Xiling Empire

Chapter 756: Lirina's Ghost Story

Chapter 756 Lilina's Ghost Story

It is an inevitable thing to analyze and apply the ancient spirit technology obtained from Atlantis, and the use of that biochemical technology must be an affiliated civilization of the empire. Although the vassals of the empire are diverse, there is no lack of silicon-based life or even energy. Life, and not all carbon-based life can be enhanced with genetic technology. Atlantis's scientific and technological heritage still has a very broad application prospect.

But after all, biochemical engineering has its special characteristics. For ordinary carbon-based organisms, can it accept that its body is transformed into another thing, and it is no longer a complete human, this is a question that must be considered, I And Sandora can pass Sivis's proposal, but also take into account the views of other races.

After all, they are not tools.

"Send these biochemical information to all ethnic leaders, and let them and their assistant ministers express their opinions," I thought for a while, and said to Sivis, "I agree with the plan, but biochemical transformation follows the voluntary principle, and the soldiers Explain the meaning of this technology so that they can choose for themselves. Reinforced people after the transformation can get more allowances and specialized equipment. Soldiers who do not transform should not be punished. After all, in some worlds, biochemical technology is a crime against humanity. Equals must take into account their cultural traditions. "

"Your will."

Sivis salutes, "Another thing is the information just uploaded today: the chaotic storm in the universe where the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community is located has partially subsided."

"Oh? So fast?" I raised my eyebrows, which was good news, but it was too untrue.

The universe in which the Civilization Community is located is impressive. It was originally a tomb made for itself on the eve of the collapse of the old empire. The purpose of existence is to store the documentary museum and the puppets of thirty emperors. However, during the Battle of the Great Nebula, we were forced to destroy they. The core of the Great Nebula is the control center of the entire universe. After it was destroyed, the universe in which the community of civilization began to chaos and collapse. The physical rules followed by all the stars fell into aberrations and fell into the storm that pervaded the universe. In order to save the people of the community, the newly formed celestial fleet of the empire assumed the temporary corner of the colonial galaxy. Until now, the billions of people in the community still live on the planet warships covered with a layer of artificial ecological environment. Their homes were slowly rebuilt under the blue light of the dying star.

In the original expectation, the chaotic storm of the "Grave Universe" will last at least a century, and those stars that are galloping in space will gradually reach their normal position after 10,000 years, and then the new Pacific air mass will be generated Young stars, that's when the "Grave Universe" becomes the normal world. And now just a few months have passed, where the storm subsided?

Sivis explained: "It was the result of the assistance of Lord Bingtis. She reprogrammed some of the rules of gravity in that world, allowing some areas of the universe to go directly into a state of calm, but this calm is only a small area, barely Enough civilized community to rebuild the space home near its own galaxy. The 'Grave Universe' was created by dozens of emperors of the old empire, and even the power of high-level deities cannot affect it too much. "

I patted my brain immediately, and finally remembered this.

I told Bingtis some time ago about the troubles in the universe where the civilized community is in. At that time, Bing sister patted ōng **** arrogantly and said that she would help herself to solve the problem, but at the time I thought that the main reason for Bing sister to say this sentence The reason was that the cake roll she had in her mouth, which was originally in my hands, never expected her to help silently.

Although it was impossible to restore order to such a special world with her power, the small-scale calm was still very pleasing. One of the embarrassments faced by the civilized community is the cosmic storm. Basically, once they leave the celestial fleet's star circle with a protective system, they will face unprecedented gravitational tearing. This is equivalent to a cage that prevents the community from developing space beyond the stellar system. Technology, or in other words, they originally had these technologies, but had to be blocked at home because of the gravitational storm that filled the universe. In the long run, this is extremely detrimental to the development of a space civilization.

Now, this problem is solved. With a certain buffer, the community's space technology can be preserved. With the help of the empire, they will one day be able to use their technology to resist the deadly gravitational storm in space. Civilizations that have grown from adversity may even be stronger than their "brother"-the New Eden Federation.

"The Bictis guy does occasional business, too." I grinned and decided not to hold her accountable for her last dish of good food every night.

Set aside at least two hours a day to stay in the shadow city, but not to play, but to see the development of the city, understand the progress of several important tasks, and should be warmly invited by the research enthusiasts to listen to their latest findings ——Although this last item is often drowsy and anxious to sleep for a second—this is now almost my habit. I was really uncomfortable with this schedule in the beginning. I would rather stay in the room to accompany the teacher during this time. Ding-Dong drilled the ring of fire or watched the little bubble roll the keyboard with his face, but now, he seems to have really changed a lot.

After completing the daily "tour", I went back to the big house in the world of the watch that Lin Xue dubbed "the most shabby palace in history", and I was suddenly startled by the atmosphere in front of me.

In the living room, the doors and windows were closed tightly, and the thick curtains blocked all the sunlight. As a result, it was dark in the daytime hall, but it was dark at night, and the gaps between the curtains were black and red velvet. The light that penetrated was stained with blood. red. The low and depressed atmosphere permeated the living room, but the source of the atmosphere was a few candles that flickered.

A huge round table was placed in the middle of the living room. The burning candles on it were extinguished, and a small face flickered in the candlelight, which seemed to be distorted by the dim light. The most central one is the grinning expression of a certain archbishop.

"You guys ..." I was going to speak smoothly, but I rushed to a shadow from the thunderbolt next to me. I was 100% sure that it took time to speed up to get through so quickly. Covered my mouth, then the soft voice of the girl softly rang in her ear, "Ajun quiet!"

Speaking shallowly, while pulling me gently to sit down in the empty position of the round table, Lilian glanced approvingly, put her chin on the candle, and said yīn sensibly: "Fine, finally Alone, we're all together, let's start the next story ... the blood red liquid ... "

"Ah? It's not over yet?" The sound of the mercury lamp came from the side, followed by a sound of flapping wings, and a soft body fell on his shoulder accurately in the dark. "Fool, home yogurt Finished!"

"Oh, go buy this afternoon."

"Hey! Be serious!" Liliana threatened with open arms. "I don't believe there is no success story today!"

Seeing that everyone was quiet under their own authority, a black-bellied pseudo-loli smiled with satisfaction and continued to tell in a low and terrifying voice: "This is a recent incident that happened recently, 16th century AD London, there is a famous craftsman who makes mirrors ... "

The crowd hissed immediately.

"A mirror he made came to China, and was bought by an antique collector in this city six months ago-oh, you boo too early! This priest would not use such a vulgar slot!" Lilian looked up high-spiritedly. With a stunned expression in the uncertain candlelight, we raised a finger and dangled in front of our eyes, "In short, it is an ancient mirror that has gone through hundreds of years and has become an antique. And placed in the attic properly by the collector ... "

A whispering voice immediately rang from the wall not far away: "Hmm! Hundreds of years! Antique mirrors! Human life is really short. I have witnessed billions of years of change in time. I Know all the truths of the world. Hey, don't tell that boring story, come and talk to the magic mirror to talk about everything in the world better than that! "

It turned out that the magic mirror that Li Lina had brought from Divine Realm was chanting. I don't know when the girl hung it on the wall of the living room, now she had a chance to destroy the atmosphere. Lilina threatened the broken-mouth mirror with the burning candle in front of him, and let the latter be honest before continuing her story. I have to say that a certain fake loli did have some ability, despite some trouble, she managed to bring the atmosphere back to the state of ghost stories within a few words.

"... The collector finds that there are always weird red traces on his ceiling. Every morning when he opens his eyes, he will see those red traces, which continuously leak out, and even drip onto his chuáng. In the afternoon, they It will gradually disappear, reappear the next day, and then again and again ... "

I felt like goose bumps, and Shallow swallowed, and asked carefully, "Well, he'll wash the chuáng list every day, right?"

Li Lina almost planted the candle on her head: "Sister Qian Qian, can we talk after that? You have ruined my five stories!"

"Ahem, go on. The collector has collected a lot of antiques, including some weird and weird things, so this is not the first time this strange phenomenon has appeared in the home. He is not afraid, but decides to find out the truth. He Set the alarm clock at three in the morning, because he can confirm that the traces of red sè will appear after three in the morning every day, and at that time he wants to see where the red sè liquid on the roof comes from. So that evening, The collector was awakened by the alarm bell, he immediately turned on the room lights and stared at the roof-but the collector did not find out that the alarm clock on his chuáng's head had been stopped at twelve o'clock at night ... Alarm clock. "

Holding my arm lightly and nervously, he looked very scared: "His watch is broken. Isn't he late for work the next day?"

I looked at Li Lina and Qian Qian tangled, then took out a Rubik's cube and shoved it into the latter's hand, letting the girl play.

"The collector heard the sound of dripping water from the floor, and then the blood-red liquid quickly appeared on the ceiling of his bedroom. Drop by drop, dripping on his chuáng and on the floor, faster and faster, Many, he found that the situation was wrong, and immediately wanted to ring the bell to call the outside guards, but found that the alarm was out of power ... "

"That and that, didn't he turn on the lights?" Huesca raised his hand. "Is there electricity in the room?"

Pandora spit out four words: "Multiple sources of energy."

The mercury lamp twisted over my shoulder: "Maybe someone cut the wire of the alarm specially-I didn't expect that mirrors hundreds of years ago also knew modern circuits."

Li Lina gaped, and gritted her teeth a moment later and said, "Okay, anyway, the alarm didn't ring your bad guys! Anyway, the collector found out that something bad was happening, and he rushed outside the house and ran to the front hall, but the place where the house door was originally It was a complete wall, door, window, and even a ventilator. Everything that should have been connected to the outside disappeared and became a wall: the entire house was completely closed by people. At this time, those red sè The liquid has not only penetrated from the ceiling of the bedroom, but has spread from every corner of the roof, dripped, and flowed along the wall. The roof seems to be a sponge filled with water, which is pressed by people from above, and quickly used The thick red liquid stained everything in the house. The collector ran through every possible exit of the house, but it was indestructible walls. His body was covered with stinky blood and the red leaking from the roof. The liquid was like a heavy rain, and the living room on the first floor quickly filled with blood that was deep in the waist. The collector ran to the second floor in panic, and ran from the stairs on the second floor. Let him be **** difficult, Caution, Slippery When he's not in the corner of the second floor stairs, he suddenly saw the corner of my eye something -

It was a mirror, a very ordinary decorative mirror.

The collector suddenly remembered the ancient mirror that he had placed in the attic, which was the only collection he had added in the near future. He immediately rushed to the attic and rushed to the attic ... "

"It's so slippery on the ground, isn't he afraid of slipping again?" Shallow came over again, and suddenly became the focus of many helpless gazes. The girl with an especially active mind immediately spit out her tongue, "Ajun, I twisted the cube Now. "

At this moment, I really felt that Lina was telling ghost stories in our family, and it started out as a cup.

The goddess who told the ghost story gritted her teeth and scratched her ears, and finally calmed down after half a minute. Then she squeezed out the rest of her teeth: "Okay, at the request of the audience, the collector fell down and swollen again along the way. The force finally climbed to the attic. He found that the attic collections that were cleaned only yesterday were covered with thick dust and hanging spider webs, as if they had experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes at once, On the open space in the middle of the attic, the ancient mirror was placed alone, and the lower edge of the frame was constantly seeping red liquid, which went straight to the floor and disappeared as if absorbed by a sponge. The collector boldly approached the ancient mirror, but It was found that there was a different scene in the mirror than in the attic ... there was a yellow oil lamp and a hand holding the oil lamp. The collector approached the mirror and finally saw the person holding the oil lamp.

A person who looks exactly like himself, but with long white hair and a shaggy beard, as if he had been locked up in a dungeon for twenty years. The collector in the mirror held an oil lamp and grinned suddenly. Get up, and then ... walk out of the mirror.

A ghost came out of the mirror and stretched his skinny arm to the collector ... "

Anvena's head suddenly popped from the table: "What then then?"

I looked silently at this wonderful maid captain: "Angina."

"Oh? Master?"


Alas, the little ghost is gone. But Li Lina was already full of cows, and our great goddess watched the end of the last story, and it also caused people to scourge and dry up: "Wow ... no more play! Who is this family! "

The elder sister got up and came to the window, opened the curtains sternly, and the bright sunshine suddenly filled the room. Pandora looked at us blankly, returned to the sofa and sat in a daze, and Veska came over and mumbled. Before telling how Liliana's unlucky stories ended, Little Bubbles rubbed her eyes and woke up from a big sleep. In the state of mí, she accurately found the direction of her father, and began to look for candy from my pocket. Finally, she He took out the jingle and sent it to his mouth. The latter hurriedly took out a lollipop stick to support the little bubble's mouth. The mercury lamp politely fell down the failed Liliana, and Sandora He got up and stretched, and asked me about the inspection today.

"Hah, it's boring, boring," the magic mirror on the wall snapped. "You look at your identity, and you're together to tell a ghost story! What a stupid home!"

Lilina was run for a long time by the mercury lamp. At this time, she found a punching bag, and rushed to the magic mirror with anxiety: "Asshole! Shut up! Annoying! No one takes you as a dumb person!"

The magic mirror is tit-for-tat: "You just shut up! I'm a mirror, if you don't speak, you must treat me as a dumb person!"

Li Lina pounced on her face with a broken face: "It's over, my mother let a mirror spit out!"

I symbolically rubbed Li Lina's head as a soothing, and before the girl got an inch, she carried her collar and threw it into the basket next to her. She looked at the superwoman who was idle and told a ghost story at home. Quite ridiculous: "I said, why do you suddenly think of telling ghost stories?"

"Isn't this a trip to Lin Xue, you haven't met," she twisted the Rubik's cube in her hand, "she said that the power group was busy investigating several spooky events recently, and chatted for a while. Lilina is coming ~ www.readwn.com ~ But I also think tǐng is interesting. At the time of junior high school, a few of our girls often gathered together to tell ghost stories ... "

"So am I. In the high school year, I had created the great cause of scaring and crying for half a dormitory. Why did I fail now?" Li Lina spread her hands and tangled, "It's An Weina's fool! Do n’t be funny in ghost stories! "

"Well, although you shouldn't intervene as a maid," Anvena's head popped off the table again, "but those ghost stories ... seem to look similar to the dark city that Sylvanas mentioned. "

I pressed this little ghost that I can't remember to appear in the normal way, and asked curiously, "Lin Xue has come? I haven't seen her for the past two days. Why did I come here today in a hurry?"

"Busy," Lirina raised her eyelids. "Isn't she still a name in the power group? That's her grandpa's property. As a heir, she went to work ten times in half a year. The old man has been impeached, and now he's busy performing tasks to make up for it. Alas, I really sympathize with her. "

I took it for granted, but suddenly became concerned about the things I just mentioned: a spiritual event? What else is there on earth? @。

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