Xiling Empire

Chapter 720: Quite happy

Chapter 720 tǐng happy

The story of the old skull Zakane was quite touched by a living person, but among the forgotten people, his experience is probably the most inconspicuous one. It is difficult for the forgotten person to climb out of the grave after falling down. After a normal life journey, their stories rarely show bright sunshine and joy. The only relief is that at least Zakane's story has a happy ending-I just hope to protect myself Daughter, the undead who lived with Nina, a happy ending.

"I'm very happy with life now," Zakhan clicked, turning his slightly worn wrists, stroking mō on the head of the little zombie, "much better than most dead people, and I also found a wife ... "

I expressed a modest shock: I have heard of the story of withered trees in spring and old age, but I did not forget to find a mother-in-law after death. I really saw it for the first time. It ’s so colorful, not only has she found her girlfriend, but also found a wife for herself? !!

"Basari is a very empathetic skull," Zakyn scratched his cranium with a little embarrassment. "Him's posterior molars deeply moved me: because she has no front teeth. Old Zakyn felt The most worthwhile things in life have been fulfilled, a complete family and a job that makes you feel fulfilled. Look, this is the sweater that Basari made for me— "

Zakane said, suddenly áo flaunted and opened his cloak, lù the "sweater of love" he wore, and I saw that each of his 22 half ribs was covered with a fine-sized woolen sleeve. It seems that giving a skull knit sweater is indeed a tǐng test of innovative spirit.

"I numbered every part of the sweater, because the size of each rib is not the same. Basari is really clever, but it is a bit laborious to wear this dress. Recently, a more innovative style is also popular in skulls. The sweater is made of ribs as a skeleton, and weaves the wool directly between the bones, just like a kite. "The old skeleton muttered while lubricating his wrist." That was really a mí creative, but weaving It ’s very troublesome to take off after I ’m on my body. Sometimes I ’m envious of the abominations. They just need to grow mushrooms on their bodies to be clothes. ”

I am very relieved that the forgotten people in Zakane ’s description are full of alternative joys, and sincerely wish them more happiness in the long journey to death, but considering that they have to eat at noon and noon, We will not continue to listen: This chattering old skeleton is about to start telling about the recent popular pineapple-flavored preservatives in zombies.

"Just like we said before, the forgotten should become a new race, just like living people, they also have their own culture and lifestyle," I said to Qian as I left the undead area. It seems that the biggest change in the world's great integration should be these happy dead people. "

Shallow and deep thought that, while turning to look at the alternative father and daughter, the old Zakyn was leading his zombie daughter slowly back to the earth xué. If they do not consider their current status and the corpses patrolling around, this is indeed It is a very peaceful picture.

There is no purposeful route for ourselves and shallow, we just walk through the assembly place aimlessly in the new ideas that this girl may generate at any time, and time is quietly flowing in this leisure tour, I do n’t know Why, despite the hustle and bustle around me, looking at the bright smile of this happy girl next to me, I feel a kind of quietness: Compared to the violent world expedition, it really is more fun to accompany my girlfriend to go shopping at home. a little.

"Ajun, is there something on his face?" Qian Qian noticed the sight next to him, and immediately swallowed the lamb in the mouth, swallowed it, and stretched out her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth. With a smile: "No, just now, my face is full."

"Hey," Shallowly came to understand, and put his tongue in the corner of his mouth, but found that the length was not enough, "Well, I envy the wealthy money next door when I was a kid, it will work."

I was defeated once again by a shallow worldview.

In the afternoon, we encountered Bollinger Dream, who was led by a group of lively fantasy town monsters who came out to participate in the festival. She seemed to have completely forgotten her identity as an urban administrator here. Instead, she used to be a guide for extra money. In the official position, when I and Qian Qian approached quietly from behind, this red and white axe was explaining to a group of monsters wearing little red hoods in front of them the precautions for living in Shadow City.

"Ahem, now that you have decided to stay in Avalon, you will definitely come to Shadow City often, and some of the precautions for living here must be kept in mind," Lingmeng shouted loudly with a small red flag in his hand. First, you cannot fly at a height of more than five kilometers in the sky, because there is a magical girl in Shadow City, which is a dangerous creature that can cruise at a height of Mach 35. Flying at a height of five kilometers is very easy to be magical girl Hit it down. Second, you can't set up a stall two hundred meters to the left and right of heaven. This has profound lessons! And it is related that you can't scribble at the gate of heaven and throw artillery into the transmission room in front of the goddess gate. Holding a net that catches dragonflies passing by in front of the temple gate, if you find a wild goddess must be sent to the Lost and Found Center in time, otherwise the goddess will bite you. Third, if someone finds that the vending machine on the street is violently damaged, please pay attention to analysis In case, if it was stomped, it was the emperor and his sister who wanted to buy something. Please pretend that you did not see it. If it was chopped with a knife, it was a Vega thirsty. Please do n’t grow long. On the other hand, please contact the city management or the neighborhood committee. Do n’t do justice yourself. There is a 60 to 70% chance that you ordinary monsters ca n’t beat the Zhang who sells newspapers here. Fourth, the Imperial Academy is Here is the only government department of the Imperial Government that is open to the outside world. You can go in and visit it, but never agree to any of the so-called 'social practice volunteers' activities recommended by any community in it! Especially if the name sounds normal, the more normal society The more dangerous! Especially the Lingyi Research Institute and the Biology Department! Fifth, and the most important one, please follow me to read: Urban management is the most combative in the world ... the black-hearted boss who owes migrant workers wages deserves to be one hundred The horse was killed ... "

No one responded. Strictly speaking, when Boli Lingmeng said about half of the time, no one actually looked at her. All eyes were focused on this unruly exercise. Only Hongbai himself felt good about himself. appearance.

"Well? What's wrong with you?" Reimu, who was unaware of the calamity, asked puzzled, and the big bow behind her head made her last hope that her boss was also ruined.

In the end, Marisa couldn't see it anymore, and stretched out his fingers to point behind the Reiki Dream: "Reiki Dream, back."

I put two choices in front of a doomsday girl who looks apocalyptic: Otherwise, she will be stabbed or the bonus of this month will be deducted. The other party's attitude is firm: "You kill me!"

As a group of happy monsters and a head full of armpit witches, the young couple of empire heads continued to walk back to the assembly hall where the atmosphere of the celebration on the last day of the carnival was passed, and the time passed a little, even if it was a joy When it's over: The leisurely daylight is over, and I finally enjoyed the long-lost good life. Although I know that there are countless jobs waiting to be tossed after the carnival, at least I have a good day today.

As the night gradually came down, the stages around the assembly hall were also dismantled one by one. Most of the tourists around me had a bit of reluctance on their faces, but the banquets all around the world, I pulled the benches on the edge of the totem zone. Sitting on top of each other, watching the sunset that has hung in the sky for more than an hour, my heart was filled with emotion.

"Simple ..."


"Although you know you don't want to end so early, it should be almost dark, right?"


The artificial sun that had been tossing for an hour finally successfully set, and our time queen could count it as a horse. Every time I encounter something that I don't want to end in advance, I come here in such a way. The mass production hosts in the shadow city who are responsible for the daily system maintenance are really hard.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps rang from my side, and I turned my head to meet a black shadow when I turned my head. The amazing reaction ability that I trained with Xueya's various capture and fighting fights broke out at this moment. Subconsciously, I just Reached out a block, and smoothed out the black shadow-but less than 0.1 milliseconds I reacted, followed the shadow and rushed over, and then it was regrettable that it failed to recover Mistakes. In the end, we returned to the bench with a tooth mark on my head. The mercury lamp sat on my shoulder, and my little mouth was still tirelessly poking around my father's head.

"I let you throw me, I let you throw me!"

The little princess bit her scalp crunchily, and muttered vaguely.

"I just saw that the sun never goes down, and I guessed that it was just a trouble," the older sister came over with a smile, and behind her was a large group of people in the family. "I didn't expect it to end so soon. It's a bit regrettable. "

"I still want to call you at home. I didn't expect all of them to come." I wore a steel helmet on my head, and the mercury lamp immediately crackled up with my fist. Finally, I could only pinch this awkward little guy between his arms. In the nest, "Anvena? Even you came out?"

"Because ... because it is the last day of the festival, the host will definitely come to us," the little ghost hid among the crowd, watching uneasily the dense flow of people on the assembly site, "said Hostess Sandora. There is a fireworks party tonight, Anveena loves fireworks! "

Shonan immediately called out: "Fireworks party! Why don't I know?"

"You still have to postpone it for more than an hour." I gave the other side a glance. "Because considering that the fireworks show is a popular way of celebration in many worlds, the fireworks are scheduled to be set after sunset, but now the control department should be busy Check the table with the host. Why aren't your shots light and light? "

Because of her hasty actions, her favorite fireworks from her childhood was delayed for more than an hour. The girl suddenly discouraged her head, but after only a moment of loss, she patted her head: "Is it just an hour! Look at me! "

"Don't—" As soon as I had time to speak, I saw the sky suddenly changed from the dark blue just after sunset into a thick night, and a bubble shouted from the spiritual connection: "Children, dad! You let Qian Qian rest for a while No! I just made a good watch here! I have to click on the display of fireworks, it ’s not good if it ’s dark! "

Under the slight toss, the fireworks party, which was about to start, was postponed for a while, and the Shadow City mother's nest had to hurriedly amend the parameter mess caused by the abnormal time distortion, waiting for the evening Visitors from all walks of life of the show are very sleepy about the change like the wind in the sky huò—because this simple guy just changes the time flow of the artificial sky curtain, but forcibly cuts the time connection between the sky curtain and the ground. The behavior not only made the poor bubble need to increase massive calculations to buffer various errors, but also puzzled the onlookers of the unknown truth below. Many people speculated whether the recent policy of reducing electricity and energy conservation and emission reduction caused the imperial capital. The lighting is tight: You see, without any warning, it jumped directly from dusk to night and then from night to night.

But when the first firework suddenly cut through the night sky and bloomed brightly above everyone's heads, no one cared about the dialectical relationship between the sun going down and turning off the electricity. The long-awaited fireworks party is the sign of the end of the carnival, but it is also the last climax of the whole celebration. Visitors from any world come together at this time to participate in this last part. The costumes and the strange appearance of visitors from all walks of life at the same time looked up at the brilliant glory of the sky, sending out endless cheers like the waves.

Even the world ’s citizens who have seen fireworks in their own world are astonished by the magnificent fireworks in front of them. This “primitive way of entertainment” has been slightly improved by several spirit technicians who are interested in the native culture of the earth. They became even more incredible, and the giant fireworks that rose to the sky not only turned into a brilliant flower shape in an explosion, but some even turned into lifelike three-dimensional pictures and clear lines of text.

Many of those pictures are things of a certain world sign, they are all lucky ones randomly selected, and the words are the phrases we collected from each visitor of this carnival. They are also made by random selection. With a giant firework, when a line of "blessing my sister Fan Ni" bloomed in the sky, I heard a cry of surprise not far away.

In the past, when volunteers asked each tourist to enter a line of phrases on their ID cards, they did not tell tourists what these phrases would be used for, so now this has become a huge surprise, line by line The blessed words ignited in the sky, causing continuous cheering and surprise yelling. Everyone hoped that they could be selected fortunately, and the selected guy shouted in excitement until the final organizing committee. Even had to dispatch a large number of medical staff to do CPR everywhere, the sales of Shadow City Jiu Jiu Xin Wan reached a record high tonight.

Shocking yù deaf cheering around, dàng, pushed the atmosphere of the fireworks party to the climax, people embrace each other, bless, meet each other again in the second carnival after five years, and kindly invite other world ’s Friends came to visit their own world. They exchanged their home address and zip code with enthusiasm, exchanged their mobile phones and the bureau's work number, and promised to keep in touch with each other in the future. A private selection team did not know when it came out. The group consisting of aunts began to comment on the fireworks displayed in the sky, and quickly selected various awards such as "most creative messages", "most ordinary messages", "most foolish messages" and "most unlucky messages". Currently the most creative messages It is "visible in this message reply", the most mundane message is "I like leek eggs", the most daddy message is "It is said that there is no word limit in this input field, I don't know if it is true", and the most unlucky message is "Marriage: 1371352 "--This grandson didn't kill his wife.

Of course, as the fireworks show continues, these message awards are also refreshed. It is wise to conduct an unsolicited essay solicitation. It has brought indescribable joy to the masses of people, especially an unlucky child. After typing out your bank card account password ...

Of course, such a joyous thing is also inseparable from the more happy heads of the heads. Pandora and Huesca are preparing their own small fireworks in the open space next to each other: They lined up more than two hundred individual cannons in two rows on the ground. Ready to detonate, of course, successfully stopped.

An Weina looked at the light group in the sky with excitement. After a while, she simply rose into the air, and seemed to be embracing the splendor. However, just after flying together, she let the two kicks thrown by Wuliangli not far away. .

The mercury lamp didn't know from whom three "big thunders" would come. Among them, two exploded on my head. The remaining little puppet said nothing and dared to let Sandora eat.

Little Bubble went out for a lap, and when he came back, he was holding a smoking thunderous thunder-this was finally blasted in my hand.

Kingstone and several other puppet girls joined forces to resist a giant firework that is three meters long and hundreds of pounds. Presumably something snatched from the goblin area not far away. The playful Kingstone ordered the fireworks to be inverted. Placed, sitting on the fireworks myself, wanting to see if I can launch myself, I was struggling to stop the action of the ignorant puppet, but at this time the young berry has ignited: the flames of Pentium blasted my face ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Then the fireworks rushed out and blasted Kuchulin, which was patrolling.

At the beginning, Qian Qian only yelled cheerfully, but quickly created xìng to propose that he wanted to use the anti-aircraft artillery to hit a "sky star" in the sky to see if he could see it on the ground, because of the action of this girl **** Speed, even the older sister did not have time to stop her. Later, we found that the starry sky fired by the anti-aircraft artillery did not look well on the ground, but Raven 001, who was patrolling above, observed the fireworks up close. She thought the fireworks were a painful thing, especially they were air defense When the artillery came up.

Lin Xue has been chattering by the side, telling me every ten seconds in advance what the next firework should be as a surprise. Finally, my older sister had to use tape to give her a big silence.

Sandora stated that she was very satisfied with the entertainment products such as "fireworks" invented by humans, especially their taste-the image of this girl chewing half a "fire-breathing dragon" constantly smoking was very impressive, It is important to point out here that the large spitfire was finally bitten by Sandora and finally sprayed my face.

The carnival ended in this joyous atmosphere. Due to the appearance of my head, I finally failed to attend the closing speech-this is the only thing that is happy after being bombed by the joyful girls ... @ .

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