Xiling Empire

Chapter 748: 1 Head of State

Chapter 748 The Heads of the Family

When I returned to the Frozen Valley, it was already more than three hours since I left here. This adventure was really rewarding. I joined Lilian and discovered a magical lake of truth. Lilian personally started a magical and shameless Mirror, and we also met the highest dragon **** with extremely fierce fighting power: a **** who can use a broken spur to rid the cat angel and Xiao Qijing out of my spiritual sea.

It is said that he almost said the referee crazy during a debate-although his sister said that eloquence is not the same thing as mouth, I still think it's a bunker.

Seven hundred billion stopped smoothly at the place where he started. The door opened, but the first one who rushed out was Xiao Qijing, who was unwilling to live in the driver ’s seat just now. He had never seen a little girl in the spirit field in Da Xueyuan Cheers were murmured, and they floated on the snow like a light cloud.

... I really don't look at anyone! It's white.

"Araiye, hurry and look at the children!" I hurriedly sent the cat cat angel, "The girl is covered with white all over, but don't run away and lose the bottom of the valley!"

With the growth of the individual, the strength of Xiao Qijing's spirit body is also becoming more and more stable. Now she can almost leave me hundreds of meters away. This little girl is pure and white. Running, I'm really afraid of losing my child.

The stupid cat angel rubbing his eyes gave a dizzy promise, pushed out the door from the co-pilot, and heard a loud whisper. This idiot disappeared more simply than Xiao Qijing.

I got out of the car and watched the white trace of the day on the snow in front of me silent.

Then I remembered that this guy was whiter than Xiao Qijing.

Through spiritual connection, I repeatedly told Xiao Qijing not to run away and ensured that the little guy understood. I shrugged with tears and laughed, and bent down to pull Araye, who was a flat wrestling skill m.

"Ajun, Ajun!" Qian Qian just came over at this time, pulling my arm cheerfully, "How come you back? I want to go to you-is there anything interesting outside?"

I waved at the other party: "Don't mention it-you come down from Alaya first."

She looked down and jumped to the side. When she got out of the car, the lynx angel who fluttered on the snow stood up awkwardly, slamming the snowflakes stuck in front of ōng, and shaking the wings vigorously. Suddenly we couldn't see anyone. This idiot could shake his wings anytime and anywhere. It was really impossible to change it. Last time I suddenly thought about washing her feathers, but this girl was stunned at the door of the bathroom-even the little bubbles that were passing by from the side Wash your head.

In other words, was it to wash an angel's wings that would never get dirty? At that time, was n’t Qiandan just after taking a shower with a mercury lamp and not turning his brain?

Aliyah finished the snow on his body and replaced it with a few of us flapping on the snow. A natural stupid angel finally realized that his wings had caused trouble for others, holding his hands a bit anxiously, and stagnantly. Said: "That ... Brother Monarch, I'm sorry, am I in trouble again?"

"It's okay," I took out the snow in my neck, and pulled Angel Sister's shoulder to turn her around. "Don't move, there is a footprint on your back. So you don't hurt?"

Sister Angel thought for a moment, and nodded, "It's a little bit, but I didn't respond."

Not only did she stay natural, but now she has to add hypotension caused by lack of sleep, so I don't expect her intelligence. Seeing that Angel Sister did n’t want to go back to sleep, I asked her to follow her first. Do n’t run around. This girl, her wings are white, her skirt is white, even her hair is white. If you stop at the ground, you can't see her with a sign. When she just pushed the door and got out of the car, she lay in the snow all of a sudden, stepped on it, and stepped on it. This is to protect Sè's victory.

I held Lina, downcast, and she talked about what she had seen and explored on this "adventure." When she heard that there was a magic lake that reflected everything, she was obviously very excited, and I regret very much that I only looked at the snowman and didn't come along to see it. I immediately comforted her and focused on mentioning that something was done without the brain, or because of the weird brain. There was a false lolli from the magic mirror on the lake. Liliana may also intend to take the magic mirror as her own. When I heard that she suddenly mentioned "her precious mirror", she immediately cried out with a mournful face, because Obviously, such an interesting thing appeared in front of Asakusa, and it was doomed to fail.

"Oh, this is the magic mirror?"

Looking inquisitively at the oval crystal that Lina pulled out of the portable space, the fragment from Xinjing Lake was still slightly cold, and the place where I started was cold, and more amazingly, from the back When you look at it, it is obviously a completely transparent piece of ice. When you look at it from the front, it becomes a totally reflective mirror. You can only see your own reflection, but you can't see the other side of the ice.

According to the method we said, standing still in front of the ice mirror, waiting for my reflection to become the so-called "real", I and Lina and Alaiya, who were purely entertaining, looked behind, and sure enough, Within a few seconds, the shallow image in the mirror began to distort. This magic mirror is reorganizing the shallow real side with some kind of mysterious power that we can't understand. The image was originally a beautiful smiling girl. It soon turned into a brilliant sun, then a glass of juice, a Tibetan antelope, a group of paper cranes, a rice cooker, a bottle of Nongfu Spring, a penny coin, and finally stood still as a huge question mark.

The bad-tempered female voice returned to the air in the air. It was an artifact hún voice taken from a blue dragon sister: "Hey! I have cut it all off, and the name has also been changed by you. Why are you kidding me? Pai Good team, come one by one, small window mode, refuse to watch! "

I looked at the only girl in front of the mirror and said nothing in silence, while the question mark in the magic mirror was still twisting.

"Ajun, Ajun, what does it mean?"

Shallow asked with a bright smile, completely innocent and unreasonable: she had to come out of the dark.

"It's okay, as it turns out, civilian stuff just doesn't work."

I shoved the chain's magic mirror into Liliana's hand, "Look at your baby mirror!"

Lilian pinched her lips: "Well, I'll go back and get the frozen popsicles, I won't give you food!"

I'm afraid of you? I want to be able to scam the last bottle of cold water from Qiluo Nuo Cold Drink Store in the western part of Shadow City.

"Speaking, where did Pandora and Huesca go?" I looked around, but I didn't find the sisters who were supposed to run over at this time, only the snow that was constantly flying in the snow in the distance, that was Xiao Qijing, she ran to the deep snow. Only a few dozen centimeters tall doll girl ran under the snow layer. From here, she could see nothing. Only the rising snow on the snow like a diver exhaled. The bubble usually indicates the current position of a rose girl.

Like an authentic engineer.

He didn't need to say anything to me, and he took the initiative to take care of the girl, while Qian Qian dragged my sleeve and pointed at the huge castle a few hundred meters away: "Where is it, Pandora is on the gate!"

I looked in the direction of my shallow fingers, and sure enough I saw a small figure above the gate of the castle. Pandora was bending over there, it seemed like something busy, but it was not clear from this perspective.

"Visca is inside," Shallow added.

I was a little strange: "They don't play snow sculptures anymore? How about helping Lin repair the roof?"

"Ah? They're still playing snow sculptures," she scratched her hair slightly, pointing at the huge castle in the distance, "isn't that their snow sculpture! Lin's castle is now invisible."

I was extremely messy for a moment, and looked closely again. Sure enough, what was originally considered to be the castle of Linlongshen, the giant building was obviously not right, and Pandora, who had just bent down, also stood upright: little girl hand Holding a huge ice brick in it, it was meticulously laid on the brick wall that was about to be completed.

In other words ...

I glanced stunned at the magnificent fortress in front of me. I felt countless slots to vomit but could not vomit, and I couldn't get up and down in ōng's mouth, which was almost lethal: in the past three hours Pandora piled up the house meticulously for such a moment, and finally made a one-to-one dragon shrine. My sister can't be so reckless, okay—well, she's really reckless.

So what does Veska do in it? What kind of angle does that little girl who can only snowball play in the magnificent unprecedented snow sculpture or compression hardening ice sculpture project of Pandora?

"Leading the battle crickets to knock on the briquettes, she was in charge of the building materials," she nodded lightly. "Lin is also inside. She has great strength and is responsible for pinching the soft snow into strong ingots. Support the main structure of the castle, then Pandora is responsible for building the house, and there are many, many soldiers to help. The less important part of the castle is covered with a whole snowboard, so it can be completed so quickly. "

I held a shallow hand and was shocked at the ice castle in the distance. Pandora was still placing the ice bricks intently, but I can only say one thing: the bear child who is still playing snowballs on the earth. We, you are weak!

Facts have proved that Pandora is a standard apostle of the spirit, and it's a horrible point. I never expected that the little girl just started from making a snowman, but she could continue to develop into such a ferocious state silently. After waiting for fifteen minutes outside the snow castle, watching the brain-strapped sister personally put the last ice brick in place, then a group of soldiers withdrew from the gate of the castle under the leadership of Huesca and Lynn.

These are all construction workers just now.

"Brother, snow sculpture." Pandora ran to the side, dragged my corner of the clothes, pointed at the ice and snow castle, although the expression on the little face was still expressionless, but there was a little pride in the voice. It feels like those grey méngméng's big eyes seem to be filled with the brilliance of "come and praise me".

And Huesca also ran over, "Brother! Brother, this snow castle was made by Huesca! Looks good?"

Also, Huska and Pandora are one of the few cooperation projects. The two sisters usually have a net fight, but once they cooperate to do something, they will immediately express an amazing understanding.

"Gray is always strong, and you can really toss," I bent over and hugged the sisters, watching the giant building heartily. "But what are you going to do with this thing? Carry home?"

It's a pity to throw away such a big snow sculpture that was only piled up by Barra.

"It's not impossible to carry it home," a light bulb seemed to light up on his head, and he clapped his hands happily. "Anyway, even the fleet can be installed in the portable space. Is it OK to put a snow castle?" "

It is a shallow style to do it. I have n’t had time to comment. She has released a mountain of robots, with all kinds of strange equipment, ready to put a huge ice castle in the portable space. I do n’t I doubt their ability to act, but they are very uneasy about the stability of this castle, and quickly grabbed the girl who has risen in action: "Oh, girl, this castle is piled with ice and snow, you are not afraid of it Collapsed? And this thing will melt, can it be kept? "

Lilina came over and took out her baby mirror: "I'm not afraid of this, the magic mirror and the mirror tell me, will you freeze the ice lolly?"

"Don't talk about the ice lolly, I can freeze the entire ocean!" Said the magic mirror toe with a high voice, "Master Dragon God gave Xinjing Lake a frozen genus xìng, as long as it was something I came into contact with, it could be frozen. Hum It's possible to freeze you into ice if I want. "

"That is to say, you can control your freezing ability," Li Lina looked at the Frost Mirror dangerously. "No wonder there is such a clear line of ice and snow on the edge of the mirror lake, and the snow outside the line is freezing. No trace of it ... "

"Wait! What are you doing! I warn you, destroy public property ..."

"People your sister!" Li Lina dropped her fist with her hand and smashed a piece of crushed ice from the bottom of the magic mirror. "Don't you listen to Dragon God's sister, you are now a gift! Honestly, why not go back and plug you in?" In the stove. Hey, a guy who doesn't have any eyes, can't even make a flattery. "

The magic mirror shut up, but the broken ice that fell on the ground gave a sharp voice: "hún light, you knock a piece today and a piece tomorrow, can I still cook until the day when I enter the stove?"

The ice cube knocked down by Lilina is located at the bottom of the magic mirror and the force is just right, so it looks like the shape of an eye. The archbishop gave the piece of crushed ice a name called the eye of the cold, And declared it to be a piece of orange gear, and the missing magic mirror became a crescent-shaped gap below it. The largest bishop took out a draft of the new Bible on the spot and wrote such a mythical story on it:

The Eye of the Frozen, the Frost Mirror, are two powerful artifacts from the divine realm. They are one, and because of their power, they are just kind, righteous, kind, great, bright, and right. The Pope, Ding? Divide it into two hands, the eyes of the extreme cold became the energy core of the ice castle, and the ice magic mirror was suppressed by the pope herself in front of the pool where she brushed her teeth. It is said that when these two ancient artifacts are combined into one, the world is frozen and the end is coming ... "The Goddess of Life-Revised Edition at Noon"

After writing these records, Liliana gave the cold eyes to the soldiers, and asked them to inlaid the cold stuff on top of the highest tower of the ice and snow castle.

Although the process was faint, the broken ice dumplings were really powerful. The huge ice and snow castle was qualitatively changed at a speed visible to the naked eye under the cover of a blue light curtain. The ordinary ice and snow quickly condensed and became something that could not be melted. All the coldness of the castle was controlled, bound in the countless pieces of ice bricks. The whole castle originally had a rough feeling due to rushing to work, but now it looks crystal clear and exquisite, like a carved artwork. The power of the Eye of the Frost emanates, and the blue light radiates from the top of the tower. There is no doubt that when night falls, this castle will be more magical and beautiful due to the mysterious magic power.

Lilina accidentally reproduced the myth story again-well, let me just admit it, this is myth.

Although I have witnessed the magical thing with my own eyes, and this thing is indeed eligible to be listed as a myth, I still have a strong egg pain in my heart that cannot be evacuated. This is probably the easiest thing to happen after I have been with Lina for a long time. Bother. Every miracle made by Liliana is absolutely certain, but none of them can make people feel awesome. I do n’t know if the source of all this is some idiot God or some belly loli, or both. Of it.

Ice Castle has now become an indestructible whole under the reinforcement of magic ~ www.readwn.com ~ This has brought great convenience to the handling work. Soon, it was cut from the ground and became a shallow collection. One: Pandora and Huesca only like the process of snow sculpture. They are happy to give the castle to the shallow sister who has always been good to themselves.

Almost when it was time to go back, I turned around to greet Xiao Qijing and Angel Sister who were playing in the distance-well, it is estimated that many people have already guessed that these two have also played out.

Dozens of wonderful little snowmen were lined up on the snow not far away.

That's what Xiao Qijing looks like, with all kinds of movements, like a series of images recorded by a fast-moving little girl running with a fast camera, and Xiao Qijing and Angel Sister are still working together to make more snowmen: Xiao Qijing stood and stood still, and Alaiye circled the fan wings next to him. After a snowstorm, he was a beautiful little snowman. Xuehua Qijing is an energy life. At this time, as long as the material form is released, it comes out of the snow shell ...

The big one and the small two are so happy to play.

As a result, the first collections of ice and snow castles soon added: a large group of tens of centimeters of little snowmen. @。

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