Xiling Empire

Chapter 73: So-called AOE

I've always been curious about what it looks like when all beasts are running together, but now, I have no interest in this seemingly spectacular scene.

From the picture shared by Pandora, I can see that enchanted creatures like the black tsunami are coming towards us with the momentum that swept the world, armor beasts, wind snakes, devil wolves, Yalong, and various other I can't guess the name of the mutant creatures. They have white gas in their mouths, their eyes are red, they are surrounded by black mist, and they run rampantly without rules. The influence of the abyss power has made them indistinguishable from me. Many of them run slowly. The demonized creatures were trampled by those mad compatriots because they blocked the way of the monsters behind them, and many more deeply affected Warcrafts ran and still did not forget to launch attacks on any nearby attackable targets. And every time a Warcraft is killed by the same kind, its body will gradually become a kind of black mist. After the surrounding Warcraft is in the mist, it will immediately become more fierce like chicken blood. The ground rushed in our direction.

After a maximum of ten minutes, we are going to face up to this group of overdose neuropathy Warcraft army.

Realizing this serious problem, I immediately made the most sensible move: I began to quickly pull out various defense devices from my own space, Phantom Shield skew force field phase armor dynamic counterforce field There are two ship-borne air defense pulse guns. Within three minutes, I built a three-dimensional defense system of sea, land, and air defense within five meters around me. Wearing heavy phase armor, I could not help but double my confidence. War, I am afraid that even the two armored divisions bombing me will not necessarily kill me ...

Susan Dola stared at me in a dumbfounded manner, and then suddenly said to me with a spirited connection: "I said, Chen Jun, don't you think this is shameful ?!"

I also recognize shame! I am not an invulnerable fairy like an ordinary apostle of the spirit. With my current physical strength, I am afraid I ca n’t support it for a second under the impact of tens of thousands of World of Warcraft. I ’m not ready for defense. Widowhood?

He is different from Sandora, who is full of confidence. At this moment, Muro and his family have no leisurely care about the situation on our side. They are watching the army of demonized creatures that are getting closer and closer, their expressions are very serious.

Although they think they are powerful, in the face of this tide-like Warcraft army, even if they have the best power, they cannot be at ease. It is impossible to save their lives in this kind of battle.

Thinking of this, Murrow could not help but clenched the staff in his hand. He knew that the spirit people wanted to observe the state of human power in this world at this time, but now it is impossible to save their strength.

With a slight movement of the wand in Murrow's hand, a colorful aura emerged from the crowd in turn, and then gradually disappeared into our bodies. Immediately I felt that my perception, physical strength, and spirit had strengthened a lot. With powerful spell blessings, he could complete the spell without even saying the name of the spell. It seems that the name of the chief court mage was not given in vain. At the same time, Mu also took out a large book with a green cover. Began to recite the prayer in the language unique to the elves. The pale green halo enveloped the nearby area of ​​100 meters. He explained: "This is the blessing of the goddess of life. Within this range, all the demonic forces will It was weakened by 25%, and the speed of life recovery of friendly targets was increased by 25%. "

Good guy, this one is equivalent to raising our strength by 50%!

At this time, Ding Dong, sitting on top of my head, suddenly jumped down, and then flew around in the air.

A green halo spread around the center of Ding Dang and spread out to several kilometers. The pale green light curtain hangs from the sky like an aurora, covering the entire plain. The magnificent vitality even lets us under our feet. Weeds are starting to grow wildly at a rate that is visible to the naked eye!

Dingding snorted proudly, then returned to the top of my head in the stunned eyes of everyone.

"Okay, now the buffs are all together, who is going to blame?"

I stood up to this powerful nurse, and immediately said calmly, and at this time, the demon creatures had entered the range of Pandora's attack.

"For the empire!" Pandora turned into a violent loli in a signature style, and then beckoned, dozens of limousine-like floating turrets appeared in the air, and the white beam of light rushed away with a sharp howling sound.

With a violent shaking of the earth, a huge mushroom cloud rises in the tide of demonized creatures, and numerous broken limbs and broken arms are blasted up into the air.

"Amazing attack power." Murrow did not hesitate to praise, but he said in an absolutely confident tone: "But the long-term mass destruction depends on our mage!"

Muro said, holding up the wand in his hand, and began chanting spells that I did not understand at the same time, at the same time, I clearly felt that there was an amazing energy gathering nearby.

"Skyfire is coming!"

Murro yelled loudly, and immediately the sky above the enchanted creature was covered with crimson cracks. The next moment, a large amount of magma poured down from the crack, roasting the enchanted creature below into coke.

Pandora just snorted coldly, and then took out two 1000mm cannon-piercing cannons with a top beam and pillars, and began to shoot at the monster army in the distance without expression. At the same time, the matrix of the floating guns behind her also They have returned to different spaces and replaced them with a hive-like missile launch array. These large killers occupy almost half of the sky behind us. With the deafening roar, thousands of dental razor cluster missiles are not needed. Qian flew into the distance like a murmur, and Murrow was startled at first, but soon he returned to normal, and began to sing swiftly to sing a large forbidden spell.

For a while, missiles and arcane missiles flew together, particle cannons and ice arrows volleyed, and the impact of bombing and magical explosions of various surreal technology weapons in the monster group came one after another. These unfortunately unlucky monsters turned into somehow. The victims of the fighting between the two civilized superpowers, each of us looked at each other, and then Novia said our voice: "Two monsters ..."

Although Muro and Pandora are aggressive and powerful, they are tens of thousands of monsters after all. They are boundless and have no timid feelings. Even the high-level Apostle breath of Sandora cannot let these spell out. Real fire monsters retreat half a step. The huge gap made by missiles and magic is fleeting in the tide-like monster army. It will be filled by the monsters behind almost immediately, and the terrain here is the most unfavorable for blocking. Plain ~ www.readwn.com ~ No matter how wide the coverage of Pandora and Muro ’s attack is, it is impossible to block all the enemy ’s offensive lines. In just a few moments, the monster ’s vanguard has entered my alert range. Only a sub-dragon creature exhaled a corrosive atmosphere, swooping towards us with the scars burned by Pandora's psionic weapon. Novia mentioned the rune sword in her hand and was ready to meet, but in her Before the fighting gas burned, a dazzling white beam of light had fallen from the sky, burning the Yalongs into coke.

Plains are indeed not suitable for slamming battles, but plains also have the benefits of plains. For example, the support of super-air fire from the mother star and various orbital cannons can only exert their maximum power on the plain terrain. .

Long before the battle started, I completed the connection with the Heroine, and put various macrospace enhancement modules in my own space into the cracks in the space near this world. Now I have at least two behind me. The fire support of the Schilling Heavy Equipment Army can be called at any time!

Chen Jun brand humanoid turret, start!

Countless dazzling white beams of light pierced the sky, intertwined into a giant web of death, and swept continuously around us. All the demonized creatures who dared to rush up were too late to dodge and were burned by this unavoidable attack. After the ashes, then the abyss of their bodies will turn their bodies into black smoke, but this time the smoke did not have time to act as a stimulant to nearby monsters, but was directly purged by the halo of the space strike.

"AOE professional firepower is on!" I yelled arrogantly, "Give me this wave of A!"

Murrow looked at each other, and then they unanimously interpreted this sentence as some military term of the Spirit Empire.

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