Xiling Empire

Chapter 759: The story of porcelain dolls

Chapter 759 The Story of Porcelain Dolls

I regret changing the old TV in the living room.

Just as every human has a quirk, and a ghost has the right to have a weird hobby, Anvena is no exception. There are three hobbies in the life of the maid who always scrubs at home. One is to be a perfect maid, the other is to sing "The Elegy of Sin'dorei" in the living room at midnight, and the third is to drill out from various places , Especially from TV screens. The new large LCD TV in the living room is a decoration for those who have become accustomed to holographic terminals, but An Wei Na seems to use it as a new toy. A maid even went back and forth from there a dozen times yesterday. It was too bad until I got stuck in it, especially when the Sphinx just appeared on TV, I could hardly believe that the Egyptian Pharaoh could be so adorable.

I went to the research center early this morning to see the "female ghost" who was being researched in various ways. She, or rather it, is in a stable condition. The thing is obviously not sage, even the conditions. The reflection was also messy. The two Ravens failed in various ways to establish communication with each other, and according to the two magical girls, they used those methods, even if the other party was an ant, they should have reacted a little, but the "ghost hún However, the movement rhythm of waking and awake is still maintained. Various facts show that the other party is not an evil spirit, not a ghost, and even the "elves" guessed by Reimu are unlikely. It is just an energy creature. That's it, there are two or three conditioned reflexes and activities. It doesn't have any thoughts, nor does it come from the grievances of anyone after death. The Raven can't explain how this thing came into being--

"The subject looks like a single-celled organism, a single-celled species in an energetic organism."

Raven 085 said so.

Lin Xue also made a peep for that "Zhengzi", mainly to know where the latter came from. The peep result was not very successful. It seemed as if it popped out of the air directly, without any source, and it was not scientific. .

After confirming the truth of the Lingering Incident and listening to Lin Xue's suggestions, Sandora has sent hundreds of experienced imperial agents to collect similar haunted rumors throughout the city, including the recent urban talk and some historical Classic haunted house. We want to integrate some laws from it, it is best to locate as soon as possible the cause of all of this, of course, if anyone can be present when a certain spiritual event happens, it is even more wonderful, we will get first-hand information In order to increase the chance of this happening, I even put huge moral pressure to send Cuculin and Dilumudu to the new and old towns respectively ... I believe that after they participate in the action, the spiritual events will be concentrated .

But you also have to admit that some things ca n’t really be combated. As Miss said, Sun Dasheng ca n’t solve the binary equation. I just hope that the group likes to shoot two shots in any situation. Besides, the guy can give himself less trouble, and it is not good to solve the psychic incident and the violence to disturb the people.

And when the soldiers started their operations, their chiefs were not idle. In a sense, we faced the first-hand spiritual records more intuitively than they did.

The current time is 9:30 a.m., and the place is still the old headquarters of the old town's "Love Infinity" new headquarters. It's surprising that she is still interested in continuing the game today. Her passion for one thing has continued. For more than 72 hours, it made me pessimistic about the entire world. There will be a helper this morning. Lin Xue helped introduce the "business." There are still more than ten minutes before the appointment time. I am using this time to teach the mercury lamp to write the name of the Rosary Girl family portrait. She plans to give it to herself in the near future. The younger sisters wrote a letter, despite the noisy puppets who had just come to play the house the afternoon before.

"Well, Hawberry is really troublesome. Her name is the hardest to write!" The mercury lamp was holding a special pen, and there were one or two ink marks on her finger. She impatiently poked at the exercise book with a pen and mumbled, "Still my name is easy to write."

Lilina was watching beside her. She lost interest in front desk work after 48 hours. Now she is an office mascot. Facing the depression of the mercury lamp, of course, she can't forget the downfall: "Cut, that's your own idiot, learn to write It ’s so difficult. Sure enough, the puppets are just puppets, and their heads are hard. "

The mercury lamp immediately threw the pen over and jumped onto the sofa armrests and shouted, "Fool! Idiot! Old woman! You say it again!"

Li Lina tickled without fighting with the mercury lamp for a while: "Just say, call someone foolish all day long, you're arrogant! Isn't it a princess, an old woman is still a daughter-you idiot with a wrong name Oh! ~ "

As soon as Li Lina's words fell, the mercury lamp turned into a black shadow. In the flurry of feathers, she flew up a meter and smashed into a ball on the carpet like this time every day. At first, the mercury lamp took the upper hand, but Li Lina summoned suddenly A vine tripped over the carefree doll girl, and then flung on the latter, the pressure of the mercury lamp could not move, then pulled out a brass key from his pocket, and killed in the keyhole on the back of the doll girl The ground screwed up.

How can mercury lamps tolerate this failure? I yelled on the spot, chopped the carpet out of a hole ...

"Asshole! Don't use this ... so despicable ... haha, itchy and itchy ... asshole! It's time to get down ... don't screw it! It's dead! Don't just look at you as a fool!"

A word of mercury lamp reminded myself, I hurried forward and tossed Lina aside, grabbed the key and twisted myself.

We have been arguing for more than ten minutes. Lina used the items on the scene to collect a pocket as expected and prepare to be a pillow. I harvested a toothmark on my head. The mercury lamp was still lingering, watching with the eyes of class enemies. The key in my hand, then flew to the other room angrily. Just before the doll's front feet walked for less than a minute, there was a knock on the door, and the "business" booked today came to the door.

The lead-in was a small, middle-aged man, wearing a well-fitting ordinary suit, pair of eyes, and a little baldness. The only half of the hair behind his head was meticulous. He had a sense of savvyness from a small company leader or businessman, He was carrying a small suitcase, and it seemed to contain something very valuable.

After being brought in, the middle-aged man nervously thanked the "corporate security" behind the iron tower behind him, and then was surprised to observe the large hole on the carpet that seemed to have been struck by a hundred cats and the room was spilled everywhere. Black feathers, and a little loli who looks less than ten years old is holding the pockets to collect those things.

"Excuse me, is this the company that deals with the psychic event?"

The middle-aged man cautiously put the suitcase in his hand by the door and asked from a distance.

"Almost, people in different industries have different names for us." I nodded and greeted the other person to sit on the sofa. The other person gently lifted his suitcase over and wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead. Zhu said with a smile: "I'm a little nervous. I'm a flat-headed ordinary person, I didn't expect to meet people like you ... Um, don't get me wrong, I mean you are such a great task. Ah little girl doesn't need to prepare tea ... ... oh, not for me. "

Lilina took the cup and gave the ordinary middle-aged uncle a glance, drank tea and climbed the sofa to play games. Who would expect this guy to entertain guests.

The middle-aged man talked for a while, mainly to introduce himself. In the conversation, I felt that the other party might regard "big love without boundaries" as a modern Maoshan priest who reduced demons and demons—that is, the fortune teller of the bō computer, but nothing. After all, there really is a guy in our group who will look at people ’s eyes and say, “The Great Immortal is watching the sky at night, and I know that you have been hit by blood in the recent days. Only the last mung bean cake on the table can be given to me to avoid evil” The only difference between her and the fortune tellers of the computer is the high success rate.

We chatted a few words. The middle-aged man was obviously more anxious to solve his own troubles, so he wiped his clear and clear mind: "That's the case. Recently, I let the same fine things get involved. You guys Have you heard of the porcelain doll that will go home? "

I nodded immediately: "I haven't heard it."

"Uh ..." The other side froze for a while, and it wasn't a joke to see me and Qian Qian. The expressions were a little weird, but given that our place is much better than the computer fortune tellers, he decided to give us some trust and explained Tao said, "It means a porcelain doll. The old-fashioned, hand-burnt festive dolls, if they are always kept in the hall and often wiped, will have aura. The master of the family is more attentive to the doll. The more yang you accept, the greater your aura. In the end, the doll will become a member of the family-you can't drive it away. If the owner is ungrateful and throws away the doll, they will definitely come back, no matter how far you throw it , They will return home within seven days, and if the baby is accidentally broken, the whole family will be restless, as if offending the little ghost ... "

"You just got tangled in a porcelain doll?"

I said, looking subconsciously at the suitcase next to his feet.

The middle-aged man nodded, solemnly opened the suitcase, and took out a pair of fat dolls that were very fashionable in the old days. They were white virgin boys and girls, each with a rope sleeve and a rope sleeve around the neck. It was twisted with yellow satin, and the densely packed figures on the satin were faintly visible. A silvery cross was hung on the rope near the doll's neck. There was a number zero machine and a nail on the cross. qb.

"This is the pair of dolls, oh, the rope is not. I bought it from under Erli Bridge. I thought it was a playful little decoration. I didn't expect the doll to appear on the doll's neck the next day. And then I never dared to take it off. "

No, you do n’t need to explain, we already understand that the incident has passed, and the operative forces of the Imperial soldiers are really not built.

"My dolls were left by my mother. When I was a kid, I put them in the old house at home. My mother likes them and keeps them in the hall. I scrub them every day. I also entrust the family to this pair. Dolls must not be thrown, they must be kept as heirlooms, so after my mother left, this doll was left by me, but it was all right. I moved home last month and brought the pair of dolls with me, but it ’s new. The house was full of Western-style furniture. My lover felt that the doll was a bit unkind in the living room, so it was placed in the corner of the study ... As a result, the doll came to the living room shelf the next day! "

When the middle-aged man talked about pouting here, he was not frightened. He thought it was a month later, and he was calm when he was haunted.

"Everyone in the family was weird, but they said they didn't put it on their own. My lover was timid and a little hairy. When the doll was locked in the utility room the next afternoon, this time it was more infiltrating. It was less than two hours before we finished eating. At a meal, the doll went back!

In this way, I tried several times back and forth, the doll always came back by myself, and my lover was scared. I know this is a doll psychic, and the new house is out of town, so I went outside to find some monk priests, and the whole family took refuge downstairs at night, and let the monk priests cast spells to exorcise ghosts-later the two monks were crazy and ran away And there was another Liu Liu Liu who took me away from the TV, so I knew that this matter could only be solved by myself, otherwise they would not be able to steal something at home. But he did not dare to smash the doll, in case the evil spirit leaked to himself, so he had to drive it to the garbage dump outside the city. That place is dozens of kilometers away from my home. "

Before the middle-aged person said it, I knew that the baby was back.

"The dolls are back, half-pull orange peels are on their heads and they are staying in the living room, indicating that they really came back from the garbage station and they were earlier than I entered the door!

Later, I tried a few times and took the dolls farther away. They always came back by themselves. In the end, I really could n’t even sell them two thousand dollars to an old classmate in Yunnan-that Grandson stole my rubber when he was in elementary school. What do you guess? "

The middle-aged man who talked about xìng came up and sold it, and then he continued to talk with me and his gaze.

It turned out that in the middle of the next day, his cell phone rang, and the voice of a child on the phone said crisply, their sister and brother were at the train station and asked him to pick themselves up ...

"I pulled out the battery at night to charge it, and there was no battery in the mobile phone!" The middle-aged man spread out his hand. "Later, I went by car. They really were outside the train station. As a last resort, I brought them back by myself. After that, I also tried several times, buried in the ground, sent to temples, especially sold several times, sold to Sichuan, Henan, and even Buenos Aires! It's useless, they are better than The flight back that day was fast. I sold them at the beginning, but I had to pick them up from the train station the next day, and then I got bored, so I took them to the bus station and let them go Know the bus and find a way home ... Last week I also specially drew a small door under the door of the house to let them come in by themselves when they return at night, don't call in the middle of the night. They sell too much, they also I'm used to it, I registered an account on Taobao, and I also opened a separate account for them. Once sold, I can get 10% dividends, although I don't know what the doll can do with money. I also plan to give the computer a word Input method, let them ourselves brush praise ...... eh why you go? "

I took a shallow walk to the next door: "We are public welfare organizations, don't sell to us!"

When the middle-aged person found that he was speechless, he quickly got up and greeted, "Don't say no, I have a lot to say, that's all about the origin of this doll. I just want to ask you a favor and let these two dolls stop following me ... ... "

I looked back and asked in amazement: "Are you sure? How do I think you are so happy buying and selling land?"

The middle-aged man frowned and spread his hands: "Well, I'm not afraid, but my wife can't carry it anymore. I was going to wait for another car to find someone to deal with it ..."

I looked at the uncle with admiration, and said that the real heroes were really folks. This one didn't catch up with the good environment. He was born in the United States. At this time, Bill Gates didn't have to confuse.

I brought the pair of porcelain dolls in front of me and watched them with naked eyes. They are really nothing special, but I still felt very weak energy bō from the surface, which shows that there is something attached to the doll. On the body, and according to the middle-aged person, this pair of dolls has the ability to communicate, so at this time I suddenly became curious.

"You are looking for someone to deal with them in front of them, and you are not afraid of being vengeful by the baby?"

"Not afraid," the middle-aged man grinned, "the baby didn't care. I used to speak to them when I was looking for a monk."

Uncle, did you brother Zhang Fei last life? This courage is really not human! !!

Next, I talked to Uncle about how to communicate with the baby ~ www.readwn.com ~ Unfortunately, although they can speak through some electronic devices, they need to be performed after the sun goes down at night. The doll can only be used as a decoration.

"Just go back. The doll stays here and won't entangle you." I will only find some energy bō through testing, but I ca n’t confirm that the porcelain doll belonging to xìng is in a special box, ready to take it home Research, said to middle-aged people.

"Is this over?" The middle-aged man looked at the suitcase I used to hold the doll inconceivably. The surface of the silver-white metal box was readable. There were no million characters, no cross, and even the first machine and qb. He was very I can't believe this thing can really fight evil. This is an uncle deeply poisoned by Erliqiao. His worldview has been subtly twisted. "What, I said, this doll can't be locked, it will run the next day-you do n’t need to be a French, super-excessive or something? "

"Ah, you said that, I forgot it," Qian Qian immediately rejoiced, got up and greeted loudly in the direction of the lounge, "San Xuanzheng! Master of Extinction! Master Sanzang! Sister Magasa! Come out and sing!"

I hurriedly wanted to stop, but unfortunately didn't stop-and then a bunch of religious people scared the uncle gorgeously. @。

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