Xiling Empire

Chapter 739: Void Secrets

The situation of the little girl that I dubbed as the mixed life is really rare. Now, she still has part of the human body structure, but the energy system in the body is designed according to the Spirit Apostle, but also has part of the power of the Protoss. This makes it almost impossible for her to be divided into any race-perhaps the goddess of the highest life can consider to draw a outline from the primate, and she will be named Xi Yan.

Originally, according to the general logic of the Apostles of the Spirit, the imprint of the empire was the property of the empire. The girl named Xi Yan had integrated psychic energy. She should have obeyed the order of the empire, but this obviously did not take into account the other party's actions The human rights issue of a free man, if it is Sandora, may rightfully give Xi Yan an emperor number and order her to report to the army, but I thought about it and let the girl choose how to live well.

Xi Yan was obviously a little surprised by my decision. Until she said goodbye to each other, she still looked up at me and her older sister in suspicion, and unfortunately, until the end, I still couldn't reverse the unlucky child to me. \ "Uncle".

My encounter with that girl was a small episode, but it made me think more: Is this a special case?

After returning to the living room, I carried the two sisters Pandora to the chair, and then I mentioned with Sandora about the little girl named Xi Yan, who obviously didn't care much about a stranger with psionic energy, but She was very enthusiastic about the empire heritage, and she also said what I was thinking:

\ "After the collapse of the old empire, apparently left an endless legacy, battleships, outposts, colonial planets, and detectors in remote areas, etc., the number of things that can be left across a void civilization is amazing, the empire It is impossible for the collapse to erase all those ruins.They are now wandering in some corners of the void and some remote worlds, and some may even work-these heritages may allow a civilization to leap forward into the high-end ranks, it is also possible Cause a great disaster. "

This is the new thought brought to us by Xi Yan. A promiscuous protoss has used a empire base to create a supernatural apostle. At least that outpost is controllable, but what about the rest? There are also countless outposts scattered in tens of millions of worlds. Even if only one percent of them are still operational, they are irregular bombs.

\ "Similar things may not have happened," said the Dark Goddess, who had never spoken, and whispered suddenly, attracting everyone's attention. "" My sentry once reported that an unprecedented war broke out in the world, and the entire civilization instantly Extinction. The combat team that arrived later found something suspected of Hilling Technology, but there were only two or three similar reports, no reference. "

\ "Maybe some civilization has discovered the relics of the empire and mistakenly used the weapons in it for civil war." Sandora sighed. \ "This kind of thing is not unexpected, and the Olympus organization has also happened on earth. event."

How to say this, this is equivalent to giving each vassal of the Warring States Period to more than 20 Dayiwan, letting the young civilization master the doomsday weapon has always been the largest group murder, and the low-level civilization in the civil war stage can not refuse the empire weapon Of the powerful power and charm of them, there is always a lunatic who will let the light of the psionic cannon shine on his head-when he was five years old, he learned how to use a fruit knife.

After a short discussion, Sandora and I agreed that the daily work of the Space and Time Administration should add one: keep alert to abnormal technological explosions in your own world. Once any country suddenly masters the technological power beyond a certain threshold, To determine whether anyone has unearthed the remains of the empire in the shortest possible time, the Authority's special forces will be responsible for recovering those properties.

This is a wake-up call from the case of Xi Yan, and it is also one of the small inspirations obtained by the **** world. The main thing the Father God wants us to communicate is the recent abnormal actions of the fallen, and we have reached a consensus in this regard. After finalizing some joint actions in the future, especially after the details of a divine portal was opened in Shadow City, Sandora and I decided to leave and by the way, let Pandora go back to find some of Lilin's crazy friends. But before I left, a word from God the Father made me stay:

\ "Friend, come with me, there are things I should tell you."

It seems that the actions of the fallen apostles were just one of the reasons why the Father invited us to the divine realm. His other purpose was to tell me something.

珊 After Sandorah led the big and small family out of the Father Temple, the Father God led me to go deep into the Temple.

This is a very deep corridor, with more than twice as many guards guarding at the entrance, which may indicate its unusualness. The footsteps of me and the Father were echoing in the corridor, neither Bingtis nor Ding Dong followed.

We have been walking in this gradually extending corridor for ten minutes. The Father and God are still leading the way without saying a word. I don't know if I should break the silence, so I will be silent for the time being. Followed. Behind him, the entrance to the corridor has disappeared, and even a light spot cannot be seen, which indicates that the corridor may be slightly curved, and in front of it, the end of the long passage cannot be seen. On the walls on both sides of the corridor, you can see the exquisite murals and reliefs everywhere in the Temple of the Father, but the deeper you go inside, the fewer things on the wall. Now there are only bare white stone walls and torches with white flames. , I feel that I may have left the core area of ​​the Father ’s Temple. Now, as this corridor enters a special place, the architectural features of the Temple are gradually disappearing—as if walking into an ancient tomb.

\ "Do you know what an abyss is?"

Suddenly, a quiet voice sounded in my ears, and I realized that God the Father finally spoke.

\ "Destruction consciousness?" I recalled the knowledge I got from Sandora. \ "Something that is not material or energy, the essence of existence is destruction, leading all orderly things to the end, similar to the will However, it is more pure than will. The most dangerous thing in the multiverse is invisible and intangible, spreads quickly, and its source is unknown, but it seems to be related to the void. "

\ "Well, for you, this answer is enough."

The Father God whispered, and at this time, we finally reached the end of the corridor: it is still a sense of distance that I do not know how to describe, as if it was the destination all at once, we came to a dark, vast space, and The corridor behind was no longer visible.

The eyes tried to adapt to the surrounding dark light, but still couldn't see anything. Even the skilled mental exploration was nothing. This place may be a "hall" to prevent outsiders from observing it in any way. Real face, sight and mental power are blocked.

\ "Let there be light."

My father-in-law said, so I finally saw the situation here.

This is not a hall or even an interior space at all.We are now standing on the edge of a circular terrace with a radius of hundreds of meters.The center of this huge circular site is slightly sunken, and outwardly it is a step-by-step ladder of a dozen meters wide. Platforms, the drop of each floor is about one meter, which makes it look like an ancient arena. The edge of the round field is a neatly arranged boulder pillars, each boulder pillars are equally spaced, and their height is above and below 100 meters. Above the pillars are a segment of broken and randomly floating arc-shaped stones. These huge The stones occasionally drift and combine to form a giant ring with a radius similar to the "Arena" below, but that is only an instant.In the few minutes I observed, most of them were aimless at high altitude. Wandering, it looks like the wreckage of space that has lost gravity.

The entire site is floating in a desolate space, except for the circular \ "Arena" under our feet, there is nothing around, only the icy dead silence is like the darkness of space, covering the platform.

I looked at this weird place with curiosity. I didn't understand how the Father God brought himself here. It seemed to be an independent space. The boundless darkness around it interfered with my perception and prevented me from knowing my current space coordinates accurately, but The link to the spiritual link is still unblocked, and the feedback information tells me that it is still somewhere in the divine realm.

\ "Look at those things,"

Father God smiled and said, pointing his fingers at the huge stone pillars, \ "They form a barrier, so that the void outside and the order here do not interfere with each other. It is absolutely safe in this platform, but after leaving this barrier, just Directly into the void. "

I was surprised that the dark and deep space outside was not the universe, but the void, but it seemed not the same as the void I had ever seen. It was too calm. The Father and God might have suppressed them by some means.

\ "How do you feel here?"

The Father God suddenly said something like this, I scratched my hair somehow, "What's up? This place looks very desolate, the space is open, and the things suspended in the void always make me feel less secure-for a while Remember to bring me when you go back! "

Father God ’s expression froze subtly, but he smiled indifferently: \ "It is really desolate, but it is very difficult to create order in the void without creating an abyss. I ca n’t make a world like that Make this place even bigger. This Void Throne took me a long time, but it did succeed. There are many things we can do safely in this place that will never be eroded. "

I was a little faint for a moment, and didn't wake up until a few seconds later: the other party was about to mention the real secret of the abyss!

\ "Come on-here is my test bench."

But before asking himself, the Father and God went forward on their own, and explaining this place, I can only follow closely. \ "Many world templates and orders that did not exist were born here. I am considered omnipotent and omnipotent, but this does not mean that as a Father God I don't need to think and try. Now I want to show you the truth in the void. "

The voice dropped, and a faint distortion suddenly appeared in the center of the huge circular field, like a strange soap bubble. An unclear sphere appeared a few meters above the platform, and God the Father stood beside this sphere. Obviously this is under his control.

\"what is this?"

I am about to be exposed to the huge mystery, which makes me feel a little emotional, but I still try to calm down and look at the tens of meters above the sphere.I feel that it contains great energy, but that is not any one I have ever seen. This kind of energy, and even this vague feeling is sometimes absent, it is impossible to grasp. The huge sphere looks like a very light soap bubble in appearance.The turbid color inside is slowly distorting, and there are faint ones. I'm not sure if the flashes really exist. It looks like a big field. The same as the still hologram at the moment of the explosion.

\ "This is just a simulation, but it already contains all the details. What you see is the ultimate moment of the birth of the world," the Father and God explained faintly, the spheres in the air suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared, \ "This is An information bubble is in the middle state of the birth of time. Before a moment you can't understand, it is a chaotic, complex information, all things do not exist, it is an inconspicuous point in the void, and it is not as important as it was just now. The state of disappearance is the same, and after that moment, the order is born, the information is suddenly released, there is order, clear and identifiable, everything has entered a state that can be described, and the material will be born after another moment, forming the most The basic entity produces mass after crossing the boundary of nothingness, and time also starts ticking at that instant, the first cry of the new universe-"

The dim sphere suddenly burst into colorful colors, swelled violently at an indescribable moment, and the brilliant flames swept like an oncoming huge wave. The big bang born in the world enveloped itself in it. There are endless colored torrents, the first light of the world, the first material of the world, the first order and description of the world, these tangible or intangible things surround myself ... in a loss, I suddenly found that I had become this The bumpy lonely boat in the stormy sea, everything around it is evolving frantically, and it is carrying on a glorious journey from zero to one. The original flash is dazzling, and the slow and dull self is at a loss in this amazing project.

A hand was suddenly slapped on his shoulder, and the Father God reappeared next to me, and the evolution of the wind and clouds around it also stopped instantly, as if someone pressed the pause button halfway through the holographic movie .

The dazzling clouds and mists formed a clump of clumps, with bright flashes like countless broken diamonds embedded in these clumps.The original nebula and giant stars sparkled in the chaotic universe. Although this is just a model for demonstration, they still dutifully release their flashes that may only be sufficient for a moment.

This is how the first second of the universe passed.

\ "The world is born."

My uncle whispered, as if afraid to wake the sleeping child.

\"quite splendid."

I sincerely sigh, trying to grab something from the scene just now, the Father God let himself see such a scene is definitely not just to show a holographic movie to the guests, he is showing himself a secret, some only in What will be revealed at the moment the world is born, but unfortunately, in the end I didn't think of anything.

\ "It's really spectacular," Father God nodded, \ "No matter what kind of Genesis is, it must go through such a process, it may be manifested in various forms, but in the end, it should be attributed to the qualitative change of the information bubble. Spirit apostles also mastered Genesis technology. They created artificial singularities and allowed the newborn universe to evolve roughly according to its own design. But that technology still goes the same way-well, we are not discussing this. What I want to ask is, have you discovered that at the moment of Genesis, at the moment from zero to one, something disappeared? Or, with the birth of the world, what was ... excluded Lost?"

I think seriously, think hard, think my hair down one by one, in the end, I can only give up: \ "You say it, I can't figure it out."

My father seems to have expected it? !! ) Laughed: \ "Honestly, you did not save your face with a plausible answer. This involves the nature of void. We all know that void is all-inclusive, it is the beginning and end of everything, all kinds of The exploration of the void has shown that this is an absolutely 'nothing' state.It has no length, size, weight, cold and heat, no quantity that can be described, it is always in the state before the concept was born ... but if the void is true That ’s it, where did the world come from? ”

\ "Creation from zero to one, this sentence itself reveals something: we need at least‘ zero to create one. ’

\ "Void is this so-called‘ zero, and its nothingness is the raw material for the birth of the world. ’

After the other party said these difficult and incomprehensible things, they gave me a few minutes to understand, and then continued to explain: "" The birth of the world from zero is actually breaking a state of equilibrium. In the actual world, this equilibrium It can be seen everywhere that when matter appears, there will be antimatter, when energy appears, there will be dark energy, time is rolling forward, 'now it will continue to become history, everything follows the only balance of Genesis, which is the return of all things Zero. This trend initially promoted the evolution of the world to complexity, and eventually brought the universe to an end. It can be said that this zero trending alleviates the pain of the birth of the world in the void, but there is only one balance. Doomed to make up, this fatal balance loophole is the abyss. "

The uncle God said, bent down and put his hand into a static nebula, which immediately continued to evolve and quickly produced a chain reaction. The brilliant torrent rushed around again, and countless galaxies were growing in front of them.

\ "I know that when human philosophers think about the world, there is such a saying: everything in the world is divided into two parts, one part is known to others, and the other is unknown to humans. In human's infancy, unknown circles occupied To the whole world, but slowly, what people know will grow up ... so what does he know about a truly omniscient person? "

My father-in-law suddenly came up with a question and caught myself off guard. The surrounding scene was already shining, but I was more and more at a loss.

\ "The question he didn't know was: He doesn't know anything yet." Father Father said with a very serious expression.

I suddenly laughed suddenly: \ "This is not a problem ..."

I can't say half of the words, and I seem to think about the meaning of God the Father.

\ "That's it. When everything becomes known, then there is still an unknown question that will become the ultimate problem. This question will always be in paradox and cannot be answered. This is also the world. When everything in the universe has evolved, When everything enters into a state of balance, there will inevitably be a thing that breaks the balance. This kind of thing that breaks the balance is actually the residue after the birth of the world.

Void is balanced, everything corresponds, so everything is empty. When the concept of long is created, there will be a corresponding short, and when heat is born, there will be a definition of cold. This cancellation of each other is the highest rule followed by the void: everything will eventually return to zero. The paradox just now is the same. For the four words of omnipotent almighty, the problem of finding an unsolvable problem is to make the words of omnipotent almighty offset zero. "

Maybe I can call this the law-level theory of relativity?

The splendid cosmic starry sky around has evolved a cycle, the stars are obviously much rarer, the nebula is dim, and no new stars can appear.A huge number of hollows appear in this short-lived universe, indicating the dusk. Has arrived.

\ "Shenjie has a toy called a balance tower, which is a very simple gadget. In fact, it is a series of balances that are stacked to form a complex structure. The smallest balance has two weights of the same weight. The larger scale has a small balance on one side and a large weight on the other, and then a larger balance ... the world is a small balance with all the materials and energy in the world at its ends. And this allows its pointer to always point to zero, and the void is a larger balance, with one end on the world, one end ... on the abyss ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course, in terms of information volume, The abyss cannot be compared with an entire world, but in terms of power, a little abyss is enough to destroy the entire ordered universe. When they are placed on the void balance with this concept, the pointer stops at zero.

Remnants of the world, this is the abyss. "

The cosmic stars around are gradually extinguishing, turning into dim yellow one by one like colored lights with insufficient power, and then cooling down.

\ "Every time a world is born, an abyss sufficient to destroy one world will be generated. Usually, this destruction force is hidden in the depths of the void, and when its corresponding world dies, for example, the universe is dead because the entropy value increases to the limit. After that, the abyss will also die together due to the zeroing rule of zero, so that the orderly world and the abyss remain in a balanced state. "

The last star in front of Yan's eyes was also declared to be extinguished, and the glorious universe turned into a cold and silent silence.

\ "But occasionally, they will leak out and contaminate a normal world, just like the ultimate problem that broke 'omnipotence and almighty'. Although the amount of information in the abyss itself is relatively small compared to the entire world, it is enough to destroy the entire world Let everything fall into chaos. "

The evolution of the universe around him finally came to a complete end, and the scene around him turned into an empty circular terrace.

\ "A single question can destroy‘ all-knowing and all-powerful, a residue is enough to break the balance of the entire world. ”

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