Xiling Empire

Chapter 741: Messy identity-really fake?

Chapter 741 A Messy Identity-Really Fake?

Sandora was currently following the servant of the Bates family to cook, destroying the kitchenware in the hooligan goddess at high speed in the name of help. My emergency call saved the Bates family dinner, and she should thank me.

My elder sister, Sandola, Qianchan, Lin Xue, and the Bingtis family, a large group of people gathered in the dark light hall. This was beyond my expectations. It seems that everyone is curious about the Father and God alone. Leave me exactly what was said.

"The only time in the body memory that was left alone by the father and father was to smash the Uncle Sovaré's Dingguang Roulette when he was a kid, and he was educated for an afternoon," Bingtis said frankly why he was so curious about my experience, "So I wanted to know what the Father and God would say when talking to others."

"Sorry, you may not be interested in this content." I tilted the child of this well-known problem in the divine world, then first picked up the key points and informed the Father God that he had "recently" studied the source of the abyss for tens of thousands of years. Speak without any word.

Because I do n’t fully understand the complicated theories, I ’m afraid that Sandora will be misleading because of my lack of description, so this restatement is the original, full details, basically the Father God said to himself, so full After more than half an hour, I finally finished talking about the complicate scalp, and my mouth was dry.

Bingtis immediately gave out a disappointed **** sè, and grumbled in the arms of Aunt Aisha: "Ah, it really is such a boring thing. No wonder I have often seen the old man alliance overnight. A one-night meeting to study ... the most annoying thing is this pure theory class! "

Ignoring Bingtis's various distortions on the side, Born after being told by me, Sandora has fallen into serious shock and long thinking. Obviously, the nature and original source of the abyss have always been explored by the Spirit Empire. One of the ultimate knowledge that is not available, even at the most brilliant time of the old empire, I am afraid I have not been able to know the truth to such a degree. The information sent by God the Father is so sudden that it is enough to be said that the capital of the empire can be The big surprise: the whole family has been exploring tirelessly for tens of millions of years, because the old empire collapsed and was ruined (if any), and it was so easy to get into its own hands?

It ’s easy for me to communicate with Sandora. I can feel the jīdàng in the heart of the blond girl beside me. I should be honest. I did n’t have such a big touch from Sandora at first. The true Apostles of the Spirit who have tens of millions of years of emotional ties are on a par. Sandora's feelings about this matter are hard for me to empathize with, but even the jī movement felt from the spiritual connection is enough to make people understand This is really a great shock to Her Majesty.

"I didn't expect it," Sandora shook her head slightly. "The truth is this. Since it is something that the Father and God personally verified, that should be no problem. I just didn't expect that how many Spirit apostles would explore this. The answer to a lifelong question will be presented in this way to myself today ... Ajun, it's too sudden, you can't give me a preparation time? "

It ’s rare that Sandora will have such a small task. I can only pinch the other person ’s nose, and I understand her contradiction: not in the busy research center, not in the strict command room, or even Not in a formal leadership meeting, but just in this atmosphere of family chat, the ultimate secret that has troubled the empire for thousands of years was thus revealed—a punch in the cotton and a vomit in the martial arts What a tangled sense of powerlessness?

"The abyss comes from order, which is really unheard of," Uncle Kuwain still maintained a calm and decent expression, but his face was also a bit unnatural. Obviously the news is currently only the "Old Man Alliance" in Bingtis's mouth. It is circulated as a research topic among the senior officials of the Osiris Parliament. Although it is not necessarily the highest secret, it is not open to all members of the Protoss. The uncle also knew for the first time that the Father and God had such a research conclusion. I am afraid the shock in his heart is not It ’s just because of our literacy that he has restrained himself very well, and I do n’t know if I have rashly advertised everything the Father God told me, is it right? "We have been going in the opposite direction Guess, the truth was behind us. "

"Dad, don't be sore."

Bingtis raised her head from her mother's arms and said rudely to Uncle Kuwain. Now, let alone her majesty as a high-level goddess, she can't even see her temperament as a rogue boss. Became a problem-selling girl, and all of us have shown that Bingtis really has n’t seen the Empire ’s heads of family, but I really do n’t know where to put my eyes: please understand, a giant girl How much bō movement and breakout will happen when selling cute ...

"It's a pity that although this truth is moving, it cannot produce substantial benefits to the empire."

Sandora had quickly calmed down from the short-term shock at this time, and regret light flashed in the eyes of Hai Lan Sè, she had seen through the other message implied by this huge surprise.

"If the birth of the abyss is a function of 'zero zero xìng' at work, then there is no way we can stop this process. As long as the world is still born, there will be a residue of the abyss. According to the theory of the Father and God, let alone avoid These residues, we don't even have a way to reduce them. "

"Behind the process of ordering must necessarily mean 'unorder', the so-called abyss, but in essence it is the void after the desire to 'zero' is materialized. All things return to zero, this is really ..." Uncle Kuwain Shaking his head with emotion, "This already involves the nature of the void. Even the protoss are unable to reshape the entire void. Wang Shanduola on earth, you are indeed hitting the nail."

"Forget it, don't worry about this problem anymore," Sandora exhaled, shaking her head vigorously, and a blond hair reflected the beautiful brilliance followed by it. It seemed that the young girl had her troubles behind her, too, "Ah Jun, what else? "

"Oh, I don't think it's so urgent anymore," I stretched my hands and scratched my head, and routinely scratched the small head of the mercury lamp. "So what, Father God said that I am not a human, but a void creature-who of you knows a void creature What? He told me to leave after he said this, and he didn't explain clearly. "

I finished speaking a bit depressed, and suddenly found that the atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed.

Qian Qian is still a bit boring and sleepy. She is not interested in these topics and is sleeping with her head down. She even heard that her boyfriend was suddenly no longer a human and did not look up: in the logic of this girl "Ajun" + "Live" is all that gives her peace of mind, the rest is not as important as playing and sleeping. My elder sister still has the healing smile, but there is a strong concern and a little sleepy huò on the face, and the rest of the people who caused the change of atmosphere: Sandora, Bingtis, Uncle Kuvain, also There is Aunty Sally.

Lin Xue also looked up at this moment, looked at this side for a while, wondering what was thinking.

Obviously many people here know the meaning of the word "Void Creature", and Lin Xue probably felt something in advance.

"Um, Chen, are you sure?" Bingtis broke the silence first, raising his hands a little hesitantly, "God said you were a void creature?"

Sandora simply came up and pinched my body, and her eyes even began to flash blue light: This girl was using her 132 energy radars to make it to her boyfriend, and I felt that my whole hair was standing up.

"How is it possible!" Bingtis shouted out without my answer. "Void creatures ... how can void creatures come across so easily! This stuff is used as a theoretical lesson in college, Father God." How could you say that you are a void creature? "

"One hundred percent is a physical creature!" Sandora held my loin, "I scanned A Jun's whole body up and down. I didn't let go of every part of my body. How could there be traces of void creatures?"

As soon as I heard this, I quickly reached out and covered Sandora's mouth: "Let's not do this in the daytime ..."

My elder sister made a special trip to stand up and gave her brother a headache, while Sandora bit me.

"So what, don't you play the maze, at least tell me, what is a void creature?"

"Do you really want to know?" Uncle Kuvain looked back from surprise, looking at me with a weird expression at the moment: Everyone knows how to co-author here, you bully me illiterate?

"Don't get me wrong, Chen, it's just that this knowledge point is a bit too explosive," Bingtis subconsciously clutched his gorgeous ankle-long silver hair, and said it rarely. "Let's say, the void creature, as its name implies, The "life" born directly from the void. Note that under normal circumstances, any life is born in the world, even our protoss, is born in the divine realm, and it is the world that is born in the void. Life and the void There is a layer of Wen chuáng called the world. But the almost theoretical situation of the void creature is that the void has directly bred a consciousness. "

I suddenly stunned, and then I was overjoyed, "Ding it, I am going against the sky, right?"

The female hooligan pouted, "Don't think about it, it's impossible in this book."

I grinned: "This sentence must be deleted for you!"

While fighting with Bingtis, Uncle Kuvain kept looking at me up and down until he was stared at by a big man, and then the uncle said, "The void creature will indeed appear, but the The odds have been as small as the theoretical value. In theory, there are two types of void creatures. The first is called source will. "

Bingtis took over: "It's the will of the void itself. Don't stare, the void really cannot theoretically show any rational state because of its own xìng quality, but don't forget that it is the source of everything, it covers Everything is possible and impossible. In the void, the probability of anything happening is zero, but anything can happen under the condition of zero probability-so contradictory, because in the void, happening and not happening is a state. Then the emergence of the source will and the absence of the source will also be a thing. With the support of such a theory that no one can explain, the first kind of void creature appeared, which represents the void itself, or the void after some personalization The intellectual side presented ... "

"Today is really a disaster day for illiteracy."

I dizzy and stretched out my hand to pause for a moment, and began to sort out the story of Bingtis. I know that these things belong to the basic knowledge of compulsory education textbooks in the divine realm, but obviously they are not prepared for mortal wisdom.

Ding Dong got out of his own pocket, and when he climbed halfway, he crashed and fell to the ground: "Ding Dang ... Ding Dang went to rest ... so terrible, class is terrible ..."

The stupid goddess who deserved to make up for her life escaped from the classroom, Bingtis continued: "The source will is the most powerful thing. It is above all the descriptive and undescriptable beings. It is the void itself, but it is better than the void. With more self-control, personally, source will be at a theoretical peak ... "

My heart was full of emotions, and I said that I really couldn't do it against the sky, and quickly confirmed: "Have the source will ever appeared?"

"Of course, God the Father is one of them." Bettis said easily, then smiled and watched me mess in the wind.

"You probably do n’t know, the Father God is not God-he is in command of the Astral Protoss, but he is not any kind of god, he is different from any being, he has no power, because his power is higher than 'power' In this concept, the gods in the astral world will say that the Lord is everywhere. This is a prayer dedicated to the Father, because he is vanity-at least the vanity side, so everything in the world is equal to the Father, and God the Father is equal to the world. Everything. Therefore, the Father God is the only existence that can directly study the void and even make some changes to the void, but after all, he is only one side of the void, so he created gods to assist his work, such as purifying the abyss .This is the truth of the divine realm. "

The elder sister's mouth was slightly open, and it took a long time to say with uncertainty: "Can such a secret be casually said?"

Bingtis waved his hand: "The founding chapters are free to read in any library. The first lesson in my primary school was the story of the Father God. Although this is the most fundamental truth of the divine world, it belongs to the same name as the founding leader. common sense."

Okay, okay, Father God is too high-end, he is not gm, he is gm's dad, dare to talk to the void directly this afternoon?

Although the Father God is only an individual who emerged after a certain state of vanity was realized, the true body of the "god" still stunned me, and then there was an infinite reverie of my identity-if the void creature is the vanity itself, then I Today must be against the sky!

"Ajun, the saliva has come down." Sandola pulled out a handkerchief and wiped it at the corner of my mouth. "Don't think about it, there are only two sources of will, one is the Father God, the other is the leader of the Huron Protoss, you are Not up. "

"You can't make me think about it for a while?" I pursed my lips and said, "I know it's not a good thing, but it's better to think about it. I received 200,000 winning scams in that year. I only deleted them after two hours. Yes-Bingtis, you continue to say that one kind of void creature is the source will, which I can't count on, what about the second one? At least it must be something amazing? "

I subconsciously believe that even if there are two kinds of void creatures, the gap between them should not be too large. After all, the person is the same. They are all born directly in the void. The "stairway of creation" is one level higher than the world. God the Father as the source will judge me to be a void creature, it must not be flicker. But in terms of ability, a void state that can't even rectify the five senses must not reach the height of the Father God. I undoubtedly should be the second situation that Uncle Kuwain just mentioned, yes, two The one ...

"The second case ..." Bettis bought a pass with a bad smile, then pointed at my nose. "I'm afraid I'm disappointed. The second kind of void creature is vividly called: stillbirth."

I was looking for bricks all over the floor. Wang Baquan wasn't your opponent, so I didn't believe I could beat you with a brick!

"Hey, hey, calm and calm," a female hooligan with open mouth waved at me with a grin, without any sense of regret. "Don't move, this is a common name. In the classroom, we usually put the second kind of void Creature is called 'Unfinished World Precursor', and its name is a bit entangled. This is a theoretical situation. Everyone knows that the world can be born in the void, and the world is' entangled with an information burst as the center. , And then take the world barrier as a protection, and form a stable state 'self-sustaining system for a period of time, this is normal. But if there is normal, there must be accidents. If this system has something unexpected in the process of self-generation ... such as Its various orders did not match correctly, there were loopholes in the world barrier, or worse, it formed the world barrier, but the internal information burst was not enough to form everything in the world, and eventually formed an empty shell: the outermost is Void, and then a barrier of the world, is still void in it. The universe that died unexpectedly is stillbirth. "

As soon as I wanted to speak, Bingtis waved her hand hard to indicate that there was still behind.

"Of course, the stillbirth in this case is not a void creature. Under normal circumstances, the world that has failed to evolve will be swallowed up by the void. They are all loopholes, various orders are contradictory, and there is no room for countermeasures against the erosion of the void energy. In fact, according to current observations, all worlds' stillbirths will be swallowed up, unless a theoretical situation arises: 'life' has been born in a dead world. Life here is broad, it is not necessarily Human beings have physical organisms, and it may be just a consciousness, even the simplest consciousness, even if it is just a flash of the aura of the world itself, as long as this consciousness is aware of its existence, and of life and death. The difference ... a miracle happened.

This consciousness will fuse with the remains of the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then merge with the void that is invading its body, little by little, reorganize its form with the void ... Eventually, the world's remains will be immersed in potions The flesh in the body melts cleanly, and the remaining spirit hún will form a brand new life-it may be a non-physical life, because after going through this process, no one can say whether it has a body. This newborn individual is the second kind of void creature. It was born from a world that died in advance. The void and the spirit hún as the core constitute its body. In theory, it has been assimilated by the void, but in essence it is still thinking. This knowledge point accounted for twenty points at the graduation exam ... "

I know that the last sentence of Bingtis is trying to activate the atmosphere, but this method is obviously too stupid. I can't take into account what the Twenty points of knowledge is, but I am thinking about a question: Co-author According to the meaning of the Father God, am I a world conscious that has failed to evolve?

If the world is regarded as the body, then in the mysticism as the world consciousness ... Let's call it Gaia (infallibility) for the time being, the spirit hún, and the Father God means that I am a Gaia who has failed to evolve and was born I lost my body a while ago, but as a result, not only did not die, but also cultivated into fine! ?

I feel that I am very messy today. Two big things happened today. The first is that I know what the abyss is, and the second is that I don't know what I am! @。

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