Xiling Empire

Chapter 732: Female hooligan at the library

In the architecture of the Dark Protoss, the "tower" is a very important thing, such as the bell tower, lighthouse, library tower, and type IV void nodes-the earliest void nodes usually have only two types of castles or dome palaces. Now, those high-tower-shaped void nodes were redesigned by the highest goddess of darkness according to their own preferences. We just happened to pass one of these nodes. At first I thought that all the void nodes were high-towers.

The dark protoss' love for tall tower images may be related to their leader, the highest dark goddess, who prefers such buildings.No matter what they build, they are used to decorate one or two towers, and they always make them appear just right. Suddenly, these towering and slender towers add a lot of elegance and mystery to the palace of the dark protoss. It can be said that it is one of the countless types of artistic wealth that have settled in the endless years of the protoss: for an infinitely long race, it can It's not easy to keep a hobby for so long.

The Betis family-well, let's call this ruthless home exactly as a palace-of course, there are also high towers, which are the four huge bell towers that we saw at the beginning, placed in the four corners of the palace. It is Uncle Kuvain's most satisfied design.Each tower has its own meaning.The first tower was designed by uncle when he was an adult.It was named the Kuwain Clock Tower.The second tower is to commemorate the success of the sister. It is the Aishali Tower. The third tower is to commemorate the birth of Icetis. The natural name is the Tower of Icetis. The fourth tower is for symmetry.

The meaning of the four towers is so clear, but Bettis himself rarely refers to his four towers in this manner. Our goddess habitually names these lighthouses randomly in her own way, depending on her. Which world have you passed recently?

The last time Bingtis returned to the **** world, they named them Qinglong White Tiger Suzaku Xuanwu, but just fifteen minutes ago, they had the honor to get a new name: east wind south wind west wind north wind ...

I don't know what's going on, anyway, a goddess is now on the bar with Mahjong. At this moment, I am deeply worried about the remaining scales of Lin, because in theory, the dragon **** girl always accepts the powerful S rogue goddess. No room for resistance.

Speaking of Lin, the four of Monina had already returned at noon. Don't look at all of them, they also have their own temple, and they have their own priesthood to take care of. But to be honest, I don't dare to imagine a chef, an idiot, an always-accepted person, and a good old person who can only be very good. How can each of them be a majestic **** with a large number of believers, especially Lin, who has a little wind and grass, will hug him? Wan Nian Su with an apology in her head-can she really accept the worship of all peoples in the temple without being scared to cry?

Ding Dong will always be a kind of alien, or the little thing has completely forgotten her identity. She naturally continues to lie in my pocket and regard it as her formal palace. It seems that if we don't remind her, she should forget I have a property in Divine Realm.

The divine realm also has a similar day and night alternation to the human world, or all the regular things such as the diurnal alternation of the human world and the change of yin and yang are actually the external influence of the divine realm information.When we came to the divine realm, it was morning, and the time has now Near the evening, the cheerful Bingtis was leading a bunch of us around her house, and she was straightforward now like a big child showing off her treasures.

\ "These bell towers are all places for babies. I used to play in them when I was a kid, and I got lost several times." The place where Bingtis first led us was the first tower of the temple. \ "This place is a book. Pavilion, my dad folded the space inside, so that it can accommodate the countless books collected by my mother-my mother likes books, various books, classics, files, she will collect, you see. "

The so-called library presented in front of us-if a tower taller than Karazhan is used to hold books and can be called a library-its scale has exceeded common sense.We do not see the light source here, but the soft The light is full of every inch of space, and wherever you look, the vast space inside the tower is almost boundless bookshelves.The surface of these simple and heavy huge shelves floats with dark runes, floating quietly in the air, not only boundlessly in all directions. It spread endlessly, and even the high sky, which could not see the top from above, was full of such bookshelves. The suspended stone steps floated slowly between these floating bookshelves. Most of them stood with one or two priests responsible for managing books. In the more open space, some obsidians with small round tables and high-back chairs were floating. The platform seems to be prepared for readers.

\ "Body knows that in the eyes of the Apostles of the Spirit, it is a waste to build the archives. You prefer to have a simple and high-speed database. If you want new information, download it online-but my mother doesn't think so, she It is always said that the value of a book lies not only in its information, but also in its meaning as a 'book itself.'

\ "I agree with your mother," the older sister smiled mildly and looked at the nearest bookshelf. "Can we read the books here?"

Bing Bingsi waved his hand generously: \ "Anyway, like my own home, my mother likes books and others read books, as long as it doesn't break."

I was also a little curious, and reached out to remove the **** book, which looked extremely thick, from the nearby bookshelf, and muttered: "I hope that the Protoss I know can make me understand the catalog of this stuff."

\ "It doesn't matter, 80% of the books here are not written."

The words of Bingtis are fascinating, but at this time I have also discovered the speciality of this book: the cover of the book in hand is dark, not even a little symbol that can be used to distinguish, let alone The title of the book, which looks extremely heavy, has almost no weight in its hands.

With a strong curiosity, I opened the title page of the book, which was blank.

The gorgeous, exquisite and divine textbooks that Hu and Dingdang rehearsed during the review period were not a thing at all.

\"what is this?"

I flipped through a book that I didn't have in my hand in surprise.It was obviously something that didn't even have a weight.When I flipped it, I heard a crisp and pleasant paper folding sound.I turned a big book to the end by a click. Didn't see it.

Bingbingtis looked at me with a mysterious smile, and suddenly asked: "" Gandogong was sixteen years old when he was bitten by a flower-tailed fox ... "

\ "It's itchy," I involuntarily squeezed my mouth, stretched my hands and scratched my waist, "" The wind was very strong that day ... oh! What's going on? "

Until I answered the question of Bingtis involuntarily, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. Who is Gondogon? The flower-tailed fox is a **** horse? More importantly, I felt a sudden itching on my waist for Mao! ?

\ "The name of the book is Gondogon," Bingtis took the big book in my hand, patted it on the cover, and put it back on the shelf where it was. \ "This is the library One of the collections in the collection, all memories. Gondogong is a very ordinary mortal boy, born in a farmer's family who religiously believes in my father. His life was ordinary, born ordinary, grown up, and the village The only dark priest here learned to write his own name and bookkeeping. At the age of fourteen, he dreamed of taking over his father's land, and then built a new mill. He was bitten by a flower-tailed fox on his sixteenth birthday. The small price to pay to prove Father's bravery to Father Dark ... At the age of 18, Gondogon died of a serious illness, a plague erupted in that world, and the only Dark Father in the village received insufficient power from my father To save everyone. "

I swear that this is the first time I've seen Bingtis speak with such a peaceful and even compassionate expression, and even more exaggeratedly, I saw motherhood on the face of this female hooligan-or it is God's love, Anyway, at least when she talked about that mortal named Gondogon, various words to be coded were filtered out of her mouth.

\ "The book was ..."

Sister Xi asked gently.

\ "Gandogong is a mortal child with an idea. He can only say so. He is suffering because of the shortness and silence of his life. After all, he is only an eighteen-year-old child-not even enough in that world. He is called a teenager, and he is also one of countless ordinary farmers and children, so he knows that his short and ordinary life can not leave anything at all, and he will soon be forgotten by everyone, and at best become one forever in his parents' hearts. Scar. So he told his priest his last wish before he died: "

\ "Let me be remembered, at least remember that I have lived."

\ "The wish of a farmer child who can only write his own name and bookkeeping is not to survive [eternal life], but to be like this ... To be honest, everyone feels a little incredible, but the priest fulfilled it Perhaps his duty is compassionate. The priest devoutly added this wish to his prayer at the funeral. My father just heard this prayer, so he lowered his voice and told the priest and Gang. Dogon's parents: OK, I will remember this child. "

\ "Gandogong has become one of my mother's books. His soul has returned to peace, but his brief and ordinary life is fully recorded here, without any detail, even including every breath he takes. There are records. Mortal memories are too short, so we will replace them to remember this child. Whenever you flip through this book, his life will become something in your memory, as if you watched him grow up It ’s the same, but you wo n’t notice it. ”

\ "Uh, a ... uncomfortable story." Lin Xue spit out her tongue, slightly lowered her head, and looked at the surrounding bookshelves from under the bangs. "Is that all these books?"

\ "Similarly, the books in the library are placed in categories, and almost all of this information is here," Bingtis led us to wander between countless bookshelves, \ "Of course not necessarily every story is like this For example, this book: Laguna, a cheerful dark elf. She is a funny actor. Her wish is to let the happiness that she once brought to people pass on forever. This book records all her joyful feelings. Reading it can make You are immersed in happiness, although it has no word at all. This book is Yulin's Note, which is a very interesting alchemist, and has invented three hundred cheap toys that can be given to civilian children. In the end, he wanted his inspiration. Being able to stay after death, this tricky desire has a headache for the local dark clergyman. In the end, my mother can only make his alchemy inspiration into this book, holding this book, the most lame alchemist will also Whimsical and practical good ideas pop up at any time, of course, only small toys can be invented. Don't bite the small bubbles. The thing you are holding can't be eaten. It is a Sule Scroll, a relic of a temple chef. He records All the beauty of my life Yes, yes, that there are reel taste ...... Hey! Cassandra! Can not eat! "

We wandered between the bookshelves with a surprised expression, and whispered from time to time with the introduction of Bettis, except that Sandora was familiar with this place, and everyone was because of this magical place. Amazed. Every book and every scroll here records what is in our impression that cannot be recorded by the book but is easily forgotten, a life, a feeling, a cheerful heartbeat, a sincere Feelings ... these things quietly become "books", just like the wishes of their former masters, and become a record that will never fade away.

\ "Remembrance, comprehension, everything," Bingtis' voice came from behind the bookshelf in front, "" My mother likes to collect these, and my dad is always on the lookout for these things worth collecting for her. Here every The size and weight of a book are different.The volume of a book depends on its owner's first impression of the book, and the weight is the weight of information. The average life of a farmer child is as light as anything, and the wisdom of a philosopher's life. It's much heavier. "

\ "噗通 ——"

With a loud noise, Lina was lying on the ground with a large gold book, dancing for a long time and couldn't get up, and the mercury lamp giggling hovering in the mid-air next to it, obviously this book was some kind of The little puppet pushed it down, and then accurately knocked down her lifelong rival.

\ "Tuham's memoir," Bingtis said with emotion, a priest quickly flew over to resist the heavy book on the back of a false goddess, \ "Tuham is a world, a freshman But the world that was dying early is one of the worlds that I personally created. It just suffered from a devastating abyss just after breeding civilization and world consciousness. I failed to save that disaster, but all life in the world of Tuham And the consciousness of the world is trying to survive [eternal life], so my parents helped me make them into this book. Obviously, it is very heavy. "

I remembered the paper duster I made for my first manual lesson when I was a kid, and then it was destroyed by a catastrophic fire: let Shallow light a cannon. Now the paper grinder is still in our memory. From various aspects, I think that the memory of Bingtis is of the same nature, but the results of the first manual lesson are too cruel.

\ "How many books are there?"

Aya Qian could not help asking curiously.

Bingtis shrugged: \ "Who knows, I said that the concept of the divine realm is vague, and there are many things that can be done using the vague concept, such as this library. It has no specific number of books and theoretically it has unlimited Capacity, then my mother has infinite enthusiasm for collecting books, so its final scale will be infinite, and even the skeptics even suspect that this place will continue to be expanded as exaggerated as the book tower of the glorious divine court: that place is the library of the Father God . "

I was another incredible news, but in the short time in the world of God, we were almost normal about everything here.

Bei Bingtis started to lead us to the upper level of the library, riding on those platforms floating in the air. The collection of books in the library is divided into many areas. In addition to the incredible \ "memory" area just now, there are also data collections that record world history, record racial reproduction, record the genesis process, etc., and tell about the use of various artifacts. Reference books, and small family encyclopedia of the Protoss, such as how to do it once more efficiently "" There is light ". The further up the books are, the harder it is to read them. From touch to read until you need to master the corresponding rules to read them. Of course, we do n’t know anything about professional books. The technical system of the Protoss is not a system at all, but it makes people What's speechless is that Ding Dong is basically in a state of confusion at the same time as us ... Small things can't understand from the family wiki.

\ "To be honest, I really doubt how you got into elementary school, and then how did you come here to be a god?"

Bei Bingtis expressed her doubts about the small things very sincerely.

\ "Divine power is innate. Ding-Dong throws dice during elementary school exams." The little thing answered cheerfully.

学生 Students who have thrown dice in the elementary school entrance examination can't hurt you!

The library in Bingtis's house is eye-opening, but watching the head of the goddess lead the way in front of the book collection here is getting more and more confused, and I can't help but interrupt it in the end Bingtis' introduction-although my question may be a little rude.

\ "What, Bingtis, why do you think you have become a person when you are in the library?"

Madam X Goddess looked at me curiously, and didn't seem to understand what I meant, but she was faster than me, and she directly hit the point: \ "It feels like you suddenly learned the book, it doesn't look like a hooligan!"

He is more than a hooligan. When talking about a specific book, this guy is like a polite lady! Even the word "Master Father" can be spoken. You must know that her best name for Uncle Kuwain is always a dad.

Facing the simple and straightforward question, Bingtiston rolled his eyes: \ "Nonsense, this is a special place, and I still know a little bit about my body, and I will be taught by my mother if I make a big noise in the library. I was fed up when I was young! "

I don't know whether it is the respect for \ "Library" or the psychological shadow when I was a kid, but this quiet version of the rogue goddess really makes people shine. At least I know that a female hooligan is not always She is full of mosaics all the time, and she also looks like a girl-but now I have a second question: \ "Bingtis, I have heard so much from you, have you read the books here? ?! "

\ "Of course it is impossible," Bingtis shook his head immediately, \ "My mother's books are endless, but I have read all the bookshelves we passed just now, hey, Chen, don't show that kind of look, squint In addition to fighting, my favorite thing is reading! "

At this moment, I was shocked ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bingtis' second hobby is reading? Shouldn't it be to collect protection fees?

It was found that everyone had a look of unbelief, and even Sandora was smirking giggling. The hooligan goddess felt pale and said angrily: \ "\, what do you mean? Forget 妾Was it still a senior technical staff before? Is it possible for the body to be directly trained as a high-level goddess of light as a dark protoss, real knowledgeable talent! "

Okay, I really forgot about this crop, but a sister Bingtis who likes to hold a book with the sunset when it is quiet does not meet the consistent impression of this guy, okay!

\ "Well, don't believe it," Bettis waved angrily, and then stared at the countless large heads on the nearby bookshelf, \ "It really disappointed me, what a good book is, open it I can touch my heart when I close it, and I can touch the enemy ’s head when I close it. Why ca n’t I like such a thing that can open up my vision and be a brick ... ”

Don't say it! Don't say it! Now we believe it!

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