Xiling Empire

Chapter 64: Outer Sightseeing

Mordis III finally put away the look of anxiety and worry on his face, and replaced it with what a true emperor should have: majestic, decisive, and intelligent.

"Finally ready to be honest?" Sandora lowered the glass in her hand and said in a playful tone.

"I know nothing about you," Modis III bluntly said, "Although I believe you can be allies, but before that I hope to know more about you, an empire from a different world, which has to make me Caution."

"Well, it seems that the carbon-based life of every world is such a troublesome guy. Since you are not willing to cooperate more deeply with us, then please at least don't mess us up, our spirit empire and abyss fighting For thousands of years, I haven't encountered a lot of indigenous people who suddenly jumped out and chaos, so I have no patience to distinguish them from the power of the abyss. "

At this time, a middle-aged man who had been standing beside Modis III finally could not bear it. He said to Sandora with a warning tone: "Although you saved the lives of countless soldiers, I still want to remind you , This is the territory of the Vedic Empire, not your Spirit Empire! "

Sandora glanced at the middle-aged man indifferently and said, "Even if there is a quarrel between the two emperors, it will not be your turn to intervene?"

"Okay," Modis III shook his hand and played the role of peacemaker. "General Kurance is an excellent soldier, but he also has impulse problems that make you laugh."

Sandora smiled slightly, stood up and said, "Nothing, anyway, today I just came to say hello to you. After all, this is your country. If there is nothing, I will go back. You must know that you will lead the expedition in person. The abyss is a very laborious thing. "

当然 "Of course—" Modis III stood up. "If you need our help, your country can speak at any time ..."

Sandora smiled indiscriminately, then disappeared in a silver halo.

Modis III's smiley face suddenly became very serious.

"Qurance, what do you think of this?"

Modis III sat back heavily in the large seat, his face full of exhaustion.

"His Majesty, the end will be just a martial arts soldier, which can only be analyzed from the perspective of soldiers-they are very powerful and far beyond our fighters. Those mysterious fighters are special races born for fighting. They can transform themselves His body has turned into a horrible weapon. The end will see for himself that one of them changed his body into a huge magic crystal cannon. Then his comrades used this weapon to turn thousands of monsters into steam. ——We often have to pay the lives of thousands of soldiers in order to obtain such results.

If we really fight them, we will pay a heavy price. "

"How many are they?"

"Unsure, the girl who claims to be Emperor Hilling has the ability to summon her soldiers at will, and the end will dare to say that she absolutely did not show all her soldiers."

Mordis III rubbed his swollen temples, his voice filled with doubts: "A powerful empire from a different world? Perhaps this is credible, but why did the Supreme Head of such an empire come to our world in person? This ... makes me wonder. "

"Her Majesty, can we make such a conjecture: a fierce civil war broke out in a powerful empire in a different world, the emperor of this country was forced into exile in many worlds, she lost her land, so she wants to conquer the new world……"

"General Currans," Modis interrupted the opponent's already a little too serious thinking, "Although we can make all kinds of worst conjectures, you must be careful not to let these thoughts erode your heart, The power of those demons will take advantage of them-regardless of their purpose, they are not enemies for the time being, at least we cannot easily provoke a dispute with each other. According to the girl who claims to be the Emperor Hilling, she has a companion Coming soon, although I can't imagine what an empire has more than one emperor, it may be a good choice to see that other Emperor Spirit. "

So, at this time, what was the other emperor of the Hilling Empire doing?

"Ajun! Look at that! What is that?"

Shallowly dragging my arm, shouting with excitement, attracted the attention of passersby nearby. I thought I could make myself look less noticeable after I changed into the traditional clothes of this world. The shallowness of the other world was almost silent for a second along the way, which directly caused us to become the focus of movement.

But having said that, the first time I saw a human kingdom in a different world, I did feel quite new myself. The last time I went to the other world, I only encountered crazy World of Warcraft. Humans in that world were already in Sandora and the Abyss. In the midst of war, the human race in this world is still stubbornly developing, which makes our little alien travel group marvel at the civilized form of the magic world along the way.

Humans in this world have experienced a long period of development. Although there must be many civilizations that have been destroyed due to the existence of the abyss, I can still see the amazing achievements of the highly developed magical civilization. People have applied the power of magic to In all aspects of life, using wind magic to help deliver goods, simple water magic to clean the streets, simple element resonance equipment can achieve the effect of mobile phones. It can be said that although there is no development of modern technology, humans in this world also have Lived exactly the same advanced life as on earth.

But Ding Dong told me that due to the ongoing war, these magical applications that are closely related to daily life are old technologies that existed hundreds of years ago. When it's okay, Ding Dong occasionally moves around the human world. She sees Now, since the outbreak of the war with the abyss, mankind has gradually given up studying those auxiliary magics that have little combat value, and has instead fully developed the armed forces. When the magical civilization of this world is the most brilliant, people can even use magic Power to create arcane puppets that are as good as real people, but now, such things without much combat power have long been forgotten by humans, and the rest are only the most common things in daily life.

I have to say that the shallow acceptance ability is really strong. She has recovered so quickly after such an exaggerated thing, and immediately happily engaged in the quite fun activity of out-of-world tourism, compared with Below, her sister seems a bit restrained and cautious. Although she also shows a strong interest in the other world, it is much more restrictive than the shallow and careless movement around ~ www.readwn.com ~ What's wrong, sister? "

看着 I looked at my sister's mind, and asked with concern.

"Ajun, my sister always feels that staying in this world is not solid, don't you also say that, this world has a power called an abyss, are they dangerous?"

When I heard her sister's words, I knew she was worried about my safety again. She has been playing the role of my protector since she was a child. This has caused her to develop a very careful habit. At any time, as long as In an unfamiliar environment, my sister always thinks first whether danger will occur.

I lowered my voice and comforted quietly: "Sister, don't worry about it blindly. I have the most powerful army in the world. Under their protection, we will not encounter any danger. Dangerous, but my fighters are their natural enemies. You have n’t seen them. So many monsters are not enough for a squadron fighter to practice. No matter how bad, there is a little goddess around us now. Such a hard backstage, sister. Be assured that you will be out of the world! "

Ding Ding Dong's ears were sharp, and when she heard someone calling her name, she immediately poked out her little head from my collar and asked curiously, "Call me?"

When she saw the cute Ding-Dang, she could not help laughing, and touched her little finger's head with her fingertips, and said, "It ’s also a rare opportunity that ordinary people will never encounter. I ’ll open my eyes. All right."

在 At this moment, I suddenly felt a familiar mental wave came, so I stood still and said, "It seems that before we continue to play, we have to meet with others."

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