Xiling Empire

Chapter 736: Father God

Chapter 763 God the Father

The glorious temple is the location of the Father God, located in the very center of the "garden". This small building group composed of several temples is suspended high in the sky, like a crown. It represents the entire divine world and even the entire multiverse. The core of supreme power and highest glory. Its magnificent and holy appearance inspires everyone who is fortunate to come to this pilgrimage, and its never-extinguishing sacred light fully solves the problem of nighttime lighting in a large area nearby-the last one is the original word of Icetis .

The glorious temple is the ruling center of the divine realm. It consists of five magnificent temples. The four temples symmetrically distributed on the periphery are the leaders of the four deities of light, darkness, life, and order. Stay in the middle.

Before I entered the Temple of the Father, I deliberately looked around, and looked for a long time on a huge green building. It is a sacred temple with a round dome and almost fused with a giant world tree, although it The shape does not focus on gorgeousness and majesty, but it contains endless mystery and holiness. Some distant and pure power even forms a green screen of light, which floats slowly over the temple. Ding Dang pointed to the temple and announced to everyone that he was "born" in that temple.

Um, the main shrine of the **** of life nv, jingle up, that palm-sized nv **** has such a huge house. You let you have a three-bedroom, one-living head, and you have n’t given up this life's contentment. Ah làng fee guy

"Is it really okay for us to get in?

At the mén entrance of the Father ’s Temple, the elder sister asked a little uncertainly and whispered. In her opinion, this is the center of power in the divine realm, the palace of the gods. inappropriate.

The hooligan nv, who led the way, waved his hands indifferently, squeezing his eyes at the protoss guards who stood guard at the mén mouth, and the latter made a very delicate expression at the moment when he saw the face of Bingtis, which made people tolerate Can't help guessing how naughty a certain nv hooligan was at that time, even the guards of the protoss leader could be resentful.

"Reassurance, rest assured, this is not the chamber of the old man's alliance, only the father and god's home, he likes the lively-oh, mén opened haha, father **** ~ I'm here to play"

Immediately after the temple mén was opened, Bettis whimpered, and we looked at the several protoss who appeared in front of mén, especially the "father god" surrounded in the middle, and fell into a short period of drowsiness. .

Several of them wore special guard light armor, and looked more prosaic than the guards of any temple. The protoss garrison stood on both sides, but came out from among them in a very ordinary black coat and silver and white. Short hair, tall but still not mighty, looks can only be regarded as ordinary young men in the Protoss, the other side stood at the mouth of mén with a warm and warm smile and made a welcome gesture to us.

"Welcome, I should have met you yesterday, but I was too busy to get away," the young man in front of him smiled, his voice was a little low, but very kind, it felt like an ordinary friend he knew. In the usual tone of chatting, "Come in, half of the servants are on vacation today, so it is a good day for leisure-very suitable for chatting."

"Father God I said, I'm here to play"

Apparently the first nv hooligan who shouted but was ignored from start to finish did not have the concept of patience, and even did not face the politeness of the supreme leader, and immediately yelled openly, but this act seemed to me like nv In dissatisfaction with his father, it is indeed the father who is treated by all the protoss as their biological fathers. Even the nv hooligan of Bingtis involuntarily entered the nv children's corner, far away from Kuvain in heaven. Uncle please go all the way, although your nv child is no longer coquettish to you, but she still has another father.

Another: Uncle Kuwain, you are really in heaven.

"I see, I know," the very good-tempered young man shrugged and smiled at Bingtis. "Where have you been in trouble lately?"

Bingtiston slammed down: "Last month, there were no fees for 13,685 Void Nodes, and points were deducted."

"anything else?"

"Nòng broke Uncle Sovaré's horoscope while fighting with someone and was found."

"and then?"

"Leaded to Nuwara 38765 to collect protection fees and was caught by my dad."

"go on."

"... the money was deducted this month."

"Give you nothing, go back and reflect on other things yourself."

The good-natured young man gave Bingtis a promise with a smile, and the latter suddenly revived his arms and sleeves: "Yeah, zero huā money to keep everything to say, I will lead my younger brother to find it back"

"Father, Father Ding Dong is back"

While we were still in a daze, I suddenly arched a few times in my front pocket, and Ding-Dong jumped out, happily circling for ten times beside the head of the creature suspected to be the Father, and then fell into the other hand. The Father God immediately took out a ruler and gestured beside Dingdang, and he was happy while he gestured: "Okay, Dingdang also goes home, let me see-well, the height is very stable, the height is very stable."

Ding Dang immediately flew back as if she had received some great compliment, holding my nose with a smirk on her face and started to scramble. This is her usual method of inviting merit, although I really do n’t know what she has to do.

"So what ..." I looked at the young man in front of me a little unnaturally, and my mood was complicated.

I used to think that Father God is a majestic and white-bearded old man, but Bingtis ’" non-mainstream boy "evaluation shattered this image, and then I thought that Father God was a tall and serious middle-aged man who was not angry with himself. People-like Uncle Kenser, this image is now broken again. Standing in front of him is only a young man with a kind expression and even a little sleeplessness. Even when speaking, he looks like a majesty. , This kind of image has to say something to myself-he reminds me of my junior high school classmate, there is no sense of impact

The peaceful young man in front of me doesn't know what to do. You have to say that the other party is an elder image like Uncle Whitebeard or Uncle Kenser. Fortunately, this one is a bit embarrassing.

"Come on, Sora has prepared refreshments, and others are there."

God the Father just smiled, a mild glance glanced at us all, and finally paused for a few little guys, "and the candy of the gods."

At last his sight reached Sandora, I was not sure, but it seemed that the Father had just taken a moment.

"Uh, did you come here for dinner?"

I almost burst into tears: girl, what did you do last time when you came to Divine Realm?

Under the personal leadership of the Father God, the Hao dàngdàng Empire Heads of State family tour group entered this huge hall. At first I imagined that meeting the Father and God might be in a serious environment like the feudal dynasty chapel, such as the Council of the Gods, but I never expected that the situation would be moving towards the Father ’s family banquet, and the other party Still come out to greet in person-the kindness and peace of the other party is unexpected.

"Bingtis, I wanted to ask before, who is Sora mentioned by the Father?"

While curiously observing the Jingmei relief on the corridor and the meticulous Protoss guards on both sides, I quietly talked with Bingtis through the jīng **** connection. The words "Sola" seemed a bit impressed, but now I couldn't remember it.

"The nickname of the dark nv **** Solafi, sometimes called Fei," said Bingtis with a cheerful smile on his face. "It is the leader of our dark protoss and the companion of the Father."

I opened my eyes a little bit surprised, but I hadn't had time to ask any more. I was already in the meeting room.

It was not expected to be too rich and magnificent. Although the Father's meeting room was full of holiness, it was rarely decorated. The white rectangular hall was filled with strange sculptures at four corners. There were several pots beside the wall. Outside of the name decoration, there are only a few long tables and seats in the center of the lobby. Many people have sat by these long tables. When we arrived, these unknown protoss got up Greetings, as if a very ordinary family is entertaining guests-in other words, placing the long tables that should be neatly arranged at will, is this the artwork of the Father God?

"Gatti has recently been keen to mess up neat things, and it seems to be her masterpiece."

Father God looked at the tables and chairs in the living room and shook his head helplessly. At this time, a harsh “creak” sound came from the open m'n in the living room at the other end. I looked around, and the result When I saw a little nv child who was eleven or twelve years old and wearing a white princess dress, she was pushing the chair into the room, and threw the chair, which I did not know where to push it, to the floor. Happily hugging Father God's waist: "Dad Dad's chair moved in"

"My nv son, Gatti," Father God róu took róu little nv child's head and introduced us, the latter curiously opened his eyes and looked at the stranger in front of her, until her dad took her away with a word Attention, "Uh, Katie, doesn't this chair seem to be a living room?"

The little nv boy immediately and naively replied: "It wasn't Uncle Mén Sain's Jiati who pulled out the chair while he owed him something to pick up."

Bite it, the most dangerous creature in the world really is Loli.

The appearance of the little nv child was just a small chā song. The father and **** quickly asked her to push the chair back, but this naive and lively little nv child effectively relieved some of our tension. The father introduced us to the rest of the room. Several protoss, but because the author is lazy, I will not list them one by one. Among them, only one person is worth noting, or the one who has the most attention here is one person, who is sitting quietly in the corner of the room. , Always looking at the highest dark nv **** of the father **** with a smile.

A beautiful nv god, wearing a dark black elegant long dress, with shawl silver and white hair, face jīng, slightly thin, **** red eyes floating with a peaceful light, not even seeing any other feeling. The dark prince sat quietly in the corner, not participating in anyone's discussion, so that when I first saw it, I even mistakenly thought that she was just a high-level priest standing by here at any time. This is the highest dark nv god, the highest ruler of all the dark forces of the multiverse, without any sense of yīn and blood, she is as peaceful as the elder sister next door, low-key as the master when accompanying her husband and strangers . It can be said that from the time of coming to the divine realm, every **** that he has newly met has exceeded his imagination, and this so low-key darkest nv **** is the most incredible one.

When I responded to the nodding greetings from the several protoss at the scene, Bingtis, who followed her, also jumped out. Obviously she was not here for the first time, and once she came out, she greeted the elders at the scene familiarly: "呦 嗬, Everyone, I'm here to play "

This immediately produced a sensational effect. Several gods who were gentle and generous a second ago gave a neat glance immediately. Some busy hands luàn took back the tea cups on the table, and some immediately turned around and pretended to be next to them. Pillars 唠嗑, some stuffed the refreshments in front of their mouths and drank their drinks, and another drew out a pen and paper to start writing. Only one uncle with beard was still calm, But his hand holding the teacup was clearly in chōu tendon.

Once missing for more than 10,000 years, the nv rogue Yu Wei still exists.

We were stunned and watched the actions of several big men at the scene because of the appearance of Bingtis. In the end, we could only admire the inexhaustible thumbs up for an nv hooligan, and Dingdang also drilled from me at this time. When he came out, he greeted everyone bouncingly, "Ding Dang comes, Ding Dang comes."

The one who had just taken back the tea cup smashed the teapot, and the one next to Zhu Zi who started asking Zhu Zifang ’s name, and the uncle who urgently destroyed his dim sum almost strangled himself, and the buddies who were busy writing something took out his wife with a long sigh The last photo is the only calm uncle when Bingtis appeared just now. He took a look at the lively jingle, and his expression on his face was struggling for a long time. He finally waved his hand and burned his beard.

The history of Douding's growth is a history of crimes-the gods of the stars have tears.

Everyone thought of the tea cup that Dingdang smashed when he was a kid, the burnt huā garden, the unshaven beard, the broken dresser, and the dark circles on his face to take care of this naughty little bean, plus the memory of a little Taimei's countless fields of group organization, truancy, smashing, and academic violence from childhood to large organizations (that is, using a brick-like reference book to knock down every researcher who disagrees with him to unify ideas, although later facts prove that This nv hooligan was really right most of the time), so the scene immediately formed a thick atmosphere recalling the old days, in this atmosphere, the sightseeing group of the Hilling Empire seated in the living room. First, Sandora euphemistically stated that she had rushed over without eating—she ate the refreshment and the tea cup that belonged to me in front of everyone, so the Father God announced that she would eat first.

Although not grand, the family dinner was very satisfying to the heads of the family who were accustomed to the relaxed atmosphere, including the mercury lamp that had been mumbled boringly. Sandora satisfied her food, and a few little guys satisfied her dessert liking. Little Bubble miraculously stole everyone's cake from the scene and stacked it in front of me and Bubble, so that the father and the gods would be stunned. Enchanted: Of course, the little guy's information interference will not have much effect on the father and god, but her strange ability is still tǐng rare. Pandora and Huesca ate meals peacefully. It seems that even these two little girls who are uncomfortable know that some occasions need to be quiet, but this may also be related to the older sister sitting between the two. During the meeting, I started to think about a question: We obviously came to the divine realm to do business (theoretically). How did it develop to this day?

"Let the children go and play casually, Jiadi will like new friends." After the simple banquet, the Father God looked at the small bubbles and mercury lamps jumping in the living room and ordered them to the two servants. I know, it's time to talk about business.

But what makes people speechless is, what are you doing with a bunch of little girls?

"Hey hey ..." A playful young nv scratched his hair awkwardly, "I'll help you watch the kids."

Come on, who do you look at?

I pressed Shallowly on the seat again, and let Lina and Biao follow the little bubbles and the mercury lamp. Let ’s not look at the unreliable Loli on the surface, but one of them is Sister Yu is a mother, and when they watch, the little ones should not be crazy?

"Maybe it's a bit of a surprise for you to come to the divine realm." After the quiet in the living room, the Father God and several protoss sat down in front of us, with a calm tone that made people inexplicably calm, the greatest of the multiverse. The **** slowly said, "But I think we should get together with our old friends."

Sandora was sitting beside me in a straight and noble manner, completely different from what she had just eaten: "It's a pity that many friends have never seen it again-God Father, what happened in the void?"

"The empire's suffering is a disaster for you, the same for us, and for all civilizations that resist the abyss," the Father and God waved their hands and turned their heads to the silent silver-haired nv next to him, "Sora. "


The dark nv replied softly, and took out a dark oval slice from the air.

The moment that thing appeared, I felt the dangerous power it contained, and the air quickly filled with unpleasant feelings. Sandora frowned: "Abyss?"

"Exactly, it is a polymer infected by the abyss," the father **** directly took the dangerous item taken out by the dark nv **** ~ www.readwn.com ~ its deadly energy is not strong enough, and it is not good for the father **** It is almost negligible to say, "The Council of Osiris sent dozens of protoss protoss, and we finally found this in a world that was inexplicably destroyed. Sora imprisoned it with his own power. This thing still remains just now. What it looked like when it was discovered. Its predecessor was a piece of the substrate of a world stack system. Maybe I need to explain that the stack system is an optional piece of the world management system, and its role is to help alleviate the errors of the law and the world design leak The bad influence of the system in the world is also an immune organ. The abyss forces eroded this stack system, which eventually led to the collapse of the universe due to the accumulation of leaks. "

"Ào poisoning." Lin Xue nodded solemnly, making me shudder.

"Done by the fallen apostles?"

The older sister couldn't help blurting out. This conjecture was affirmed by the Father and God, and there was a post: "They did it, but they not only destroyed that world, in fact, apart from this fragment ... the stack of that world ... The entire system is gone. The advance team searched the wreckage of the world. In theory, after the world is destroyed, it should be able to be saved until the last stack system disappears.

"They stole it."

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