Xiling Empire

Chapter 704: Food poisoning-what are you doing here!

Chapter 704 Food Poisoning-Why Are You Here!

The soldiers who have watched since ancient times stand on the ground, welcoming the gods who have been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years to return.

They are so powerful, strong, and precisely engineered genes that make these ancient people almost a perfect state of carbon-based organisms. Each of their cells contains magical energy that can burst out at any time, and every inch of muscle has steel-like Powerful, but now they are scarred, 80% have wounds on their bodies, and some have even been bathed in blood, and except for "Gods" who have undergone a complete "promotion ceremony" like Ares, every Asian The arms and armor of the Atlantis were severely worn-because many years ago, the old antique recycling factories in Atlantis had a problem of reduced efficiency. These factories have always been in Atlan The Techies technicians can only operate until they have clumsyly patched them up. Without the help of these factories, the Atlantis cannot make super star alloys for production equipment by themselves. In order to ensure the highest overall combat power, Today, the use of brand new weapon armor has become a privilege for advanced fighters.

But despite the scars and outdated equipment, these ancient warriors threw away their will and physical strength. The latter can be attributed to their bodies that have undergone unknown transformations. The former can only be used by the "return of the gods". The beliefs they generated encouraged them to explain, after all, they had fought for more than a dozen days and nights, and even the infinite energy should not keep up.

"Can you continue fighting?"

Sandora looked at the ancient warrior in front of her and asked blandly.

"Atlantis can fight as long as they are alive!" Ares replied loudly.

"Then prepare to fight."

The Atlantis were super soldiers made by the old empire. They are also using the most effective way that the Apostles of the Spirit admired to meet today's reunion. Therefore, this is the so-called "return of the gods" without a grand welcome ceremony. There are no false miracles or precursors, and there is no swearing oath of sorrow. The whole process seems logical to the most common pre-war order. The Empire's army re-entered this long-lost territory and led the former soldiers to regain their positions. Everything is like the ancient agreement hundreds of thousands of years ago, ordering and obeying, fighting and advancing side by side, although they once led them The "gods" of the glorious civilization road have been replaced. These ancient soldiers still abide by the vows in their bones. When Sandora's order was given, Ares immediately led his people to stand up, organize their equipment and put them into production. A battle.

"I never thought that fragile and changeable carbon-based creatures could be as good as the Apostles of the Spirit. They could stand up to the empire fighters," Sandora whispered with a little sigh. "Without the authority system and thinking brand, they are How did you do that? "

"Don't underestimate beliefs and the will of carbon-based creatures, thinking locks are not the only racial chains that work well," I scratched my head a little awkwardly, "and I'm carbon-based anyway, right?"

Suddenly, Sandora said, "Well? I forgot!"

I coughed as severely as a convulsion.

Fortunately, at this time, Weijia walked over "click and click", which eased my embarrassment. After some battles, the scorpion girl still had a fresh smell of blood, and even the filthy dark red liquid was dripping on her lower body armor. It is no wonder that the "elegant, intelligent, beautiful" fighting style Crow 001 has some criticism of the violent tactics of armored scorpions, but in my opinion, Weijia, who has just returned from the killing of the Quartet, is full of some wild beauty.

"Sir, we have cleared all the enemies in this area called the" Elderly Trail ". Only seven soldiers were seriously injured by the enemy's concentrated attack and have been returned to the mothership for repair. But all gathered here are Relatively weak enemies are rare monsters with the ability to kill xìng. "

"It's good as a warm-up."

I nodded and turned to say hello to the leader bee who had just finished buffing the soldiers. "Ola, teleport a spirit master."

It is good to have a leader bee. Although their functions are not strong, their diversity is very satisfying. The Swiss Army Knife is really weak compared to Aura.

The silent mask girl used the crystal wings on the back to open a flashing white portal in the air. A mass-produced Schilling host came out from the servo, and looked at me and Sandora with expressionless expressions. command.

Don't you really say that I usually spend a lot of time with the homeless bubble and the cute little bubble that sells cute, and suddenly I see a version with a small face waiting to be hit. Why am I not so used to it?

"Start as planned, this building should be the building, I hope the underlying matrix below it is really as good as the agent reports."

The mass production host teleported from the mothership dullly saluted me and Sandora, and then began to expand their host slot in the square according to the planned plan-this is certainly not a good place to set up a mother nest expansion base. Time is not allowed, so her task is to take over Atlantis' city control system as soon as possible, and find a way to restore the downtime of the city host. Otherwise, without the assistance of the city defense system, the advancement of ground forces will encounter too much. Multiple variables.

This is why we use this as the first landing point. According to the intelligence collected by the agents, the Elder Trail is one of the main information nodes of Atlantis. There is an abandoned auxiliary computing array here-of course, this The abandoned array has now been converted into a temple, but the information matrix below it has not been removed and can be used immediately after reactivation.

When a team of heavily armored soldiers appeared in the slot of the main unit when they opened up, these soldiers who were more powerful than the general imperial soldiers were the main unit guards. Although they did not have sufficient personality and mentality, they Possessing the best individual reaction furnace and enhanced energy shield can guarantee at least time for the host to escape from the battlefield in an emergency.

As an important unit of the Schilling military system after the highest commander, the Schilling host, even if it is a mass-produced copy machine, also has a high security treatment, but only these well-behaved mass-production opportunities are strictly in operation in memory. The procedure released the host guard at the beginning of the mission. The big guy who cares about bubbles always throws his guard into the space folds because he is troublesome, and Xiao Bubble doesn't know what the soldiers in the portable space are doing now. of……

The crystal prism placed on the complex mechanical platform gradually changed from light and shadow to solid. The mass production host stood inside the prism and entered the working state. The "information" that was originally invisible was transformed into a pipeline between matter and energy. , Gradually extended into the underground and nearby building walls, a slight energy flow sounded, the sound of the production host sounded in the spiritual link: "Available lines were found, error 678, the remote computer did not respond, the preliminary judgment of the city host The energy has been exhausted. This machine will use the backup energy to start the remote host. Please ensure that this machine has energy supply. "

I think there are too many strange things that Bubble usually instills into his girlfriends.

At this moment, a dense explosion came from the neighborhood, and the blue-violet lightning flashed the sky with a violent flash. There was a faint smell of six mature barbecues in the air. Sandora drew her nose in the direction of the explosion: "It seems that the Raven has begun to suppress the enemies of the" Wise Man's Trail ". It seems that it is occupied by the mutant war beasts, so the Ravens use Mississippi. "

As soon as Sandora's voice fell, the taste in the air became seven mature.

"It seems to be a Mexican trick?" Said Her Majesty, whose nose was almost ready for radar.

I was also curious, sniffing, a cumin scent mixed with green onions scented, this time I do n’t need to speak with Sandora, I know, this calculation method ...

"The ravens are so full!"

With a loud roar, I twitched in the direction of the rising smoke, and it was not wrong to bully the little monsters based on my high level. It was not a big mistake to bully the little monsters and bake them to maturity with fire, but you bake them into seven. It's a bit inhuman to sprinkle cumin pepper noodles with green onion and sweet noodle sauce after maturity. Even if the other party is a monster turned into a beast, you can't really grill it! It's better to learn to learn armored scorpions. Although it's a bit violent, at least people don't whip their corpses? !!

I finally realized that a group of mass-produced slow half-shots in the gang of animal world heroes at home were usually overactive.

However, after calling his own soldiers, Raven 001 gave me a grieving **** sè: "Your Majesty, this time it is not us-you can never imagine who is having a barbecue party."

I froze and took Sandora to the "Wise Men's Walk" one block away, but as soon as I walked to the general burst of screams and yells and shouts, it made me walk. The familiar sounds of some of them are really terrifying.

"Reimu! What are you doing ?!"

Turning around a street corner, staring blankly at the barbecue party in front of me, I felt my bronchi convulsing.

Girls in Fantasy Township—Yes, there are n’t all these dragons and armors in this time, and all the sights are filled with powerful fantasy town girl monsters—now gathering on the still-smoke Shipu street Around a dozen large bonfires, the surrounding air is filled with the smell of thorns after burning the air in addition to the smell of barbecue. The original monster-ridden streets are now filled with war. The bodies of beasts, each dead, is very performance art. Judging from the average body surface of each monster has more than two-digit types of wounds, they were made for the biological anatomy course of fantasy town girl monsters before hanging up. A great contribution, and beyond this festive party, more than a hundred raven and armored scorpions who are responsible for suppressing here are standing innocently. They must have shot in the previous battle, but the battle was over. The situation was a little bit beyond the expectations of these imperial soldiers.

The appearance of Sandora and I did not attract the attention of any fantasy town monsters, and they were still immersed in their happy barbecue activities until I could not bear to rush forward to lift the magic yarn closest to me.

"Wow! Chen! Are you here too?"

The black and white witch turned her head and screamed in surprise, because the belt was held in the air by the body, and she had to work hard to hold her large magic hat to prevent falling, but even in this state, she I haven't forgotten to throw two pieces of firewood into the bonfire in front of me.

"What the **** are you doing!"

"Qing Gong Qing Gong!" Qi lù jumped up, holding a large moraine in her hand: the way she grilled was very interesting: first the meat was cooked, then frozen into a large moraine, and finally sprinkled with various Kind of seasoning, I do n’t know whether it should be classified as barbecue or cumin ice, but the only thing that can be determined is that this silly little man is happy with tǐng, “Humans, We have occupied this street! We are here to help! These monsters are really powerful, but they are still the strongest! "

Qi lù Nuo ’s words are basically no logic at all, but I still understand why these swarms of living treasures appear here. Immediately, I set my gaze on a certain direction: he was leading his own style and The **** of the own style strives for the Yayun purple in the barbecue.

The fantasy township monsters will not use the Legion Teleporter. Even if they use them, they do not have the right to open the door casually, except for only one person: Yakumo Purple, who is the executive officer of the Space Time Administration and has not yet stepped down. Experienced guy.

"Don't look at me, I just want to help you," Zi noticed the sight here, but just smiled lightly, a look of no change, "And this is also our own thing, Tianwai Island almost ruined the fantasy Township, as the host, how can we not teach the monsters on this island, the monsters are all revenge guys. "

"Well, and at the beginning it really underestimated the strength of those monsters and almost lost. Fortunately, your soldiers were nearby. After we mastered the enemy's weaknesses, we finally won." Lan with a mild smile, slightly sorry but more Mostly, she said to me in a proud tone. Her beautiful nine big tails were a little messy. It seemed to be caused by a fierce battle. Now a little loli with cat ears is warming up in the pile. The warm fluff fluttered with laughter, occasionally looking at me with a strange look. "Maybe this makes you feel a bit troublesome, but please be sure to understand everyone's feelings. And I and Mr. Zi really hope to help you share the pressure."

The fox mother said that it is well-founded and has a good attitude. Regardless of why Ling Meng ’s unscrupulous lazy guy will follow this lively, Lan may really have the attitude of retribution, and the city of Atlantis The monster did invade Fantasy Township. Looking around, it was better to go out to the barbecue scene than to take a break during the war. Even Sandora could not find the reason for the anger.

What else can we say? Sighing and looking around, I only contacted the carrier carrier at high altitude: "Hello the medical soldiers, the kind that will treat the carbon-based organisms, and let them take thirty pounds of stomach medicine ..."

Yakumo Blue's furry ears trembled slightly: "Well?"

I stretched out **** to the Fox Fox: "A total of two things. First, I finally determined that Yakumo is not deceiving. The tail is indeed shed after you eat untidy. Second, the monsters in Fantasy Township like It's too bad to pick things up and eat. "

"You dare to bake and eat monsters infected by the abyss!"

I yelled angrily, but interrupted a barbecue party with hundreds of people at the scene. Only after Qi Luo Nuo used to put a lot of messy things in his mouth after waiting, waited until he swallowed. Opened his mouth dumbly: "Ah? God horse?"

Then the idiot started to jump up and down like he was covering his stomach.

Yes, the abyss is dangerous, but it is not a substance, not even a toxin. Wild animals contaminated by the abyss will go crazy, but it is not really infected with any disease, and after the infected body is killed, its body The energy of the abyss will also be gradually purified by the world, and there will not be any residue of viruses that endanger the digestive system, but-if any fool thinks this means that the abyss monster is killed and then self-purified into something to eat. That would be a big mistake!

Every thing that is infected by the abyss itself is collapsing, and even every molecule is deteriorating. After a thoroughly abyssed beast is killed, you can basically find any possible possibility from its cells. Genetic mutations are even more microscopic molecular mutations. Crazy destruction at various levels can completely transform the body of a heavily infected abyss into another thing. In this messy destruction xìng mutation, God knows that those crazy cells will What kind of material is combined: You can say this ~ www.readwn.com ~ If there is an abyss monster hanging, then after the girl is flattened, it will be a periodic table of elements! And it's after that kind of fully random combination!

Think about it, eating such a pile of immortals that they may not have any ingredients in it, can anyone stand besides Sandora?

So now two-thirds of the more than one hundred fantasy town monsters have been poisoned by various foods! Food poisoning that can make monsters flutter!

The armored scorpions and ravens at the scene were Apostles of the Spirit. The special life forms and good teeth made them not have the concept of food poisoning. Therefore, when they saw the fantasy townspeople starting to grill the hunted monsters, they were just a bit I have a headache, but I do n’t know how to dissuade them. They thought it was safe to dissipate the abyss energy from those monsters, but I knew the stupidity of doing so. It ’s a pity that Thrall had been so forsaken. ...

The only good thing is that the daredevil at the scene is just food poisoning. They are not infected by the abyss. At most, they will feel dizzy, nausea, abdominal pain, indigestion, and indigestion for a while to solve the periodic table of elements accumulated in the stomach. The "fifth uncle" brand fast-acting stomach medicine of Shadow City Pharmaceutical Factory No. 6 will definitely alleviate the symptoms of these silly girls. @。

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