clear. Without this, we would never know who was behind the scenes. "

"It's really a headache," I sighed, "It seems I'm really unsuitable for this kind of thinking that requires a lot of brain cells to be wasted. It's really unfair to be a bad demon without a bad water in your stomach."

所以 "So, it is the easiest and effective way to destroy all humans that are hostile to you." Pandora, who has been extremely low from the beginning, suddenly said, instantly raising her sense of existence to a higher level.

I knocked lightly on the little guy's head: "Little war lunatic!"

Susandora is even more exaggerated. In the war-weary period, Princess Warsong put her hands on her chest as a savior, and said holyly, "To stay away from war, only peace can save this chaotic world ..."

I do n’t know who remembered the idea of ​​installing parasitic machinery in others ’minds!

我们 When we got home, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning.

The flow of time in the projected space and the real world are relatively static, so although we have spent a lot of time there, in fact, no time was wasted at all from the outside world. In the view of our sister, we just left less than one It's just hours—that's when we go to see Alye.

As soon as I entered the door, I found that all the lights in the house were turned on. According to the sister's character of being thrifty, it is very rare. The only explanation is that what happened today scared her sister, and she could only pass this. A way to get yourself a little psychological comfort.

As soon as my voice fell, I heard a sound of something colliding in my sister's room, and then her sister's beautiful face with tear marks protruded from the door. As soon as she saw us, she immediately expressed her relief. Then he swooped up.

"Ajun!" My sister took my face and didn't hide her worry, "How are you? Have you been hurt? Three bad guys were looking for you just now, I ... are you okay?"

"It's okay," I patted my sister's trembling back comfortably, even though I've been taking care of me since I was a child, taking on the sister of this family independently, no matter how strong, it's just an ordinary girl. It is normal to have this reaction.

"Ajun," the elder sister suddenly raised her head and looked at me anxiously. "Did you cause trouble outside? Why did the three people say you offended a person who couldn't offend? Or do you have something to hide from your elder sister?"

I should come, always come.

At this moment, the Supreme Head of the most powerful empire in the universe is facing a difficult choice ...

"I suggest you don't tell her all." Sandora's voice suddenly sounded in my heart.


"Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing. The secrets of the empire are nothing to those who have the ability to keep it, but your sister is just an ordinary person, and she will pay a corresponding price if you contact them. If true One day, if some people have plans for the empire, then Chen Qian, who has the secrets of the empire and has no self-protection ability, will become their best target. Even if you send as many soldiers to protect her, it is better to simply Let her never come into contact with these dangerous things, let alone, even your loved ones, when she learns that you are no longer a normal human, can you guarantee that your relationship with her can be like now? "

I'm silent.

Sandora's words are not unreasonable. Although I am confident that the soldiers of the Empire can protect my sister in any situation, although I am confident that my sister will still accept me even if my sister knows my secret, but it is not as much trouble as it is Keep your sister away from things that shouldn't have appeared in her life—she should live peacefully and happily, at least, there is no need to break the peace now.

"Ajun," seeing my silence, my sister asked strangely, "What's wrong? Why don't you speak? Can't you tell your sister?"

Sandora on the side said, "You don't have to worry about it, it's just some small characters that are not worth mentioning. Some triad boss has a little misunderstanding about Chen Jun, but by my shot, those unlucky messes are not a problem at all— —I believe the Chinese government will be more concerned about a princess. "

"Is that so?" With the assurance of Sandora, her sister relaxed a little, but she was still a little confused, "Ajun, how could you provoke the underworld?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Who knows that underworld has never needed any reason, you don't know me yet? I'm usually honest."

When I saw my sister, what else would I say? I hurriedly tried to distract her. If she kept asking her this way, I wouldn't be able to compose it quickly: "Yes, my sister, I'm going to travel the day after tomorrow. How are you preparing? "

One of the biggest features of my sister is that she can only do one thing at a time. Once the second thing is pressed, she immediately forgets the job at hand. This unexpected denormalization has helped me a lot, and my sister forgot it on the spot. Regarding the underworld and the three wretched men, they began to look forward to the upcoming trip.

She held her cheek in one hand, as if thinking about what was still not ready, and said, "I have prepared almost everything, and even their family is ready, even the two of you who have been mysterious and mysterious. Do n’t tell us where we are going to play, I do n’t know if I should prepare something—Ajun, can you always tell me now? Where are you going to take us to play? ”

Hey he smiled: "Is this-confidential!"

In fact, I don't even know where the destination of this trip is.

After telling Lin Xue our plan of traveling, the latter just swore her **** to ensure that everything could be given to her, and then disappeared. Until now, she would not tell us what kind of trips were arranged for us. The plan was just to say to me every time I talked on the phone: "You can rest assured that you will be pleasantly surprised!"

In fact, I haven't felt relieved since I handed it over to this young lady who has been inconsistent with me since the beginning.

It turns out that my intuition is still reliable.

"This is the so-called golden seven-day tour of the New Year that you arranged for us to commemorate?" Looking at the yellow sand and the huge stones scattered in front of me, I rushed to Lin Xue to protest.

"It should be called‘ the golden seven-day tour to commemorate the dying high school life and witness the change of history ’.” Lin Xue said solemnly, as if he did n’t care about my evil spirit.

哪个 Which one thinks of such a nonsense name? Lin Xue, do you think you are funny? Or do you think it is a great achievement to toss two Spirit Emperors and one Spirit General at the same time?

Meow's ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lin Xue arranged for us to be in the desert!

Sahara desert!

Well, I admit that this desert ruins full of mysterious exoticism and traces of brilliant civilization is indeed a good tourist attraction. If these ruins are found by merchants who are full of sands in their heads, they can be a part of it. Extremely efficient money-making machine, but—

The Chinese New Year brought us to the Sahara desert to visit the piles of stones from the ancient people. What is Lin Xue's head thinking?

What's more, since the last trip to the outside world, Qian Qian and his dad have had severe allergic symptoms to desert ruins and the like. Isn't Lin Xue sincere to trouble us again? !!

Originally, the shallow parents would come with us, but Uncle Xu couldn't let go of the job at hand, and my aunt planned to stay at home with Uncle Xu, only to be with the family.

Alas, there is a towing bottle, Sandora.

Unexpectedly, my sister didn't seem to have any resistance to this unexpected travel plan, but was full of interest.

In the words of my elder sister, such a rare exotic tour opportunity is not often encountered. As long as you have a good time, there is no difference where you travel.

When she first started, she was surprised that I could arrange a trip to the Sahara Desert, but fortunately, there was a princess shield, which pushed all the arrangements to the wealthy Princess Sandora.

I do n’t know why, I always feel that the desert tour arranged by Lin Xue is not so simple.

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