Xiling Empire

Chapter 712: Final battle

Xiao Pao finally found my dad, and now he is full of joy and octave claws on me like white. The strength of the little girl is worthy of the race of the Apostles of the Spirit. The stability after hanging around my neck is unusual. I took a good deal. I didn't make a great effort to get this girl down, so I had to let it go.

Jier Jiamei, who was trying to restore the dull hair on her head from two to one, followed with a depressed face, her face was gritted and her teeth could not be vented. Just a few minutes ago, this unlucky guy was very Unfortunately, I have confirmed the fact that I am really left with pickles and pancakes for the next week ’s meal. This makes the oldest queen accustomed to Jinyiyu food extremely unbearable. You must know that she is usually a young girl at home. The bubble is a treat, although the bitter lìlìna is evaluated as "the pets who are near the owner can naturally eat the same meals as the owner", but it cannot be denied that Jill is the best living spirit so far. Now What a good thing, I worked hard as a nanny, and returned to work overnight.

Looking at this guy's bulging look, I sneered secretly. I really don't know how to evaluate Jill's intelligence. I said that she deducted her food, and this guy was still stupidly serious .........

What's even more speechless is that Jin Bing, who was once invincible, even made a young man just three years old.

After a few months of training, Mao Girl turned into this picture. The fighting power of the Spirit Apostle was extraordinary, even if he was three years old.

In fact, if I really want to say it, Giler has done something beyond my expectations this time. In the case that no one can master the law of the action of Little Bubbles, she has kept her and Little Girl in a way that cannot be explained scientifically. Synchronization.

After some inquiries, I knew why Jill came to this world with Xiao Pao. At that time, the little girl was dragged by her unscrupulous mother to learn to play games. Because of lack of interest, she swayed out of her mother's nest and crossed the heavily guarded. Twelve sentry posts, swaying into the highest security level of the Space-Time Administration Dispatch Center "under several guarded eyelids drilled into a dimension door being debugged and issued a" go to find father "order, and At that time, Jill Girl instinctively went to the Time and Space Administration Bureau. After hearing that the guard was anxious to run away with the little princess, she even got into the nearest dimension door and ignored her greetings. The coordinates are Atlantis.

What's even more amazing is that after almost random teleportation, she appeared less than two meters away from the small bubble and stomped on a mutant monster who was planning to sneak on the little girl, and later died from the CLP behind them. From an unlucky perspective, Jill Girl gave the monster a happy moment.

Use the words of Lin Banxian **** to explain that some kind of magical tacit understanding and mysterious **** have taken root between Jier Jiamei and Xiao Bubiao. "Although the former always insisted that he was suppressed by violence, he had to be reduced to a small force. The child's nanny, but it is undeniable that she cares about a little girl who bullies herself all day and treats herself as a glowing pillow, as much as any of us.

Even when attacked, she instinctively wanted to protect the latter first.

..., better than her mother-in-law.

Because I wanted to pick up the little bubbles as soon as possible, I teleported here alone. The four living treasures of the Protoss and other soldiers are still on standby in the day hall, but it is convenient to have space to jump. Soon we will reunite. The Trentis warriors and the monsters of Fantasy Township looked at the two people I brought with curious eyes, especially focusing on the octopus hanging around my neck. Qi lùno jumped over and shouted loudly: "Wow! what is this! What did you bring? "

I elbowed her with an elbow: "What a mess! This is my daughter!"

Youyouzi on the other side suddenly looked at the thrilling sè, and looked up and down the little bubble murmured to himself: "Ah, isn't Wenwen's fabrication this time? Really have a child?"

The question of the demon dream is even more straightforward. When I came up, I said, "Is the mother of this child a Reimu clip?"

Me: Qi ...

Youyouzi: "This child doesn't seem to follow her mother ~ nor does it follow you."

Me: Qi ...

"Your rude group of people are quiet to the king!" Sister Jill was even more anxious than me, and yelled loudly on the spot to stop the monsters' unreliable guessing behavior. "This child and that secretly from the king's chair The untouchables who dig out gold have nothing to do with it! It is you, but you do n’t know how to bow down when you meet the king. Do you feel that you are with the king ...

I stunned her head: "No matter how broken the mouth is, I won't have any pickles next week."

Gill girl's hair on her head was instantly straightened by anger: "Dalit !! My King has endured you for a long time!"

Little bubble: "Gua!"

Jill Girl: "... so it should be fine for a while."

"I said," Who is this amazing guy? "Qi Lù Nuo was dissatisfied with the elbow and elbow just now, but somehow transferred his grievances to Jill," Hey! Say you, they are the most powerful Qiluo Nuo in Fantasy Township. What's your name? "

Jill Girl looked at Qi Lù Nuo disdainfully, and the ice wings behind the latter made her a little curious: "Strange thing. This king is the oldest and greatest king of mankind. You, even a mankind, are counted. What qualifications does a guy who doesn't have the right to know the king's name? "

"This child is called Gilgamesh!" Ding Dang knows which horns have come out of the sky, hovering up and down in the air to introduce him "" Gill, this is Ding Dang's new friend called Qi Lù Nuo! " "

Xiao Biao yelled immediately, reached out to catch Ding Dong flying around, and I quickly stuffed a lollipop into her mouth: As long as Xiao Biao eats in her mouth, Ding Dong can be at ease .

Jill Girl frowned, then frowned and looked at Qi lù Nuo: "Friend of the goddess?

Alas, this weird guy again. Don't expect your king to give you any good looks. ",

Ding-Dang is the boss of Jill Absolutely, even if the latter no longer obeys the organization and transfers, and no longer used to being finger-painted, she also has to admit that someone must obey unconditionally, even if it is just a guy who has not two lollipops tall . When Qi Luo Nuo was acknowledged as a new friend by her own mouth, with the instinct originating from a fool, Jill felt that the greatest crisis in life was coming, but she didn't know what the sense of crisis represented.

Avalon's Dingdang side spirits are usually not doing nothing. They often receive orders from the temple or even Dingdang to execute various strange characters. It is more normal to order the goddess to maintain world peace. What's abnormal is to go to a world organization to perform a literary show to promote the goddess' fraternity. The most abnormal thing is to go to Azeroth to learn the advanced confectionery production technology of the Acacia bear monster. The abundant and bitter daily life of the Avalon heroes allowed the unlucky children to endure the torture of life in addition to enjoying the long-lost joyous life. But Jill Girl is an exception. Her usual horn is a nanny of Little Bubble. This status allows her to rarely participate in the collective tasks of other spirits. In other words, she is trained by the religious goddess of life, led by Jing Ding. Not enough and common sense tells us that inexperienced guys are going to be bad.

When she had no coping experience, when she saw Ding Dong's eyes constantly patrolling between herself and the strange creature named Qi lù Nuo, although she immediately felt dangerous, she failed to slip away in time. As a result ...

"Let's play together!",

Our goddess commanded so cheerfully.

Qi lù Norton suddenly jumped up in high spirits: "Ah, good! Last time ... the game of 凵 has not yet won or lost! This time people will be in a group with this dumb, and they will definitely win!",

"..." Jill was dumbfounded. "Wait! Goddess! Although it is your order, the king has a position ..."

Xiaopao hung on Dad and felt very satisfied. He waved his hand at Sister Jill without looking back, as a signal to the other side that you have no position now.

It ’s still the same as when I was in Fantasy Township. ”Ding Dang and Qi Luo Nuo immediately forgot about what they were doing and happily ran to find a place where nobody was playing the game. This time, IQ was also not very good. Gao Gilmei, even after seeing this uncle disappear into sight, even Youyouzi couldn't help but sigh: "What is the significance of their presence here? ",

I answered blankly: "Combining the three hail cold spirits to save the world." Everyone: "..." The city defense system of Atlantis has been fully launched, and the haze and fog that have covered the city for many days are now The speed dissipated by the naked eye is still entangled in the mutant monsters around the city. The combination of the sentinel cannon and the bō energy tower that restores operation is severely wounded and endangered. The streets have no intelligence but are extremely solid arcane. The stone demons are patrolling to ensure that the city is restored to order. Atlantis civilians have gradually entered the streets that have been completely cleaned up. They have begun to collect things that can be used. A small army of armored scorpions and technicians has entered the city. In the underground part, the paralyzed peculiar energy network started to repair. With their actions, the city's energy supply range is gradually expanding. The special bō long psionic radiation intensity with purification effect is steadily increasing in the air, and the abyss breath is almost To be completely cleared from this ancient city.

Sandora had led a number of ground forces to gather at the foot of Mount Olympus in preparation for a total attack on the holy mountain that was originally hit by debris and was still infected by the abyss. Vega's troops are laying an energy coil near the star ring debris. After continuous weakening, the abyss response of the star ring debris has been reduced to near the safety line ~

The so-called safety line is that the spirit apostles can directly contact the mō infected body without being polluted. For ordinary creatures, the star ring fragments are still a horrible thing that can cause genocide. Therefore, they need to "pull out" the upcoming fragments. "Be ready, a new generation of psionic shock coils from Tavel ’s dedication can effectively suppress any abyss infections that are below the safety line without touching the rebound, so that they can withstand direct contact and space movement during the transportation process. Without serious leakage, our serious and serious scientists also thoughtfully added a line of warnings at the end of the instructions for the new generation of coils: "This is theoretically the case.",

Therefore, Vega thinks that they need to be filled with these theoretically useful coils at the foot of the Olympus. Now the scorpions are running around at the foot of the mountain with their gear boxes.

After going to meet with Sandora, I encountered another team.

Headed by Boli Lingmeng and Marisa, the fantasy town girls who just got out of the medical cabin. This army was baptized with food poisoning in the early stages of the battle and retired from the battle, but under the kind care of the advanced technology of the empire and the stomach medicine, these originally fallen fighters have stood up again. When my team with Sandora was in When the foothills converged, such a special unit appeared in our sight. Obviously they are a group of girls, but now they all have a staggering momentum, as if the food poisoning in the early days of battle has become a force to spur them, so that these young girls still stand firmly in front of their comrades with the pain of gastrointestinal ulcers. They have crutches, suspenders, and ventilator, and they pour medicine into their throats while walking. "There are two people who support each other ... Such a team Standing there is enough to allow public opinion to condemn the empire's medical system and people's livelihood policies, and the impact of their presence in front of the soldiers in the front line is even more huge, and I ca n’t help but be moved to tears: it ’s all come back Would the morale of other people be undercover?

"It's okay, we're okay." Boli Lingmeng held Marisa's shoulders, with a resolute god, and made such a promise to the generals, and then came over and murmured to me, "I heard that there is a big battle today. Is it true? ",

I want to tell this girl honestly, "It's definitely more valuable for her to be able to go back and take care of herself than to worry about here ...", ...

"Forget it, since it is here, you can come and watch it with peace of mind." I know that this group of guys cannot understand the so-called overall view, and it is impossible to obey anyone's military dispatch, so they can only acquiesce to this group. Living Treasure's move, then looked at Sandora beside him. "How is the situation on the mountain?" ",

"We found the severely injured bō Sedon at the foot of the mountain, and he has been sent for treatment, but we still can't get in touch with Zeus. The energy confusion on the mountain is too serious, and even the space equipment cannot be safely started." But it can be confirmed that Zeus is still fighting, and the temple on the top of the mountain has not yet fallen. The forest on the mountainside is full of mutant monsters, hawks, finrel, nightmare, and Medusa. It is a snake-shaped beast made by genetic engineering and crystal technology. It is powerful. Radiation attack can make inorganic matter instantly become a fragile crystalline structure, and it is also extremely lethal to living things. These monsters are closest to the Starring Shard "

It was also the first guy to be mutated by radiation. The combat power is unusually strong. "Many ordinary monsters can even fight with our heroes.",

"But they are dead," I looked back at the Scorpion soldiers, who were ready to go. "These soldiers were born for this kind of fighting.",

Because Mount Olympus is the most important energy stove storage place for the entire Atlantis floating island, we ca n’t clean it with high-powered saturated bombing, so the armored scorpion once again found them to fight. On the stage, watching a group of armored scorpions leaping yù trying uneasily and scratching their mechanical arthropods in that creak, Sandora smiled slightly: "〖From attack!"

Suddenly, the overwhelming armored scorpion was like a detached superficial thinking. The blackbird ran about everywhere, and in an instant it rushed into the woodlands and mountain roads of Mount Olympus. The sound of dense explosions, weapon collisions and monsters were The extinct roar came from deep in the forest.

We all know that the armored scorpion has six tu ǐ, which gives them unparalleled agility and speed, and when combating in complex areas, it has multiplied the terrain adaptability of these female soldiers. They can climb on the narrowest cliffs. They rushed sideways at incredible angles, danced wildly on a nearly right-angle ramp, and were agile on the battlefield without a foothold, yes, they all have anti-gravity flying devices, so the chickens fly in Olympus Dog jumping.

"I'm afraid we have to re-green this place after the battle." I looked up. The armored scorpion never picked a path. It was random to walk in the mountains or the jungle. It depends on where there are things that can be cut by them, so Many burning forest fires have been set in the dense forests of Mount Olympus, among them are the magics released by the monsters during the battle, and some lock guns from the tail of the armored scorpion. "The second echelon ,follow me!",

Suddenly, the emotions were uplifting: "What is the second echelon?" I almost got down: "Isn't there so much momentum? The rest are keeping up!" As a result, Sandora got down ~ www.readwn.com ~ this It was a battle of no difficulty, even though the enemy was Atlantis, the most polluted,

The most fierce combat power, but the two elite emperor's elite ground troops are definitely the most fierce combat power in the multiverse. Sandora and I do n’t even have to fight in person at all. Just watch the ordinary soldiers clean up the monsters at the end of the road. , The armored scorpion unit opened the way in front of the small monsters, regardless of the beliefs of men, women, children, mothers, mothers, mothers, and mothers. The remote xìng quality monsters were magic girl Raven and Atlantis servants. Leader bees can shine on this kind of battlefield: their crystallized wings fight treacherously, their sharp edges and powerful beam cannons are deadly weapons in short- and medium-range fighting. The mirroring and refraction produced by the attack The effect is to make the already complicated jungle battle even more potent. Many monsters have experienced mixed death under the action of crystal power. For example, they have died at the same time of slashing fire, water, electric shock, toxic heart spasm, and their own weapons. At the beginning, I also know how the leader bee's floating blade gun killed the enemy, but even Sandora did n’t even know that the monsters were What of the dead.

A comprehensive comparison of the results of the three heroic combat soldiers can be summarized as follows: the monsters killed by the armored scorpion are hacked, the monsters killed by the raven are burned, and the monsters killed by the leader bee are arrows in the knee. Suffocated. @。

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