Xiling Empire

Chapter 68: Prepare

Let ’s start with one thing ... I ’m going to travel tomorrow, so I ca n’t update it in the next few days. I ’m going to sue here ... It takes about ten days, rest assured, the above is definitely not a **** declaration, it ’s really an inevitable event. I just happened to sort out my thoughts in a few days. In addition, in order to show reparations, update more today ~~~


The little thing flew to the top of my head with anxiety, grasping my hair tightly and refused to come down, and I was attracted by the pile of things that Sikaro fell to the ground.

"What are these?"

I asked curiously, the things on the ground looked like a pile of rags. They were all broken weapons and broken armors. They were inconspicuous. Is it possible that Sikaro went to the front line to collect scraps?

"These are all weapons recovered from the battlefield," Sikaro replied. "They would have been refurbished, made into new equipment and distributed to the soldiers, but I found something interesting here, so Find a way to get some back. "

Sikaro said that I was immediately surprised. This guy could have done something other than messy and funny?

At this time, Sandora, who was looking at the weapons and armors, looked up and said, "No wonder you didn't put them in the portable space. The abyss power contained in it is really disgusting, but this strange metal has accumulated. It's kind of interesting that such a large amount of abyss power has not been completely eroded. "

"What do you mean?"

I was puzzled. It was impossible for me, who had never confronted the abyss, to know this destructive superpower like Sandora, except for a pile of dust. I did not see it on these broken copper. anything.

Sandora patted the dust on her hand and replied, "The abyss is an erosive and super powerful force. These equipments have been used on the battlefield for so long and experienced the most violent battles. Naturally, they are contaminated with amazing abyss power. If it is a general substance, I am afraid that it has already been completely transformed into a decaying and destructive highly toxic substance, but it is interesting that although these metals have a deep abyss, their inherent properties have not changed at all-perhaps positive It is because of the discovery of this magical metal that humans in this world can fight against the power of the abyss for so long. "

"What are you going to do?"

I couldn't help but have a bad feeling as I watched Sandora's eyes start to glow.

"What? Of course, prepare the army immediately! I have fought with the abyss for countless years, or the first time I have seen a substance that can resist the erosion of the abyss without exerting any external protective force. It seems that this world is better than I thought before More interesting ... "

I knew that even War Aversion Syndrome could not completely wipe out the soul of war in Sandora's heart, especially when I learned that there is a natural material that can resist the power of the abyss.

At this moment, Sandora's momentum as the Empress of the Spirit finally reappeared. She put away her almost heartless smile, and turned to a bold and resolute face, her eyes glowing with confidence. As soon as she raised her hand, dozens of non-combatant spirit apostles appeared around us. As soon as they appeared, they immediately began to look around, and then spread apart. After the call was completed, Sandora turned her head to me. Said: "First of all, we need a base, but I didn't bring too many subordinates when I came here. It seems I want to borrow the twins from you-I need their unlimited space transmission capabilities."

自然 I naturally have no objections, so I nodded and said to Asida and Asidola, "For the time being, you must listen to Sandorah's orders."

The two sisters neatly performed a Spirit Salute, and then began to build the Legion Portal.

The Spirit Empire is worthy of the powerful civilization that has ruled the entire universe with war and conquest and expeditions to countless worlds. Its various technologies are almost exclusively designed for war. If it is a general civilization, it will take a long time to wage a war. Preparations, including the accumulation of materials, the deployment of troops, the mobilization before the war, and many more things that can cause headaches for countless commanders. Even a blitz launched overnight will inevitably have an early and careful deployment, but the Hilling Empire is different. , They always have sufficient military resources in their own space, all the Spirit Apostles are super soldiers who can rush to the battlefield in an instant. They do n’t need war mobilization, they can launch suicide on any target with one command. The attack and mind-sharing command method ensures the efficiency and accuracy of military operations. The ability of space transmission ensures that they can reach any place on the battlefield in a very short time. Asida and Asidola can control the space. The strong presence of flow makes it even easier to cross-plane an expedition.

Although this is a bit excessive, they are indeed well-deserved war machines.

Although I was always guessing what kind of arms Sandora would use the power of Asida and Asidola to teleport, I was taken aback by the end of the teleportation.

A little girl in a white dress, her eyes closed, definitely looks no more than eight years old is standing in front of us.

It was such a small girl that it cost so much to let Asida and Asidora carry out the Legion's transfer. !!

My jaw dropped with a click, and it seemed that I could not go back in a short period of time. Sandola ’s unexpected prodigal behavior really made me unable to understand. Even Qian Qian and her sister used confusion. Looking at Sandora, who was taken for granted, it was obvious that they did not believe that this little girl, who was more harmless than Pandora, could be a high-level combat unit of the Spirit Empire.

"Spirit Master."

Pandora said suddenly behind me.

"What is the spirit?"

I didn't hear it clearly, so I asked again. Little Loli looked up and looked at me from the bottom up. She had a very rare expression on her little face with no expression. She pointed her finger not far away. The girl in the white dress who just came out of the black hole and closed her eyes said, "Master, it's a good thing."

At this time, Sandora explained: "The core of the thinking of the standard Schilling War Fortress can also be used as a portable colony factory. She stores all the information about the frontier base of the Schilling and the colonial fortress in another world. With enough material and energy, a complete military base can be established in a very short period of time. "

"Just such a little girl?"

After listening to Sandora's introduction, I couldn't help but have no reaction to that. I was astonished to have such an exaggerated identity as a doll. It was incredible that according to Sandora, this girl Is it a military base?

But soon, I couldn't help expressing surprise at the identity of the little girl, because she had already begun to prove her identity to me ...

She slowly opened her eyes, exposing a pair of beautiful pupils with mysterious blue light. At the beginning, a little doubt appeared in the eyes of this little girl, and she seemed to be wondering why she appeared here, but soon This doubt disappeared, replaced by a gradually indifferent and icy sight. Through the information shared by Sandora and I, I learned that this is a normal phenomenon of the host of the Spirit: Calling ~ www.readwn.com ~ Shilling host will gradually stop the emotional thinking and change to a purely logical thinking mode. In this mode, the Shilling host will analyze all the information related to the establishment of the base with super high efficiency. , But her feelings will become very dull-as we see now, this state will continue for a while, until the primary building of the entire base is fully unfolded.

At that moment, the little girl suddenly opened her mouth, and with a mechanized and meaningless word, a few crystals of beautiful crystals like blue crystals appeared in the air around her. Those crystals were about one meter long. Narrow rhombuses emit blue and white rays like lasers. When these rays pass through the air, they leave bright traces in the air. These traces are gradually connected to form a lot of strange patterns, and gradually ……materialization!

We were stunned and watched countless lines of laser-like rays sketching complex patterns in the air, and then these patterns got a little bit of real material and volume. This scene is like a transparent mold formed by pouring mercury into the glass. I dare Guarantee, even the legendary Ma Liangge's pen, there is no such shock!

我们 In our shocking eyes, the host of the Spirit has been obscured by those materialized metal components. What appears before us is a huge, and continuously improving and expanding pyramid-shaped building ...

"The construction of Hilling Mother's Nest has been completed and the expansion of the primary building has begun."

机械 A mechanized soft female voice sounded, and then dozens of ... objects suspended in the air flew from the huge pyramid.

The first one is more complete, and continue spraying later ...

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