Xiling Empire

Chapter 750: Everyone has unauthorized access, including non-burnable garbage

Waking up from my sleep, my eyes are dim, there is only a very dim energy glow in the room, that is the basic lighting of this room that automatically appears when someone inside wakes up, but there is no light outside the window, and the body is slightly cool I made myself realize what, I mō "I found the doll next to me and I do n’t know when to jump up. Now I have wrapped myself into a puppet and a poor sleeping girl. I pulled the quilt to shake the little girl out. I Muttering to the scene outside the window, "It's so dark outside. "

"Hah?" The mercury lamp mímí replied vaguely.

"What do you think of the darkness in front of you?"

"... It's midnight, stupid!"

I sat up and looked at the thick darkness outside the window.

"I don't even have aurora in the sky, so I don't feel right." I grabbed the doll girl who rolled and stretched beside me. "Come out with me."

"Don't be sleepy." Mercury lamps clenched my head twice and slammed hard, but the protest didn't work: the guy who didn't sleep in the middle of the night and flew up and ended up hanging on the chandelier for two hours before asking for help is not worthy of sympathy.

Chuáng fell asleep in a small box with her head on. When I was busy getting dressed and getting ready to comb my mercury lamp, the little thing woke up, and she blinked, very uncomfortable with the dimness around this hour: "Ajun, why is it so dark? Is Ding Dang getting up early?"

"No, it's morning." I checked the standard time in the information link and made this affirmative reply. "You said that too, it seems a bit wrong. Now it's dark outside, even the aurora of the gods at night. Can't see "

"Let there be light," said Dang Dang, so the room was immediately filled with soft light, and gradually brightened as the human eye adapted, but the light was obviously limited to the room. It was found that there was no light at the outside of the window sill just across the window.

Something higher than Ding Dang's divine power is blocking the light, and now the outdoors of the Divine Realm seems to have been occupied by pure darkness. I also took out a flashlight out of curiosity. As a result, the beam of light illuminated by the flashlight was also directly cut off at the window position. The light and dark section looked very obvious and obviously did not form naturally.

"I don't understand."

Small things fluttered and flew over, bouncing on the window sill, "The more advanced gods are using a large range of dark power outside, and the light for general lighting is directly rejected."

Although I do n’t think there can be any accidents in the divine realm, I still care about the strange scene in front of me. This may be another wonderful natural phenomenon in the divine realm, but even Ding Dang is a foggy appearance. It's doubtful. So I think it's time to go and see if other people have already woken up.

My room is located on the second floor of the obelisk of the obsidian palace. It is not far from the front hall where everyone gathers on weekdays, but on this short road, the sleepy mercury lamp and I met many servants in the corridor. It further confirmed my hunch: now it should be morning, and something may have happened.

The priests encountered in the corridor were not very clear about what happened, but after asking a few two or three people, I learned that they were just busy preparing meals and daily work, so they were a bit relieved. It seems that the only anomaly at present is such a dark day, not a crisis or the like.

Also, here is the divine realm. If there is a crisis in this place, then almost all other mortal worlds should be destroyed.

Because it ’s dark outside, the obsidian temple is lit with eternal light everywhere, yes, it ’s the kind of thing that God said that if there is a light world, there is light. The corridor from the corridor to the front hall is brightly lit. If you do n’t see it from the window passing by occasionally, it ’s still dark and black, you ca n’t even feel anything abnormal. In the same brightly lit palace front hall, I Sure enough, I saw Sandora and her older sister who were already sitting there drinking morning tea.

Of course, there's also Frotis, who already did radio gymnastics in the lobby early this time.

"Oh, Chen." I didn't expect that you could start chuáng without sky light. Bingtis waved her hand and shrugged to Sandola who was drinking tea. "I saw that tea cup just now. Ah, write it down! "

"What's going on outside?"

Seeing that Sandora and Bingtis were still agitating and exchanging feelings as usual, I knew that no major problems had occurred, but they were still sleepy about the abnormal darkness outside.

"Ah, it's a rare occurrence." Bingtis came to the huge floor-to-ceiling window and pushed open the crystal window, which was also a bit too wide for the palace. The thick darkness on the outside seemed to pass through instantly. The window that opened through the hole was diffused in, making the hall look a little darker. "It is the power of the Dark Goddess. One of the four leaders shot it in person. It seems that God the Father really attached great importance to this matter. Fortunately, you did not leave yesterday Or have to call you back today. "

Because things here are already busy, I originally planned to resign with other people yesterday afternoon, but the forced retention of Bingtis, especially the shallow one, hasn't played enough to make me decide to stay another day, so in accordance with Bing According to Tees, is the darkness still relevant to us?

"Brother, brother, it's so dark outside." Huskar also ran into the front hall at this time, next to Pandora, who didn't see any expression, behind them followed by bubbles and small bubbles, one was cooing. Yeah, I made a 1-by-1 gesture, and expressed her views on the darkness to the air. One is out of the sky, and I can't imagine that she is driving a few trumpet posts at this time for all human posts.

"It really is a family, even chuáng time is tǐng synchronous." Bingtis waved everyone to sit down in the hall, and turned his eyes to Veska "" Don't worry about the black or black, the **** world did not have a power outage. " ——It happens that Huesca is here too. This has something to do with you. Everyone, let me announce the good news: the first group of the Protoss sent by the team returned last night, and brought back an important gain: something related to the heritage of the Spirit. "

In a word, Bingtis successfully attracted the attention of all the drivers. Even Sandora and her sister put down the tea cups: Obviously, although they had already arrived in the living room, Bingtis had been selling Guanzi without telling them in advance.

, "Say, that star ring fragment, you have collected almost now?"

Fitis did not speak directly, but suddenly mentioned another thing.

Huesca was always the most enthusiastic about this incident, and immediately raised his hand to answer swiftly: "I know I know, including what the World Expeditionary Forces have unearthed, found in the macro world, and we have also been in several incidents. One hundred and twenty-three fragments have been recovered, all of which are the wreckage of the inner ring zone, which basically accounts for 80% of the entire inner ring zone. "

"You guys found the rest of the pieces ?!" I suddenly understood something and looked at Bictis in surprise.

"Ah, this is not the good news after the good news: we did find a fragment, super huge" Bingtis exaggerated his hands, drawing a large arc in the air "" A world management **** It was found that the Starring fragments broke into their own world and then reported to the police. The advance team who happened to return was handed in to recover it. The thing even had combat power, and the advance team almost drew lottery. "

"Uh, the last shard of the belt is indeed the strongest part of the weapon. I didn't expect it to be running." Wiska scratched his hair, his face was a little awkward, and my mouth twitched slightly: just like Bingtis In fact, this is actually unfriendly news.

“Yes,” it ’s certainly a joy to discover the new empire heritage, but the star ring fragments are a special case: many facts show that the star ring fragments are most likely caused by the fallen apostles, they destroyed the uncontrolled star ring of Huesca, and It has been seriously polluted by the power of the abyss and transformed into a very dangerous void mine. At present, nearly a hundred worlds have been attacked by these mines, and a dozen of them have even been destroyed. "When the Imperial Expeditionary Force arrived At that time, those worlds even had only a little bit of star fragments after the interstellar explosion. The current intelligence shows that these void mines have no clear target of attack, and the fallen apostles are likely to make those things simply to destroy the world "rather than using them as official weapons, so after the transformation is completed, the fallen will throw them away. Regardless, but the fragments still have a relatively fixed appearance: they are all on the sovereignty plane far from the area ruled by the Protoss.

Hundreds of starring fragments we found are all so. Those worlds are not protoss ruled areas, and even before they were discovered by the expedition, they were not in the empire territory. "All are idle worlds, according to Bella Villara once in a while. Mentioned that the fallen apostles had a serious tendency to destroy because of the power of the abyss. "They need to vent this impulse by enjoying the destruction of the world, but they do not want to be discovered by the protoss because the movement is too great." Unless the purpose is unknown Yes, the "great cause" of the fallen apostles will only act on the idle world that nobody loves and loves. I always thought that there would be no exceptions.

But the protoss of the Protoss found fragmentation attacks in the Protoss area.

"Should the fallen apostles not go mad?" The elder sister frowned. "They are so openly attacking the Protoss territory, they are likely to get out of their feet. Is there any support?"

"Who knows?" Bingtis shrugged. "The power of the fallen apostles is certainly not enough to start a full-scale war with the Protoss. Therefore, the sudden appearance of this starring fragment on the Protoss territory is very confusing. Now the goddess of darkness is gradually controlling the abyss energy on that giant shard, trying to find the source of this shard in the reverse direction. Maybe you can use this to find a nest xué, and the soldiers will cover the water to cover the soil. Not coming out. "

Really troublesome news. I thought I could be idle for a while, but I did not expect that the fallen apostles started to move again, and this time they also picked things up directly on the Protoss territory. Their behavior was always so incomprehensible , When you finally understand it has caused you great trouble.

The darkness outside is caused by the power of the Dark Goddess. It does not cover the entire divine realm as I originally imagined, but it pervades a small place near the garden. It just happens that the Obsidian Temple is realized in this area. We Put it all together, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out until the Supreme Dark Goddess takes back her power. I don't quite understand the form of the power of the gods, but according to Bettis, the power of the dark goddess will change the abyss energy on the fragments, allowing them to "solidify" so that they can be easily and safely studied. It can be considered that this is an abyss inertial treatment method that is more sophisticated than the psionic suppressive force field of Healing, and it is far more efficient than our method that requires several days of processing to contact a fragment. Two hours later, the darkness disappeared.

Sandora and I led Sister Pandora to the glorious temple again, but this time they went directly to the palace of the highest goddess of darkness: Yongyong Palace ", a dark and majestic black palace, which was not so impressive.

The Father God is already waiting for us in the palace, and there are also several high-level gods who have met, including the highest goddess of life Gaga and the highest light **** Sovaret.

Coupled with the owner of the palace, Solafi, it is equal to the four leaders of the Protoss came here once, but the powerful dragon **** did not appear this time. According to the delicate smile on the face of the father **** after I mentioned that name, I think the dragon **** Adults have sacrificed themselves to build a harmonious society in the realm of God, and went to the confinement to count the ants.

"Bingtis should have told you the secret." Father God led the way in front of us, leading us to the depths of Yongye Palace. "This is really surprising. The fallen will be so careless and careless."

"You mean, is this an accident?"

Sandora asked with just the right official rhetoric. When the Starring Shards appeared on the Protoss territory, the whole event developed towards serious blame: of course not affecting the trust relationship between the new empire and the Protoss. The situation is basically equal to the common preparation phase.

"Intuition tells me that the fallen should be flustered now too" The father and God smiled slightly "as indifferently as usual, as if the serious and dangerous provocation of the fallen apostle had only passed through his eyes" "They would not be so reckless Fight directly with the gods, because their "great cause" is obviously not yet reached. The appearance of this star ring fragment is very strange. I don't think it was released by the fallen and I don't even think it appeared as a weapon in the world managed by the protoss. However, you need to see it for yourself to understand the specific situation, and to answer our doubts, after all, the protoss have some headaches for your technology.

During the conversation, we have come to a large hall on the lower floor of Yongye Palace. The hall is very wide. The ground is covered with smooth obsidian-like things, but there is no decoration around the hall and the interior space. There are no pillars. Frosty, who accompanied us, whispered to us that this place is called the Hall of Mirrors and is the entrance to another space.

"That piece is very large, and the abyss responds to the strength of the gate of the abyss. Fei Fei can only deal with it in another space," said Father God, and made a gesture in the air, and the obsidian ground under everyone's feet immediately There are layers of bō 玟, the original port of alien space is the ground here "" It is not difficult to purify the abyss power above, but it takes a little time to make them into specimens that can be safely accessed. Hopefully those few The hours of darkness have not affected you. "

The dark space where the dark goddess deals with dangerous goods is a place similar to the void space of shadow space, without gravity and direction, but with a strange anti-physical feature xìng that can easily see things without the Wu line, that huge star ring fragment Just quietly suspended in the **** space, like the same dry branch.

It's not the first time I've seen a star ring fragment, but this one is larger than the fragments I've seen, and it looks more complete. Its superalloy shell tears at both ends due to explosions, forming unevenness. Qi gap, but there are not many scars elsewhere, we can clearly see the weapon slots on its surface and the ejection hatch that has not been completely closed. The huge machinery that lost its final energy due to fighting with the Protoss advance team now looks at The gloss is dim and no longer glorious, but this image of quietly floating in the air is a bit desolate. I can't help but want to make a poem when I see this situation.

"Because it was on the verge of erupting into the gate of the abyss, we treated it on our own initiative, but did not change its structure." God the Father led everyone to gradually approach the fragment of the ring of stars floating in mid-air until it turned into a crowd in front of everyone. Unable to see all the mountains, we landed on a seemingly mooring platform in the middle of the arc, and I found that the black two-dimensional huā 玟 still floated on the metal beneath my feet, but I didn't feel the kind of power of the abyss. Gagged twisted feeling.

Compared with the repressive force field of the empire, the power of the highest darkness goddess is indeed much brighter. I believe that Tavel will be very excited about this new toy.

Veska looked around silently, pouting chún without saying a word, until the red light flashed in her eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ She seemed to find something, striding a few hundred meters away In front of the open mounting armor plate, after kicking and flying the long-lost piece of armor, the fingers were turned into probes emitting dark fires and pierced into the mechanical structure under the armor.

The dark red light flow of energy spread from the place where the needle penetrated, and quickly swept across the metal armor plate under everyone's feet. The low hum and the slow echo from somewhere suddenly returned to dàng in At my ear, just like the same dead body that is quickly recovering, the ring ring fragments turned up again, and the surrounding weapon covers and ejection hatches were finally completely closed under the condition of regaining energy. Weskar made to us With a gesture of peace of mind, a few minutes later, a severely distorted synthetic sound came from a nearby broadcasting tower: "

The highest instruction set was re-detected, the existing mission was terminated, and the weapon system was locked. "The system self-test error, no servo equipment and starship signals were found, warning, the system status is abnormal, please tactical judgement by the higher-level intelligent system."

The last few characters dragged away the long sound like an old-fashioned tape recorder with insufficient power, and Veska also stopped the return of the star ring fragments. She ran back with a happy expression on her face: "Brother brother This piece of auxiliary system is really not bad! Fix it, Tavel can fix it! You can even use the backup data here to restore the inner ring belt! "@.

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