Xiling Empire

Chapter 707: Skyfall Rogue Gang

In order to break through the sigh wall, three armored scorpions have broken their tails. When they came off the production line, they obviously did not download the information about special shields, and they were too confident in their tails. This is not surprising in armored scorpions. These cold weapon enthusiasts are only keen to study how to cut people or cut The armor and the effective use of their own tails, the scorpions were enthusiastic about the soft shield in their eyes, such as the energy shield.

But today they met a weak one.

"" It's okay, just cut off a tail, we can soon get a new one for you, "a mass production raven with a sincere expression that looks tǐng sincere to a scorpion soldier who is looking distressed at his tail. Said, "" And then you can continue to use it to draw a mother ship-level rigid shield.

Seeing that there was such a trace of true feelings in this Du Feng's tone, I didn't hear it.

The armored scorpion, whose eyes were not so rich, couldn't hear the raven's cricket, but looked at his tail sadly: "" The 26-axis power lock that I just changed last month is so bad that I don't know if I can still guarantee it. "

This lady Scorpion who polishes and waxes the carapace, you are still t 还 ng fashionable!

I put my hand on the sigh wall and was experimenting with whether this thing could be cracked in other ways.

There is no resistance where I start. When I first press it without force, I feel as if I am touching the water surface of mō. It is soft and has no power. The impression seems to be something that can be broken with a slight push. Not surprisingly, it has the strength that can make the armored scorpions with amazing physical defenses hurt, but as the strength of the hand increases, I feel that this thing will "harden," which is a more vivid statement.

No matter how much force is applied to this thin layer of light curtain, it can produce just the right strength to resist, and when I press it as hard as I can, "this thing is as strong as the front armor of a battleship. No wonder it is the Raven's Brute force can't break a small gap.

Raven 001 flew into the air and released a white-hot fireball at a height of tens of meters towards the wall of sigh. This can melt pure heat energy through dozens of meters of steel plate and attack the wall of sigh. However, the multi-energy feedback force field did not play the slightest role, and it instantly generated 100% resistance to the fire. The raven's attack was neutralized.

Ordinary attacks do not seem to be useful for such advanced barriers. The Ravens began to discuss whether they would gather together for an ultra-large-scale arcane collision: after all, the wall of sigh is not a law-level defense system, it is just a super-endurance plus The xìng quality is a little special high-level shield. The sufficient attack power can certainly fix it. This plan is theoretically full of feasible xìng ”

But a group of magical young girls calculated for a long time and came to a conclusion: because there is no instruction manual for this sigh wall, we do n’t know what its impact resistance value is. The Ravens can only estimate mō coming. The entire inner city, including the Atlantis control base inside, was burned to the ground, with insufficient force, and the flood of arcane torrents that had overflowed would kill the entire mid-city area.

My idea is to use void energy to penetrate this energy shield, which is also full of feasible xìng, but unfortunately, the sequelae are the same as the plan above.

"" Okay, okay, there isn't enough equivalent kinetic energy weapons with great power to attack, and it's not easy to control, "I scratched my hair and looked at the semi-transparent barrier in front and the last enemies surrounded by dark mist inside the barrier, "I try to interfere with the energy flow of this thing, but I hope that the energy flow of the sigh wall is not much different from the ordinary shield."

This is a stupid solution, but now there is no better solution. "Sandora only nodded and let me try, while the other soldiers dispersed to alert, although some of the blocks are already under our control and can fight the abyss You must not have a hint of care when it is because the enemy has the ability to make everything in the world a hostile weapon.

But just as I put my hand on the wall of sighs and started analyzing, "a roar from Skyrim suddenly interrupted everyone's movement.

Looking around in surprise, everyone saw a magnificent scene: in the shadow of the dark moon, a crack in gold sè was torn open, as if the sun on its back finally broke the solar eclipse, releasing infinite brightness The majestic and sacred golden light spreads through the cracks in the world. There seems to be sacred music. The giant flying dragon with two heads follows the light and breaks through the cracks in the space like the gate of heaven. This powerful **** The xìng creature flapped its wings and swooped towards us while gliding and announced to the world with a high-pitched roar: she forgot to slow down again!

The Protoss sliver quintet, I almost forgot about them.

Ares stared blankly at the huge and sacred figure in the sky, exclaiming in a low voice: "What is that !?"

I patted the elbow of the door-swording macho with great effort: "That's kinetic energy. Extraordinarily large amount of kinetic energy comes down! !! "" Huhhlam, a sound of metal collision, although many people do not understand what is going on, they still obey the order immediately, especially the Atlantis giant group led by Hardis, When they were lying down, the movement was really the same as the earthquake.

There are also unlucky ones, such as some scorpion soldiers, facing the huge kinetic energy falling from the sky, a few brain-dead armored scorpions almost cried out in unison: "How can we lie down? !! , "

A group of Ravens shouted in unison: "" Humanoid! moron! , "

To be honest, I feel that in order to improve the bravery of armored scorpions on the battlefield, they sacrificed too much, such as their brains.

At the very moment when the last armored scorpion turned into a human shape on the ground, King Sè's two-headed dragon finally finished the final glide. "" Boom, "a loud noise, and the huge body of 100 meters. I hit the wall of sighs straight! This time I saw that, just like when I first came to Avalon, Lynn landed first: Thank the Father God for giving her a good tooth.

The dragon's two heads hit the sigh wall without distinction, the powerful feedback force field instantly switched to the rigid xìng mode, and a circle of light bō was diffused to offset the external impact. For a moment, I seemed to see There were a few cracks in it, but in the end, the two-headed dragon failed to break through this barrier. She stuck to the hemispherical rigid light curtain like a big cake and then slipped down.

Incidentally smashed countless flowers and plants.

The wall of sighs still stands, and it seems that after the attack just now, it has become more energetic.

"" It's truly a mothership-level shield. I thought it would break open at this moment, "I looked at the wall of sighs without any damage, and I whispered, and Sandora shook her head long ago:" "This kind of attack is still too weak. After all, it was the ultimate defense system of that scientific expedition team at that time. How could it be hit by a clumsy dragon **** casually?"

I nodded with deep conviction, and watched the Protoss sliver quintessentially turning from the distant smog from the distance.

Just like the way I played last time, I even wonder if the Dingjin team must go through this process every time they come to the world, and Bingtis has to "" experience with younger generations as a novice task, The ground moves with these living treasures, and she is really bad.

"" Cough, cough, that was awesome just now. I think it's safer for us to jump in early next time. " "Ilson's coughing and wheezing sounds first. He and Monina were supporting each other. It looked like a brother Lao deeply depended on each other, but the poisonous tongue of an old black belly girl was immediately betrayed. This warm atmosphere: "If you don't mind watching Lynn's pitiful tears for a few days in the future, try it like that, idiot bro. ,, Kenser coughs while rubbing his slumped waist "" Keke, the kidneys are fine, the kidneys are sick, "

A tall and powerful figure came to the end, but now she rushed over and gave me a cuddly hug with Sandora: "" Ah! Come and help! I just stopped the collection of high-speed tolls, and Ding-Dang's monthly tickets were owed for hundreds of years. The group of stupid people didn't know how to recharge. Finally, we came from the toll station of the Void Node thanks to our own behavior. ""

I was embarrassed and freed from Bingtis' amazing size and tenderness, and looked at the arrogant silver-haired royal sister in front of me: "You paid the fee? , "

Bingtis shook her hair: "No, he has big fists. , I'm sweating like rain: "" You demolished the toll station! , "

"" How could it be? Even though my body was black, I knew how to listen to the Father: I just stunned 123

The meal was then stopped for free in the name of transporting the wounded. You might as well take down the toll booth!

Sandora and I looked at Ilson, who was supported by Monina, with a very sympathetic look. The latter gave me a gesture of "O", and Monina grinned at me: "I said Yeah, I tuned my stupid brother a few thousand years ago! "

I felt that the difficulty of communicating with this group of goods in a normal person's way of thinking rose sharply, and I quickly changed the topic: "Don't say anything else, what about Lin? , "

As soon as the voice had fallen, the dragon goddess girl slowly wobbled out from behind Uncle Kenther's tall figure. After a careful look at me, the other party said dumbly: "Ah? ,, that look Looked as innocent as Little Bubble.

With terrified eyes, I repeatedly confirmed that Lin's eyes are really going to be so innocent, how innocent, how dull, how dull, and then I sweat: "" Well, Ding Dong, hurry up, your dragon **** may be silly !! After finishing this, the dragon **** the opposite side blinked at me with big jewel-like eyes, hey silly, humming in your mouth, you have to say that her brain is still normal now, it is definitely a deception!

Monina reached out mō and mō has entered the head of a young dragon goddess, and smiled and said, "Do n’t be nervous, this is normal: when she came down, she had a head stun and she became human. such. ""

what the hell! Is this OK? In other words, now Lynn has only half her intelligence left?

"" This is also the racial talent of the Dragon God. They can continue to move without losing a head. Although their brains will become less effective, they are better than losing their ability to move. She will be normal after a while. Now let ’s take a look at your situation: What can we do for you? , "

As soon as Monina's voice fell, Ilson immediately came to life like a full state resurrection. He quickly took out the exaggerated gold feathered sword and the heavy shield of the Heavenly Cross from the different space. The general yelled loudly: "Come on, come on! Where is the enemy! Let them see the power of God of War! , This hot-blooded idiot had made a female hooligan full of old punches, but now it is so spirited, indicating that Bingtis really has n’t played fierce hands (someone ’s Wang Baquan ’s power has been taught by the family), and also fully proves that 123 is extremely Maybe it was Monina who did the training.

"" The enemies on the periphery have been killed by us. Two-thirds of the entire city is now under our control, and now the last barrier is this, "I reached out and patted the wall of sighs that still stand still after the impact of the dragon god. "" A layer of mother ship-level protective force field. Only by breaking through it will we be able to activate the key city defense system. I am trying to neutralize this troublesome thing, but if you have a simpler method, it will be better., "

"Oh, that's it. I've heard that, Bingtis is well-known. With only one glance, she came out of the secret "multi-energy feedback force field of the sigh wall. Commonly known as the sigh wall, you use it to specially protect the fleet command, because you can conduct equal defense against any attack, which can allow the protoss Soldiers have headaches, but it is said that it has a significant effect on energy supply, but it is not enough defense against simple brute force. Let a weird woman attack with all her strength. "

Immediately after Bingtis's voice fell, I felt a gust of wind blowing around my ears with a sharp whistling sound, and when the response came, Lin was already running towards the other side of the street, wrapped in thick smoke, and soon disappeared into our sight. .

"Lin may be going to help break this thing, but is she running in the wrong direction because of reduced intelligence?" I stared stunned as I watched a series of deep holes on the ground stepped by that weird woman.

Monina shrugged: "Who knows, Lynn is thinking strangely in this state, she can't control her own behavior", so she often makes unexpected surprises to the outside world. Father and God are on! !! Get out of the way! !! "

As if thousands of heavy motorcycles roared over, the whistling sound from the distance came from the sky. The direction of the disappearance of Lin just raised the sandstorm again. A small black spot in front of the thick smoke quickly zoomed in, and Bingtis was on the side. Aside, she shouted, "Mother! That girl just went to run!"

A group of people crawled on the ground and walked away a 100-meter wide passage to prevent accidental injuries. "

The dragon **** girl leaned halfway and broke through the air in a savage collision posture, and finally "banged"

The ground hit the sigh wall again.

The protective force field flickered a few times, and it seemed that this level was about to be completely extinguished, but the final result was still the dragon **** girl with her limbs clinging to the shield slipping down from there.

Monina hurried up to check Lin's condition, and after a few seconds she looked up and gave us a regretful expression: "Her last half of her intelligence is gone."

The air around was dead and silent, and Youyouzi finally couldn't restrain the deep inside exploration. With a folding fan in her hand, a small group of Protoss-like quintessential creatures: "Humans, what are they here for?"

I spread my hands: "I haven't figured out what they are doing since I met."

In conversation, Ben already fainted because of the two parts of the head (how did Lin distinguish between the two heads when it became a human form? This may be an eternal mystery) and the fainting Lin suddenly had movement. The goddess girl murmured shēn, and then stood up slowly, "looking at us with naive and troubled eyes.

Monina whispered, covering her half of her face, explaining, "The head that passed out was sober."

This idiot dragon **** also comes with a shift function!

Sandola looked at the wall of sighs that could not be seen far away, and suddenly said, "To be honest, I think this thing should break through again."

I took a look at it and found out that after two super-intense collisions, the indestructible sigh wall has been dim, and even some transparent tiny holes flashed on it.

"The impact of exceeding the reading value damaged the energy line of the feedback force field, resulting in insufficient energy supply. After all, it is an old antique. Monina, a toy that has not been repaired for hundreds of thousands of years, can Lin come again? No one here is better than her. More powerful. "

The goddess of darkness assisted Lin, who was in a young age, with pain and pain: "Actually, according to Lin's strength and serious skills, she should be able to break the wall of sigh at once, but she had reduced her thinking ability by half because of an accidental crash. Now I ca n’t use any skills at all ... "I just stumbled into it again and again" "

Listening to Monina's worried words, I am always happy: It seems that Lin always suffers and is usually loved by someone.

As a result, Monina's next sentence was: "In case I am really stupid, I will be responsible for cleaning later!"

Bettis couldn't stand it at this time: "You are really in trouble, isn't it just a shield! Let the little dragon **** girl take some protection and then hit it! I don't believe you usually have a few decent pieces No protective gear! "

"Defense?" As soon as Bingtis's voice came down, Monina and Kenther suddenly looked at one person at the same time: Ilson!

"Bombie's defense is the strongest!" Monina slammed Ilson's ōng Jia, who also realized that it was time for her performance, and raised her head for a far-sighted look, while holding the arm of the **** in her hand. The gesture is small, "I want to say that the most powerful armor in the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ is naturally the half of this **** idiot in my hand, and Lin understands it. Don't look at the decline in intelligence, some She still has basic understanding.

So I saw the dragon **** girl clap her hands happily and stepped forward

… Hold Ilson all over his head, and then rushed "banging" for a while, just like run-up, Lin held Ilson, wrapped in a thick smoke and disappeared on the other side of the city.

Monina was completely dumbfounded and Bingtis muttered to herself: "I think it's enough to let Ilson hold the shield to the little dragon girl."

At the same time, the earth shuddered again, still the sound of thousands of heavy-duty motorcycles, this time also mixed with Ilson's high-pitched screams: "Don't say it earlier!

boom! "

The crisp crackling sound finally sounded from the barrier this time, and Lynn Ilson's combination smashed through the ultimate shield at supersonic speed, disappearing in the streets of the inner city with a billowing smoke, and we were silent. Watching the wall of sighs turned into crystalline fragments after a second. @。

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